Routing Protocol Using Expression Programs And Security Challenges For WPAN Technologies
CCMP for Cryptography and IEEE Standards
Discuss About The Routing Protocol Using Expression Programs?
CCMP for the cryptography which is used to handle the different designing patterns and the implementation of the different standards for the IEEE. It also includes the use of the addresses with the vulnerabilities that have been presented by the WEP that is the insecure protocol. It includes the integrity with the data field and the selected portions to make use of the 128-bit key and the 128-bit block size (Swain et al., 2018). The security standard encryption protocol is for the use with the Wi-Fi Protected Access II standards which is secured and more efficiency that the other Wired Equivalent Privacy. The data confidentiality and the authentication with the access control helps in handling the layer management
AES: This is important for handling the specifications and working over the data management. For this, AES (Advanced Encryption Standards) focus on protecting the information with the implementation of the software and the hardware ranges. This is set in the world to handle the encryption of the sensitive data. The patterns are based on protecting the sensitive government information with the development and the advancement of the encryption standard algorithm (Kaur et al., 2016). This is mainly for the hardware and the software as well as the other restricted environment that tends to offer a good defense with the different techniques of the attack.
PKM-EAP: This is for the authentication of the framework which has been used in the wireless networks and the different connections set for the point-to-point. The framework is mainly to provide and handle the transport usage of the key material which is through the different EAP methods. The vendor specific methods and the proposals exists with the defined message formats. The authentication framework helps in providing the common information and the functions which relates to handling the EAP defined methods (Taheri et al., 2017). The requirements of the EAP are used in the wireless LAN authentication that describes the packet codes with the AAA key management requirements. The EAP is also for the support and handling the data analysis in a proper manner. The protected EAP is also for the encryption which defines the correct deficiencies in EAP that is assumed to protect the communication channel. The specification of the protection of the user authentication with the server-side key certificates are mainly to authenticate the server with ensuring the exchange in the configurations with the keys that have been for the server public key.
AES for Data Management and Encryption
There is a need to check that Bluetooth carries different series of the inherent wireless technology and the inherent risks is the communication medium which has been open to the different people, which includes the authentication of the users and the intruders. Bluetooth has the short-range radio which is vulnerable and the intruders has the frequency to connect to the PC with the own Bluetooth to monitor and handle the access with the use of the technology (Aalamifar et al.,2016). There are different threats which could be monitored like the vulnerabilities which tends to exist in the conventional form of the wired network. This is applicable to the wireless technologies, with the malicious entities that have been set to gain any of the unauthorized access to the agency using the wireless connections. The sensitive information is not encrypted with any of the poor techniques and so the DoS attacks are directed at the wireless connections (Gautam et al, 2016). There are other types of the malicious entities which tends to steal the identity of any of the legitimate users and the internal or the external corporate networks. The sensitivity of the data needs to be mapped with the corruption at the time of some improper synchronization. The malicious entities are also able to handle and violate the privacy of any of the users who are legitimate and able to track the movements as well. Through this, the check is on the uses for the encryption and the decryption for the secured connection where the connection of 2 Bluetooth devices leads to the establishing of the link key (Alavi et al., 2016). To generate the secured connection, it is important to work on the different methods which allow the devices and the other spy on the data to be transferred in between the devices and then send the false data to the other device. It includes the use of the device with accessing and encrypting the challenge to link the keys with the other information.
The ZigBee specifications are based on the procedures which include the application support sub layer, with the issues related to no security, confidentiality, authentication. There are some procedues and the application support sub layer which needs to be handled for the key establishment frame protection and to handle the symmetric key block cipher algorithm. The security issues are also the limited node human resources management where the keys that are being used in ZigBee are saved in memory where the intruders need to read and check over the keys directly from the memory. The analysis is based on working over the checking of the communication security with the test configurations using the encryption standards (Sangeetha et al., 2016).
PKM-EAP for Authentication Framework
According to Shaikh et al., (2016), the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) works on the pervasive nature with the deployment set in the Internet of Things. The cyber physical systems include the different areas which includes the association with the design and the development. It includes the high-performance energy for the environment with the environment that includes the cost-effective, efficient and the reliable energy. The adaptive computing environment is for the recognition with key enabling techniques for the emerging of the pervasive computing areas with the sensing and handling the communication. The WSN includes the composing of the large number of the static sensor nodes with the unreliability and the short-range radio links. There are different sensing systems for acquiring the data, with the processing and handling the communication of the data. The forms are set to take hold of the services with reduced energy consumption when the mobility tends to occur overheads. The mobility depends with the energy where the motors and the other hardware systems are working over the traversing of the networks and then returning to the sink for the recharge. The implementation is to consumer the lesser energy with the critical issue that needs to be addressed in a proper manner. The paper also focuses on the energy harvesting in WSNs where there is a need to handle the roles of the harvesting mechanisms with the sensor nodes that are for the maintenance of the batter power. The battery energy density is found to be limited which tends to hinder the sensor node range from the months to the years. To work on the classification of the energy, there are forms which include the power levels of the sensor nodes and the increased use of the input and the output. This depends on working over the power density metrics which are used to compare the different energy techniques of harvesting.
Ulukus, Sennur, et al., (2015)., focus on working over the wireless networks which are mainly for the energy harvesting nodes. There are different transmissions which are based on handling the potential models with the use of the energy harvesting communications. This includes the use of the different sources that are associated to the energy harvesting with the man-made sources that are set through the transfer of the wireless energy in a controlled manner. The efficiency is mapped and taken hold of depending upon the communication theory perspectives. The energy harvesting brings the new and different dimensions for the wireless communications that are important for the intermittency and the randomness of the energy available. The energy harvesting methods are for identifying the efforts with the consideration of general reward functions with the development of medium for the access layer control protocol. This includes the implications of the best effort transmit which tends to create a match with saving periods and handling the unlimited batter for the different available schemes. The forms are set for the data transmission phase where the blowing up or preventing the energy shortage needs to be taken care of efficiently.
Aalamifar, F., & Lampe, L. (2016). Optimized WiMAX Profile Configuration for Smart Grid Communications. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.
Alavi, M. A., Fernando, W. P. U., Permuna, P. A. Y. P., Jayathilake, K. D. K. C., Management, S., Vithanage, N. S., & Dhammearatchi, D. (2016). Enhanced QoS support in OFDMA-Based WiMAX Systems. Compusoft, 5(4), 2090.
Gautam, A. K., Kumar, L., Kanaujia, B. K., & Rambabu, K. (2016). Design of compact F-shaped slot triple-band antenna for WLAN/WiMAX applications. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 64(3), 1101-1105.
Kaur, K., & Sharma, A. (2016). Bandwidth-Aware Stochastic Uplink Scheduling in WIMAX Networks.
Sangeetha, J., Nagaraj, K., Murthy, K. B., & Rustagi, R. P. (2016). A New Approach for Analyzing the Performance of the WiMAX Networks based on QoS Traffic Prediction Routing Protocol using Gene Expression Programming. International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing (IJAMC), 7(2), 16-38.
Swain, C. M. K., & Das, S. (2018). Study and Impact of Relay Selection Schemes on Performance of an IEEE 802.16 j Mobile Multihop Relay (MMR) WiMAX Network. In Progress in Intelligent Computing Techniques: Theory, Practice, economy Applications (pp. 491-499). Springer, Singapore.
Taheri, M. M. S., Abdipour, A., & Pedersen, G. F. (2017, March). Compact penta band printed slot antenna for GSM, Bluetooth, WiMAX, 4G LTE, and WLAN applications. In Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), 2017 11th European Conference on (pp. 2152-2154). IEEE.