Tesco: Objectives And Strategies For Cost Reduction And Employee Retention

About Tesco


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Discuss about the Case-Study of Tesco.

Tesco is a British multinational grocery as well as general merchandise retailer having its headquarters in England, United Kingdom. It is regarded to be the third largest retailer globally measured by profits and ninth largest retailer globally measured by revenues. It is having stores in 12 countries across Asia as well as Europe.

The mission statement of Tesco does the identification of their approach to communities as well as the environment for creating value regarding the customers in respect of earning their lifetime loyalty.

The objectives of Tesco is to become a successful global retailer, to grow the core UK business i.e. increasing the market share in UK and to be as strong regarding non-food products as in food products.

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Within a challenging economy, the fundamental goals of a business organization in respect of its staffs are to do the reduction of costs as well as do the improvement of productivity. The human resource activities that can be applied for reducing employee related costs are mentioned as under,

Hire & Retain better performing employees. High rates of turnover will be resulting in substantial expenses regarding lost productivity as well as training. As a matter of fact, in respect of every $10,000 in salary regarding a departed major staff, the employer does the losing of almost six days of productivity. For avoiding increased turinover without increasing the expenses in a significant manner, there is the requirement for conducting continuous assessments of staff satisfaction as well as providing non-monetray benefits for making the emoloyees feel satisfied. In respect of retaining the better performing staffs, the following approaches can be taken into consideration,

Offering a competitive benefits package that will be fitting the needs of the staffs – This can be done by offering health insurance, life insurance as well as a retirement-savings plan that is considered being necessary to do the retention of staffs. However, other perks, like flextime as well as the telecommuting option also assists in making the staffs have the realisation that the organization is having the willingness to do the accommodation of their external lives as well (Thite, 2014).

Providing some small perks – Certain kinds of small perks such as dry-cleaning pickup, which will support the staffs in better management of their lives, will result in the employees giving appreciation for the same and they will be interested in staying with the organization.

Mission Statement

Using contests as well as incentives to assist in maintaining the motivation of the workers – When this aspect is conducted in an appropriate manner, such types of programs will assist the organiational staffs in remaining focused as well as have a feeling of excitement regarding their jobs (Sadiq, 2013).

Conducting “stay” interviews – Alongwith the aspect of performing exit interviews for learning the reason why staffs are leaving, the organization should also be taking into consideration the aspect of asking staffs who are with the company with a longer time period of time, the reason for their stay. Their viewpoints should be taken regarding the matters that the organization needs to change or make an improvement about. These informations could then be used for strengthening the staff-retention strategies of the company (Bamberger, 2014).

Promotion should be made from within whenever there is a possibility – In addition to this, staffs should be provided with a clear way to advance in their career within the organization. Staffs might fall victim to frustration and might not work to the best of their ability when they will not be seeing any clear future in respect of themselves within the organization (Milhem, 2014).

Fostering staff development – This could be associated with the aspect of training for learning a new skill of job or reimbursement of tuition for assisting in furthering the education of the staffs.

Creating open communication within the staffs as well as management – There is the requirement for holding daily meetings where staffs will be offerring ideas as well as asking questions. There is the requirement for having an open-door policy that will be encouraging the staffs in speaking in a frank manner with their managers (Bardoel, 2014).

Getting the involvement of managers – There is the requirement for the managers in spending time to coach the staffs, assisting the better performers in moving to new positions as well as doing the minimization of weak performance.

Communicating the business mission of the organization – To feel connected with the goals of the company is an effective way for keeping staffs emotionally as well as mentally connected with the organization (Reilly, 2016).

Offering financial rewards – Taking into consideration the aspect of providing options regarding stocks or other financial rewards in respect of staffs who will be meeting performance objectives as well as staying in respect of a pre-determined period of time, such as, three or five years. Moreover, providing significant yearly raises. For instance, a bonus structure can be created where staffs will be able to do the earning of an annual bonus when they will be meeting performance objectives that are prespecified.

Tesco’s Objectives

Making sure staffs know what you are expecting from them – When the staffs are not having the exact idea about what their jobs are entailing and what is precisely required for them, they will not be able to perform as per the organizational standard and as a result, their morale will start dipping (Dulebohn, 2013).

Improving Training and Mentoring – Proper training as well as mentoring is considered to be the most essential aspect for undertaking cost reduction. A major concern is to do the appointnent of a supervisor having limited or no training that will be causing internal issues that are considered being difficult. Supervisors are required training the staffs regarding customer service since customer satisfaction will be affecting revenue as well as performance (Armstrong, 2014). Moreover, supervisors are required cross-training every staffs such that when an employee is on vacation or on sick-leave, another staff can do the absent employees work in an effective manner.

Training and mentoring are serving as learning workplace tools that will be leading towards the empowerment of the staffs. The staffs who receive coaching as well as mentoring often does the receiving of the biggest benefits. In this regard, hands-on learning can be used, whch states that the process of coaching as well as mentoring provides the neew staffs a hands-on training program for learning job expectations. Staffs who are properly mentored, might often have a feeling of better sense of understanding of what is needed from them regarding their jobs since they receive a one-on-one job training, support as well as an experinced staff’s advices (Baum, 2015). When a staff does the receiving of this type of personalized training, he/she might be having a feeling of empowerment for fully performing his/her job duties. In respect of goal-setting, coaching as well as mentoring often take into consideration the aspect of setting goals in respect of the staffs. The mentor assists the new staffs in setting partcular objectives in relation with the job. The two are working collectively for creating a plan in respect of reachin those objectives. Mentors can do the customization of  objectives as well as support that the staff requires in respect of his/her specific role. There is the availability of the mentor as a resource when the new staff is having the requirement of assisstance for getting success. To have a set of challenging goals is to motivate as well as empower the staff for working beyond the basic needs. Regarding the aspect of independence, it can be stated that a mentor does the providing of assistance in respect of a new staff, however, the final goal is empowering the staff for working in an independent manner with the skills that has been learned by the individual. The capability for working in a successful manner by an employee will be bringing a sense of empowerment as the employee does the gaining of workplace independence. While the staffs are having a feeling of confidence to function in an independent manner, the program of mentoring does the creation of a sense of teamwork and mostly does the boosting of morale in respect of the staffs (Cartwright, 2014). This positive environment for work continue doing the empowerment of staffs in their work.

Strategies for Cost Reduction

The effectiveness of coaching as well as mentoring states that there is a collaborative workplace atmosphere in which professional learning is effective and employees are having the eagerness as well as commitment for developing as well as improving themselves. The management does the acknowledgement of the staff requirements in respect of professional learning whose attainment must be done for raising the standards of the company. There are standard methods as well as various processes in respect of programs relating to coaching as well as mentoring depending upon best practice. The redefining of the work roles in respect of staffs are done for doing the incorporation of sessiosn related with coaching as well as mentoring (Roche, 2014). The staffs do the recognition of the requirements as well as responsibilities for attaining professional growth and there is an assessment regarding the influence of coaching as well as mentoring on the employees as well as the company.

The benefits of coaching as well as mentoring states that there occurs the development of better working relationships as because, the supervisor generally does the undertaking of the role of a coach in respect of the employee. Similarly, the staffs also view their seniors as their mentors who are having the willingness for guiding as well as assisting them in developing their overall potentials. This helps in touching both the personal as well as professional aspects regarding the employees. Therefore, through the process of implementing the process of coaching as well as mentoring at the place of work, there occurs a signifucant contribution to the complete growth of an employee as well as the level of organization (Shin, 2017). This is the reason as to why, there occurs the incorporation of such programs as a daily practice within the organizational process.

Automate Processes. One more strategic aspect relating to cost-saving is the automation of the manual methods. To provide a staff portal will assist in streamlining of the processes related to staff requests. Moreover, digitizing documents like staff handbooks will be doing the elimination of copying expenses as well as making distribution to be more easy. HR Automation is used by HR professionals for importing documents into digital repositories, organizing imported documents so that they can be searched as well as retrieved, storing files in standard formats in respect of sharing to multiple devices, archiving the records as well as making audits simpler by making it easier for gathering information (Stredwick, 2013). HR automation provide assistance with these methods through the handling of key administrative tasks might otherwise do the consumption of significant amount of time. Through the automation of the repetitive tasks, the professionals of HR management will be collecting, creating as well as updating data as well as making the availability of various workflows in respect of varied users, based on their positions as well as job profiles. This will be assisting in making the organizations much more effective, driven by rules as well as streamlined. One more area that can be significantly streamlined with HR automation is considered to be the communucation process of the organization. When human resources management starts doing the implementation of HR automation, organizations start seeing improvement in profit as well as productivity (Kavanagh, 2017). The most significant advantage regarding human resource automation is security.

Strategies for Employee Retention

There are certain areas that HR management personnel consider being the most certain methods in respect of HR automation. These are mentioned as under,

Onboarding – Onboarding might be having the involvement of important paperwork, signing contracts, completion of benefits paperwork as well as other essential duties. When onboarding new joinees, the workflows as well as the onboarding method itself are significantly improved with the help of automation. The time of processing in respect of every different documents that are needed regarding the process of onboarding might be reduced to a few hours rather than a week. It also assists in making certain that newly hired personnel does the receiving of all of the required equiipment as well as grants relating to the accessibility of system in a timely way.

Staff personal data – When an organization does the addition of staffs, to track as well as keep every personal information of the staffs to be updated can be very much challenging in respect of human resourcec personnel. To update staff data assists the human resource management with human capital management. There occurs a signifucant reduction regarding the chances of losing data as well as errors relating to manual entry (Krausert, 2014).

Timesheets – To validate as well as track the timesheets can be considered being a very ineffective as well as time-consuming process. When there occurs the automation of the time-sheet approval method, the collection of data as well as information validation is much faster. This also assists in saving the human resource personnel from updating the records of a staff manually.

Performance appraisal method – A significant majority of human resource management professionals simply do not have the time that is needed for updating the performance records regarding the staffs. To not receive manager’s feedback and not to have better metrics will be leading towards inaccuracies. Through the using of automation, validating performance assists in ensuring that the records get updated in a systematic manner and will be allowing the organizations to easily view how the organizational staffs are performing (Woodrow, 2014).

Leave requests – When there occurs the submission of leave requests, it can be considered to be time-consuming for processing them all. This might be making it challenging in respect of human resource management as well as staff towards approving leave requests in time. Human resource automation regarding the leave request methods can assist in securing approvals much faster while also permitting the leave records of the staffs to be updated immediately (Tracey, 2016). Thus, can assist businesses in tracking, managing as well as approving the leaves of the staffs in a much more effcient manner.

Improving Training and Mentoring

Training requests – When human resource management does the implementation of automation, staffs can do the self-management of their requests regarding training. Staffs might be permitted toward applying in respect of specific courses for training regarding the human resource process. Human resource departments can do the creation of workflows so that there occurs the addition of the training details to the records of the staffs when he or she will be completing it.

Benefits – When there occurs the new hiring of individuals, they often will not be havng the eligibility in respect of benefits till they do the completion of a probationary period. Automating benefits methods will be letting the employees of human resources to have an immediate understanding when staffs are having the eligibility in respect of advantages. There will occur the update of the imformation regarding the payroll of an organizational employee (Mayo, 2016).

It can therefore, be recommended that for Tesco there is the need to work with the staffs and not against them. This can be done in a significant manner in which human resource will be making a difference via talent management. Human resource can make a significant difference through the identification of who the best staffs are, and in what ways they can be helped. Moreover, layoffs need to be avoided at all costs. This is having a significant impact on the organizational culture. It creates an adverse impact on the staff’s motivational level and even though, productivity might not get impacted in the short-period, in the longer period, loyalty gets influnced, work satisfaction gets impacted and innovative aspect gets significantly affected.


To conclude it can be stated that an overview of the organization has been provided. There has been the selection of three human resource activities that are used in Tesco, which has been dicussed in a critical manner. These activities are considered to be hiring and retaining the better employees, improving as well as training the staffs as well as automate processes. The benefits of coaching as well as mentoring states that there occurs the development of better working relationships as because, the supervisor generally does the undertaking of the role of a coach in respect of the employee. Then there has occured the aspect of exploring as well as evaluating the ways by which human resource activities has been applied in Tesco.


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