Sustainability Policies For Tiny Opera: Incorporation, Objectives, And Impact
Incorporation of Sustainability Policies
Discuss about the Strategic Policy Framework for Tiny Opera.
This chapter discusses Tiny Opera organisations sustainability incorporation in their company policy statements. There is also an outline of how the newly hired sustainability projects managers have develop the policy in favour of their company. Objectives are the specific action items on how you will achieve your goal. The objectives should be measureable, achievable, relative to the goal and timing, meaning they should call out specifically what you plan to do, how you plan to do and within what time frame. It is important to produce objectives as precise as promising that one can measure feat and track how the company are progressing next to company goals. The draft outline of the proposed policy system is added to the report, how they can communicate and enforce the policies are also discussed. There is also predicted effective outcome of generalising the policies annual profit, which will affect the annual turnover of the company (Schulteet al., 2014).
The theatre has been built on the vision of a performer and operating on a town from 1970’s. The company has more than 10 personnel’s working in the company including part timers. There are three policy development plan that is suggested after reading the current practises that are being conducted in the organisation (Hák and Moldan, 2016). After brief discussion with the business development manager Nic Tan this has been suggested that, some operational problems have lead to misuse of company resources. In addition, the environmental sustainability needs to be regarded while developing the policy. This will lead to Socio-economic development as, professional training of the company’s internal staff and handling customer representative programs will lead to overall development of the organisation. This policy will also include more business opportunity for the local community area (Weber and Rohracher, 2012). The right mix of rules and policies will contribute to public policy goals. Theatrics is a dying form of art but keeping it alive in the society has a societal benefit that contributes to the business reputation (Zheng and Kammen, 2014). Providing entertainment in this form to keep innovating and integrating the strategic environment sustainability drivers is also important. Keeping the classic trends growing by theatrics is also drives the socio-economic impacts. Community gathering and social events. Increasing accountability and efficiency of the internal people through the code of conduct. Environmental protection plan and transparency in dialogue and lasting stakeholder’s relationship (Van et al.,2012)..
Objectives and Measurable Goals
- Environment protection act 1997, which helps in regulatory framework to companies that eliminate the adverse effects of pollutants (Schulteet al., 2014).
- The equal opportunity for women in work place act 1999, which dictates the opportunities for professional development and promotion of women.
- The energy efficiency opportunities act 2006 for use and identification of energy saving opportunities.
- The NGER act which reports on greenhouse emission of the company’s resources.
- Office of environment and heritage (NSW) (Weber and Rohracher, 2012).
- National pollutant inventory reporting requirements (NPI) (Zheng and Kammen, 2014).
The company is focused on increasing its sustainability. It has some operational issues that have affected its annual turnover (Weber and Rohracher, 2012). They are mainly focused on the principles of efficiency. Waste management is also needs to be considered for the future development of the company’s development programs. Reduction in misuse of the company resources, were also in the agenda to develop the sustainability(Van et al.,2012). Employing lifecycle management resources are also there to increase strategically improving the development policies. This is also a good process to increase the internal environment of the company. Improving the cultural benefit by their business was also there to keep the policy plan in mind (Swartjes, 2012).
The company rents their property for various theatrics events. For fluency in operation, the company can increase the value framework of their policy. There is three-policy option proposed in the following text for Tiny Opera.
Increasing digital medium of communication for internal work process– this will increase the usage of safe medium to communicate.
Scope and objective of the policy – The usage of paper in the company will decrease. Thus, the rubbish related to usage of paper would decrease, which will also lead to physical communication medium expenses. As online internal communication is reasonable. It can be predicted that it will also have a positive impact on the revenue turnover (Wieczorek and Hekkert, 2012).
Lifecycle management programs – from the discussion with the manager it is clear that the company wants to focus on the appropriate management ethics (Murphy, 2012). Show of support from the management, including the mark of highest-level executive in the subdivision or company illustrate superior management sustain and buy-in for sustainability all through the company operations.
Scope and objective of the policy – The lifecycle interprets the recycling programs, which ensure the goodwill of the company. There is also business reputation of the company that gets affected. Tiny Opera runs on the visibility and community people’s word of mouth. Therefore, a better goodwill will also increase the market opportunity of the theatrics performances (Van et al.,2012).
Improvement in Corporate social responsibility programs and societal marketing – the company is currently operating in culture improvement events while keeping in mind the classic trends of theatrics(Griggs et al., 2013).
Scope and objective of the policy The vision and mission of the company was to promote and increase the opera culture too as it was established when opera was a sign of watching rich culture and theatrics. Therefore, having the CSR responsibility focused on having maintaining a dying art culture can add to the social marketing improvement (Swartjes, 2012). Thus, it will also have a indirect impact on promoting the events.
Communication and Enforcement of Policies
The proposed policy for the work environment needs to be effectively communicated to the stakeholders of the company. There needs to be two kind of promoting activities. The promotion for internal stakeholders and other for the external stakeholders to increase awareness and visibility of the theatre.
- The internal communication strategies needs to be effective to enforce the policy get started in practise. This can be done by the giving the heads up in staff orientation programs. Displaying the objectives to the staff and promoting within organisation is also needed. Not only awareness but also compliance of the policies by the staff and customer is needed. Emphasizing the policy enforcements reviewing the policy taking in to consideration, any audit findings annually as minimum expenses. The provisions of appropriate training and government enforcement policies are also effective in this matter. Information dissemination in this matter is also needed. Cross-departmental training, promoting by verbal and notifying by official mail can be applied in the everyday activity.
- Promoting to the external stakeholders of the company can be done by offering newsletters, hoarding the statements in short in the visible posters of the theater platform or in the office-building premise are the full proof plan can be initiated(Wieczorek and Hekkert, 2012). The flagship owner of the company is exclusive and any strategic method can be used in the company’s perspective.
For implementation of the companies, developed policy is crucial for their own organizational development. This will also include the measurements of new policy impact (Griggs et al., 2013). The promotion planning is not enough the compliance needs to come from the staff itself. The stakeholder’s engagement of the company’s new policy is also needed. This will ensure the increase in company’s overall performance improvisation (Serrat, 2017). Better using policy on air conditioners, recyclable paper usage and encouraging visitors to consider sustainability in their everyday work and social life will also have influence in developing the policy (Murphy, 2012). Focusing on management principle, ethics and training new staff the sustainability incorporated policy framework will also give desired outcome for the company (Wieczorek and Hekkert, 2012). Focusing on using digital media and digitally integrated work-culture will also reduce the usage of paper while there will also be reduction in rubbish usage (Waligo, Clarke and Hawkins, 2013). Using volatile organic compound in the workplace like organic paints for more sustainability incorporation will also increase the uniqueness of the property in the eye of the visitors come customer (Serrat, 2017).
Therefore, from the above framework of policy improvement in the organization, the proposed policies can affect the company performance for this year. The impact of incorporating this policy will also have marketing and awareness enforcement in the company. The bulk of the sustainability policy will be made up of the goals and objectives your company identified. These will work as a guide or road map for sustainable actions moving forward as an organization. However, it is important to clearly state the commitment and intentions as a company. The company environmental project manager has suggested the sustainability-focused policies. There is also justification of having this policy in the organization
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