Understanding Privacy: Types, Importance And Breaches

Types of Privacy

Discuss about the Privacy Does Not Really Exist in Today Society for New Media.

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Privacy, in the broader sense of the term refers to the abilities that are demonstrated by the concerned individual or the group of individuals in order to portray a seclusion of the information that is exclusive to the concerned individual or group which leads to the selective expression on the part of the concerned individual or the group of individuals (Westin and Ruebhausen 2015). The concept pf privacy might vary according to the various individuals, the cultures that the concerned individual belongs to and the social environment wherein the concerned individual has been situated. The themes of privacy however remain similar over the various matters within the same culture and the individuals who bear the similar mindset (Rachels 2017). The privacy of an individual regarding a certain matter indicates the specialty and the sensitivity of the concerned issues that it bears for the concerned individual (Reiman 2017). The privacy of an individual however might at times relate to the security of the concerned individuals in the matters that pertain to the confidentiality of the concerned matters in discussion. The privacy in these matters might relate to the inappropriate usage of the information and the protection of the information that is at stake (Parker 2017). The following essay deals with the existence of the privacy within the present scenario that is being faced by the various individuals.

The privacy might refer to seven different types of privacy that is maintained by the various individuals who have been residing in the present society. These seven types of privacy might include the personal privacy, the behavioral and the action privacy, the communicational privacy, the privacy of the images and other data, the privacy related to the fields of the feelings and thoughts of the individuals, the privacy related to the space and location wherein the concerned individual might have been residing or working and the group privacy or the privacy in the field of association maintained by the concerned members (Finn, Wright and Friedewald 2013). 

The personal privacy refers to the rights of the concerned individuals that ensure the privacy of the various bodily characteristics and the functions of the individuals. The personal privacy aims to assist the formation of a society that is healthy and might be described to be well-adjustable for the concerned residents within the society (Parent 2017). The behavioral and the action privacy refers to the privacy of the concerned individual in the matters that relate to the various sensitive issues like the habits and the preferences of the concerned individuals in the matters that pertain to the sexual practices that are followed by the concerned individual. The political preferences as well as the religious practices as followed by the concerned individual might also be considered to be covered under the behavioral and the action privacies that a person must be entitled to (Reiman 2017).

Importance of Privacy

The communicational privacy refers to the privacies that need to be followed by the people in the matters that deal with the interception of the various modes of the communication that are followed by the concerned individual. The various modes of the communication that are followed by the concerned individual might refer to the email interceptions, the introduction of the bugs in order to eavesdrop on the matters that are discussed among the targeted individuals, the interceptions of the various messages that are discussed over the telephonic and the other wireless methods of the communication and accessing or recording of the messages that are received by the concerned individual over the various electronic media (Cao et al. 2014). The privacy of the images and other data refers to the privacy exercised by the various individuals in the matters that are related to the circulation of the pictures and the other personal or confidential data of the concerned individual (Strauß and Nentwich 2013). This might help in the instilling of an empowering feeling in the mind of the concerned members of the various individuals. 

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The privacy related to the space and location wherein the concerned individual might have been residing or working refers to the privacy that needs to be maintained by the individual in the matters that deal with the right of the concerned individual to be moving in the various publicly accessible spaces without being monitored by any other authority or person (Murphy 2017). The group privacy or the privacy in the field of association maintained by the concerned members refers to the privacy that might be exercised by the concerned individual in the various matters that are related to the rights that should be enjoyed by the concerned individual in the choice of the association that is maintained by the concerned individual (Hubers et al. 2017). This type of privacy includes the right of the individual to form an association with the concerned individuals that concerned individual might choose.

The privacy is much needed by each and every individual in order to maintain the individuality of the concerned person. The concerned individual is advised to maintain the rights of the privacy in order to maintain the personal safety of the individual. The concerned individual might be advised to maintain the privacy of the various personal information of the concerned individual in order to deal with the personal safety of the concerned person. The privacy management might also help in the maintenance of the respect of the concerned individuals. The maintenance of the privacy of an individual is related to the respect that should be meted out to the concerned individual. The privacy of the concerned individual might also deal with the various matters pertaining to the reputation of the concerned individuals. This might help the concerned individual in the matters that deal with the protection of the confidential matters that pertain to the arousal of the unwanted controversies that might lead to the judgements that might prove to be harmful for the concerned individual in the long run. The maintenance of the privacy of the individual also helps in the maintaining the social boundaries that are appropriate within the concerned society. These boundaries might refer to the those that relate to the informational as well as the physical boundaries of the concerned individual. The maintenance of the privacy is also required in order to deal with the trust that exists within the relationships that are established by the concerned individual in the various professional arenas wherein they might be involved. The privacy of the concerned individual might refer to the revelation of the personal data of a concerned person by the concerned person in order to establish a control over one’s own life (Young and Quan-Haase 2013). This might also deal with the matters that are related to the usage of the various data in the everyday life of the concerned individual. The individual might also need to maintain the privacy in the matters that pertain to the freedom of the thought of the concerned person. The maintenance of the privacy might also help in the concerned person to deal with the freedom that is necessary for the concerned person to deal with the protection of the association rights of the concerned individual as well as the protection of the rights that might be available to the individual in the spheres that pertain to the freedom of the speech and the thought of the concerned individual. The individual might also need to exercise the privacy in the matters that pertain to the maintenance of the scope that is required by the individual that are related to the matters pertaining to the changes and the rectifications that might be required by the individual during the course of his life (Bansal and Zahedi 2015). The privacy of the concerned individual needs to be maintained in order to deal with the situations wherein the concerned individuals might not provide an explanation to the questioning authorities regarding the matters that pertain to the individuality of the person. 

Breach of Privacy

The violation of the privacy refers to the matters that deal with the violation of the matters that might belong to the various matters that are existent within the territories of the privacy as maintained by the concerned individual. The breaches of the concerned privacy might occur due to the intrusion within the spheres of the private areas that are related to the concerned individual. This might also relate to the interception of the emails, the messages, the phone calls and the and the other messages of the concerned individual without seeking for the permission from the concerned individual (Jensen 2013). The intrusion of the concerned person into the various personal arenas of the concerned individual might be referred to as the breach of the privacy of the concerned individual. The breach of the privacy might involve the hacking of the various social media profiles of the individual or the various personalized messaging boxes that are owned by the individual.

The hacking and the other breaches of the privacy of the concerned individual might lead to the matters wherein the concerned individual might face the various unwanted consequences or might even have the personal content leaked for the world to view. The maintenance of the privacy is also required in order to deal with the trust that exists within the relationships that are established by the concerned individual in the various professional arenas wherein they might be involved. The privacy of the concerned individual might refer to the revelation of the personal data of a concerned person by the concerned person in order to establish a control over one’s own life. This might also deal with the matters that are related to the usage of the various data in the everyday life of the concerned individual. The consequences of the hacking might relate to the matters that deal with the leaking of the various sensitive issues that might require to be kept private to the individual in order to maintain the respect and the reputation of the concerned individual (Jeckmans et al. 2013). The other ways that might deal with the breach of the privacy in the lives of the concerned individual are the ways and matters that deal with the various social media posts at the various social media platforms that are a huge occurrence in the present days. The various modes of the communication that are followed by the concerned individual might refer to the email interceptions, the introduction of the bugs in order to eavesdrop on the matters that are discussed among the targeted individuals, the interceptions of the various messages that are discussed over the telephonic and the other wireless methods of the communication and accessing or recording of the messages that are received by the concerned individual over the various electronic media (Marwick and Boyd 2014). 

In lieu of the above discussion, it might be pointed out that the privacy of the concerned individual is a very alarming issue in the present world. The concept pf privacy might vary according to the various individuals, the cultures that the concerned individual belongs to and the social environment wherein the concerned individual has been situated. The themes of privacy however remain similar over the various matters within the same culture and the individuals who bear the similar mindset. The privacy of an individual regarding a certain matter indicates the specialty and the sensitivity of the concerned issues that it bears for the concerned individual. The privacy of an individual however might at times relate to the security of the concerned individuals in the matters that pertain to the confidentiality of the concerned matters in discussion. The privacy in these matters might relate to the inappropriate usage of the information and the protection of the information that is at stake. The maintenance of the privacy might also help in the concerned person to deal with the freedom that is necessary for the concerned person to deal with the protection of the association rights of the concerned individual as well as the protection of the rights that might be available to the individual in the spheres that pertain to the freedom of the speech and the thought of the concerned individual. The consequences of the hacking might relate to the matters that deal with the leaking of the various sensitive issues that might require to be kept private to the individual in order to maintain the respect and the reputation of the concerned individual. 


Bansal, G. and Zahedi, F.M., 2015. Trust violation and repair: The information privacy perspective. Decision Support Systems, 71, pp.62-77.

Cao, N., Wang, C., Li, M., Ren, K. and Lou, W., 2014. Privacy-preserving multi-keyword ranked search over encrypted cloud data. IEEE Transactions on parallel and distributed systems, 25(1), pp.222-233.

Finn, R.L., Wright, D. and Friedewald, M., 2013. Seven types of privacy. In European data protection: coming of age (pp. 3-32). Springer, Dordrecht.

Hubers, A., Andrulis, E., Smart, W.D., Scott, L., Stirrat, T., Tran, D., Zhang, R., Sowell, R. and Grimm, C., 2015, March. Video manipulation techniques for the protection of privacy in remote presence systems. In Proceedings of the Tenth Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction Extended Abstracts (pp. 59-60). ACM.

Jeckmans, A.J., Beye, M., Erkin, Z., Hartel, P., Lagendijk, R.L. and Tang, Q., 2013. Privacy in recommender systems. In Social media retrieval (pp. 263-281). Springer, London.

Jensen, M., 2013, June. Challenges of privacy protection in big data analytics. In Big Data (BigData Congress), 2013 IEEE International Congress on (pp. 235-238). IEEE.

Marwick, A.E. and Boyd, D., 2014. Networked privacy: How teenagers negotiate context in social media. New Media & Society, 16(7), pp.1051-1067.

Murphy, R.S., 2017. Property rights in personal information: An economic defense of privacy. In Privacy (pp. 43-79). Routledge.

Parent, W.A., 2017. Privacy, morality, and the law. In Privacy(pp. 105-124). Routledge.

Parker, R.B., 2017. A definition of privacy. In Privacy (pp. 83-104). Routledge.

Rachels, J., 2017. Why privacy is important. In Privacy (pp. 11-21). Routledge.

Reiman, J.H., 2017. Driving to the panopticon: A philosophical exploration of the risks to privacy posed by the highway technology of the future. In Privacy (pp. 159-176). Routledge.

Reiman, J.H., 2017. Privacy, intimacy, and personhood. In Privacy (pp. 23-41). Routledge.

Strauß, S. and Nentwich, M., 2013. Social network sites, privacy and the blurring boundary between public and private spaces. Science and Public Policy, 40(6), pp.724-732.

Westin, A.F. and Ruebhausen, O.M., 2015. Privacy and freedom. Ig Publishing.

Young, A.L. and Quan-Haase, A., 2013. Privacy protection strategies on Facebook: The Internet privacy paradox revisited. Information, Communication & Society, 16(4), pp.479-500.

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