Service Level Agreement For Recruitment And Selection Processes

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The objective of this service level agreement is to highlight the key services of recruitment and selection processes that the ABC Company provides and the quality provisions that the company agrees on with the users of service in context of the delivery of service. This SLA describes the

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  • Mechanism for addressing the current and potential problems associated with the conduction and delivery of the service
  • Overall provisions that the company focuses to attain and comply with throughout the service delivery
  • The service that the company provides to the candidates within the recruitment and selection processes

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The concerned Service Level Agreement on the recruitment and selection processes will be reviewed and evaluated on a yearly basis with effect from 2014 – 2014. The agreement has been agreed to be an integral part of the annual planning process and any amendments will be made after agreeing of the concerned stakeholders. Amendments made to the concerned agreement will be signed by each of the stakeholder associated with the related services in an annual basis.

The Human Resources Department of the company operates and works in nine key areas, providing support and guidance to the associated staff members and managers. The company focuses on providing a forward and positive thinking approach which supports the strategy drafted by the department itself and encourages the best practice on certain issues within the following areas:

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  • Organizational development and learning
  • Organizational standards
  • Diversity and Equity
  • Remuneration and Reward
  • Policy Development
  • Contract Administration
  • Recruitment and Selection
  • Employee relations
  • Guidance, advice, and information

The company is currently working forward a strategic review leading to the changes in the overall organizational structure. The associated Human Resources Department focuses on supporting the Executive Deans and Strategic Review to make sure effective services are established and put forward to the candidates.

  • Users of the Service
  • Candidates
  • Staff Members
  • Senior Management Team
  • Executives and Directors

The company is well aware of its responsibilities towards each of the candidates coming for the recruitment or selection procedures and towards the Human Resources department. The company will be working towards the interests of each of the associated stakeholders, providing each with the significant and required information on the concerned agreement. The company is committed towards conducting the recruitment and selection processes in alignment with the organizational and governmental standards so that there is no scope or case of candidates’ discrimination in context of his / her race, culture, tradition, gender, ethnicity, religion, or sexuality.

The company will be working and conducting the recruitment or selection procedures in alignment with the associated legal and ethical obligations.

The Human Resources Department is located in the ground floor of company’s building and the recruitment or selection usually begins at 9: 00 AM and ends before or at 5: 00 PM; the changes in the timings will be notified to the groups of associated stakeholders informing them with the logical reason behind the same. The company has drafted certain flexible arrangements for the candidates, however the candidates have to notify about the required changes prior to the timing allotted. Each of the team members will be making sure that the phones have activated voice mails, e – mail boxes are not full, providing cover within the team and responding promptly to the enquiries, phone calls, and e – mails.

To attract highly skilled, well – educated and high caliber applicants and to conduct the recruitment or selection procedures effectively in alignment with the outlined standards, while providing equal opportunities each of the applicants / candidates to demonstrate his / her capabilities in a cost effective manner.

Human Resources Department

Before the advertising:

  • Upload application type, general information regarding the job, person specification, and attractive job advertisements onto the online system of recruitment or other communication channels on the agreed date of publication
  • Advise on the most adequate and effective application questions and application type
  • Amend and review the drafted advertisement for adherence to organizational standards, economy, equality issues, and content
  • Agree and advise the utilization of most significant communication channel or media and related time scales for the recruitment and selection procedures
  • Advice on the person specifications and job descriptions, and arrange the panel for the evaluation of concerned post
  • Advice on the procedures and policies to be followed

Before the Interviewing procedure:

  • Provide the candidates and other stakeholders with the needed or required information
  • Notify or inform the applicants through e – mails or other communication channels to confirm the arrangements of interviewing process within 4 days of their registration
  • Provide a pro forma to the related personnel requesting the detailed description of the recruitment and selection procedures
  • Change the status of applications online, depending on the progress of each candidate’s application
  • Monitor enquiries in the inbox of Human Resources Department and respond adequately

After the Interviewing Procedure:

  • Arrange for the work permit application after leasing with the recruiter, wherever necessary
  • Make sure the appointed candidates receive health clearance and advice them of any issues
  • Issue an employment contract within the three working days of the receipt of offer form and interview record
  • Request references and confirm to the line manager if the same are satisfactory or not
  • Process claims for the travelling allowance, if applicable, within the seven working days of receipt
  • Claim negotiated discounts and pay invoice from the associated agency of advertising on receipt
  • Inform the applicants through e – mails and other communication channels who failed at the interview stage within three working days of the receipt of offer offer form and interview record

Before the advertising:

  • Change the status of the unsuccessful applicants onto the online system of recruitment, indicating a valid reason of the same after the agreement on the shortlist
  • Agree with the Human Resources manager in advance on the time table outlined adequately for the overall process of recruitment and selection, including the date of interviewing process, date of short listing, date of closing registrations, and publication date of advertisements at different communication channels or media
  • Recognize the recruiter to be available throughout the recruitment and selection procedures and responsible for each of its ethical and legal obligations
  • Provide the notice of recruitment within the 10 working days, submitting relevant background information. Evaluated job description, and a draft advertisement, including the chart of team structure
  • Obtain approval for the concerned job post, including the approval of funding

Before the Interviewing Procedure:

  • Make sure that there are at least seven working days in between the date of interview and shortlist being received by the concerned department
  • Make sure that each of the members of panel has attended the selection and recruitment training session
  • Return pro forma to the concerned Human Resources Officer providing detailed information on the overall process, while adequately confirming the interview panel members
  • Contact each of the applicants who had been shortlisted for the interviewing stage confirming is they can attend the interview on the drafted date
  • Review each of the candidate’s application and shortlist the candidates, best suited for the organization, in alignment with the outlined criteria for the selection and recruitment process

After the Interviewing Procedure:

  • Provide significant data and information appropriately for the sponsorship application and work permit, wherever required
  • Contact the unsuccessful candidates through e – mails or other communication channels, wherever possible, within the two days of the completion of his / her interview procedure
  • Return all the interview notes and short listing information notes to the concerned Human Resources officer
  • Make sure that the interview panel members adequately return and complete all the record forms and interview offers detailing the basis on which a particular candidate was rejected or appointed upon

The agreement is applicable on each of the existing and potential staff members working either for full time or part time, internally or externally to the company

The company will make sure that the advertisements produced for the recruitment and selection procedures reflect the reality of company, terms and conditions, responsibilities, and roles.

The company is committed and determined towards utilizing adequate methods for each of the recruitment and selection procedures, aimed at providing each of the candidate equal opportunity. All the chosen selection methods are drafted and formulated in accordance with the outlined criteria and on the experience, knowledge, and skills of the candidates.

The recruiters of the company will be provided with adequate and effective training, informing them of the recruitment and selection techniques and skills.

The company is aimed at getting the applications from each of the qualified applicant and to interview all the applicants that are physically disabled but meet the minimum criteria

Each of the applicants who have completed their applicant forms will be adequately informed if they have been rejected or short listed for the next stage, within one week.

The company guarantees that each of the new employees will be offered with effective training and coaching sessions that they require for carrying out the associated responsibilities and duties in an effective manner

Any queries or doubts regarding the concerned agreement must be directed to the manager of human resources.

Date of Agreement: 22nd August, 2014

Signatories to Agreement:      Users of the Service


Staff Members

Senior Management Team

Executives and Directors

Business Report

The Human Resources Department is considered to be one of the most significant of any organizational structure. The company believes that it is the HR Team that provides a string base to company through selecting and recruiting the highly skilled, well – educated, and compatible candidates for the company (Alexander & Lewer, 2004). The HR department is also responsible for the training of these newly employed candidates, thus the company looks forward for the strategies and recommendations from the same. The concerned service that has been agreed upon is the recruitment and selection process. The purpose of the same is to highlight the key strategies and responsibilities of each of the stakeholders that help in the attainment of diverse and effective work force of the company.

Recruitment refers to the process of selecting, screening, and influencing the qualified individuals for a position in the company (Grace & Cohen, 2005). The same is conducted and executed under the supervision of HR Team, Recruiter and Human Resources Officer being the biggest contributor in the same. The concerned process of recruitment and selection is not an easy one as it requires the knowledge of both the company’s demand and the candidates’ skills. A recruiter not only evaluates an individual, in response to the job qualifications and person specification, but also examines the same regarding his past experiences, present personality, and future prospects (Deery et al., 2001). Thus, it is the cooperation and determination of each of the staff members associated with the same procedure that bring about the desired outcomes and results.

Recruitment and Selection Processes

Through investing heavily in the associated department of Human Resources and supporting the significant strategies formulated by the same, the company attempts to enhance the level of effectiveness of each of the HR Department’s practices.

An effective or efficient recruitment and selection procedure is the one wherein the candidate selected for a certain position who meets the each job requirements, person specifications, and company’s requirement (Jones, 2009). The company is comprised of several departments, each serving or contributing to the success or development of company at a global level. Thus, it is essential that the HR department or team recruits and selects the highly skilled, well – educated, and compatible employee for the company. The department undergoes several steps and procedures to attain its target that is to provide the related company with a diverse and efficient work force. The two of the main reasons that evident the significance and importance of effective recruitment and selection are as follows (Noe et al., 2014):

  • Improvement in the overall business both financially and non – financially, such as positive global recognition
  • Appropriate return on investment

The company is well aware of the benefits offered by the diverse and efficient work force, thus heavily invest on the associated department of Human Resources and support each of the significant strategies adopted or developed by the same. The company believes that it is the employees that contribute maximally to the attainment and achievement of overall objectives in desired time period. Since, these employees represent a company at the global market and deal with the customers at the closest, it is essential that the HR department conducts and executes its duties and responsibilities.

Many entrepreneurs believe that since, both the technology and significant strategies are all the product of human’s creativity and innovation skills, the work place environment and standards must be developed flexible enough that can be altered in required time frame (Huczynski, 2006). The effectiveness of organizational standards is also based on the extent to which HR Department recruits the efficient work place for the company. Thus, the effective HR practice becomes much more important for the growth and development of company in the desired market place.

To efficiently conduct each of the outlined strategy, the company would require the agreement of other associated stakeholders. A company is associated with certain stakeholders that provide different suggestions and recommendations for each of the business practices. To attain maximal output and working for the best interest of stakeholders, the company attempts to take in the significant perspective of each of the stakeholder groups. The purpose is to develop a unified and widely accepted strategy or procedures for the attainment of efficient work force of the company. The whole recruitment and selection procedures will require the commitment and work of the overall HR team, including the recruiters and Human Resources Officer being the biggest contributors in the same. It is essential that each of the staff members, associated with the same department or team, work efficiently toward their duties and responsibilities. Other than these human resources, the company requires the agreement of other stakeholders as well, these stakeholders are as follows:

  • Candidates
  • Staff Members
  • Senior Management Team
  • Executives and Directors

Responsibilities and Duties

It is the agreement of each of the stakeholders that will decide if the outlined strategy or HR procedures are the adequate one. Each of the staff members will be work towards outlining the most influential and realistic job description and person specification regarding a certain job post. These job descriptions will further be advertized and distributed to make the people well aware of the significant career opportunities offered by the company itself.

Outlining of the job description is just a part done, the nest step is to make the wide audience well aware of the same. it is the advancement in the technology that has provided the company with the multiple and advantageous options for the distribution of the same. The technologies that will be required to communicate effectively with stakeholders and to reach the quality candidates include telephone gadgets and networks, computer systems and internet, and other modern technology services. The best way to reach and communicate with the stakeholders is e – mails as it helps in discussing the key issues and sharing the thoughts regarding the numerous profession related topics. The significance of utilizing the e – mails in the recruitment and selection process is that it helps in automatically recording of the whole conversation with the stakeholders and responding to the registration or query of candidates.

Website of the company having the online system of recruitment not only saves the amount of time wasted on uploading the information of candidates but also saves the extra cost spent on the reviewing and comparing the personal information of candidates with the outlined job description. Website and the e – mails are also some of the significant tools or communication channels that is utilized by the company for the advertisement and promotional activities. Other these, telephones, notices, newspaper articles, and social media are also the technology aspects that will be utilized by the company for reaching skilled and qualified candidates.

The online data base management system and the e – mails are the key tools that will be utilized by the company to record and maintain the personal information and queries of each of the candidates registered for applying for a particular post.Training

The company is determined and committed towards providing the HR team and other staff members with effective training and coaching sessions so that each of them is well aware of his / her responsibilities and duties towards conducting an effective recruitment and selection process. The training sessions will also be conducted to inform them of the needs and requirements of company for a particular candidate.

The human resources requirements of the company are greatly dependent on the level of competition and the demand of company’s products or services. Thus, the requirements of the number of candidates at a particular position, job description, person specifications, and the strictness of the selection procedure have been drafted in accordance with each of them (Dessler & Walker, 2007). The company is committed towards the betterment of overall organizational structure that can only be attained through the development of an effective work force. An effective work force for the company is the one that is innovative, creative, committed, trustworthy, and hard working enough to maximally contribute to the development and success of company.

Equal Opportunities

The company is associated with two basic activities, including strategizing and operations. It is the skill and talent of each of the employees that help in the development of significant strategies, whereas it is the hard work and determination of each of the same that help the company conduct adequate operations, in alignment with the company’s needs.

The delivery of the overall recruitment and selection process will be conducted by each of the staff members associated with the related department under the supervision of Human Resources Officer. The effectiveness and success of the recruitment and selection process is also dependent on the recruiters’ efficiency, thus the company has determined itself to offer the recruiters with much needed information regarding the overall procedure and requirements of the company. As outlined in the Service Level Agreement, the recruiters and Human Resources Officer will be expected to conduct each of their responsibilities efficiently.

The company has also drafted the performance standards that will directly recognize the quality of recruitment and selection process conducted, time period required, and the associated cost. Each of these has been decided upon after the agreement of each of the associated stakeholders. This was necessary to maintain stronger relationship with each of the stakeholders.

The purpose of the effective recruitment and selection process is to attract highly skilled, well – educated and high caliber applicants and to conduct the recruitment or selection procedures effectively in alignment with the outlined standards, while providing equal opportunities each of the applicants / candidates to demonstrate his / her capabilities in a cost effective manner. This acts as the primary guiding principle for the same.

The evaluation or measurement of the outcomes against the planned performance standards is based on three key aspects; these include input, output, and outcome or impact of the same. In other words, the measurement will be conducted through recognizing / comparing:

  • The intended final, intermediate, and initial result of the process with the achieved outcome
  • The change in the conditions, skills, knowledge, attitude, and behavior at the community, system, agency, or individual level
  • The immediate or direct result of the overall process
  • The resources utilized as the input to develop outcomes and outputs

Other ways that may be utilized by the company include the following:

  • In – person survey
  • Self – administered survey and questionnaire
  • Review of documents
  • Focus Group
  • Interview
  • Observation

Each of the outlined qualitative and quantitative measures will be conducted to evaluate the mentioned aspects.

The utilization of these different methods or tools will help the company is recognizing the key improvement areas and the challenges that the HR team or the company has been facing. However, the limitation is that this requires greater level of efforts from each of the staff members associated with the same department. Thus, the company has made sure that the HR team sticks to the quantitative one rather than the qualitative one more. The same has been adopted as the contingency plan to address the issues regarding the performance of the human resources team or service providers including the unethical behavior and under – performance. The whole of the process will also be conducted under the supervision of higher authorities, including the Human Resources officer.

The company has drafted certain obligations and requirements that each of the staff member of HR must address while executing the recruitment and selection process. The company believes in the development of a diverse workforce as the company is associated with different activities, thus it will require the people from different backgrounds for the attainment of company’s overall objectives. The company has also outlined certain occupational health and safety standards so that none of the employee gets harmed or damaged. These standards will support the development of diverse and safe work environment for the company.

Other than these each of the job descriptions, person specifications, and requirements has been incorporated and outlined in alignment with the business goals, company’s policies, legislations for anti – discrimination, industrial relations, and equal employment opportunities. The company is aimed at getting the applications from each of the qualified applicant and to interview all the applicants that are physically disabled but meet the minimum criteria (Brash, 2006). Each of the applicants who have completed their applicant forms will be adequately informed if they have been rejected or short listed for the next stage, within one week, thus reflecting the compliance with ethical standards.

The overall process has been developed after assessing an effective costs benefit analysis as follows:

Figure 1: Cost Benefit Analysis of Recruitment and Selection Process

The overall process also addresses the current and potential risk analysis following the below provided steps:

Each of the associated risks have been planned to adequately address with the utilization of advanced technology, while keeping the costs least possible.

The information in between both the external and internal stakeholders will be generally communicated through the utilization of modern internet or network services, including the e 0 mails, websites, phone conversations, and personal meetings. However, each of the information being communicated will be adequately recorded within a data base management system.

The roles and responsibilities have been outlined within the Service Level Agreement and it is expected that each of the stakeholders perform the same in alignment with the ethical and legal obligations (Baker & McKenzie, 2008). The primary responsibility of each of the stakeholders is to support and advice for the enhancement in the effectiveness and efficiency of overall recruitment and selection process. The stakeholders are expected to identify the key improvement areas and provide the significant recommendations for the betterment of the same.

The SLA is expected to attain its aim and objective with the commitment and determined work each of the stakeholders associated with the overall recruitment and selection process. The company believes that through effective monitoring and effective training, the SLA can easily be implemented in an effective manner (Banister & Harding, 2006). The costs benefit analysis and risk analysis also supports the efficiency and effectiveness of each of the recruitment and selection procedures.

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