Using Social Media For Communication At Workplace: A Review Of Relevant Articles

Organizational communication and challenges

Discuss About The Colleagues Media Richness Electronic Mail.

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The report below focuses on the various articles that are related to digital resource analysis. The topic that has been selected to discuss the articles is “using social media for communication at workplace”. Below is the overview and the description of the articles that are relevant to this topic in one or the other way. The flow of articles provides the overall story of how organisation communication has undergone so much of changes and the social media entered and become an important part of organisational communication.

It is the article that deals with the description of the organisational communication and the challenges that the new century business and the employees working in the organisation are facing. It has been realised from the article that organisational internal communication is the most important part of the organisation and thus it is required to make it efficient. The major challenge is coordination of the employees in order to perform some of the activities that require team work. This article is shortlisted and kept at the first place because it provides the information about the organisational communication and the challenges that are faced in the same on which the improvement needs to be done.

This is the article that focuses on the different types of genres of the communication in the organisation. It has been analysed from the article that human communication is always central to the organisation as the employees have to communicate when work together. Thus, this requires the organisation to make use of different communication media for different genres of communication. This article has been shortlisted because of the clear description of different genres where the communication in the organisation is required.

Electronic mail has been realised as the most effective technological way to communicate within the organisations. This is the study that investigates about the attitude and the values of the people and its influence on the communication technologies that has been developed in order to communicate in the organisation. This article has been shortlisted so that the understanding of the various technological medium for internal communication in the organisation can be developed. it has been analysed from the article that the social interaction amongst the employees at the workplace affects the designing and the development of the medium through which the communication can be conducted.

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Different genres of communication

This is the article that describes about the definition and the history of social technologies used in the organisations. This article has focused on type social media as the very effective communication tools in the organisation. It has been suggested from the article that social media is increasingly been used as the communication too sin the companies these days thus it is required to understand how these social media tools affect the communicative activities that are performed in the organisations. The reason behind shortlisting this article is to understand the basic definition of social media and its use in the communication at the workplace. It also helps in understanding the historical accounting of the entry of these technologies at the workplace. The major purpose of this article is to analyse the positive and negative aspects of the use of social media at the workplace for communication and interaction activities.

It is the article in which the authors have discussed about the various uses of social media at the workplace. It has been analysed in the article that some of the social media technologies such as blogs, social networking sites, and micro blogging are adopting by the organisations for many purposes and one of the purpose is communication. This article is shortlisted because it gives the differentiation between the computer mediated communication and the social media communication. In this article, it has been argued that social media is the technology that records and afford the attitude and behaviour of the people which was not possible in earlier technological communication medium. Various theories related to communication have also been studied in this article.

It is the world that is facing social media revolution. It has been analysed that social media like Facebook, twitter, orkut etc. are the medium that allow the interactions between the people. It is realised by the article that sharing of knowledge is also one of the major advantage that is provided by social networking and media. This information sharing advantage of the social media results in making use of this tool in communication purpose at the workplaces. This article is shortlisted because it provides the general discussion about the social media uses. It has been analysed in the article that communicating on online medium becomes very easy when social media tools are used and thus they act as the best platform to make interactions.

This article aims at offering the theory of communication and the study is conducted on implementation of the social media networking site in the financial service organisation. the concept of communication visibility has been raised up in this article that is very important in among the internal communication of the companies more effective. It has been realised that if the communication between the two parties in the organisation is visible to the third party then they can easily get the knowledge and the information out of that conversation. It also leads to transparency in the organisation and thus makes the whole process of communication more efficient in the company. This article has been shortlisted so that more and more innovative products and services can be made for the purpose of communication.

Effectiveness of electronic mail

Social media has paved their way into organisations for the purpose of communication. This integration of social media tools has impacted the life of the employees at the workplaces. This article focuses on the influence of social media use on the work performance and the communication patterns of the employees in the organisations. Social media not only make the communication effective but develop trust amongst the employees. This article has been shortlisted for the study because it provides the full description of the influence of social media at the workplace, this helps in analysing the various aspects of social media use at the workplace.

It has been analysed from the paper that most of the organisations these days are adpting the social medi tools for organisational comunicatio and other such purposes. This can be conidrred as the positive development in the field of comunicationa nd it is because of the innovationand the new technologies such as acceptance of web 2.0. this paper focuses on the development pf the social media and the evolution in the technology and its impact on the internal organisational communication. Along with it, this article also focuses on various types of challenges that has been faced the parties involved in the process. Above all the articles were about the advantages of social media in the field of communication at the workplace but this article focuses on the tensions and the balance between the organisational strategy and the objectives etc. this paper has been shortlisted to be studied because it can make the researcher understand about the various challenges faced by the organisation people who are making use of social media as the communication tool.

The usage of social networking software by experts is growing intensely. How it is used, whether it enhances or reduces productivity, and how enterprise-friendly design and use might evolve are open questions. This is the paper that examines the attitude of the employees at the workplace towards the use of social media by conduction of a survey. It has been analysed that the usage pattern changes with the change in the age of the user and the software system. Although the use of social media is adopted in the organisation to make the interactions strong between the employees, but there are some ill effects that needs to be identified.


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Cao, X., Vogel, D. R., Guo, X., Liu, H., & Gu, J. (2012, January). Understanding the influence of social media in the workplace: An integration of media synchronicity and social capital theories. In System Science (HICSS), 2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on (pp. 3938-3947). IEEE.

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Macnamara, J., & Zerfass, A. (2012). Social media communication in organizations: The challenges of balancing openness, strategy, and management. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 6(4), 287-308.

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Skeels, M. M., & Grudin, J. (2009, May). When social networks cross boundaries: a case study of workplace use of facebook and linkedin. In Proceedings of the ACM 2009 international conference on Supporting group work (pp. 95-104). ACM.

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Social Media Use in Organizations Exploring the Affordances of Visibility, Editability, Persistence, and Association

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