Reusability Component In Software Engineering: A Discussion

Definition of Information and Network Security

Discuss About The Reusability Component Software Engineering?

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AINS ICT solution is an Australia based IT company which offers network security based service and products. The company has its own In-House development program which aims to provide customized software to company (AINS ICT Solutions. 2017).  The company wants to expand its business by offering its services to online business. The present report is based on identifying expansion opportunities for the company and covers all essential aspects for off –shelf –software.

The network security refers to those policies and practices adopted to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, misuse and modification or denial of a computer network. All the businesses are using internet for expanding its operations. There are many challenges which are faced by companies because of unauthorized access of information.  So, the network security helps the firms in adopting such practices and providing security to company (Stallings and Tahiliani, 2014). The recent development in the network security is based on the use of artificial intelligences and machine learning to security.  Through this, the company can easily provide services to the customers and also build hybrid-IT environment. In each business, industries have different types of network security application which prevent businesses from IT threats.

In the market, there are different types of the network security applications available. Each business company used network security according to the problems and threats which it faces. Following are the example of network security application which are used by the business.

Email Security

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Email gateway is traditional threat of security breach. The hackers use personal information and other social engineering tactics. By using such tactics, attackers build the campaigns and send to individual for sites serving malware (Prabhakar, 2017). By using the email security, the company can secure entire account and content of email or service.  It helps the company’s employees for facing such types of threats. This security is encompasses with multiple techniques which helps to secure email services.   Email security is based on developing strong password, anti-spam applications and spam filters.  The AINS ICT solution need to ensure that all services which are provided by them should have strong security application password and control on the mechanisms on email server.  The success and failure factor of the email security is depended on the control mechanisms on email server. 

Firewall Security

The firewall security is based on network security system which helps to monitor and control the incoming and outgoing network traffic based on pre-determined security rules. Basically firewall establishes a barrier between internal and external network security. It can be of any type or form such as hardware or software hardware security.  In the business organizations, there are different types of the information which is send and received from outside of the company’s network (Perlman, Kaufman and Speciner, 2016). By creating a barrier in between two gateways, firewalls help the company from upcoming IT-threats. Firewall is the most famous security network in IT. There are number of organizations which use firewall so they can monitor and control the information in between internal and external gateway of organization. In the online business, customers share information through security network. So, by using the firewall AINS ICT solution, organization can provide more security to its clients.

Three Information and Network Security Applications

Web Security

 The web security is another network security. Such type of security is adopted by the companies which provide online business services or accept and make payment through their websites. In the business organization, there are different types of operations conducted through online platforms. A web security solution must be able to control on the staff’s web-use, block web based threats and also deny malicious websites. Basically, it is set of several steps to protect company’s websites. AINS ICT solution can develop such type of network security because it directly control overall entity’s transaction and help the client’s organization to prevent outside threats.

AINS ICT solution can use any one of the proposed application in order to expand their business. The company’s main target is to provide and develop more secure network security to the online business. Internet has become integral part of the each business because it has several advantages such as unlimited geographical area, time and cost effective process. The company, by using the above network security can easily expand business and satisfy the customer’s needs (Ghansela, 2013). The email security and firewall security prevent client’s organization from outside threats such as Malware. On the other hand, use of the website security provide complete security to company’s online transactions.

AINS ICT Solution needs to take development in customizing off-the-shelf applications.  Through this, business are able to provide better services to company. The main aim of business is to expand business in next five years. By adopting the customizing off-the-shelf applications, entity become can offer wide range of products and services to its client. Such type of diversity allow to business add value in services and attracts more customers in the business.  On the other hand, through the In -House research AINS ICT Solution can offer limited number of services. So for the company, in order to making expansion of its business needs to adopt the off-the-shelf applications.

In the today’s competitive business world, the major concern for the business is to provide security to company. Nowadays, all the business is associated with internet so the concern of the company is related to security of its IT activities. “Off-the-shelf applications”, able to provide different security, process and fulfill needs of customers (AbdAllah,  Hassanein,  and Zulkernine, 2015).  This application is based on “one-size-fits-all” approach which provides high level of security to all business organizations.  Through adopting such applications, AINS ICT Solution can attract more customers in its business. Following are the advantages and disadvantages of customized “Off-the-shelf applications”

Use of Application in Expansion of Business

Lots of choice available

The main advantage of the Off-the-shelf applications is that it provides large number of choice to company and its clients. In the Off-the-shelf applications, company received wide range of application as per the use requirement of the clients. Each clients of AINS ICT Solution have different requirement so by adopting the diversity and offering off shelf application, the company can offer more service and software based products to its clients. So, by using the off shelf application companies can easily expand its business.

Less Training Required

In the In-House training, the business requires more training to its employees. On the other hand, due to the Off-the-shelf applications the company does not put much effort and they can easily provide services to customers. The shelf applications are based on the guidelines and also the company need to conduct less research to make its feasible (Cotroneo and Natella, 2014). In addition, the client’s organizations are also getting benefit because this software is based on automatically undated process. So, the client does not require updating it on regular basis. On the other hand, with customized In House services, the services recipient need to provide training to its own staff for updated network security.

Fully Tested and Cost-Effective process

The off shelf software are cost effective and fully tested. This software is tested by the company and many other users. So, it enables to provide more secure connection and also assist the customers in receiving fault free services. AINS ICT Solution can easily test their application in business environment and offer more quality products and services (Arora and Singh, 2014). In the In-house software, management do not have require time to test the applications and also to develop more specific software company need to make more time and use cost so it become a cost and time consuming process.

Slow Adoption of the Changes

The shelf customized software work on the concept on the fit for all. Such type of software, take a lot of time to adopt the changes.  The shelf software is based on providing overall industry solutions as it is not based on single problems. On the other hand, the software which is developed by the company can control the time consumed for the software development process. Through this, problems of the customers can easily solve and client’s business can easily be conducted.

Do not Fulfill Customer’s Needs

Advantages and Disadvantages of Proposed Purpose

The software is develop by the company as according to the client’s’ demand. This software helps to the service recipient to get quality services and helps to fulfill their requirements (Tahir,   Khan, Babar,  Arif and Khan, 2016). On the other hand, the software which is adopted by the company can impact on their business as they are not based on specific problems. So, in order to fulfill customer’s needs the company needs to make sure to add more feature in the software which increases cost of software

In order to overcome with disadvantages, the company needs to adopt the several resolutions.  AINS ICT Solution, to reduce the impact of threats and expand the business through the shelf software can adopt following ways:

The changes which are adopted by the company are frequent, for AINS ICT Solution it becomes very difficult to change features of its software. So, in order to overcome with such issues, Software Company canmake analysis or research on marketing environment and make software more advanced (Mohtasham, Ferreira and Barreto, 2014) The development team of the company by making focus on the future requirements and basis of the predication they can develop advance shelf software. It is costs and time effective process. So the company can easily overcome with problems.

Each customer’s needs is different because nature of business. The shelf customer software based on Fit for all purpose, so for the company it becomes difficult to fulfill all needs of customers. The In-house software is based and develops as according to the customer’s needs. However, the shelf software should not able to fulfill the needs of the customers. So, in order to overcome such problems the company can add more features by consulting customers before developing it. In addition, the business can also provide flexibility in software so add more feature as per customer’s requirement. 

In order to conduct each types of the business, the company needs to fulfill the requirement of legal, social and ethical aspects of the company. It is considered as triple bottom line for the business firms.

Legal consideration

All companies have some legal responsibility which is based on government rules and regulations. For the IT Company, the legal consideration has allowed the data security act and spam act (Ghansela, 2013). Under this law, the company needs to make sure that all the international and national law related to the data security must be followed and the companies maintain their privacy policy.

Ethical consideration

The ethical consideration is based on service and products of the company. All the software which is provided by the company should include proper guideline and mention the code of conduct. The ethical responsibility of the company is based on protecting the data and do not share this data to any other third party.

Social Consideration

Each business has some social responsibility in which it provide service to society. The social consideration for the AINS ICT Solution is providing value beyond its products and services (Prabhakar, 2017). The company can also use software development technology in various social projects such as helping in maintaining environment clean and green.


Summing up the present report, it can be concluded the AINS ICT Solution, in order to expand the business can adopt the Off-the-shelf applications software. It provides diversity in the business and assist to company for expanding its business service in country. However, there are some potential challenges which can create problems for the company. To overcome with these challenges the business need to adopt advance technology.  With the advent of technology, the use of internet and online mediums is common for storing and analyzing organization’s information. However, it has new concerns for information security. The hackers have more access to the sensitive information of the organization. Various methods such as firewall and encryption are used for protecting the information of the users.

By making the analysis it is recommended that the company need to provide services through the  Off-the-shelf applications software the company need to make sure use of advanced technology and develop software according to customer’s needs. It helps AINS ICT Solution to improve its services and products quality. 

It is also recommended that the company invests in research and development for new technologies. It will assist the company in delivering the software projects in a more cost-effective and timely manner.

It is also recommended to the company that it recruits diversified and skilled workforce. The organization should also focus on the establishing different strategies so that talented workforce is recruited in the organization.


AbdAllah, E. G., Hassanein, H. S., & Zulkernine, M. (2015). A survey of security attacks in information-centric networking. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 17(3), 1441-1454.

Arora, P., & Singh, H. (2014). Identification of Critical Risk Phase in Commercial-off-the-Shelf Software (CBSD) using FMEA Approach. Global Journal of Computer Science and Psychology.

Cotroneo, D., & Natella, R. (2014, November). Towards Patching Memory Leak Bugs in Off-The-Shelf Software. In Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW), 2014 IEEE International Symposium on (pp. 433-436). IEEE.

Ghansela, S. (2013). Network security: Attacks, tools and techniques. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, 3(6).

Mohtasham, A., Ferreira, P., & Barreto, J. (2014). Exploiting Off-the-Shelf Virtual Memory Mechanisms to Boost Software Transactional Memory.

Perlman, R., Kaufman, C., & Speciner, M. (2016). Network security: private communication in a public world. Pearson Education India.


Stallings, W., & Tahiliani, M. P. (2014). Cryptography and network security: principles and practice (Vol. 6). London: Management.

Tahir, M., Khan, F., Babar, M., Arif, F., & Khan, F. (2016). Framework for Better Reusability in Component Based Software Engineering. the Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences (JAEBS), 6, 77-81.

AINS ICT Solutions. 2017.  Services.  Retrieved 21st September, 2017, from

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