Using Design Thinking To Address Accommodation Issues Faced By International Students In Sydney
Five Why
The main objective of this paper is to analyse the accommodation problem faced by the newly arriving international students in the city of Sydney using the different kinds of design thinking tools. This report also highlights the difficulties faced by the bigger organisation on the application of the design thinking tools.
Five Why
The problem associated with the first why states the reason behind the accommodation problems such as language difficulty and different cultural norms faced by the newly arriving overseas students in Sydney. The second why give an idea about the reasons behind the language difficulty or cultural norms, Australian social cultures are completely different from other countries and an overseas student takes a bit of time to adjust to conditions (Kolko, 2015). The third why guide us to know the reasons behind the gap in social culture. The fourth why states the reason behind the gap in a social culture which is the unique Australian English followed in the city of Sydney. The final ‘why’ explains why the English followed in Sydney is different from English followed in other parts of Australia. These five why questions help in understanding the cause of the problem in details. The language problem is found to be the major problem after applying this technique (Kelly et al., 2018).
Mind mapping
This technique helps to visualize the problems following a hierarchy and relationship between them.
All the reasons behind the different problems can be known with the help of this design thing tool (Remington & Pollack, 2016).
Brain Storming
This technique helps in understanding the accommodation problem with the help of the data gathered from the newly arrived overseas student (Liedtka, 2015). All the major problems such as the language difficulty, social problems, rental costs, transactional difficulties which are exposed during the process are resented back to the students for further brain storming which re-evaluates all the risks and helps in identifying the actual major problems amongst the list of the problem. After applying this technique it was found that the prime problem associated with this case is the rentals costs.
Journey Mapping
The analysis of this tool is very significant as it is obtained from a student having an accommodation problem in Sydney over the years (Huq & Gilbert, 2017). The main cause of problem which arrived after the data gathered from the student is language difficulty and cultural differences.
Mind mapping
The validation of the accommodation problems is done by this solution based technique. It helps in understanding the problem such as language difficulty and rentals costs in a human-centric way. These reasons behind the accommodation problems are defined and empathised and those are incorporated in the prototype models so that the best feasible solutions are obtained (Geissdoerfer, Bocken & Hultink, 2016). The reasons behind the problems which are obtained from this tool such as the rental cost and cultural differences are subjected to rigorous testing methods in order to enhance the accuracy of the results obtained from the analysis.
This is one of the most important processes for analysing the accommodation process as it helps in understanding the reasons behind the problems in details. Location and students are the important parameters of this design tool regarding this accommodation problem. In this technique, the problems such as language problem and rental cost are divided into sub categories such as clarifying the reasons, source of the accommodation problems and selection of the appropriate solution for each accommodation problem (Ben Mahmoud?Jouini, Midler & Silberzahn, 2016).
This tool is used to analyse the accommodating problems of the overseas students in Sydney. This design tools are the used to measure the limit of the accommodation problems such as rental cost which is different in different areas of Sydney, even the difference in culture can be effectively measured and student can make the adjustment based on the finding from this particular analysis (Hinrichs & Forlini, 2017). The applying this tool we can measure the limits of the mentioned accommodating problems.
Porters value chain analysis is the most preferred design tool regarding measuring the different accommodation problem by the newly arriving overseas students in Sydney Australia. Based upon the value chain analysis all the primary reasons behind the problem are focussed such as the rental cost and language difficulties (Vaugh & Ryan, 2015). All the supporting reasons of this issue such as finding alternate accommodations and changing policies of the Australian government are also analysed using this tool and it is concluded about the fact that along with the prime reasons, the supporting reasons should also be considered while solving these issues.
This design tool is used on the basis of key assumptions regarding the accommodation problem such as the cultural changes and rental costs and using data from the students these assumptions are authenticated, this tool compares all the reasons behind the problems and specific tests are performed on them to prioritise the reasons so that it is easier to analyse them. This tool is the most effective in analysing this accommodation problem as it categorises the importance of all the reasons behind the problem.
Brain Storming
The different connections between the reasons behind the accommodation problem faced by the newly arrived students in Sydney, Australia are obtained from this tool which helps in understanding the crisis from a different approach (Liedtka, 2014). This tool raises different queries so that similar problems can be avoided in the future, it also helps in understanding the emotion related with the problem. By applying this tool, human values associated with the accommodation problems such as depression and anxiety can be analysed as these issues can have a direct negative impact on an overseas student as well.
All the different types of design thinking tools help us understanding the accommodation problem of overseas students of Sydney, Australia from a different perspective and based upon the analyses it can be stated that along with the prime reasons behind this issue all the supporting issues, as well as the human values, should also be considered while solving this issue.
Different types of design thinking tools are used by international corporations which have a positive impact on the organization. The difficulties faced by those organization on incorporation of those tools are experienced and updated strategic planner are needed because they are not always readily available for specific projects. Language problems is one of the major problems which is found in the international corporations as they need to deal with foreign languages also, so it is very difficult to access these design tools in those international corporations. The data obtained from the participants is also one of the factors behind the complication of these design tools in global corporations. The limit of the problem is very difficult to manage and it is very difficult to assume the problems in international corporations as their business reach is increasing every now and then so the visualization tool and the assumption testing is the least used design tool in a business organization.
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