The Importance Of Effective Communication In Management Studies And Law Enforcement

Communicating Performance Expectations Effectively


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Discuss About The Management Studies Relation Law Enforcement?

The success of a management can best be known for his ability to communicate performance expectations effectively to his or her subordinates. A manager should be an individual who is able to communicate effectively to his or her employees. In the communication process, he or she should be able to convey information regarding performance expectations to the employees in a clear and direct manner. Employees pay attention and focus their energy on what is viewed by the manager as being important. When employees realize that their manager is focused towards the performance of a given activity, then they will equally put an effort to ensure that it becomes successful. However, employees may not at times respond positively and as faster as required. In some cases, the manager may be forced to frequently make impromptu visits to the working places of junior employees to confirm whether they are actually working towards the set goals of the organization or not (Khanka, 2007). A successful manager doesn’t have to behave that way.

Effective communication has the power to change the way in which employees carry out their duties as outlined by the organization. Effective communication creates a good working environment where employees feel free and comfortable (Government Printing Office, 2011). They would hence put all their efforts and work towards the goals of the organization. In order to achieve this, managers must employ the following strategies;

Leading by example is whereby the manager would not shy away from his or her responsibilities. Where possible, the manager should move a step ahead and assist his employees in carrying out some of their responsibilities and duties. History has shown that most of the successful managers in the past have employed the strategy of leading by example. The strategy has therefore been tested to be effective. It sounds crazy when a manager asks his junior employees to carry out some duties in the organization, yet he is not willing to lead them in carrying out the duties (American Management Association, 2016). There are managers who would request their junior employees to work an extra hour every day so that the organization can meet its goals. At the same time, the manager leaves much early. Such managers believe that their duty is simply to give orders as the employees follow. Employees are not able to successfully work as a team in such an environment. None can trust a manager who askers for the operations and team responsibility from the rest of the rest of the employees, yet he does the contrary (PAYNE, 2007).

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Leading by Example to Encourage Employees

Alexander the great was a powerful leader and soldier. He is still envied by many people today. He won many battles with the assistance of his army. He practiced good management skills in the management of his army. Alexander was the commander and he led his soldiers in many battles which they won with ease. He never sat back whenever he sent his soldiers out to the fields to fight wars. Instead, he joined in the war front. His presence on the battlefield along with his soldiers made the soldiers feel motivated. They, therefore, fought very hard since they never wanted to witness their commander fail after making all that effort. Had Alexander sat back in his palace as his soldiers fought, perhaps he would not have made it to the history books that have been read over the years (Martinuzzi, 2017). A leader who communicates an order to junior staff and then does contrary to what has been communicated is bound to fail. The employees would not follow the orders provided by the manager with a lot of enthusiasm. The junior staff would immediately conclude that the manager is not serious about the activities of the organization. They would no longer believe in the manager (Khanka, 2007).

Good managers encourage their junior employees to work harder by joining and working with them in their areas of duty. By so doing, employees would be excited. They would develop trust in the manager and follow the vision that has been set by such leaders. The productivity of an organization would drop immediately if employees of an organization don’t trust their manager. Enthusiasm would also likely to disappear. Goals that may have been set by the manager so as to be achieved by the employees would simply disappear. It’s generally very difficult to motivate employees when they have lost confidence in their leader.

A manager loses nothing by joining his employees in carrying out duties of the organization. It is even an added advantage to the organization when its manager leads by example. The manager would hence be able to direct his employees on the activities that he would like to be carried out in the organization. Such directives are best followed when the manager himself is present so that he or she can provide an example to the rest of his employees. It is the responsibility of every leader to convince their junior employees to believe in them. However, that would only be possible if the leader is able to lead by example. Action speaks louder than words. Employees learn better from the actions of their manager than from the verbal instructions that are said to them (Edwards, Scott, & Raju, 2003).

The Importance of Managers Joining Employees to Carry Out Duties

  1. Setting right examples

Most leaders are in their positions because they have proved beyond doubt that they have the capacity to perform well in their areas of specialization (Edwards, Scott, & Raju, 2003). The leader should, therefore, led by example such that the employees are able to judge is their leader has what it takes to be in his position of leadership. Most of the executive jobs that are done by managers are less physical. However, they require a lot of critical thinking. Managers should communicate to their subordinates and convince them that he has what it takes to lead an organization to success.

  1. Handle all the stuff that the junior staff consider as tuff

A manager should not be ashamed of being flattened by members of its staff. What counts is the manner in which he or she rises to his or her feet.  The manager should acknowledge his or her shortcomings. He should then think of ways of remedying them by enrolling for further training in the areas. Junior staff should be led by people who are ready to lower themselves and assist the juniors. The manager should handle all the tasks and issues that his junior staffs are afraid of facing. Issues such as an impending danger, a fierce rival or competitor or conflict at the workplace should be addressed by the manager himself. Junior staff should have the feeling that they are working under a manager who is never afraid. They should know that they are led by someone who is ready to face challenges without fear. In addition, the junior staff of the organization should know that their manager would not be afraid to back off if the challenge is extremely difficult. That would ensure that the organization remains intact so that they remain to fight on another day (Marrelli, 2013). There are issues that may break down an organization if the manager decides to face them head on even after realizing the impending dangers.

  1. Embracing teamwork

Leadership is not an individual responsibility. Managers are there to show the direction to the rest of their staff. The staff members would then move in that particular direction. At the same time, the leader must be willing to assist the employees in carrying the load. The manager should work in collaboration with his employees so that he too can earn credibility whenever the team celebrates success for work well done. Studies have shown that leaders earn respect from their employees when they are able to stand out in the spotlight and defend their organizations in the face of crisis. Such commitment shown by managers promotes respect among employees of the organizations (Baker, 2006). They embrace one another and work as a team to accomplish a common goal.

Why Managers Should Acknowledge their Shortcomings

Expectations should be communicated to junior employees in a manner in which they are able to understand them and also relate to them with ease. The manager should connect the expectations of the organization to those of the employees. By so doing, the employees would be able to relate the two and anticipate the impact that fulfilling the goals of the organization would have on their individual goals. The employees would, therefore, be encouraged to work tirelessly hard so that the organization is able to fulfill its set goals (Edwards, Scott, & Raju, 2003). They would realize that by fulfilling the goals of the organization, they would automatically meat their individual goals. The manager should communicate the performance expectations to the employees as a group. It is during such meetings that the manager can communicate to the employees the vision and mission of the organization.

 Group meeting communicates a feeling of togetherness to the employees. The employees are therefore encouraged to embrace each other and work as a team towards a common goal. When a manager communicates to employees at a personal level, some of the employees would feel targeted even when they are not actually targeted by the manager (Schermerhorn, 2008). In addition, they would waste a lot of time trying to find out if similar information was passed to all the employees or not. Some of the employees may end up conveying misleading information to the rest and hence creating divisions among the employees. In the process of talking to the junior staff as a group, the manager should positively talk about the expectations (Francis & Albright, 2002). He or she should affirm the expectations that are already working. In addition, he should appreciate the efforts that have already been made by the employees. He should relate the efforts of the employees to the expected performance expectations.

The junior employees should be encouraged to perform much better. Such complements would make them push themselves further. If there was a positive deviation in production during the previous month, then the manager should communicate the same to the employees. They should know that the manager acknowledges and appreciate their efforts (Miller, 2004). In auditing, he should communicate to them that such accomplishments would go a long way in enabling the organization to meet its performance expectations at the end. It is important for the manager to identify all possible opportunities for praising the employees. If possible they should be rewarded for the good performance that would motivate them further (Schafer, 2008).

Collaborating with Employees to Achieve Organizational Goals

By meeting the employees, they are able to develop confidence. They would be able to express themselves freely. They would hence be able to raise their concerns with the manager and also give out their opinions. The face to face meeting between the manager and he employees promotes honesty (Raines, 2012). The manager would honestly respond to the queries of the junior employees. When he doesn’t know something or when something lacks in the organization, then the manager should come out in the open and communicate the information to the employees without fear. The honesty of leaders bread trusts that employees have in them. When a problem arises, the junior employees would also be honest with the manager. They would not hide any information (Baker, 2006). They would be able to furnish the manager with the right information as soon as possible as a result of the trust that exists between them and their manager.


Good leadership is determined by the character and commitment of the manager to ensure that an organization achieves its goals. The goals can only be achieved when the manager is able to effectively communicate performance expectations to his or her staff members, particularly the junior staff. The leader must, therefore, come up with strategies that he would best use to communicate performance expectations to the staff members. The best mode of communicating to the staff is through action. The manager should also take part in the duties that are carried out by the junior staff. By so doing, he will be an example to them. They would, therefore, work hard to prove to the manager that they can equally compete against him. Another good strategy is embracing direct communication to staff members as a group. Such communication creates a feeling of togetherness among the employees. They are able to share responsibilities. The junior staff also gets an opportunity whereby they can benefit from advice from their seniors in regard to the expected performance expectations of the organization.

There is a scenario where officers are avoiding confrontational situations. The behavior is creating conflict at the workplace. There is the likelihood that the conflict can potentially disrupt the smooth operation of the station. As the sergeant in charge of the station, there is need to come up with measures that would ensure that the conflict doesn’t escalate to a level where the station may become dysfunctional.

The following is a strategy that can best be used by the sergeant in solving the confrontation situation.

The sergeant is the leader within the police station. He or she must, therefore, ensure that the station doesn’t become dysfunctional. The confrontational behavior among the police officers is likely to fall out of hand. The sergeant must, therefore, move with speed and ensure that order is restored in the station (American Management Association, 2016). Bringing the parties on a common table can present an easy way of solving the problem at hand. Employees often feel relieved when they get an opportunity to present their concerns. The sergeant should present all the parties with an opportunity so that they can raise their concerns. Such an opportunity presents a level playground since everyone would be able to share his side of the story regarding the confrontation that is being experienced in the station (Cloke & Goldsmith, 2011). All the officers would feel relieved as they would be able to speak freely without any kind of embarrassment. That should be followed by the following steps;

The problem whereby the officers are involved in confrontation must have started at one particular time. The sergeant should, therefore, find out from the officer to establish what might have been the origin of the entire problem (Dana, 2011). This can easily be done by giving the aggrieved parties an opportunity to present their cases. The right solution to the problem would only be arrived at if the sergeant has established the real cause of the problem. By identifying the root of the problem, it would be easier to identify the police officer who must have started the entire problem which is about to threaten the peace and harmony in the station (Whisenand, 2007).

It is important to reconcile the officers once the offender has been identified. The offender may be punished but that should not come as the immediate solution. Punishing an officer would escalate hatred between him or her and the rest. The sergeant is a leader and must, therefore, exercise leadership qualities of conflict resolution before taking stringent measures (Doherty & Guyler, 2008). He or she needs to explain to all the officers who are involved in the confrontation that conflict in inevitable among people in places of work. People who come from diverse backgrounds have been brought up in different ways and hence they are likely to be involved in the disagreement (Martinuzzi, 2017).

More focus should, therefore, be put on the problem and not on the involved parties. The focus should only shift to the individual who is the course of the problem once an analysis has been done and it has been established that he or she is actually the cause. The sergeant should encourage the employees to embrace one another irrespective of their backgrounds. The situation should objectively be analyzed (Doherty & Guyler, 2008). The sergeant may be forced to reassign the roles that are played by each officer in the station so that the involved parties can avoid each other. By so doing, there will be no further confrontation. There is also the possibility that the sergeant can bring on board the human resource management or a consultant. The human resource manager or a consultant would be able to improvise a program that would assist the station in solving future conflicts (Raines, 2012).

The confrontation between the officers may have brought about the drastic difference, but the officers can come to an agreement on some issues. Reaching a common ground is a significant step. It would help in the building of the rapport which has been lost between the aggrieved parties. Some of the issues whereby a consensus can be reached are such as an agreement on the problem at hand (Miller, 2004).

The final solution should be in accordance with the goals of the organization. At the same time, the involved parties should feel satisfied. A lot of time may pass before the point is reached, but it is worth it. The aggrieved parties will finally have to look for a compromise so that the problem is put to rest (Doherty & Guyler, 2008). The sergeant would have shown a leadership quality by providing a sense of ownership to the parties who are involved in a confrontation (Lipsky, Seeber, & Fincher, 2003). The sergeant may also be forced at this point to impose a solution. That can be done in a situation where a consensus has failed. The parties would hence be forced to comply if such situation is reached. It is not easy to solve conflicts between parties which are in confrontation.

There are conflicts which cannot be solved. However, the best solution approach is through inviting the aggrieved parties so that a consensus can be reached. Punishment is not necessarily the best method of solving problems, the particular confrontation between police officers. The officers are regarded as disciplined and hence should not be involved in any kind of confrontation. There is no any kind of punishment that can be given to them other than them being dismissed from the service (Cloke & Goldsmith, 2011). Such dismissal would be harsh to them. It is important to note that confrontation between employees exists in almost all professions. The only way of addressing them is through dialogue. There are other people who depend on the officers for their living. Dismissal of such officers on such simple grounds would hence have a negative impact on their dependents. It is important for conflict situations to be approached in the right way. If that is done,The sergeant is the supervisor and once someone assumes the position than his role changes. He becomes a manager and is therefore tasked with managerial responsibilities. He should assemble all his juniors and show them how he would like the activities in the institution to be done. The supervisor should not perform all the roles (H. & Miller, 2004). He or she should delegate some of his responsibilities to the junior staff. The junior staff would hence be motivated and they would perform much better in an attempt to please the supervisor. The duties may not be much for the supervisor, but it would be necessary to involve the junior staff members too. As a result, the supervisor would still be able to attain the goals of the organization through the employees. In most cases, leaders earn respect from other people because of the skills that they possess and not because of the positions that they hold (Miller, 2004). A delegation of responsibility to other employees within the organization would therefore not have an effect on the respect that people have towards the supervisor. However, it’s necessary for the supervisor to be The police supervisor should embrace effective communication (Johnson, 2004). Communication between the supervisor and the junior staff promotes trust and mutual understanding between the two. There is nothing that can be successful when communication is not embraced. Marriages and relationships to demand communication between the involved individuals. Communication has three main roles (Whisenand, 2007). People communicate so that they can b4 a leader. Leaders are only able to meet their goals by working with other people and this is not possible if they cannot communicate to the people. One cannot succeed as a supervisor if he or she is unable to communicate directives effective to his or her juniors. Managers don’t necessarily need to be orators. However, they should be able to relay information effectively to their staff members. In addition, they should be able to inform and inspire their staff so that they are able to perform even much better.

Communication is not meant to promote the image of the sender. Instead, it’s meant to clearly relay intended information. There are some managers who think that communication is intended for the sender. In this way, most managers fail in communication. Effective communication requires that one has to be as open as possible. One has to know the information that he or she would like to relay (Whisenand, 2007). There is also a supervisor who communicates when they have already been annoyed and are hence angry. It is advisable that communication should never be made when the involved parties are angry. In addition, a supervisor has to be trustworthy. It is necessary for managers to embrace the truth. .A supervisor would never be arrested for telling the truth. A leader should feel free to convey information to his junior staff even if the staff would not be pleased by the information (Schermerhorn, 2008). What is important is that the information is the actual truth. Employs easily develop trust in leaders who they consider as trustworthy. Employees only develop trust in their leader when they realize that the leader is honest. The employees would, therefore, feel free when engaging with the leader. They do so because they are convinced that the leader is trustworthy and hence cannot hide anything from them (Schermerhorn, 2008).

The manner in which people carry out their leadership responsibilities has a great impact on the employees (Schafer, 2008). If a leader is saying something that contradicts what he or she does then there is a high likelihood that he or she would lose the trust that has been restored to him. It is, therefore, necessary that leaders should be honest in all the activities that they participate in. Effective leaders are determined to ensure that their employees are geared towards achieving huge success (Hauptman, 2000). An organization equally benefits a lot when individual employees achieve success in their areas of responsibilities. The organization would meet its set goals owing to the hard work of employees. Supervisors and other people in leadership positions in the police must motivate and offer guidance to the rest of the employees. Many people fail to understand the role of effective leadership in the police service. Policing is a profession like any other profession. It is, therefore, necessary that the employees of the police are not intimidated. Effective leadership qualities should be exercised so that policemen can play in the rest of the field (Schafer, 2008)

There is a need for employees to be motivated. Leaders of organizations must ensure that their employees are well motivated (Whisenand, 2007). An employee who is demotivated is not likely to deliver at the workplace (Gove, 2007). Individuals who are motivated work tirelessly hard to fulfill their set goals. Employees who are motivated feel inspired (Johnson, 2004). It has been established that there are several factors that may make an employee’s production level to reduce. However, such production level can easily be raised when the employee is motivated. However, the situation of the employees varies from one place to another. A good leader should, therefore, treat his or her employees differently. Situational leadership is one of the best leadership styles. One way in which leaders can motivate their employees is through delegation of duty.

Employees feel empowered to work hard when responsibility is delegated to them. They work tirelessly hard and report to the leader who is fully in charge. Studies have shown that job satisfaction goes hand in hand with performance. Most of the young police officers are self-motivated in their areas of work. The self-motivation comes about because the employees are still new in their jobs. They are therefore eager to prove themselves. However, the self-motivation finally declines with time. That is the moment that extrinsic motivators would be required to ensure that officials continue to produce his best at work (Gove, 2007).According to research, the assignment is a good way of motivation. It is best done when a worker is promoted to a higher level. In the past, promotions were based on passing written examinations. However, that is no longer the case today. Most of the promotions of employees are based on performance (Dana, 2011).

When an employee performs extremely well, then there is no reason why such an employee should not be promoted to higher job group. A supervisor must be very keen in observing all these changes. That’s when he or she will realize when an employee is demotivated or not. Once the supervisor has gathered essential information regarding a junior officer, he or she should sit down and find out ways in which the officer can be motivated (Whisenand, 2007). Motivation is the only way that restores the productivity of an individual that had become demotivated. Some of the motivations that an officer can be accorded include;

  1. Assigning responsibility to the officers and then holding them accountable
  2. Commending the officers in public for any accomplishment
  • Taking part in the activities that the officers have been assigned. They would hence feel that care is shown to them
  1. Providing rewards to the officers and complementing them when they perform well

Positive motivation encourages police officers to become more responsible. They would not involve themselves in confrontations. Such confrontations are not rewarding the way hard work does. Leaders must, therefore, carry out his responsibilities with a lot of diligence (Whisenand, 2007). They must know how to empower their junior officers such they are also able to exercise some authority. That’s one way in which the officers would become responsible since they would be held accountable should anything go wrong. It is necessary for leaders to know their responsibilities. That is the only way in which they would be able to get the best out of junior staff. In addition, they should know the moments that employees need to be motivated


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