Understanding And Addressing Wicked Problems During Organizational Changes
What are wicked problems?
Discuss about the Comparison of Commercial and Charitable Organizations.
A new set complex challenges that are qualitatively different from those faced during the earlier days faces the twenty first century. These problems are said to be wicked problems (Anderson and Kolko 2008 p.80). They are, in many ways, issues that are multi-dimensional, unstructured or have no easy straightforward solutions. During the implantation of structural change, organizations are likely to face some wicked problems. This document examines the how and why wicked problems materialize during grafting of organization changes.
Significant restructuring within an organization might spring from influences either internal or external. A number of such influences could be; new acquisitions, emerging technologies, changes in management, marketplace evolution or a change in the normal way of doing business. Successful implementation of the new structure requires that an organization understands the reasons behind the strategic changes. Contemporary strategic-planning process however does not capture the increasingly complex environment by which companies operate. The techniques use in the planning process by most companies lacks the ability to generate innovative ideas to describe emerging policy problems. Before determining the root of such issue it is paramount to understand the characteristics and nature of wicked problems.
Wicked problems are emerging hiccups that are complex and systematic in nature. They are extremely unpredictable with a tendency to erupt when least expected leading to a disruption in the normal way of doing business. Additionally, it is difficult to clearly define and seek solutions for the wicked problems. This is because they consciously evolve and have the nature to be utterly unstable. New flexible strategies have to be put in place to fix them. If not dealt with, they could cause a major crisis for the organization. It requires innovativeness and fresh cognizance to counter their effects. According to Carey, Buick and Malbon (2017) one cannot solve wicked problems by simply using sequential methods normally used to puzzle out other concerns. On top of that, they require a coordination of different perspectives and knowledge relevant.
Majority of organizations assume that clarity in goals and objectives, as well as a sufficiency in information and methods, is enough to achieve the intended purpose of the strategic change. Bridging the polarity between ambitious goals and successful performance is contingent on accommodating wicked problems during implementation. Conklin (2008) critically holds the viewpoint that even technical expertise or scientific knowledge is not enough to tackle modern-era problems. The wicked problems are brought about unforeseen evolutions in time.
Why do wicked problems emerge during organizational changes?
Modern life today stimulates complexities, variations and uncertainties. Camillus, J.C. (2008) alludes that almost every aspect of the business environment has changed in the twenty first century.
Social complexities can bring about wickedness. In this context, wickedness is about diversity in individuals, groups, and organization. A diverse number of players involved in collaboration make the situation to be more complex. Everyone individual in the collaboration is likely to have different outlooks on matters. And each person may believe that his or her standpoint is superior in solving a problem. These disparities allow wicked problems to work their way into a situation and cause people to point fingers. Social complexities lead to disagreements, discord and confusion amongst stakeholder. Conklin (2008) explains that all these are not because of an inadequacy of skills, or incompetence of management but as a consequence of the inherent characteristics of wicked issues.
A large organization such as Wal-Mart has numerous stakeholders ranging from, shareholders, employees, trade unions, investors, suppliers, debtors, creditors, authorities of nations and the consumers. All who monitor the company’s actions? Each of these stakeholders has different interests. Their roles in the company influence different decisions by the company. The company is faced with legal battles from organizations such as labor unions. They have to deal with changing interests from the consumers, legal policies by government authorities, critics from the public and media and shifting interests of the shareholders. Wal-Mart may adopt a number of strategies to deal with the social interests so that it maintains market share and remain profitable. Whichever strategy the company chooses to follow is likely to be accompanied by challenges. For instance, if the company chooses to increase prices in order to increase profits, consumers may look for other markets to make purchases. The enterprise then has to develop other strategies to increase profits that do not lead to loss of customers. Wal-Mart could alternatively decide to alter its brand image such that convinces consumers of the need to increase prices. It is not certain however whether this will work.
There is no specific way to deal with the unpredictable wicked problems occurring when implanting structural changes but organizations can learn how to address them (Boyer et al. 2011 p.120). Dealing with wicked problems entails moving away from the systematic traditional processed. Key stakeholders in the decision-making process ought to come together and brainstorm to develop future strategies that take into account the varying aspects of a wicked problem. Though ultimately the decisions lie with the key players, all stakeholders should be allowed to participate in the structural changing process (Kjellberg & Helgesson, 2010 p.279). This may increase the complexity of it all but at the same time it creates a larger pool for more innovative and progressive ideas. At core of implantation of structural changes is communication. To tackle the wicked issue thus requires clarity of communication such that each member regardless of their position in the organization understands the goals of the business.
How do wicked problems affect organizational changes?
The evidence amassed in this report confirms that opportunities, multidimensional challenges, and uncertainties are to be expected in the grafting of structural changes. In this compilation, it is clear that in bringing change to an organization, many complex difficulties are bound to emerge. However insoluble or complex a wicked problem may seem, it can be controlled. Basically, this means that solutions to issues should be an iterative, adaptive and flexible process. Therefore, while implementing structural changes, the system designed for change should understand the implicit dynamics of the change for it to be successful.
Change come due to the generation of more tough stimuli in the environment thus calling for evolution or total turn in the way of doing things to influence or help achieve the set goals of an organization. this can be termed as evolution (Charles Darwin) survival of the fittest by developing the best traits so as to outdo others in the area of interest in this case the business arena. 2015) Resistance to change can be refered to as the attempt in a person or members of a particular organization or firm to protect themselves from change which is made up of four stages namely initial denial, resistance, gradual exploration and commitment (Carpenter & Moscow 2017, P. 89). A number of researchers also argue that resistance does not originate from an individual but rather form the scene or environment/ context where the change wants to occur (Burnes 2015). More so, it can also emanate from the production of psychological disposition and this is because people want to maintain their status quo (Bolognese, 2010)
Resistance to change can undermine the transformation of an organization since it brings out skepticism in the stocks of competence of a given firm hence making it difficult or complicated and likely even a tall order to bring enhancement in the firm (Bolognese 2010). The misunderstanding generated by the stocks of competence due to prejudgment of the changes that are to be experienced in the firm may generate worse ignorance that may reduce the commitment of workers towards their work in the firm thus leading to slow rate or no changes in the organization. it also undermines the progress of the firm in the essence that those termed as resistors will tend to detach their personal individual focus/interest and commitment, disobey their binding agreements and lower their standards and quality of performance in the organization thus leaving the company in jeopardy with no initial force to push it towards change. This is a major way in which the resistance to change can undermine the change in the organization
How can organizations address wicked problems during organizational changes?
on the contrary resistance to change can also lead to organizational change and this depends mostly with the source of change for instance it can either be external or internal. The origin of the change can cause firms to adopt to the new systems more especially if it comes from external sources as in the case of changes in customers fashion, test and preferences facilitated by shifting demands of clients which may necessitate a change in the structure of the firm so as to suit the demands of the market (Alvesson 2012).
The resistance also plays a critical role to bring about change in the organization depending on how the issue is dealt with within the constrains of the firm. Firstly, when the company is in the process of initiating major changes in the way it carries its activities with the aim of satisfying its clients, when it takes the step to of clarifying the need of change to its stakeholders as it is the focus of the initiative, this will help reduce the skepticism of those involved and pave way for the expansion and development opportunity since those resisting the change will start questioning their integrity of the reason as to why they don’t what change (Carpenter & Moscow 2017, P. 89).
Skepticism is a trait associated with resistance to change. The success of change in the organization entirely depends on the right questions asked by the individuals who either may be interested in the change taking place or are interested. The empowerment and ability to ask the right question as to why the change is being propagated in the organization. whether political, cultural or social change that may be occurring in the firm, the need to accept oneself all the opinions of them is quite rudimentary to enhance change in the organization. when the management takes the initiative of bringing the change using a lesser subjective manner will tend to make the efforts of change to take place easily and in a quicker way.
The realization of the stocks of competence that their voices and matters raised due to changes in their run of resistance will subtly cause them to reform and accept change in the organization. as mentioned earlier that resistance to change always undergoes four stages, it is crucial to note that workers will initially deny the fact that change is on the way, this will be followed by resistance, as time goes by in the course of bringing change in the organization those resisting the change will find themselves gradually trying to explore the package of benefits that comes with the underlined changes and within no time, they will end up refocusing commitment towards the achievement of the organizational goal thus showing that resistance can also lead to change.
The Importance of Communication in Addressing Wicked Problems during Organizational Changes
According to the psychological contract theory (Guest, Isaksson, & De Witte 2010), resistance to change may influence or undermine the change in the organization since there exists a number of expectations that are unwritten and operates between the stocks of competence and the leaders at all times. Given the fact that the degree of aversion or wadding off varies from one person, thus if a firm contains employees whose level of dispositional resistance is low, they will be inclined rather influenced to accept change thus leading to organizational transformation since they cannot raise their voices high or they may not have the power to resist fully.
It is also worth noting that the presence of personal or group dispositional resistance to change may not necessary predict their real eve of resistance which may influence the occurrence of changes in the organization or any change initiative. This also largely depends on the context/nature or setting of the change. The company is thus likely to experience change despite the difficulty of the employees catch up with the changes (Giuclea & Bold 2012).
The involvement of the employees in the process of changing the organization will also lead to enhancement of the firm. Convincing the workforce by using constructive engagement which will involve them to reenter into new ways of doing things will initiate change in the firm (Bennett 2015, P. 67). This is because the workers will see the importance of them being part of the change rather than mere beings forced to accept the change. On the other hand, the disengagement of workers in the process of change in the organization may raise the levels of resistance. Thus, undermining the change initiative that has been put in place since the stocks of competence will feel that their expectations have been ignored thus will not be committed to the changes leading to their failure.
Effective leadership has become a vital role for every executive management team that seeks to achieve organizational goals and objectives. The success of an organization can, therefore, be linked to the level of leadership in the organization. However, during the leadership process organizations have continued to change direction and have recognized that it is impossible to separate organizational change from individual change (Jones &Harvey, 2017, p. 131). Change leadership in any organization, therefore, refers to the ability of a leader to influence others or the whole organization system through personal advocacy and drive in a move to access resources to build a stable platform for change. Most leaders, therefore, employ this strategy as a move to power to the whole organizational change process and thus making it go faster, smarter and even more efficiently. However, the method of change leadership has been characterized by complexity, uncertainty, and paradox and therefore this essay seeks to establish why and how.
Resistance to Change during Organizational Changes
The process of change leadership has been characterized to be complex mainly because, for effective administration to be achieved, the executives have to dig deep into the problem facing the organization, have to understand the history of the problem, its context as well as the people involved in handling the issue. Therefore such a process in its way makes the process a central function of complexity leadership (Lam et al. 2018, p. 252). It happens when the executive of an organization has to consider the interaction of the organizational systems by exploring the people involved in making the change. Therefore for the leadership of an organization to achieve effective complexity leadership, they are required to stimulate the organization or business with innovative ideas and developing new ways of working. It also involves having different perspectives and establishing interdisciplinary teams that will help the organization achieve its objectives. Complexity change leadership also consists of the leader’s ability to maintain a high productivity degree by provoking change through tension as well as ensuring that the pressure is kept within productive changes by avoiding causing the people involved emotionally (Uhl-Bien & Arena, 2017, p. 34). Lastly, it requires the management executives to understand the importance of including the collective effort of others in the management of the organization in a move to help them to be fully identified with the organization purpose and the changes the organization is making.
Change in leadership has also been characterized to be a paradox. This means that the organization management executives have to develop ways of managing the tension between the organization supportive leadership that the people in the organization want to see during the change times and the hard collaborative leadership efforts that will help in sustaining in the organization (Hazy & Prottas, 2017, p. 11352). In most cases, the top management and executives of the organization have been found to sacrifice the interests of their employees in a move to meet the needs and expectations of their shareholders. However, effective change leadership is defined through a personal resolution that seeks to reduce the tension between the organizational, personal goals and those of the entire organization system (K. Smith et al.2017, p. 19). The paradox in change leadership, therefore, requires that the executive management or any leaders should find and develop a conscious and creative solution by trying to achieve a win-win situation. When a win-win situation is resolved, neither the needs of the organization nor individual needs are sacrificed but instead helping to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization.
The Relationship between Resistance to Change and Organizational Change
Lastly, the process of change leadership has also been characterized to be uncertain. Organizational leadership process is subject to uncertainty in a move to achieve the set goals and objectives. And therefore risk has been used to define active leadership and therefore during uncertain change times in an organization weak leader are guided primarily guided by the concerns of their decisions towards change. On the other hand, active leaders during uncertain change times are usually conducted by a clear view of their sacrifices required to preserve strategic direction (Sahin et al. 2017, p. 41). The decisions taken by leaders in implementing change in an organization are not individual, and therefore it is essential for leaders to develop an attitude of sacrificing the short-term goals in a move to achieve the long-term objectives. Getting worried about the decisions taken deprives the leaders the strength to focus on the objectives because in the course of choice making a problem may arise. Weak leaders will then shift their focus towards solving the immediate problem and lose focus of the set objective (Obolensky, 2017, p. 14). A strong leader during uncertain seasons or periods during change implementation can maintain the center of the organizational goals by sacrificing the short term concerns arising and developing a clear view and vision even during uncertain times.
Uncertainty in leadership is scary for most leaders and has been argued to impact on leadership focus, productivity, and morale significantly. Therefore, it is essential for organization top executive and management during uncertain times in change implementation should be focused on understanding how they can support their teams or the entire organization system. However it is essential for the leaders to focus on what they can control and in most cases the future may not be under their hands and therefore it is necessary to focus on their strategies which have been developed to achieve the set goals (Gaffney et al. 2018, p. 28). They should also seek to understand what is known and unknown to them in the organization during uncertain times. This helps them in assuming that what is known to them is of great value to organizational development compared to the unknown of the future and therefore will help them to focus more on their strengths compared to their future fears. Lastly, it is essential for them to understand that their goal and that of the organization is always bigger than the next concerns brought about by uncertainty.
The Role of Skepticism in Addressing Resistance to Change
Change leadership is therefore important in organizational development and requires effective organization and development of organizational resources towards achievement of set goals and objectives. Its complexity, paradox and uncertainty nature is an opportunity to develop effective leadership strategies by understanding the need, its origin and context in relation to change management and developing human relationships or organizational relationships which are important in change leadership.
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