Work Integrated Project Of Aster Medcity: Healthcare Services And Challenges
Discuss about the Work Integrated Project Of Aster Medcity.
Aster Medcity is a multispecialty healthcare facility, it is situated in Kochi, a city situated in the southern India. The hospital is one of the largest hospitals in the state. The hospital is owed as well as managed by Aster DM Healthcare, a hospital that is based in Dubai. The founder of the hospital is Azad Moopen and is a conglomerate. The hospital has 670 beds and they have 24 hours emergency and trauma care facilities (Aster Medcity. 2017).
The hospital has a general clinical division that provides facilities like internal medicine, general surgery, clinical imaging, dermatology, craioaxilofacial, Anaesthesia, pulmonology, dental sciences, treatment of infectious diseases and infection control, nuclear medicine and psychiatry. They have eight centers of excellence like Cardiac Sciences, Orthopedics, Neurosciences, Nephrology and Urology, Oncology, Gastroentology and Hepatology, women’s health and Child and Adolescent Health, the hospital has an independent medical team that consists of specialists, nursing and anciliary staffs and technicians. The hospital uses technologies like Minimal Access Robotic Surgery, the surgical system that is used in the hospital is da Vinci Surgical System, this hospital was the pioneer hospital in providing this service. The hospital is associated to Aster Foundation which is an autonomous charitable and on governmental organization. They provide free medical services for the patients who are financially weak. The hospital has been serving as referral health care centre for the patients of Persian Gulf region. The help desk of the company has been opened I Qatar and Oman. The diagnostics department of the hospital is very efficient as it consists of machines like 3 Telsa Digital MRI Scanner, 256 slice CT Scanner, Digital Mammography syste, Dexa Digita X-ray, Time of Doppler systems electronic 4D Imaging and other ultrasound machines that has multi modal image fusion (Aster Medcity. 2017).
The aim of the organization is creation a state of art, health care destination in the field of advanced medical and healthcare facilities, they strive to be the ultimate destination in the future in the field of health care, they aim to be famous all around the world for their health care facilities and services. They aim at treating the most complicated medical conditions with the help of their advanced medical technologies and facilities. They also aim at enhancing the overall health of their patients through the help of their efficient staff.
- To differentiate themselves from, all the other hospitals in India, in terms of their facilities and the technologies used for diagnosis, disease management and treatment.
- To utilize the upgraded technologies of international standards to ensure that the health care of the patients who visits the hospital is improved
The hospital provides a number of medical facilities and services to their patients in India and worldwide, the services of the hospital so efficient that patients from Persian Gulf region are referred to this hospital. Since the hospital is associated with Aster foundation that is a charitable organization, treating underprivileged patients, they have gained a good will and hence many people prefer this hospital. This has made the hospital get revenues and hence has been running in profit. Many medical conditions cannot be treated by any other hospital in that region. Therefore, domestically they have been gaining advantage other hospitals. Since the hospital is just 4 years old, there is scope for the hospital to further grow and earn profits (Klingner, Nalbandian & Llorens, 2015).
The most important issue that is concerning the management of the hospital is employee turnover. The management has seen the employee turnover has been increasing from last year. An internal assessment brought this issue in to light and since then it has become a major concern for the Hospital authorities and the management staffs, due to this problem there is staff crisis and becomes difficult to manage the patients. The staff to patient ratio has been decreasing there are days when there is some kind of festivals the staff to patient ratio comes down to 1:4, which is extremely crisis situation for the patients, staffs as well as management. There is too much burden over the remaining employees on those days that often some kind of mismanagement occurs. The staffs that are leaving are also bedside staff nurses, and ward boys who take the maximum care of the patients, some of the patients are completely dependent on nurses and ward boys for their bedside care. The burden over the other staff nurses and medical practitioners is so much that during night shifts the staffs complain about not getting few minutes of rest. There is so much employee dissatisfaction that can be seen among customers (Flynn et al., 2015).
Yes, these issues are very important ad cannot be overlooked because if the employees are dissatisfied to this extent, there are chances that the turnover rate might further increase and if that happens it would be very difficult for the management and hospital authorities to cope up with the crisis. This issue needs to be resolved because the staff members include nurses, the staff to patient ratio is very threatening for the authorities, the related issue of mismanagement if continues then there are chances that the hospital might face lose its good will and reputation and might also happen that they might run in loss. There are other severe issue related to this issue might arise like employee dissatisfaction, too much burden on the existing medical staffs. Hospitals are places where it is very important that the number of staffs is sufficient so that there is very less chances of mismanagement and crisis situations does not arise, employee turnover in hospitals is very serious issues, its impact will be directly on the patients, they will not be timely attended, they will complain. In order to make the patients happy it is very important they do not have to call for assistance, rather their needs should be addressed before they call for assistance. Too many complaints from the patients would reflect a bad image of the hospital in the entire industry, it might also happen that the hospital might face legal obligations for not carefully attending to the needs of the patients. Health care industry is one such industry were the hospitals deal with the lives of patients, if anything goes wrong they will be answerable so employee turnover should be addressed and cannot be overlooked.
The results of this issue are that the existing staffs have a lot of burden because there is scarcity of the employees. The employees will be dissatisfied and there will be lot of complaints from the side of the staffs, there would be mismanagement because one staff will be forced to take care of many patients, the mismanagement will create problems for the patients. The patients will be in discomfort. The scarcity of the staffs will result in failure to respond to the needs of the patients in time, this would mean to put the health of the patients at risk. This way the patients will be unhappy and their health will be affected, they will communicate negative experiences to their known to and this will jeopardize the reputation of the organization, their good will be lost, they might also run in loss (Aster Medcity. 2017).
- New staffs are needed to be hired; this is the most important measure that the hospital at this moment needs to take so the burden over the other employees is lessened and mismanagement is also reduced.
- The management needs to make sure that they revise the remuneration of their employees and orient them about the scope they have in the organization (Arekar et al.,2016).
- Employee turnover can be reduced once the management knows the reason behind the increased turnover, for which they will have to conduct a research and find out the reasons why employees are dissatisfied or if there are other reasons that also needs to be identified (Vogus et al., 2014).
- There is need for providing the employees counseling sessions where each of the employees will be given an opportunity to put forth their feedback and also give suggestions.
- The leaders will be required to motivate and boost the morale of their employees, their good work should be appreciated and they should be rewarded (Tziner et al., 2015).
Among the following solutions, the most appropriate solutions would be to solution one to hire more staffs. One of the most common reasons for employee turnover in hospitals is the workload, if there are not adequate staffs a single attendant will be forced to take care of four to five patients. This often leaves them frustrated, so if there are sufficient employees the staffs will be able to work smoothly and there would be less complaints (Mowday, Porter & Steers, 2013).
Another effective measure would be if the salaries of the employees are revised, often salary also becomes the reason for employee turnover, it might happen that they get better salary packages in other organization, in such case it is very obvious for them to leave their existing jobs and move to the better job (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014).
The third most measure is a good solution but not that much effective because in the research because every individuals have their own reasons for leaving a organization, generalizing all the employees and concluding with one reason will not solve the problem. (Abdelhak, Grostick & Hanken, 2014).
The reason for not selecting the fourth measure is, counseling sessions will not be effective be effective to influence those employees who have found a better job opportunity somewhere else (Klingner, Nalbandian & Llorens, 2015).
The fifth solution is not effective because some employees are self-motivated, some are not motivated by rewards, it is very difficult to find out the reasons and motivate the employees (Flynn et al., 2015).
Abdelhak, M., Grostick, S., & Hanken, M. A. (2014). Health Information-E-Book: Management of a Strategic Resource. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Armstrong, M., & Taylor, S. (2014). Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.
Arekar, K., Jain, R., Desphande, B., & Sherin, P. (2016). Relationship between individual and structural determinants on job satisfaction–analysis of employee turnover in the Indian context. The Journal of Developing Areas, 50(6), 387-398.
Aster Medcity. (2017). Aster Medcity – Multi Speciality Hospital. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Sep. 2017].
Flynn, W. J., Mathis, R. L., Jackson, J. H., & Valentine, S. R. (2015). Healthcare human resource management. Nelson Education.
Klingner, D., Nalbandian, J., & Llorens, J. J. (2015). Public personnel management. Routledge.
Mowday, R. T., Porter, L. W., & Steers, R. M. (2013). Employee—organization linkages: The psychology of commitment, absenteeism, and turnover. Academic press.
Tziner, A., Rabenu, E., Radomski, R., & Belkin, A. (2015). Work stress and turnover intentions among hospital physicians: the mediating role of burnout and work satisfaction. Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones, 31(3), 207-213.
Vogus, T. J., Cooil, B., Sitterding, M., & Everett, L. Q. (2014). Safety organizing, emotional exhaustion, and turnover in hospital nursing units. Medical care, 52(10), 870-876.