Significance Of Human Resource Management In Coles Company

Key issues for recruiting the labor force in Coles

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The report talks about the significance of the human resource management. Coles Company has been selected to explain the case study. It explains the various key challenges and issue of the company. It tells that how the company overcome these challenges and build a strong position in the market.

Cole’s group limited is an Australian public company that deals in retail and consumer products and services. It is the second biggest company in Australia in the retail industry. It was acquired the Wesfarmers company in 2007 with the transfer of ownership. It’s headquarters located in Hawthorn East, Victoria Australia. There are approx 165,000 employees are employed in the company. It is one of the biggest supermarket companies in Australia. Gradually, it expanded its business across the world in order to achieve the long-term goals and objectives. It is listed on the Australian stock exchange, the London stock exchange and New Zealand stock exchange (Sanders, Shipton & Gomes, 2014).

The organization is responsible to provide all the facilities to new candidates at the workplace. Coles is the second biggest supermarket company in Australia. Thus, various key recruitment challenges are faced by the company. They have been discussed below.

Strong and effective employment offers by the competitors: It is one of the biggest key challenges that are faced by the company during recruiting the workforce. Woolworths, Aldi, and Metcash limited are the main competitors of the company. They offer the good employment opportunities to the new candidates compared to the Coles. Therefore, new applicants do not join this company and they join other companies. Thus, the firm faces many difficulties due to the excellent employment opportunities offered by the competitors (Paillé, Chen, Boiral & Jin, 2014).

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The labor force is not enough capable: It is a major issue in such company. The firm is not able to find efficient and potential workers to do work effectively and efficiently. The employees are not capable to deal with any problem and terrible situations. Thus, they cannot face the various competitors in the market. In this way, the company could not meet the targets and goals near future.

The new applicants have high expectations: It is the super marketing company so employees expect high packages and wage payment for doing the work effectively and efficiently. Thus, the company is not able to fulfill the needs, requirements, and expectations of the new candidates. It is considered a significant key challenge for the firm to recruiting the workforce for assigning the task and duties to the applicants (Peters,  Poutsma, Van der Heijden, Bakker & Bruijn, 2014).

Recommended approaches and strategies

Taking up the appointment letter but not join the company: It is another key issue of recruitment and selection in Coles. Many times it happens that the candidates who present in the interview, they take the offer letters but they do not join the company. In this way, the company has to face many problems and obstacles within the organization.

Payment and wage issues: It is the common problem which is faced by every company to recruit the labor force at the workplace. Sometimes, the company makes delay in the payment system. It affects the image and position of the company adversely.

Communication and motivation issues: If the Coles appoints new candidates to do the task and employment then the managers and new candidates are not able to maintain effective communication in the organization. Therefore, they feel lonely and they get disappointed. As a result, high employees’ turnover is increased in the firm. The working environment is also a big concern for the company (Kaufman, 2015).

Organizational image: It plays a significant role in every organization. The organizational image depends on the performance and efficiency of the candidates. Before the interview, the candidates check the image of the company, whether the firm image is good or not, if the goodwill of the firm is not good then candidates do not join the company. It is one the significant key challenge for the firm to recruit the new candidates at the workplace.

Compensation and remuneration: It also affects the business operations and activities adversely. Coles does not provide the higher compensation and incentives to the employees. Hence, various recruitment and selection challenges are faced by the company.

Labor supply key challenge: It is one of the foremost factors in the firm. It focuses on the labor supply and labor in the international It is the best source to reach the organizational goals and objectives. But many times, the company could not fulfill the needs and requirements of the association due to the unsatisfactory demands and supply (Al-Refaie, 2015).

Demographic issues: The various demographic factors include the education, culture, sex, and district. The poverty and health care are the big concern in Coles Company. The demographic issues include the diversity, aging workforce, and generations. In today’s world, diversity is becoming the very important challenges for the company. Coles is the biggest supermarket chain in the Australia. The company does not expand its business because various HRM issues are faced by the firm. The cross-cultural differences also influence the recruitment strategies in the company negatively. Further, the organization checks the potentials and capabilities of the new candidates to gain the competitive advantages (Alfes, Shantz & Truss, 2012).

The generation also plays a vital role in every organization. The company does not provide the good opportunities to younger people. In this way, the firm is not able to gain the experience and knowledge of the younger candidate. They are more active and passionate compared to the older. It influences the performance and productivity of the organization. Coles does not check the capabilities and potential of new candidates at the time of recruiting the workforce in the firm. But it is mandatory to check and analyze the knowledge and experience of the new candidates. The demographic issues influence the business operations and activities of the company adversely (Singh, Darwish, Costa & Anderson, 2012).

Cross-cultural training: Cross-cultural training is essential for all the new candidates if they are hired by the firm for the international business and operations. Therefore, the firm needs to invest huge amount on the training of the new applicants. It is very expensive and time-consuming If the organization does not provide cross-cultural training to applicants then they could not perform the task and duties effectively that are assigned by the company (Andreeva & Kianto, 2012).

All these key issues and challenges are faced by the Coles during the recruitment and selection process.

After various researchers, it has been found then the firm should control the various recruitment challenges and issues to gain the sustainability and long-term goals and objectives of the firm. Thus, various approaches have been described to address these key challenges which have been discussed below (Thite, Wilkinson & Shah, 2012).

Mainly, Coles is using two HRM strategies to address these challenges such as performance management and reward management. Reward management uses for providing motivation and reward to new candidates for their excellent performance.  On the other hand, performance management is based on the efficiency and productivity of the employees. Both play an integral role to enhance and increase the motivation and morale of the employees. It is the supermarket company that operates its business in Greenfield areas (Holm, 2012).

The firm should make the retention strategies to improve and prevent the high turnover rate in the organization. It should improve the recruitment and selection process to attract the more applicants in the market. The firm should build and develop the human resource management in the organization to recruit the potential and capable applicants (Bardoel, Pettit, De Cieri & McMillan, 2014). A company cannot run the business without sustainable human resource department. The HR personnel help to improve the quality and performance of the employees. The association should continue the development and improvement process to reduce the key HRM issues. The company should maintain the personnel management in the firm to manage and maintain the good employee-employer relationship. This management will also help to fulfill the basic needs and requirements of the employees at the workplace (Collings, 2014).

Various cross-cultural training is conducted by the firm to improve the performance and efficiency of the workers. In this way, they are able to gain a lot of business knowledge and experience. The company should also provide various training and development programs to the workers. The company should use various retention, compensation and motivation methods to provide job satisfaction to the employees. In this way, they will do work with more efficiently and effectively. The company should take the employees feedback to analyze and evaluate their performance. The firm should recruit the employees on the basis of the worker’s capabilities, experience, knowledge, and qualification. The false and wrong commitment should not be done by the employer and management (Thompson, 2011).

The top management and managers should build and develop the good relationship with workers. They should maintain proper communication and teamwork in the firm. Supervisors must listen to the grievances and complaints of the workers and they should solve financial problems and grievances to provide satisfaction to the workers. It will also help to build the trust, faith and believe among the co-workers (Zoogah, 2011).

Coles should use the employer branding strategy to reduce the various key challenges of the recruitment and selection. The brand is an identity to give an opportunity to the workers in the company. The employer branding strategy of the company is very good. Through branding strategy, the company can appoint the potential and talented employees in the organization. To promote the employer branding, the company should conduct various awareness programs in the market. Further advertising is another good strategy to attract the more candidates in the market. If the company appoints skilled and potential workers then it will help to increase long-term profit and revenue of the company. Through branding and advertising strategies, the company can achieve the mission and vision of the firm in near future. All these strategies play a vital role to reduce the key challenges of the recruitment and selection. The company should maintain a good working environment for the employees (Festing & Schäfer, 2014).


A sustainable human resource management plays a crucial role in Coles. The paper explains the key challenges of recruitment in the firm. Thus, the company should make effective policies, procedures, and systems to reduce all these key challenges and issues. It should provide the job satisfaction to the workers to gain the competitive advantages. In this way, the company can also increase the sales in the market. It should also make some effective rules and regulations to control on the high employee turnover within the organization.


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