Understanding Healthcare United’s Recruitment And Selection Policies

Comparison between 2000 and 2016 policies


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Discuss about the Analyze Recruitment Policies Of Healthcare United.

The report is on understanding the recruitment and selection policies that can be adopted by Healthcare United in order to develop new strategic plans that can employ more workers for the organization.

The aim and purpose of the report is to analyze the policies related to recruitment and selection. Proper identification of the key areas has to be done as to understand the policies required for communication plans.

The structure of the report includes the reviewing of the case study along with the drafting plan for communication in order to develop recruitment as well as selection process.

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Healthcare United is provider of healthcare and it employs 1500 professionals with the two sites in NSW as well as Victoria. The respective company recently developed strategic plan that includes opening of new office in Hobart. The target of the HR plan is to employ 500 employees in three different stages.

The following is comparison between 2000 recruitment and selection guidelines in comparison to developed 2016 guidelines.

Unlike case with 2000 policy, wherein the manager is required to consult with HR, 2016 policy empowers manager to conduct the process of recruitment that can save resources and time. The timeframe for the recruitment and selection at Healthcare United is 2-3 weeks, on the other hand the 2000 policy have eight strategies. Each of the strategies has different time, wherein the first is the vacant position wherein estimated time is 2-3 days. In the next process, description of the position and period is 3-5 days. The process of advertisement has a timeframe of 25 days and short-listing the candidates will be done in minimum 5 days. The preparation of interview includes 1-2 days and interviewing applicants is -2 days as well that depends on the applicants. Timeframe of 1-2 days is required in the checking of reference that depends on the number of applicants as well. Lastly, the process of recruitment and selection is the job offers wherein 1-5 days that is done after checking of reference. After completion of procedures, unsuccessful candidates will be given feedback in meeting with the HR department.

The recruitment and selection process will take maximum 2-3 weeks. On the other hand, 2000 recruitment and selection process has estimated timeframe of 35 days. Even though it took, more time for such processes but the system was accurate as well as detailed and chances were high in recruiting the best possible candidates as healthcare professionals.

Emphasis on candidates’ information, agile methods, and optimized recruitment funnel is essential

The managers in 2016 policy can take decisions themselves and it is outdated in 2000 policy and the timeframe for the recruitment and selection has to be maximum three weeks and it does not comply with the present legislations as in 2000 policy the time frame was not determined as such and it took more than 3 weeks as well. The job offering took more than a week in 2000 policy however, the process was detailed in nature and it helped in recruiting best candidates as well. Lastly, the advertisement process takes more than 25 days but in the 2000 policy, more than 35 days and results generated were like 2016 policy.

Proper emphasis on the information of the candidates is essential as to create valuable database for the candidates. Proper adoption of methods of hiring that are agile in nature as this will make the recruitment and selection process flexible. Proper optimization of the funnel of recruitment is essential, as this will help in making the process optimized in nature.

Vacant position analysis is essential to conduct successful recruitment, selection, and estimated time-frame- 2-3 days. Procedure- Managers prepare the position description title and includes objectives as well as the title of the position.

Position description is essential as to create proper recruitment and selection. Positions developed by managers need to include title of position along with terms and qualifications. The senior management has to sign off the description of position.

Advertisements and promotion wherein position is advertised both internally as well as externally with minimum ten working days unless special authorization is delivered from senior management for online advertisement. Procedure is creating advertisements with support of HR and managers send advertisements with HR authorized print media external in nature.

Short listing procedure wherein administrative staff collects resumes, provides to the manager, and goes through the advertisements and descriptions. External applications are divided into yes, no or may be and internal applications are shortlisted with proper documentation. The candidates who are not shortlisted needs to be sent standard letter through post

Interview preparation procedure includes wherein managers and the HR request the administration department to organize comfortable location. Proper scheduling of interview is to be done and proper beverages has to be provided in the interview panel.

Interviewing applicant’s procedure includes Chairperson greets the candidates and make them introduce with the employees of the organization. The applicants are asked about the background and questions about their domain (Claus Wehner, Giardini & Kabst, 2015).

Proper description and communication policies are required to create a valuable database

Reference checks procedure includes connecting with last employers or the current employer of the candidate. The HR department employees in the organization will do the reference check.

Job offer procedure includes the letting the candidates know about the negotiations done by the employer and checking the criminal records and work permits of the employees as well. The period of probationary has to be mentioned in the offer letter to the employees as well.


                 Policies and Procedures

Members of organization

·         Proper presentations on the redundancy and redeployment process

·         Relevant information on the process of selection

·         Understanding the offers suitable for them


·         To understand the policies relating to the reference check of employees

·         To maintain proper communication with subordinates

·         Proper training and support is essential

Human Resource

·         Proper training on time and scales

·         To properly train on the requirements of the job criteria

·         To identify the suitable candidates

Table 1: Communication plan

(Source: Created by author)

Description of tasks


Not competent




Not up to the mark

Table 2: Description of tasks

(Source: Created by author)

Rate the process of training

Unsatisfactory to Satisfactory






Sufficient time allowed for session


Were adequate resources available?


Was the instruction clear?


Was proper time allotted for discussion?


Was the supporting documents useful?


Table 3: Rating training process

(Source: Created by author)

Assessment centre is the process of recruitment and selection wherein the company assesses various candidates at same place and time with the help of exercises of selection of the candidates (Armstrong, M., & Taylor, 2014).

Outsourcing is practice used by company to reduce the costs by transferring portions of the work to the suppliers outside and not completing it internally (Swider, Zimmerman & Barrick, 2015).

Purpose of employee contracts and industrial relations puts employer at risk as it gives rise to breach of contract claim and the employers cannot work according to their own policies (Greiner, 2015). Industrial relations help in promoting efficiency as well as productivity in the organization. It helps in promoting participation of both employers and employees at workplace as well (Harold et al., 2016).

Legislation, regulations, standards as well as codes of practice that affects recruitment, selection as well as induction are to familiarizing the candidates about the resources, equipments and evacuation procedures. Proper application form is generated, as this will help in following the reference check of the candidates. The policies relating to documents along with the position of the volunteer is mentioned in the legislations and policies (Breaugh, 2017).

Terms and conditions are essential aspects of recruitment as it provides equal opportunities to the employees at workplace and making the employees understand about the terms and conditions of the employment as well (Melanthiou, Pavlou & Constantinou, 2015).

The relevance of psychometric and skills testing programs to recruitment helps in measuring the mental capabilities as well as behavioral styles. The suitability is measured with the help of role of employees on the cognitive abilities (Gatewood, Field & Barrick, 2015).


Therefore, it can be inferred that proper recruitment and selection policies are essential as to understand the requirements of the employees in the organization. The HR department needs to implement strategies that require description of the various operations of the organization as well.


Armstrong, M., & Taylor, S. (2014). Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.

Breaugh, J. A. (2017). to Recruitment. The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Recruitment, Selection and Employee Retention, 12.

Claus Wehner, M., Giardini, A., & Kabst, R. (2015). Recruitment Process Outsourcing and Applicant Reactions: When Does Image Make a Difference?. Human Resource Management, 54(6), 851-875.

Gatewood, R., Feild, H. S., & Barrick, M. (2015). Human resource selection. Nelson Education.

Greiner, B. (2015). Subject pool recruitment procedures: organizing experiments with ORSEE. Journal of the Economic Science Association, 1(1), 114-125.

Harold, C. M., Holtz, B. C., Griepentrog, B. K., Brewer, L. M., & Marsh, S. M. (2016). Investigating the effects of applicant justice perceptions on job offer acceptance. Personnel Psychology, 69(1), 199-227.

Melanthiou, Y., Pavlou, F., & Constantinou, E. (2015). The use of social network sites as an e-recruitment tool. Journal of Transnational Management, 20(1), 31-49.

Swider, B. W., Zimmerman, R. D., & Barrick, M. R. (2015). Searching for the right fit: Development of applicant person-organization fit perceptions during the recruitment process. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(3), 880.

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