Skills, Values, Interests, And Career Goals Analysis For Effective People Management

Personal Goals


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Discuss about the Business Capstone and Analysis Of Skills.

The following report presents a detail analysis of skills, values, interest, career goals and other attributes. In the report, I have reflected on my skills, experiences, career objectives to improve my skill of critical thinking. I am reflecting on these personal traits so that I could use them later in the future business context. I could develop my skills of decision-making, problem solving and conflict resolutions. I am pursuing graduate in human resource management” href=”https://#”>human resource management. I have always  been so keen to find out the ways of managing people. In my school days, I used to be the class monitor and I played the role of managing other students in the class. From then, I have found special interest of managing people. I have realized that by improving my communication skills I could effectively convince and manage people. I aspire to become a leader in organization or in a business and to make it happen I am trying to enhance skills that I need to accomplish my objectives.  Thus, to achieve my goals and objectives, I have chosen human resource management (HRM) as my career path.  The following repot starts with providing a detail analysis of my personal goals, values, attitudes, interests and other attributes.  Likewise, the report goes forward providing an intensive analysis of personal attributes and skills. Eventually, I have demonstrated how these attributes are linked to my chosen career path.

Personal goals- As I like to communicate with people and understand their thought-process, I realized that I could do a better job in managing people.  I always wanted to develop my career in human resource management. I want to become a leader; thereby, I developed the following goals and working on them.

  • To create new and innovative ideas for human resource management
  • To develop a unique management style that contribute to healthy workplace culture
  • To utilize the workforce to the fullest while working in an organization

My focus is on development of new ideas for managing people, as I have observed the need of change in HRM. For decades, I have observed the organizations using conventional human resource management strategies like democratic leadership, open management style, employee motivation and I studied them for whole years. However, the entire process seems to be a system that works like a machine. Nonetheless, I want to do or create something that considers the opinions of each individual and I want to develop a culture of work where all become aware of their self-contribution to the work they perform. Thereby, I developed the above-mentioned goals and I believe that like evolution of technology, the practice of managing people can also be evolved.

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Values and Beliefs

As put forward by Flynn and Black (2011), when the things that one could do and the way the individual behaves to match the values, life becomes good and content. However, when the activities do not align with the personal values that is when the problem arise. I have listed my values in the following based on the top values, experience of happiness, pride and fulfillment. My personal values are fairness, faith, positivity, reliability, compassion, cooperation and diversity.

Positivity- This comes above all values that I mentioned. Positivity is required in the first place to accomplish any objective. I believe that if an individual wants to achieve something valuable he/she needs to be positive about it such as positive thought, positive hope and the positive way of working on the objective. There could be situation where the individuals might have set their goals in terms of self development and here if the individuals do not have the confidence about the things that they are going to do, might not be successful with the effort. If the negativity comes in, or the individuals indulge the negativity in the work process, they might not observe the success. Being positive helps to increase the hope and put more effort on the work process.

Faith- Certainly, having faith on the work or objective is another value that helps to achieve the goals. Faith is required when I am working with the people and here I am supposed to have faith in my people. Moreover, I believe that if I do not have faith on something or somebody, I might not be able to do the things or make people do them. For example, while working in an organization as a human resource manager, I definitely need to put trust in my people. When one individual does have faith on another, the others start doing the same.

Fairness- This value is widely related to the goals that I have presented above. Especially, in human resource management, fairness is a strong aspect that needs to be maintained. Fairness in work culture and fairness in managing people should be positively maintained to achieve the goals. Any sort of biased practice should be avoided in the people management. For example, when the HRM department develops a wage structure, the employees might have problems with the process. Thus, it is better to maintain the fairness in the wage structure to avoid any disparity.

Skills for Effective People Management

Reliability- The reliability is referred to action of engaging people or supporting their ideas. Sometimes, the leaders are observed to be autocratic by nature, they do not rely on their subordinates. However, I am strongly opposed to this idea or practice where others are not valued or considered. According to me, managing people is about understanding them, respecting them, and giving importance to their opinions.  As an individual or a human resource manager, I would definitely rely on others. I believe that I could enhance my quality of work by taking ideas from others and listening to them.

Compassion- Compassion also remains as the crucial thing to nurture while managing people in a particular setting. Instead of following a systematic procedure, it is better to follow a manual culture where an individual comes up and express their concern. Hence, listener should give attention to the concern and together the solutions should be developed.

Cooperation- The cooperative nature always helps to accomplish any objective or work.  Especially, when a manager of HR works with other people to lead them towards the desired direction, he/she should be cooperative. This means the problem can arise, which is certain but the leader should help to resolve the issues effectively instead of leaving it to the subordinates.

Diversity- The diversity is a fundamental thing in people management. It is not possible to manage people focusing on one single culture or background. People come from different cultural background and to work together, it is necessary to respect those cultural and values. Diversity helps to shape the world with positive things.

According to (), interest is referred to a concern for one’s own advantages and wellbeing. This means an individual could show interest in things that benefit them. I could positively do the things that I am interested to. When it comes to human resource management, the interest remains in the development of workforce to create a better place to work. I believe that interest should not be related to individual advantages and benefits; it is rather related to the interest of the organizational setting.

Hence, I relate my personal attributes and skills to the work the work I do. If I play the role of a human resource manager, I will embed my values and beliefs with the skills I have.  I have listed the following skills that I must use to achieve my goals and objectives.

Communication skills- Communication is one of the significant skills that a human resource manager needs to have to manage people. I believe that in any management style or organizational culture, the communication network should clear. I believe that regular interaction with people helps to understand them better.  For example, when I was doing my final year project in high school, I was the head of my group and we were assigned with the job of collecting data regarding the residential population. Hence, our job was to conduct a survey among the families in a community near our school. My responsibility was to assign people with the types of work, collect updates from them, and collect feedback from the supervisor. However due to poor communication skills, I could not manage the group members. The group members showed a consistent reluctance towards the work and we failed the project. This incident helped me to understand the importance of communication skills in people management.

Problem solving skills- Problem solving skill is required to lead the operation in human resource management. I believe that while managing people issues may arise and hence, a leader or the manager should resolve the issue keeping a balance in the workflow. Once I observed an incident in my school days when we were working laboratory room and suddenly there was a power cut.  All operation in the laboratory work was stopped and then our supervisor arrived and requested us to wait for a while. Our supervisor communicated with electric control department and asked for an immediate solution. Hence, I realized how work issues could be resolved with problem solving skills.

Decision making skills- The decision-making skill is always required in human resource management. I have observed that human resource manager often face the issues such as excessive absenteeism of workers, large workforce but limited physical resource; in such context, the human resource manager must have to take the decision of increasing the capacity of physical resource.  

Conflict-handling- In an organization, where a large number of people are working, the conflict among the people could arise. I have this skill of managing conflict. With a rationale judgment, I could resolve the issues and keep a strong balance in the workflow.

Loyalty- I believe that loyalty is something that I need to gain because loyalty does not come if I do not have a positive characteristics or attitude. I could gain loyalty of people by maintaining fairness in the judgment or action that I will apply based on the situation.

Helpful- I have observed that helpful nature of people helps to create or broaden the communication network.  I have always been compassionate about the issues people face.  Being helpful towards others make it easy for me to understand others.

Trustworthy- It is certain that in order to gain the trust of others, it is necessary to make myself trustworthy.  I could do this by conducting my duties and responsibilities fairly as a manager.

The above-discussed points are related to aspects of human resource management. The fundamental aspects of human resource management is staffing, managing the functions, fulfilling the needs of people for the sake of organizational benefits. In the above discussion I have mentioned about the decision-making and problem-solving skills as recruiting people in an organization is not the only duty that a human resource manager performs. In order to manage the entire workforce, it is necessary to have such skills by which the operation can be handled. In the beginning of the report, I have discussed about my goals, where I have mentioned the importance of creating new ideas for human resource management because I believe that following a traditional idea might not work in such dynamic environment where changes are certain. I felt the urge of bringing the changes in the human resource strategies to deal with the new challenges. My personal values that I have discussed above are related to my selected career path –human resource management, as fairness, faith, positivity, cooperation these values are required to become an appropriate leader or manager. The positivity helps in conducting any difficult task related to people management. Likewise, if I become cooperative towards the others in a project, I could easily receive help from others.

However, I have found that I need to develop my communication skills, as there are several situations where I could not interact with people in a proper way.  I observed that I need to put more effort in my communication skills. Likewise, I have also found that need enhance my problem solving skills. It is certain that I have to face many situations where issues arise. Without proper knowledge, I will not able to handle the situation.


In order to achieve the goals that I have set, it is necessary to focus on the sub-factors related to the goals. I have understood that new ideas of strategies of human resources cannot be developed, if we do not consider the values, attributes, ethics and other characteristics. Human resource management is all about the people; thereby, the things that are related to people should also be considered.


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