The Role Of Ethical Leadership In Decision Making In Education
Application of Appropriate Conceptual Framework or Models and Theories on Leadership
Discuss About The Ethical Leader Decision Making In Education?
This essay mainly focuses on the various strategies for the development of the leadership theories. It focuses on the strength and weakness in an individual to develop and enhance the leadership capability of the leader in an organization. A detailed analysis of the leader has been discussed in the essay. It has been seen how a leader utilizes the political competencies, organizational competencies and team building competencies in order to build up a strong team which will help in the growth of the organization and thereby help in the growth of the society. The main purpose of this essay is to study the role of a leader and relate those qualities with me. The evolution of a leader throughout ages and the role of the same in upcoming years is the main aim of the journal (Arnold, Beauchamp and Bowie 2013).
A leader is someone who guides the team. He is someone who leads the people and we follow them, they have the capacity to motivate the people and help the people to move towards the betterment of the society. To be an efficient leader, one has to imbibe certain skills and qualities within us, so that we can help in the contribution of the organization and to serve the society at large. A leader is able to motivate the people and make them move in a positive direction. The leader focuses on forming a strong bond with the people who will develop a quality in their way of thinking and how they will live. A great leader is someone who is able to influence the people all over and change their perspective for the betterment (Boatright 2012).
According to Douglas McGregor a psychologist and a Management professor said about two different approaches, which he named as “Theory X” and “Theory Y”. In both the theory he talks about involvement of the employees in the organization and their effectiveness which leads to growth and it does form an integral part of the organization.
Theory X tells that – “Hell or high water, we are going to get it done”. He motivates the employee that whatever the situation may have arose, we will achieve success. Theory Y tells that – “I need your help… how are we going to do this”? We can see in both the situation he is saying “we” and thereby helping in involving the employees. To be an effective leader it is very important to identify the leadership theory that will be applicable for a given situation in an organization
- Trait Theory
Personal Leadership Strengths and Weaknesses in Relation to the Leadership Practices
This type of leadership theory is based on the characteristics which relates to the individual behavior. The behaviors which are in relation to leader are intellectual, open for changes attention and the sincerity (Bowden 2013).
- Functional Theory
This theory is based on the understanding that the leaders need to have followers and look after the fact that their needs are fulfilled.
- Transactional Theory
According to this theory the leader should set the goals for the individual so that it is possible to assess their performances and thereby reward or punish them according to their performance (Tai and Chuang 2014).
- Transformational Theory
This type of theory helps the leaders to look upon the ultimate goal and try to motivate their followers through motivation so that their vision could be achieved.
- Environmental Theory
In this theory the leaders help the members or the group to coordinate with each other to achieve the goal. This helps the individual to achieve the required goal for the benefit of the group (Brooks and Dunn 2012).
- Contingency Theory
It says that a leader should change its theory according to the situation. There is no such theory which is fixed for any situation.
- Participative Leadership
In this type of theory the decisions are taken with equal participation from all the members who are affected by that particular
- Great Man Theory
This theory helps the people who have the qualities of being born as a leader and those inherent qualities help them to achieve something in life (Christensen, Mackey and Whetten 2014).
In my opinion these leadership theories have worked on all level of an organization. Under this type of leadership the leaders creates a vision for the people inspiring them through communication and makes them vulnerable to risk taking. This is an aggressive strategy and I believe this will help the people to raise their temperament and motivate and inspire them. If the people have a clear picture and precise goal it will be easy for them to achieve. A leader who is ethical in nature can build up an environment which is positive. This kind of environment helps in maintaining a strong relation and formation of a strong bond between the leaders and its members (Collins 2012).
I feel that in order to be a great leader who plays a vital role in every operations, one should have certain skills or qualities to motivate the people for betterment. It is to bring out the powers and strength of the team members. The leadership quality in me is that I am confident and strong to help in the improvement of the organization. I am a dynamic and versatile individual who have the potential to help the members to fulfill the goal of improvement and battement of the society (Shaw, Barry and Sainsbury 2013).
Weakness of a Leader
In this challenging environment and changing lifestyle, it is important to encourage all the people to lead a positive life. With the improvement in the teaching and self improvement it helped me to build certain qualities .As a leader, I have to build the credibility and trust which is necessary for the people to develop themselves. It is important to sit with the people and discuss their particular concerns and problems so as to make them improve in their area. I, as leader am aware about my strengths and weakness (Clapp and Rowlands 2014). In order to a very efficient leader, and be a successful manager, we have to use the power correctly and work in an established area which will help in making appropriate decision. As a leader I am able to manage and have a balance between the optimism and the realism.
The current weakness of being a leader is that of being adamant person in the team, which is a negative trait and which will de motivate the people and the goals cannot be achieved. As a leader, it will be important for me to set the priorities so as to improve my leadership qualities and so that I will be able to remove the negative traits of focusing on something which is not necessary. As a leader, I shall be accessible to the team and the members and so that the people are encouraged to do something better (Du et al.2013). Currently the biggest weakness as a leader is that, I am facing stagnancy. The stagnant performance of a leader can affect the team so it will be important to focus on things which I can improve by looking at the p.rinciple of great man.
In order to improve myself, it is vital to be aware of the changes and change the weakness in me. Nowadays, the people are very sensitive to the situations and there is risk of many factors therefore, as a leader I need to make strategic planning and have decision making ability so that there is proper resource allocation (Ferrell, Fraedrich and Ferrell 2013).
The behavioral patterns that are required to be great leaders are the capability that all leaders need to fulfill the goals and ambition of the company. The leadership behavior and qualities that one should have are as follows:
Building of Trust: There is transformational leadership behavior which helps the individual to build trust. It is way by which the individual learns to work in a group and to work with confidence so that the people respect them (Dubrin 2016).
Multiple Goals and Strategies to Improve Leadership Qualities
Acting with Integrity: To be the leader who is able to have the real sense of ethics and integrity and a person who is able to value the values of the organization. The person shall focus on the moral and ethical consequences of the ethical decision making.
Inspiring Others: The leader shall have the capability so that the person is able to inspire others. The person shall speak positively and optimistically so as to achieve their target. The person is able to achieve with confidence the goals of the company
Inspiring innovative thinking: It is important to challenge oneself on the capability to question their appropriateness and help in problem solving. A good leader shall have innovative thoughts in completing the relevant assignments.
Teaching the people: It is important to on teaching the team and help in the improvement of the skills of the people in the team. The leader helps the people to improve the skills, abilities and to identify the strength of the company
To reward the team for achievement: The leader shall assist the people so that the company is able to achieve the target and to satisfy the expectation of the customers. The leader is able to guide the people to achieve the (Fisher and Lovell 2015).
Possess the self confidence: The leader is able to possess the self confidence and to continually improve and to influence the people (Paharia and Singh 2016.).
The leaders have the quality of being efficient: The leaders are goal driven and they are able to solve the problem efficiently and quickly. Leaders are those who have the quality so that the people follow. The leadership behavior causes them to act. Whether they have a vision for a product, an organization, a people, or a future, that’s what inspires them to lead and their followers to action (Hombert et al.2014).
In order to justify my thoughts on goals on leadership, I am taking an example of a great leader Warren Buffet, who is a positive person; he is able to deal with all the situations, which was illustrated when the Berkshire’s share fell down and he was able to tell the people that the company’s performance was bad. This was indeed a strong quality in a leader. He is a very positive and powerful person. All the people respect him since he thinks that the situation changes and there will be improvement in the company. He is a very open and honest person who thinks for the betterment of the company (McWilliams 2014). He is indeed a great example of a leader.
His leadership skills are beyond his skills of investment and finance; he is very good at communicating effectively with all the people. He has motivated a lot of people to contribute for philanthropic causes.
I think that to be a great leader one should have the quality of being honest and being ethical and the chances are that more people having leadership quality are preferred. The followers want a leader who leads him, he should be honest and who respects others. If the leader is dishonest and unethical, in that case they may set a kind of personality for themselves that all may not like or prefer .The followers want their leaders to set an example in front of them (Hartman, DesJardins and MacDonald 2014).
This theory which helps the manager to improve on the effectiveness of leadership:
- Inspirational Motivation
In the Transformational leadership which provides for the mission and values and vision to the people. It gives us a sense of motivation and challenge to perform well. This positive attitude helps us to boost our moral.
- Intellectual Stimulation
It helps to be creative and innovative which help the people to come up with new ideas and to implement these ideas
- Idealized Influence
As a leader I will act as a role model to inspire the people as a part of the process so that it influences the people to strive for the best performance and achieving goals
- Individual Consideration
The leaders should reward the people in their creativity and achievements which will further motivate them to keep up their performance (Shapiro and Stefkovich 2016).
I learned that the great quality of a leader is who leads the group; he is the person who motivates the group and gets it going. The role of the leader is very important, as he has the responsibility of the group on his shoulder. In leading the group I feel that they have much kind of roles, sometimes the leader leads from the front sometimes the leader stays at the back and motivates the group member to move forward. In the history the great leaders have played many different roles their strategy may have been different, but their goal was the same. They did everything for the betterment for the group, economics betterment of the society as a common cause.
I feel from the study that the responsibility of leaders is to inculcate certain skills or qualities within its disciples or within ourselves so that the ethical behavior of the leaders can contribute in the development of the society. A leader who is ethical in nature can build up an environment which is positive. This kind of environment helps in maintaining a strong relation and formation of a strong bond between the leaders and its members. The relationship can help to develop the quality of the individual. A great leader can influence people up to such an extent that he may change the person for the betterment of that person.
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