Dimensions And Antecedents Of Organisational Citizenship Behaviour: A Literature Review

Contextual and the direct effects of the individual values on the organizational citizenship behavior of the team

Undertake a Literature Review on the dimensions and antecedents of organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB). The review is to focus solely on refereed academic publications?

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The report which is on the basis of the evaluation part of the studies is mainly on the basis on the literature part of the selected area. In this review it describes, evaluate, summarize and also clarify the literature. The literature review maintains some of the basic gathering which remains constant is listed below:

  • Offer a brief context which is more related to the research.
  • Provide the brief justification of the research.
  • Proper illustration of the subject which are studied on the previous basis.

In this particular study, researcher use some of the selected journal which are already published to give the proper support on the basis of the topic of the research and also conduct the analysis on the detailed manner.

Organizational citizenship behaviors are actually some of the actions on the basis of the discretionary and not recognized by some of the reward systems which aggregately improve all the functioning of the organization. It is mainly similar to some of the contextual performance which enhance in both the psychological and the social context on the basis of which the performance of the task occurs. Some of the examples which are related to OCBs include taking the extra activities which are not the technical part of the job, tolerate some of the minor nuisance without any of the complaint and also includes becoming helpful to the other colleagues. Even though OCBs are not enforced on the general basis it includes the part of the some one’s official duties and also nonetheless critical on the basis of the organizational success. Researcher then directed some of the considerable effort in doing the proper determination of the behavior of the precursors of the citizenship; it also helps in doing the better understand so that it can forward the expression which is on the basis of the work place (Khan, 2014).

It also does the proper utilization of the Schwartz’s values theory which is used as an integrative structure of the framework which helps in testing the relationship between the organizational citizenship behavior and also the individual behavior of the team, control of the sex, personality traits and also the satisfaction (Parshikova et al., 2014). With the help of hierarchical linear modeling in the sample of some 582 students among the 135 project teams, it is found positive, cause some of the direct effects in the achievements of the citizenship behaviors. The HLM method with some of the random variable used to test the direct effect of the hypotheses. In this technique it allows to do the examination of the individual predictor level variables in taking account of the group level variation on the basis of the dependent level variable. It also conduct some of the sequence of ANOVAs on the basis of OCB dimensions which are used to do the proper examination of the HLM precondition which are more significant. According to ((Lemmon and Wayne, 2014)), interaction terms of team mean are also preferred process for doing the testing effects of the rational similarity. Team mean value is calculated from the scores of the individual level value.

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Job satisfaction and the organizational citizenship behavior

By concluding this journal(Arthaud-Day, M., Rode, J., Turnley. W., (2012), it utilized the Schwartz’s theory on the basis of the human values which integrate the previous studies of the value-OCB relationship, it also propose the hypotheses on the basis motivational areas of the Schw3artz’s theory. At first it is needed to select the sample of some of the 582 students which are distributed among the 135 project teams, the sample size is larger which permit the inclusion of the multiple control variation. In the second part, the peer rating of the OCB is utilized by the team members, by collecting the all OCB data of the several weeks after completing the individual values, survey on the attitudinal basis and also on the basis of personality traits. In the third part, by doing the proper utilization of the HLM technique, it becomes very possible to examine the causing effects of the value similarities among the individual and also the teammates. In this research it clearly indicates that the individual value causes an effect on the OCB above and also established some of the predictors including the personal traits and also the satisfaction.

In this journal, it is mainly evaluated the job satisfaction and the organizational citizenship behavior on the basis of any learning institution of Malaysia (Jehad Mohammad* , Farzana Quoquab Habib and Mohmad Adnan Alias, July 2011). The researcher of this journal tells about the two dimensions of the citizenship behavior of the organization and also examines how the organizational citizenship behaviors are related to the two features of the job satisfaction. In this paper first the orientation on the theoretical basis is introduced and in next it includes some of the relevant literature discussions on the basis of the theoretical framework, in the third the selected methodology and also the findings are also analyzed in the third or last it tells about the conclusions, discussions and also the future impacts are discussed (Arthaud-Day, Rode and Turnley, 2012).

Both the job satisfaction and the OCB are positively related to each other. (Ludwig and Frazier, 2012) found a relationship which is strong and also positive between the job satisfaction and also the OCB. The most built strongest and the consistent relationships on the basis of supervision and the framework. In doing the proper analysis of the job satisfaction it used the quantitative method analysis in which the researcher distributes some of the 100 questionnaires among all the staffs of the institution. Some of the 40 questionnaires were circulated amongst the library staff and the last 60 questionnaires are distributed among the faculty members. Amongst the entire questionnaire the numbers of 79 questionnaires can be utilized. In the questionnaire it includes the three parts

  1. Demographic behavior of the respondents,
  2. Measurement of the values of OCBI and OCBO,
  3. Measurement of the values which are used in the job satisfaction.

In this study all the subset scales by the high internal consistency (Cha and Shin, 2014).

On the other hand, the researcher of this particular study does not understand the dimension process regarding the job satisfaction of the Organizational Citizenship Behavior. The inhabitants of this particular study provide some of the bias information so that it can save the job of the respected organization (Mohammed and Alipour, 2014). Apart from this, their working condition by concerning this study was very poor in nature which does not make able to gather some of the inappropriate information regarding this study. The possible result of this study points out that both the extrinsic and the intrinsic job satisfactions are positively related to the OCBO except the OCBI. The result concluded that both the intrinsic and the extrinsic features of the job satisfaction are important variables in doing the prediction of the citizenship behavior. But the priority needs to be given both the extrinsic and the intrinsic variables so that it can encourage and also bring the willingness to achieve some of the organizational goals (Castaneda and Scanlan, 2014).

Individual behavior, personality and the values

For doing some of the future work on the basis of this study, the researcher needs to engage more number of the staffs by utilizing the proper process and also the norms so that it can easily motivate the staff with the availability of the right information which will become more effective and also successful in conducting the study (Pfeffer and DeVoe, 2012).

As stated in this journal (Steven L. McShane and Mary Ann Von Glinow, , 2015 by McGraw-Hill Education), it first introduce some of the learning objectives which includes the four factors which can directly influence the performance and the behavior of the individual, it also does the summarization of the different types of the individual behavior of the organization. It also discusses the three types of the ethical principles which can manipulate the ethical behavior. It also gives the discussion of the personality and also describes the personality dimensions which relate the behavior of the individual of the organization. This journal mainly summarizes all the learning objectives of the individual behavior, personality traits and the values. In this journal it also includes some of the critical based questions which do the proper analysis of the mentioned topics. The questionnaire on the basis of these mentioned topics are circulated among some of the employees of the organization which mainly on the basis of the motivation, personality traits etc. then the responses are analyzed on the basis of the some selective scales consisting of the following dimensions which includes: consistency, emotional stability, extraversion, agreeableness and also the openness to the experience (Ludwig, 2012).

Researcher introduced some of the factors on the basis of this study is constructed and also introduced some of the hypothesis on the basis of this the collected data and the information are generated and also analyzed. To do the proper analysis, the researcher introduced the quantitative analysis of the technique to do the proper analysis and also becomes suitable to generate the suitable research report of the study (Ludwig and Frazier, 2012).

For doing the future analysis, the researcher needs to collect more information on the basis of the individual behavior and the personal traits so that it becomes easier to conduct the analysis by using some of the appropriate tools. It also allows the researcher in doing the proper identification and also the differentiation of the individual personal traits, values and the behavior.


By concluding the above study it summarizes that both the intrinsic and the extrinsic factors are the two main dimensions for conducting the study related to the organizational citizenship behavior. However, it also found that the appropriate analysis of the organizational citizenship behavior and the job satisfaction are some of the major things in doing the development of the business and also needs to maintain the concern responsibilities and the duties in developing the objectives and the goals of the organization.


Arthaud-Day, M., Rode, J., Turnley. W., (2012), Direct and Contextual Effects of Individual Values on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Teams: journal of Running Head: VALUES AND OCB, volume. pp-97(4), 792-807.

Jehad Mohammad* , Farzana Quoquab Habib and Mohmad Adnan Alias., Asian Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 16, No. 2, 149–165, July 2011.

Steven L. McShane and Mary Ann Von Glinow., the University of Western Australia, Chapter 2: Individual Behavior, Personality, and Values, 2015 by McGraw-Hill Education.

Arthaud-Day, M., Rode, J. and Turnley, W. (2012). Direct and contextual effects of individual values on organizational citizenship behavior in teams. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97(4), pp.792-807.

Castaneda, G. and Scanlan, J. (2014). Job Satisfaction in Nursing: A Concept Analysis. Nurs Forum, 49(2), pp.130-138.

Cha, S. and Shin, Y. (2014). Job Stress and Job Satisfaction of Estimators in Korean Construction Company. AMM, 501-504, pp.2646-2649.

Khan, T. (2014). Job Satisfaction and Job Performance, A Study on Colleges of Saudi Arabia. Journal of Scientific Research and Reports, 3(23), pp.2972-2981.

Lemmon, G. and Wayne, S. (2014). Underlying Motives of Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Comparing Egoistic and Altruistic Motivations. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies.

Ludwig, T. (2012). Ramona Houmanfar to Be Next Editor of the Journal of Organizational Behavior Management. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 32(4), pp.271-273.

Ludwig, T. and Frazier, C. (2012). Employee Engagement and Organizational Behavior Management. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 32(1), pp.75-82.

Ludwig, T. and Frazier, C. (2012). Employee Engagement and Organizational Behavior Management. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 32(1), pp.75-82.

Mohammed, S. and Alipour, K. (2014). It’s Time for Temporal Leadership: Individual, Dyadic, Team, and Organizational Effects. Ind Organ Psychol, 7(2), pp.178-182.

Parshikova, O., Chertkova, Y., Alekseeva, O. and Kozlova, I. (2014). Assortative mating: Personality and values. Personality and Individual Differences, 60, p.S51.

Pfeffer, J. and DeVoe, S. (2012). The economic evaluation of time: Organizational causes and individual consequences. Research in Organizational Behavior, 32, pp.47-62.

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