Reviewing Organizational Processes For ABC Grocery Food Store

Project Management of ABC Grocery Food Store

Discuss about the Project Process and System Of ABC Grocery Food Store.

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This report is prepared for reviewing the organizational processes as well as the systems that are adapted for the ABC Grocery food store project that was worked previously. The project management including the scope management, time management, cost management as well as quality management on the previously taken project of the ABC Grocery Food Store is explained in this report. The project that is taken in this assignment has many strength as well as weakness in changing the terminology of the business in the project (Too, Le and Yap 2017). This project gives a detail of the ABC Grocery Food Store which faces many problems in handling the internal process. As the business of the grocery shop is expanding, the organization has to handle all its processes with implementation of project management. The project management that is included deals with scope management, cost management, time management as well as cost management that will help the grocery store to handle the processes in the business.

The project that is undertaken to carry out this report is the ABC Grocery Food Store. The store sells grocery items to all its customers. The organization wants to increase its business by expanding its outlets to different cities. As the organization has increased its working process, the organization is facing difficulties in handling the processes in different stores. The works that are included in the organization are not synchronized and the owner is finding difficulty to handle all its processes. As technology also keeps on changing, there are different trend and different cultures in various cities. This innovation in technologies is making the organization difficult to manage all its tasks. The processes as well as behavior of project generally adapts the project innovation and project demand in new trend. The project development is an adaptive system as there are various units that work together with their rules as well as principles for achieving a common set of target with increasing the efficiency of working process of the grocery store.

Scope management involves listing all the products or all the tasks that are involved in the project with required variety, quality, and quantity. The scope management involves in doing all the tasks within scheduled time and with the available resource that was agreed on. All the processes that are included in the project is defined accurately as well as mapped accurately in scope management of the project (Shirazi, Kazemipoor and Tavakkoli-Moghaddam 2017). After implementing the techniques of the project management, the project manager or the enterprise manager allocate the right amount of work to the employees. The scope management deals with all the deliverables of the organization or the features that are involved in the organization.

Scope Management

Mainly three processes are included in scope management of the ABC Grocery Food Store. The three processes in scope management are planning, controlling and closing processes. In planning phase, the work that is to be done by the organization is to be captured and is to be defined. In controlling phase, all the processes that are defined within the organization in the planning phase are controlled as well as monitored (Kerzner and Kerzner 2017). This controlling phase involves tracking the processes, approving and disapproving the changes involved in the process of the organization. The closing phase is the final phase of the scope management. The project closing includes auditing the deliverables from the organization and the result from the process.

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Scope management that is to be involved in the ABC Grocery Food Store helps to understand the objective of the organization properly. As the business process of the organization is expanding, the owner of the organization is facing difficulty to maintain all its processes. The main objective is to be made clear while dealing with a project or process in an organization (Corvello, Javernick-Will and Ratta 2017). To make the selling system more effective and making all the processes work well in the organization is an important factor of scope management. Implementing scope management in the organization helps to reduce the level of changes that are required and so keep the cost maintained from increasing.  The scope management within the organization also maximize the value of money in the grocery store.

There are also some alternative approach of scope management that can be implemented in the organization of ABC Grocery Food Store. As there are always some risks while dealing with some processes in an enterprise, so there must be an alternative approach for managing the objective of the grocery store (Harmon 2015). As scope management involves all the processes or techniques involved in the organization to complete the work, the main aim is to define as well as control all the processes involved in the organization. Alternative scope management processes that can be used by the grocery store are the initiation phase, scope planning, scope definition, scope verification and scope change control. There are also six main areas that the scope management includes while dealing with a process in the ABC Grocery Food Store. The six areas are discussed below.

The scope management includes mainly six areas for identifying, defining, as well as controlling the scope of the processes involved in the organization. The first area that scope management deals with is the requirement management that gathers as well as assesses the needs of the stakeholder involved in the grocery store. Requirement management involves about the needs of the stakeholders. The second area that the scope management works for is developing solutions for fulfilling the needs of the stakeholders and investigates about how the needs will be achieved with best value. The third area that the scope management involves is the benefit management that are expressed in terms of benefit as well as manages them by eventual delivery. The fourth area deals with change management of the ABC Grocery Food Store. The change management deals with transformation of business that is important to utilize the output as well as realize the benefits of the grocery store (Schwalbe 2015). The fifth area includes all the beneficial changes that are made within the organization. The last area involves configuration management that monitors as well as documents the product development. The scope management confirms that the changes that are approved are recorded and the achieving the superseded version. The potential change that are included in the organization’s scope management are impacted.

Alternative Approach of Scope Management

Time management refers to process for organizing as well as planning about dividing the time in between some particular activities or functions in the organization. Managing of time helps an organization to work smartly so that more amount of work is done in less amount of time. Failures in time makes the organization to lose its effectiveness and that causes stress in the organization that does not maintain time (Olsson 2015). There are many time management techniques that helps to manage the time in the organization. The organization can improve their ability of work to process all the functions within the organization. Time management refers the process who organizes as well as plans the time for some particular activities. The organization should learn about time management to improve its work efficiency (Haito-Chavez et al. 2014). There are many benefits that time management provides to an organization. Managing of time helps to increase the productivity of the organization as well as increase the efficiency of the organization. It helps to maintain a better professional reputation and provides less stress. Time management helps to increase the opportunities for process advancement and helps to fulfill the career goal of the organization.

ABC Grocery Food Store needs time management in its working process because lack of time management leads to negative impact on the processes of the project. Time is considered to be an important constraints and if the schedule of the time changes, then the scope of the process in the organization also changes. So, to maintain the objective of the organization, the time management is considered as an important factor in the grocery store. As the grocery store is expanding in different cities, so the employees of the stores and the owner is not able to maintain all its processes in time and thus leading to inefficient business process management (Lampa et al. 2017). The ineffective time management in the grocery shop also increase the stress of the owner as all the process within the outlets of the organization are not maintained properly. Frustration may increase among the employees making the scenario worst. Managing of time effectively helps to work efficiently instead of working more.

There are many alternative ways for managing the time in an organization. Alternative ways can be used by ABC Grocery Food Store if the actual approach fails. There are some more alternative methods by which the grocery shop can manage the time more efficiently. The methods are stated below:

Time Management

Avoid distractions- There can be lot of distractions while handling a process in the grocery shop. The processes that are involved in the ABC Grocery Food Store are expanding due to expansion of outlets of the grocery store in different cities (Ubani, Ibeawuchi and Ukwuoma 2015). To maintain the time in an alternative way, the management of the organization should eliminate those distractions so that they can focus on all the processes involved in the organization.

List the task and give priorities- Planning makes a process perfect. The main key of project management is planning (Harrison and Lock 2017). A planning that is effective helps to identify the processes for completing a particular work. Time can be managed by making a to-do list. All the tasks that are involved in the organization should be listed and after that the tasks must be prioritized. The tasks involved in all the outlets of the organization should have prioritized the tasks according to their importance. This can helps to manage the time and makes the process to be completed successfully.

Estimating and tracking time accurately- After the task is already prioritized, then the estimation is done about how to complete the tasks that are involved in completing a process successfully in the ABC Grocery Food Store (Fleming and Koppelman 2016). All the constraints and such other factors are to be taken in to cost estimation for managing the time swiftly. While carrying out a process in the organization, most of the tasks may not go as per the schedule (Turner 2016). So, while planning for time management, extra buffer time should be kept in hand so that all the necessary activities can be completed successfully.

Creating a schedule- The time when all the tasks are planned and estimated, then a project schedule is to be created (Hornstein 2015). Project schedule includes work breakdown structure, Gantt chart that gives a perfect schedule of time management in the grocery shop.

Proper cost management is important for a business to success. Cost management in a business aims at ensuring adequate supply of funds from the right sources in times of need. Cost management is necessary in a business as it estimates the cost flows and calculates the anticipated profit in a business. One of the issues associated with ABC Grocery food store is that the expansion of the business has resulted in certain unplanned cost flows resulting in improper cost management. The actual cost management approach for the ABC Grocery food store should have been a proper cost benefit analysis of the investments that is made in the business (Klochkov et al. 2016). Since it has been a problem to integrate the important business operations of the store, a planned investment in the information system in the new and old branches of the store is necessary (Jeston 2014). The cost management should have been concerned and linked with the process of planning the business expansion which was not done in the initial stages of the project.

Alternative Ways to Manage Time

The actual approach of cost management that is proposed for the project is cost benefit analysis of the sources before acquiring any funds and the cost benefit analysis of the investments before investing in the business. Apart from cost benefit analysis of the source, it is essential to properly estimate the costs of the activities that are associated with the business expansion. One of the widely used estimating methods for cost estimation in ABC Grocery food store is analogous estimating where the actual costs of similar other projects and investments are considered for estimating the project costs (Dale 2015). However, ABC Grocery food store needs to consider an alternative method of cost estimation as well.

Since the financial activities have undergone tremendous changes over the years, the cost management in any business has gained an increasing momentum and has gradually become one of the important needs of a project or a business. However, since the process of cost management has rapidly changed over the years, it is essential to identify the alternative method of cost management as well. The alternative cost management method is discussed in the following section.

Since the ABC Grocery food store is planning to expand their business with a number of more branches, it is essential to evaluate the alternative cost management techniques for the company. As an alternative to the analogous estimating method, parametric estimation model is proposed for proper cost management in ABC Grocery food store. In parametric project models, the characteristics of a project are represented mathematically. This type of estimates can be refined with the availability of new information and therefore parametric estimation is proposed for this project. An alternative cost management method is chosen for ABC Grocery food store as there are certain factors that can possibly affect the existing cost management of the business of ABC grocery (Eden and Ackermann 2013). These factors include need of sophisticated information system in the business, increase in market competition. Cost management will be beneficial for ABC Grocery food store as it will help in controlling the operation costs and the cost of management of business. The alternative to the cost benefit analysis include cost management by the manager. Proper cost management techniques include cost estimation and cost budgeting. Furthermore, it is recommended for ABC Grocery food store to consider a proper cost model. A cost model mainly emulates a cost structure system, budget allocation in a particular task, cost consumption of a business process and review of the cost performance in the project (Drury 2013). However, the cost models have certain limitations that are needed to be considered while making a choice of cost model for ABC Grocery food store. The limitations force the business owner or the business manager to emphasize and ignore certain aspects of cost management depending on the purpose of the model (Rothaermel 2015). However, a lack of correspondence between the purpose of the business and the purpose of cost model can result in improper cost management in the business resulting in business loss.

Benefits of Time Management

These alternative approaches will be put to use in the project only if the primary approaches of cost management that is identified for ABC Grocery food store fails to work.

Proper Quality management is essential for ABC Grocery food store. Quality management plays a crucial role in the growth of an organization. Since ABC Grocery food store is aiming to expand their business further, it is essential to manage and maintain an appropriate quality of the products and the business processes of the organization. Several quality management systems such as ISO are built in order to lower the wastes, lower the production cost and to improve the business processes (Bon and Mustafa 2013). However, the end goal of implementing a quality management process in a business is to enhance the customer’s satisfaction. In order to enhance the business process and to successfully expand the business ABC Grocery food store should prioritize the process of customer’s satisfaction.

As a quality management approach, proper quality management tools are needed to be considered in this business so that customer’s satisfaction can be increased (Oakland 2014). One of the important needs of quality management is to identify the issues associated with the quality of the products (Goetsch and Davis 2014). A proper quality management approach includes regular quality testing of the products manufactured by the ABC Grocery food store and the testing of the processes that is followed in this business organization. This will ensure that the quality of the product is in check and the products that are delivered to the customers are of good quality.

In addition to that, a total Quality Management (TQM) plan is made for ABC Grocery food store that will be followed in all the branches of the business organization. A TQM is mainly customer focused and therefore, the level of quality of the product is mainly determined by the customer. It is recommended that the performances measures that will be implemented as a part of the quality management plan will include monitoring so that the unexpected variation can in the performance of a product or a process can be detected easily (Drori, Höllerer and Walgenbach 2013). However, there are certain other considerations for an effective quality management plan. As an alternative to the existing approaches, those recommendations are made in the following section.

As an alternative the existing quality management approach, certain modifications in the existing total quality management plan is proposed. Since the plan that is made is mainly customer focused, it is essential to train the employees for proper monitoring of the quality management process. Furthermore, it is recommended to integrate the quality into design process and for that proper training of the employees is needed (Sung and Choi 2014). Since the business of ABC Grocery food store is gradually expanding, the organization is in need of new information technology systems incorporating latest software for proper management of all the business processes within the organization. However, it is essential to involve the employees in the quality management process at it will help in working towards the common project goals (Cascio 2018). Since there is a strong relationship between a quality improvement approach and performance quality it is essential to incorporate quality management in ABC Grocery food store.

Apart from training the employees, it is essential to hire a quality management supervisor who will be in charge of supervising the quality management process. Proper monitoring of the quality management process is essential in order to ensure that proper quality of the product is maintained. Quality management is proposed as a reform against the existing processes ABC Grocery food store. Check sheets are needed to be prepared against the products of ABC Grocery food store on a regular basis in order ensure that the quality monitoring process is in effect. This check sheets can be used a checklist which will in turn facilitate effective collection of the useful data that is required for ensuring proper quality management of the products of ABC Grocery food store. It is further recommended for ABC Grocery food store to use control charts in keeping a check on the quality of the products in ABC Grocery food store. The process of quality management can be adjusted or modified according to the data of the control chart.Findings and Recommendations

The ABC Grocery Food Store that is taken in this project report is a grocery shop that is expanding its business to other cities. Many outlets of the grocery shop are to be opened in different cities. But organizing all the business processes in a traditional way of process management is very difficult by the owner. As the business is spread up, there are many different process that are include in the organization. To marinating all such processes, the project management features are to be added in the business organization. This will help the owner to manage all its processes more smoothly (Leach 2014). There are many factors that are recommended in the report which helps to manage all the tasks in the company smoothly. The factors that are recommended are to use scope management, time management, time management as well as quality management.

The best recommendation that is provided to ABC Grocery Food Store is to firstly find the objective of the company and then fix the scope of the process that is focused in. the grocery shop mainly focuses on the issues of selling their products to the customers, exchanging the products if customer faces some problems and gives support to the customer by providing customer care service. The organization should provide scope management as well as time management for maintaining all its processes (Binder 2016). There should also be cost management in the organization that will help the ABC Grocery Food Store to manage all its processes. The best tools that can be used to maintain the time schedule as well as cost schedule is preparing Work Breakdown Structure and Gantt Charts that will help to maintain its processes effectively. The processes that are involved in the organization should also maintain the quality of the product or the service that it is providing to its customers. The customers should be satisfied with the service that the grocery shop will provide to them.


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