The Importance Of Human Services And Community Social Workers
Children Organization and Community Social Workers
Discuss about the Community Social Workers for Children Organization.
Human services refer to the services offered in an attempt to meet the human needs of the community. A human being has different needs that are supposed to be catered for in the society. The requirements can be either physical needs or the emotional needs. The material needs refer to the demands being satisfied in an attempt to meet the basic needs of the humans (Wood, 2018). Human services are vital in the prevention of problems of the people in the society. After the problems have been prevented, then there is always an aim of providing remedies for the issues that might occur accidentally in the community. Every human service organization should always ensure that it works hard to meet all the human needs of the community. The human services should include the offering of excellent quality services to ensure that quality is achieved to ensure the well-being of people in the society.
The children organization is essential as it provides room for the community social workers. The community social workers are crucial to the community as they try to ensure the protection of the children and also the protection of the marginalized people in the society. The social workers perform the purpose of safeguarding the children against abuse (, 2018). The community social workers usually use the resources of the community in providing quality to the community. These resources are vital in ensuring that quality among the community members is maintained.
The community social workers form part of the community organization. The community organization has the purpose of controlling any form of damage in the communities (Glenny & Roaf, 2008). They usually restructure the society providing that the community operations run in the most appropriate manner. The non-profit organizations in the community typically appoint the community social workers. This can be a form of corporate social responsibilities by these corporations. Community social work is a good career as it tends to pay the people who venture into it.
The community social workers have the purpose of protecting the children in the society. The child protection is essential in fighting any form of abuse that might occur to the children. The abuse can be in the form of sexual harassment or even forced labor (Brody, 2018). The community social workers have the role to ensure that these children are kept safe in the society, and the children taught their rights in the society. The rights of children are essential as it gives the children opportunity to report any cases of harassments to the responsible authorities. The community social workers also provide pads to the young girls in the society to improve on the societal ways of living.
Roles of Community Social Workers
Community social workers also have the role of improving the lives of the disadvantaged people in the society. The underprivileged people in the society may include the blind people and even the older adults. There is always the need to ensure that the older adults receive excellent medical attention so that they can stay safe in the society (Gray & Galande, 2011). The community social workers at times usually provide door to door medical attention to these people so that these people can benefit from the community work. The Blind in the community is also taken care of by being taken to schools where they can get proper access to sufficient education.
Community social workers have the roles of providing the children with child care facilities in the instances where the parents are unable to afford proper health facilities. The childcare facilities ensure that the children are taken care of in the right manner. The taking care of the children is essential in every community since the children are customarily referred to as the leaders of tomorrow. Thus taking care of these children is the same as safeguarding the future of the community.
Knowledge and Skills required by the Community Social Workers.
Every community social worker should be an active listener. Active listening is essential in ensuring that the community social workers obtain all the required information for them to perform their duties in the most appropriate manner (, 2018). The active listening enables the social worker to make relevant decisions regarding the problems being faced in the community.
The social workers should be able to feel for the problems faced by the people in the community. Empathy involves trying to figure out the problem according to the extent it is felt by the person bearing the weight (Baldry, 2018). Understanding enables one to be able to show mercy to the one affected by helping him out with the problem. Empathy allows the social workers to be fair and show humility when working in the community.
The community social workers should ensure that they are aware of all the challenges being faced by people in the society. Self-awareness enables the social workers to view everyone equally. Thus they can be able to take care of all the people in the community. Self-awareness is essential in seeing the success of the community social work.
Some of the values that generally favor the community social workers in working with culturally diversified clients usually include;
Knowledge and Skills Required by Community Social Workers
The best way to work with the culturally diversified clients is to be able to provide them with Witten information together with the oral information. The written data is essential in ensuring that information which cannot be communicated orally is communicated through writing. The verbal communication is an excellent supplement as it helps in providing the emphasis on the information being passed. The importance is essential as they boost the understanding capacity show caused by the clients from a different culture. The skill enables all the relevant information to be passed thus maintain balance in the community.
It is essential to ensure that religious and cultural beliefs of the clients are maintained to ensure equality in the dealings. The balance is necessary to provide the flow of work by the social workers (Shevellar, 2016). The knowledge of the cultural beliefs of the clients and its protection is an encouraging factor as it ensures that the rights of every client are maintained. The observation of the religious beliefs ensures that the social workers can observe the cultural and religious requirements of all the people in the society.
The social workers should be able to know to help them work with the aim of reducing bias. Reduction of prejudice is necessary for ensuring that the societal equity is maintained (Baldry, 2018). The societal equity is vital in ensuring that the society runs more smoothly and reliably. The social workers should try and minimize the bias as they perform their tasks to ensure that all the community resources are used for the well-being of everyone in the community.
The community social workers should be in a position of acknowledging the roles of ethnicity in each community. Ethnicity in the community is an essential factor to be maintained as it provides for diversity (Agatiello, 2008). Social workers should observe ethnicity to ensure that all the rights of the children and the people from the marginalized communities are well taken care of. The taking care of these rights should try and eliminate bias.
Most of the culturally diverse clients usually need plenty of attention thus making it difficult to work with them. These clients typically need attention as they are not favored by the operations going on in the society. Some of the ethical dilemmas include;
The culturally diverse clients frequently need interpreters since they do not understand the local languages. The need to higher the use of these interpreters usually makes the social work to be slightly expensive (, 2018). These translators are generally needed to ensure that the vital information about the social work is shared out with the clients. The interpreters should be people who are in a position to understand both the cultures.
Values Favoring Community Social Workers in Working with Culturally Diversified Clients
Most of the culturally diversified people typically come from marginalized communities thus they are always in deepened of the quality and care. Quality and care are essential in ensuring that the needs of the marginalized people are taken care of in the most appropriate manner (, 2018). The requirements for quality care is also relatively expensive as the excellent care needs expertise which also provides that surplus funds will be required to make the process a success. The availability of good care will thus enable the society work to benefit all the people from the communities.
The culturally diverse clients usually possess the need to observe other quality skills and care. The extra skills and attention provide that the clients will not complain about the services offered by the community social workers (Rogers, 2012). The additional skills although expensive will provide for the well-being of all the individuals in the community. The children will also see themselves protected since the new expertise will enable the probability of the children being abused to be detected before the actual act of abuse takes place.
The professional code of ethics in the community social work refers to the standards that should be maintained to see the success of the community social work (Eggerth & Flynn, 2010). The standards are essential as they enable the community to conduct their operations in a more free and fair manner. The professional codes of conducts include;
The community social workers have the responsibilities of ensuring that they meet the required standards of the profession. They should operate in a manner that they see the protection of the rights of all the people in the community (, 2018). They should not be at any time biased in their operations in the community. They should ensure that all the community resources are used in a manner that is beneficial to all the people in the society.
The social workers should operate in a manner that does not show any signs of corruption. Transparency and integrity are essential in any social work to prevent favors. Favors is very harmful as it tends to bring biases in the society. Biases will ensure that the people are not treated equally.
High degrees of professionalism is required to ensure the success of the social works. Professionalism will enable the community work to be a success as the right, and well-qualified people will be employed in the community work projects (Shevellar & Barringham, 2015). The employment of these people will enable the community service to meet the required levels of expertise. These levels of knowledge will allow all the community works to be conducted most appropriately.
Ethical Dilemmas Faced by Community Social Workers When Working with Culturally Diversified Clients
In the children organization, community social workers are essential in seeing the protection of the rights of the children in the community. The rights of the children and the marginalized people are supposed to be taken care of in the society to meet all the societal goals. The social workers should be the people that hold high levels of integrity to enable the community works to be conducted in a way that tries to do away with bias. The workers should also uphold empathy to allow them to ensure proper care of the problems of the people in the society. The ability of the workers to focus on the ethnicity of the culturally diverse clients will also enable the social workers to take good care of these minorities.
Agatiello, O. (2008). Ethical governance: beyond good practices and standards. Management Decision, 46(8), 1132-1145. doi: 10.1108/00251740810901345
Baldry, E. (2018). Community Justice in Australia: Developing Knowledge, Skills, and Values for Working with Offenders in the Community. Australian Social Work, 71(2), 250-252. doi: 10.1080/0312407x.2017.1347080
Baldry, E. (2018). Community Justice in Australia: Developing Knowledge, Skills, and Values for Working with Offenders in the Community. Australian Social Work, 71(2), 250-252. doi: 10.1080/0312407x.2017.1347080
Brody, S. (2018). What is the role of social workers? – Community Care. [online] Community Care. Available at: .
Eggerth, D., & Flynn, M. (2010). When the Third World Comes to the First: Ethical Considerations When Working With Hispanic Immigrants. Ethics & Behavior, 20(3-4), 229-242. doi: 10.1080/10508421003798968 (2018). CHCDIV001: The needs of culturally diverse clients. [online] Available at:
Glenny, G., & Roaf, C. (2008). Multiprofessional communication. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
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Rogers, A. (2012). The Ethical Dilemmas in ‘Ethical Dilemmas.’ Self & Society, 39(4), 46-47. doi: 10.1080/03060497.2012.11084230
Shevellar, L. (2016). E-technology and Community Participation: Exploring the Ethical Implications for Community-based Social Workers. Australian Social Work, 70(2), 160-171. doi: 10.1080/0312407x.2016.1173713
Shevellar, L., & Barringham, N. (2015). Working in Complexity: Ethics and Boundaries in Community Work and Mental Health. Australian Social Work, 69(2), 181-193. doi: 10.1080/0312407x.2015.1071861. (2018). What Is the Social Work Code of Ethics? – Blog.Available at: (2018). Community Social Workers What do they do? Available at:
Wood, S. (2018). What is Human Services? Available at: