Understanding The Importance Of Self-Efficacy In Sports And Life

What is Self-Efficacy?

Discuss about the Self-Efficacy for Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation.

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Self-efficacy directly impacts the achievements of an individual. Self-efficacy of a person lies in their perception and about how they execute their behaviour according to their capabilities. Self-efficacy is a belief that an individual peruse to achieve the desire outcome. Altogether it is a judgment by the individual about their own capability. In this report limelight is thrown on importance of self-efficacy and how is self-efficacy experienced in one’s life (Feldman & Kubota, 2015). The role of self-efficacy in sports life has been discussed. Positive self-efficacy directly related to the performance of an individual. Implementing classes of self-efficacy in schools helps in predicting their success in terms of willingness to participate in tasks by noticing their efforts and tenacity to encouraging challenges. In the second part of this section I have discussed by personal experience and the time low self-efficacy hit me hard and stopped me for performing the activities later. I overcome from low self-efficacy by performing various activities.

Self-efficacy is psychology belonging that defines the confidence of a well-being. It is the belief made by an individual that they have the potential to do something. Self-efficacy makes a person believe that what they are doing well in work. It acts as motivation for them as they think they can do what need to be done. Self- efficacy determines how people think, behave and notice one (Maisto,  Roos, O’sickey, Kirouac,  Connors,  Tonigan & Witkiewitz, 2015). Self-efficacy is a belief that one has the ability to achieve success by performing particular task. Self- efficacy helps in recovering quickly from disappointments and improves sense of commitment.

Self-efficacy is important in many ways. It reflect the person’s behaviour in every sector, it has significance in education, professional and personal life. It is an important component of an individual that provides motivation, positive feeling, cognition and a positive behaviour towards oneself. Self-efficacy builds confidence, assurance and high performance. A person perusing high self-efficacy helps in approaching the challenges of life with positive confidence. It also promotes new learning and recovering quickly from all the setback situations. Self –efficacy is considered as a key to success. It gives the motivation to person to perform better and work harder.

There is a difference between self-efficacy and efficacy, as efficacy means the ability of a person to perform a desired result and self-efficacy is the positive attitude of a person to perform the task (Griffiths, 2015). If an individual perform task without any motivation or positivity they would not be able to achieve success. Efficacy is the ability to do the job in a satisfactory manner and self-efficacy is the belief that one can work beyond potential to achieve success (Maddux, J2016). Efficacy lets the person complete the work but self-efficacy makes sure that they complete the work with good performance.

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Importance of Self-Efficacy

There are various factors that contribute to self-efficacy like the past performance, vicarious experiences, voiced persuasion and some cues. Key factors that contribute to self-efficacy are positive experience that helps in accomplishing the challenges. Positive experience helps in increasing the sense of ability to get succeeded. Social persuasion is one of the key factors that help an individual to either increase or decrease the confidence and ability to get succeed. Negative reactions might lead to stress, depression and anxiety of a person. The challenges faced in the past experience helps in developing self-efficacy. The success in past gives motivation to establish better result and if past experience has failures it would result in low self-efficacy.Self-efficacy is the belief of an individual that they have the potential to complete work and they think they are capable enough to deal with all situations. These factors showcase the capabilities of a person to execute the actions and produce attainments (Lagerveld,  Brenninkmeijer, Blonk, Twisk & Schaufeli, 2016). If  a person have strong belief on their skills then it would be helpful for them to navigate and achieve goals. 

In the opinion of (McRae,  Leventhal,  Westheimer, , Mastin, Utley & Russell, 2018),  self-efficacy is the sole reason of success in every situation. Considering the case of sport it helps in boosting the confidence in players. As games is unpredictable and winning and losing s the part of game. Self-efficacy helps a person to think positive and play the game with the mentality that they have the potential to beat the other team. It is true that the opposite team have better ability but the confidence is the powerful influence that helps a person to win. In sports the thought process impacts the situation. If a person beliefs that the efforts will enhance the performance it will create a positive cycle. Self-efficacy in sports in also built by seeing the success of competitors. It forces a person to think upon their capabilities and give greater belief that they can succeed.  In sports failure is a common thing and to overcome from this self-efficacy plays an important role (Brenninkmeijer,  Lagerveld,  Blonk,  Schaufeli & Wijngaards, 2018). Self-efficacy can be considered as a situation that help in boosting self-confidence and influences an individual to choose the activities according to their need.  Self-efficacy helps in coping with the failures and dealing with the situation in a persistent way.

According to (Palmer, Dixon & Archer, 2015),  sports and self-efficacy are related to each other. As explored in the research relationship between self-efficacy and sport directly relates to the performance of the player by motivating them to work harder. According to the studies it was found that the higher self-efficacy results in greater persistence and efforts. In sports high beliefs about one’s capabilities result in executing their sills in a better way to achieve greater performance (Schwarzer, 2014).  Self-efficacy somewhere influence the self-confidence of a person, confidence is one of the key component that helps person to play well. Player often hits to failure due poor performance or physiological may lower the self-efficacy of a person. Emotional state of a person gets affected due to moods swig but self-efficacy hep to overcome such issues and motivates a person to play well by ignoring all the other issues (Ybn, 2017). There are various reasons due to which players face failure that is losing when they assumed to win or over confidence. Self-efficacy hits a person to perform well and removes the signs of lack of confidence. Sports help a person to boost their self-efficacy potential as they deal with moderately difficult tasks regularly, experiences the failures, learn specific strategies and allow them to make their own choices.

Self-Efficacy in Sports

In the views of (Piperopoulos & Dimov, 2015), self-efficacy is very important in sports. It helps a person to work in a team as they feel confident and can keep their point of view in front of everyone. Self-efficacy is an essential part that every individual should practise and is very important for players. If they get depressed by their one failure they would not be able to move and achieve better result. Thus self-efficacy helps a person in maintain their motivation and play consistently without taking a back step from their failure. Sport confidence is a solely dependent on the foundation of self-efficacy. In sports self-efficacy is treated as their confidence and feeling towards work (Paciello, Ghezzi,  Tramontano, Barbaranelli & Fida, 2016). The overall self-efficacy results in providing mechanism to deal with all the variables and achieve success. 

According to (Stevenson, 2016), self-efficacy plays an important role in sports and exercise as  the person with high self-efficacy has the probability of playing frequently. The level of reflection is directly related to the action one purpose. Self-efficacy helps in reducing stress and lowers the vulnerabilities. They help players in quickly recovering from the failure. The role of self-efficacy is helps in gaining self-confidence that helps in developing the sense of an internal authority. It also helps a person to develop external demands by communicating with the team in a better way (Merluzzi,  Philip, Heitzmann,  Liu,  Yang & Conley, 2017). A person with high self-efficacy can be a good leader as it helps the team members to gain confidence. Virtually self-efficacy helps a person to identify the goals they want to accomplish and helps in knowing what changes that want to make and plan how would be achieve things (Skaalvik  & Skaalvik, 2014). It is very important part for sport players as it allows them to view challenging difficulties as tasks to be mastered and develop deep interest in the activities and the game in which they are participating.

Research is done from some journals or online sources as it helps in knowing the importance of self-efficacy in spots.


It can be concluded that self-efficacy is one of the important component that every individual should take care of. It helps a person to live a positive life and belief that why have the potential to complete the entire task. In my opinion the person with positive self-efficacy achieves greater success. It helps a person to improve their attitude and ability towards work. Developing the self-efficacy among students in schools provide them way to face challenges and rise up to accomplish the goals by defeating all the worries. A person with high self-efficacy approaches to the tasks and face the challenges with positive attitude. In this report various journals have been researched can it has been seen how self-efficacy impacts the players. It helps in making a person relive about their capabilities and making them believe about their capabilities. In other words it can be concluded that self-efficacy helps a person to organize and execute the action required to manage a particular situation. In my opinion self-efficacy is a necessary skill that every individual should peruse as it supports them to take risk. It helps a person to believe on their own destiny which in turn motivates them to enhance their skills.

Factors Contributing to Self-Efficacy

According to me self-efficacy is a trigger in one life’s that provides a reason to perform the task and face the challenges. It provides motivation to complete the task by believing that I have the calibre to fight against all the circumstances. Self-efficacy is a strength that can help a person to achieve success and overcome from failures. In my case there were occasions where I lost my self-efficacy and did not believe that I had the capability to continue. IT was a situation where I faced continues failures in my training session, my entire colleague’s achieved a good position but I lacked somewhere. It was a difficult face for me as I lost my self-confidence but after a while I overcome from this by learning from the experience. I also used to watch motivation series and it was my self-efficacy which forced me to believe that I have the calibre to achieve success.

Additionally I took guidelines from my successors how can I tackle failure that helped me to realize that I have the potential to deal and survive in every circumstance. I took a break from my daily schedule for a while and started the work from initial phase. 


Brenninkmeijer, V., Lagerveld, S. E., Blonk, R. W., Schaufeli, W. B., & Wijngaards-de Meij, L. D. (2018). Predicting the Effectiveness of Work-Focused CBT for Common Mental Disorders: The Influence of Baseline Self-Efficacy, Depression and Anxiety. Journal of occupational rehabilitation, 1-11.

Feldman, D. B., & Kubota, M. (2015). Hope, self-efficacy, optimism, and academic achievement: Distinguishing constructs and levels of specificity in predicting college grade-point average. Learning and Individual Differences, 37, 210-216.

Griffiths. S. (2015). Self efficacy in sport and exercise: Determining effort, persistence and performance. Retrieved from https://believeperform.com/performance/self-efficacy-sport-exercise-determining-effort-persistence-performance/.

Lagerveld, S. E., Brenninkmeijer, V., Blonk, R. W., Twisk, J., & Schaufeli, W. B. (2016). Predictive value of work-related self-efficacy change on RTW for employees with common mental disorders. Occup Environ Med, oemed-2016.

Maddux, J. E. (2016). Self-efficacy. In Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Expectancies (pp. 55-60). Routledge.

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McRae, C., Leventhal, D., Westheimer, O., Mastin, T., Utley, J., & Russell, D. (2018). Long-term effects of Dance for PD® on self-efficacy among persons with Parkinson’s disease. Arts & Health, 10(1), 85-96.

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Ybn. (2017). SELF-EFFICACY: THE IMPORTANCE OF BELIEVING IN YOURSELF. Retrieved from https://yourbodyyourweigh.ca/self-efficacy-the-importance-of-believing-in-yourself/.

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