Versatile Efficiency Manage Complex Database: A Comprehensive Overview Of Linked Data And NOSQL Technologies

Overview of Linked Data Technology

What Is The Versatile Efficiency Manage Complex Database?

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The report describes the concept of linked data and various associated tools. The report first gives a brief overview of the linked data like what is meant by linked data, for what purpose the psychology used. The following section after the brief overview is followed by the associated tools of linked data technology. The tools and techniques and their functionalities has been described in details in this section. The next sections talks about the practical implementations of the technology and for this some practical projects based on the linked data concept has been mentioned.

The report also outlines the comparison between linked data and NOSQL, a popular database technology used for modern database design. The comparison describes the important features of the respective technologies and how this features has helped in solving various problems in the particular fields for which the technology is adopted

The concept of link data is fairly simple and straightforward. It involves the use of the Web to create link between various resources.  The sources can be diverse to  such an extent that it may belong to the databases deployed in two different organization situated in two different geographical locations or it may involve two different systems maintained by the same organization that has not been linked before due to complexity of interconnection techniques[1].

There are certain referred to as ‘Linked Data principles‘, which must be followed  to successfully publish and connect data resources by making use of the web infrastructure while referring to the architecture and standards as described by the article.

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Two of the most prominent technologies that are used for the Linked data are Uniform Resource Identifier (URIs) and Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) [2].

The concept of uniform resource identifier or URI is little different than the traditional URL technique and it generalize the process of identifying resources on the web space so that more options are available when someone looks for any information.

Entities, which use the https:// scheme for identification, can be looked by the URIs. This feature enables the HTTP to be used for creating a simple yet universal mechanism for resource identification.

Another technology that supplements the URIs and HTTP is the Resource Description Framework or popularly known as RDF [3]. RDF is used to provide a generic model based on the graph based data modeling to outline the structure with which the data has to be linked [4].

Linked Data Principles

Case study of Adoption of linked data technology in practical project:

The most prominent example where the linked data principle has been successfully adopted is the Linking Open Data project [6]. The community is supported by the W3C Semantic Web Education and Outreach Group. The project identifies existing data sets that is available under the open licenses and then the data sets are converted to RDF as per the Linked Data principles to publish them on the web.

The digital public library of America has implemented the link data technology to develop a more unified digital library experience. The project started in 2010 and launched in  2013. The DPLA is supported by various agencies including the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Arcadia Fund, the Institute for Museum and Library Services, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation [7].   

The Europeana digital library refers to a large community that is dedicated to bring various collections for making scientific journals available to the public. The project implements the concept of Meta data for the project, which is based on the link data technology [7].

In the overview of NOSQL database technology, the concepts of NOSQL and various associated technology of NOSQL database has been described in details. It approaches to analyze the database in a different way from the traditional relational database management system or commonly known as RDBMS.  In the RDBMS, for organizing and retrieving data , tables, columns, rows, or schemas is used. However ,NOSQL modifies the techniques by applying more flexible and dynamic approaches in data modeling. The major problem that makes the traditional RDBMS technology an inefficient choice for database design is the inability to make the data base scalable and flexible. However , in the NOSQL database design the drawbacks of the RDBMS technology is modified allowing it to support more flexible and scalable database which is an important feature for modern database.   

It also highlights the improvement of NOSQL over the standard relational database system, commonly referred to as SQL database system. Some case studies have been provided to demonstrate the adaption of NOSQL.

In the overview of Linked data technology, the concept of linked data and various features of linked data have been described. Link data represent data on the web space in such an intelligent way that the information is not only meant to be acknowledged by the human, but rather enabling machines to understand it as well so that meaningful information can be extracted from the machine in more organized and intelligent way.

Associated Tools of Linked Data Technology

The link data is generic in nature and it is capable of containing any kind of data.

  • Data is free to publish and anyone can do it
  • The choice of vocabularies to publish the data is completely depends on the publishers and there is no constrains in that.
  • The RDF links are provided to connect the entities in order to create a global data map that expands data resources and helps in the discovery of new data resources.

Link data can be used to either make connection between external data sets or use those connections to create external data sets itself. It also analyzes the potential and applications of linked data in the field of web service and development. Additionally, a case study has been described to demonstrate the adaption. The linked data technology is redefining the meaning of internet and making the web an global information system in true sense. It can be concluded that the link data technology will revolutionize the web technology by making it more smart and advanced.

However, The procedure to make connection between data sets is a challenging task as it involves data that are huge in volume, frequency and variety, commonly referred to as Big data. The project considers the cloud architecture in this context. accounting, it is difficult to calculate the size of the linked data in exact terms due to high amount of variation in the data sets that is generated by the wrappers around the relational databases already existing in practice. Therefore, it is necessary to make the crawling before the data analytics can count and analyze the data. Although the concept and the benefits that the modern web technology promises to bring with the link data technology, but the task is challenging and require lot of effort in terms of design and implementation.

The modern database has evolved in the recent era. The amount of data that is being generated each and every day is not only enormous, but also comes with variety. In order to store and deal with the data, the data base has to be compatible with that and due to this the design of database has become increasingly complex. The traditional RDBMS technology which implements the SQL technology is not sufficient in designing the database . the modern database design requires scalability, flexibility and adoptability in order to make it fully compatible with complex database design principles. NOSQL design implements these principle efficiently and overcome the drawbacks that the SQL technology had. With NOSQL, database design has become more effective and advanced


The report concludes that although the SQL data base system plays an important role in designing traditional databases system, it is not as efficient as the NOSQL when it comes in designing database systems. The tech giants all around the world has opted for NOSQL over the standard version of the SQL database for its versatility and efficiency to manage the complex databases.

Link data is used for publishing and managing structured data in the web space through semantic queries. Although it uses the same traditional web architecture model, but it distributes the data in a such a way that the information is not only human readable but can be interpreted by the machines as well.


[1], 2018. [management]. Available: [Accessed: 20- Mar- 2018]. .

[2], 2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 20- Mar- 2018].

[3]T. Tran, D. Truong, H. Hoang and T. Le, “Linked Data Mashups: A Review on Technologies, Applications and Challenges”, 2018. .

[4], 2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 20- Mar- 2018]. .

 [5]A. Potter, B. Motik, Y. Nenov and I. Horrocks, “Distributed RDF Query Answering with Dynamic Data Exchange”, 2018. .

[6]”Semantic Web Education and Outreach (SWEO) Interest Group”,, 2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 20- Mar- 2018].

 [7], 2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 27- Mar- 2018].

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