Research Methodology For Enhancing Personalized Service Through Guest Satisfaction: A Case Study Of JW Marriott, Austin
Research Philosophy
Discuss about the Enhancing Personalised Service Guest Satisfaction.
Research methodology refers to the general plan of the researcher about how to go about carrying out the research. It illustrates the research philosophy, approach, strategy, design, data collection, sampling technique and data analysis process. As stated by Lewis (2015), research methodology encompasses the entire structure for gathering the relevant data and analyzing those to get the most logical and unambiguous outcome to the research problem. The methodology for the given research on ‘Enhancing Personalized Service through Guest Satisfaction: A Case Study of JW Marriott, Austin’ is explained below.
Research philosophy explains the direction of the research, along with the researcher’s vision and thought process regarding the research study. Research methodology depends on the origin, nature and development of the information and knowledge of the researcher (Neuman and Robson 2014). The researcher adopted the critical realism philosophy for this research. As stated by Wahyuni (2012), Critical Realism deals with the concept that the initial experience of the human mind is subjectively processed by the mind. As the subject matter of this research is to study the customer behavior regarding a service in JW Marriott, Austin, the best way to conduct the study in a manner that would explore the experiences of the human mind and how it perceives those experiences. This is an epistemological paradigm. As per the Expectation Confirmation Theory, the guest satisfaction is a resultant effect of the difference between the expectation and perceived value of the product or service. Since, consumer behavior is a complex behavior of human mind, it needs to be assessed critically based on the different aspects of the population, that is, demographic factors, such as, age, gender, customs, income etc. The researcher conducted the study to assess these factors and their impact on the satisfaction level. The responses of the participants in the study was evaluated in a manner that would reflect their experiences, expectations and perceptions regarding the butler service in the hotel if that was introduced. Critical realism was the most appropriate philosophy to address this issue, as it was also beneficial to explore the research topic in the multiple levels, such as, the extent to which the customer satisfaction is enhanced and the ways by which the hotel could achieve that.
A mixed method approach was chosen in order to fully attain the aims and objectives of this research. There are two major types of research approach, namely, inductive and deductive. Under inductive approach, the researcher generates a new theory or perspective from the research outcomes, while in deductive approach, the researcher evaluates the research problem against existing theories. In the given research, the researcher applied both the inductive and deductive method to address the research questions. The data collected through the survey was analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferences were made on the basis of the established theories, such as, the Expectation confirmation theory, customer satisfaction theory, cognitive dissonance theory etc. This was followed from the principles of the deductive approach. On the other hand, thematic analysis approach was adopted to explain the findings from the data. The purpose of the study was to recommend the hotel on whether they should introduce the butler service to enhance the guest satisfaction. Inductive approach was used to get the inferences from the data on whether butler service would be beneficial for the hotel.
Research Approach
As stated by Myers, Well and Lorch Jr (2013), research design mainly presents the structure of the study and it depends on the research approach. The researcher used the correlational research design for this study. According to Mitchell and Jolley (2012), correlation research design enables the researcher to evaluate if there exists any cause and effect relationship between the research variables, such as, enhancement of personalized services in the hotels and guest satisfaction in this case. Thus, the researcher explored if there was any causal relationship between the variables concerning the guest satisfaction and launch of a new service in the hotel. On the other hand, observational or descriptive study enables the researcher to explain or describe the research topic based on observation only, with support from the data. The qualitative aspect of the study is more important and it follows from the interpretivism philosophy and qualitative research approach. Under experimental study, scientific tools are applied to perform experiments to find out the relationship between or among the research variables. This is same under quasi-experimental research design, except that, it does not use randomized sample groups (Wahyuni 2012). Thus, it was most logical that the researcher applied correlational research design for the study.
This implies the basic plan of the researcher to conduct the research. In view of Marczyk, DeMatteo and Festinger (2017), research strategy represents the structure of data collection, its nature and its analysis to conduct a research study. The most common research strategies are case study, experiments, surveys, narrative inquiry, action research, grounded theory, ethnography and archival research (Saunders and Lewis 2012). In the given study, the researcher has adopted case study and survey research strategy. JW Marriott, Austin was chosen as the case study hotel. The researcher collected data through a survey from the guests of this hotel to focus on the research problem. This case study research design is beneficial as it allows the researcher to study the research problem against a real life backdrop. This is also helpful in understanding the implications of the research in the context of real world (Hancock and Algozzine 2016).
Sampling is essential in case of survey. Sample is a subset of population bearing all the similar features (Lane 2014). Using appropriate techniques, a sample is drawn for the population while conducting any data collection. The guests at JW Marriott, Austin are chosen for drawing the sample for the survey. The researcher applied simple random technique to choose the customers of the hotel for the survey. In this technique, each sample has equal probability of being selected and this also reduces sample error, biasness, and fluctuations in the findings (Reid 2013). The guests of the hotel were chosen randomly, using simple random sampling and the questionnaire was sent to them via a link to the Google form in their emails. For the survey, an informed consent was taken from the participants and no one was forced or bribed to take part in the survey. The survey took place for 2 weeks, from May 28th to June 10th. During that period, the guests, who checked in JW Marriott, Austin, were asked to fill out the survey form on the last day of their stay. They filled out the survey form online, via the Google form link in their emails, registered during the check in process. 38 guests agreed and provided their responses, based on which the data analysis was done.
Research Design
In the given study on how the guest satisfaction can impact the enhancement of the personalized services in the hotels, the researcher had narrowed down the topic and focused on introduction of butler service to improve guest satisfaction in JW Marriott, Austin. On this topic, relevant data cannot be found on any official websites or newspapers. Thus, secondary data collection and analysis is not an appropriate option for this study, and hence, the researcher chose to collect the primary data from the guests of JW Marriott, Austin through a survey. Primary data would give a direct response from the participants and would also help the researcher to get an idea about the perception of people regarding the utility and preference of the butler service in a luxurious hotel like JW Marriott, Austin.
A survey questionnaire was designed in a simple manner and easy language so that the participants could easily understand the intention of the researcher and also understand the topic while answering. It was prepared using Google Form. The questionnaire contained total of 14 close ended questions. It had two divisions, demographic and non-demographic. Demographic section focused on age, gender, marital status and annual income of the participants. The non-demographic section had addressed the perceptions of the guests regarding the utility of the butler service, in a luxury hotel like JW Marriott, Austin, its impact on cost, customer satisfaction and loyalty and their satisfaction level regarding the service of JW Marriott, Austin. Close ended questions were chosen as they helped in narrowing down the range of the answers. This was also helpful in converting the response data for the analysis. The researcher collected the emails of the guests from the register, who checked in to JW Marriott, Austin during May 28th to June 10th, and sent a consent form for the survey. Once they had replied with the consent, the researcher emailed them the survey link requesting them to fill out on the last day of their stay in the hotel.
The researcher used mixed method, that is, both the quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods to get the outcome. The survey responses were analyzed using quantitative methods. The responses were collected in the Google form only and in the form of five point rating scale, such as, the Likert scale. Those responses were converted into numerical values, for example, 1 denotes strongly disagree or very dissatisfied and 5 denotes strongly agree or very satisfied. The values were analyzed using descriptive analysis and graphical tools, such as, charts and tables for visual representation of the trends in the data. Since, this study is about evaluating the experience of the participants, the analysis of the perceptions of the guests was important and was through descriptive method and observation method. On the other hand, thematic analysis under qualitative data analysis method was adopted to analyze the findings from quantitative analysis, against the established theories, found from the literature review.
Research Strategy
The researcher conducted a cross sectional study, which involved observational study. The entire study was conducted within 12 weeks.
Week |
Task |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Making a strategy |
Making a framework |
Literature review |
Primary data collection |
Conducting survey |
Data analysis |
Presenting the findings and discussion |
Providing the conclusion |
Thesis submission |
The researcher conducted a survey on the guests of JW Marriott, Austin, with 14 close ended questions that contained two parts, demographic and non-demographic. The survey responses were collected through Google form, which is an online survey tool. The link to the survey form was sent to the participants through their emails, which were registered while check-in in the hotel. The collected responses were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The content analysis is explained below.
The research study was based on primary data analysis. The researcher collected primary data as it is easier to get a first hand response regarding the research topic. It was assumed that the guests of the hotel could provide the best responses to their level of satisfaction regarding the service of the hotel. This would help in analyzing the need for personalized services and utility of the services, such as, the butler service. The response data from the survey was analyzed using descriptive analysis and pie charts and graphs have been used for visual representation of the survey. The results are as follows.
Regarding the age group of the participants, the researcher made 5 categories to make the horizon broader. It is seen that majority (30.3%) of the guests of JW Marriott, Austin, who checked in during the two weeks, May 28th to June 10th, belonged to the age group of 51 – 60 years, followed by 27.3% in 41 – 50 years, and 21.2% in 31 – 40 years.
Among the participants, it is seen that 47.4% are married, 34.2% are single and 18.4% preferred not to reveal their marital status. Among these, some came for business, while some came for holiday.
This is important, since, JW Marriot is a luxury hotel, it is assumed that people with a very high income would choose this hotel during holidays, or people who travelled for business, at the expense of the company, would stay in this hotel. The median household income in Austin, Texas is $66,697 ( 2018). 50% of the participants earned more than $120,000 in a year, while 34.2% earned somewhere between the median income, that is, $66,697 and $120,000 and very few guests, 15.8% earned less than the median income. It can be said that, these people visited for business purpose, at the expense of the company.
The four figures above (5, 6, 7 and 8) represent a picture of how many times the guests need to travel for business, how many vacations they take in a years, whether they prefer to stay at luxury hotels during holidays, when they need to pay from their pockets and if they choose stay at the luxury hotels when their companies sponsor their trips. From these charts, it can be observed that, majority take vacations 1 to 3 times and equal number of people responded neutral and agreed that they prefer to stay at luxury hotels during their holiday trip. This highly depends on the income and personal preference. On the other hand, maximum people agreed to enjoy a luxurious stay when they do not have to pay from their own pocket. The guest profile of JW Marriott, Austin comprise of these two type of guests.
Maximum, that is, 52.6% guests agreed to have a butler service in JW Marriott, Austin, followed by 7.9% strongly agreed. 28.9% responded neutral, 2.6% strongly disagreed, and 7.9% disagreed. The responses were dependent on the personal preferences of the customers.
55.3% of the guests agreed that butler service can further enhance the personalized services offered by the hotel. Although 21.1% responded neutral and 7.9% disagreed, yet 15.8% strongly agreed. Thus, going by the majority opinion, JW Marriott, Austin can enhance guest satisfaction by introducing butler service.
Being a luxury hotel, JW Marriott, Austin has five presidential suites, whose overnight prices are quite high than the rest of the rooms. According to 55.3% of the respondents, the butler service should be introduced in the presidential suites, if not in others. 15.8% strongly agreed, while 21.1% remained neutral, 5.3% disagreed, and 2.6% strongly disagreed.
Regarding the increase in the service charge due to butler service, majority guests agreed and strongly agreed. This is a common knowledge that personalized services incur higher cost.
In regards to the customer loyalty, 36.8% agreed and 26.3% strongly agreed that personalized service, such as, butler service would help in increasing the customer loyalty towards the hotel like JW Marriott, Austin. Although, 28.9% have responded neutral and very few guests disagreed and strongly disagreed, yet it can be inferred that majority of the customers have the opinion that in a luxury hotel like JW Marriott, Austin, where the price is quite higher than the other upscale or mid scale hotels, people would prefer to have more personalized services, like, the butler service. This might increase the service charge, but this might also increase customer loyalty.
Data Collection
In the matter of the comparison of the findings with the theoretical concept of expectation confirmation theory, it can be said that when the customers gets better services than what is expected, they get satisfied. At the same time, when the performances are better than the expected, customers are satisfied. In this research, it is found that, majority of the participants provided satisfactory rating to the fundamental services of the hotel.
The researcher collected the satisfaction rating of the guests regarding different service of the JW Marriott, Austin. From the response data, it is seen that, in all the categories, that is, customer service, room service, restaurant service, bar service, reception or front desk service and overall service delivery, maximum number of guests rated satisfactory and neutral. Very few guests expressed that they are very dissatisfied, dissatisfied or very satisfied regarding any of the service. They have mostly responded with neutral or satisfied. However, regarding the housekeeping and bar services, majority responded neutral. Thus, it can be said that there is a scope for improvement in the personalized services. Butler services can improve the quality of personalized services in the above mentioned areas by delivering more than expected services.
In the context of Customer Satisfaction Pyramid, personalized services by the hotels can enhance all the logical and emotional parameters of the pyramid to increase the satisfaction of the customers of guests.
It is seen from the responses of the survey that, the guests rated the most common hotel services and all these services have the common motto of delivering the best care to the guest to build a trust among the guests. They promise to build reliability and create value for the customers, which cater to the logical factors for creating a preference among the guests. Since, majority of the guests are satisfied with these services, JW Marriott, Austin aims to address the emotional factors for satisfaction. Butlers can meet the expectation and demand for more personalized services through caring and helpful attitude, and providing a friendly, enjoyable and fun stay at the hotel. The introduction of butler service can make the guests overwhelmed, with more personal attention, they can relax and enjoy more of their stay at the hotel. The respondents have expressed their preference for butler service and they have also said that butler service can increase the customer loyalty, owing to the fact that butlers can influence the emotional attributes of the customers by providing attention to personal needs.
Data Analysis
Following the cognitive dissonance theory, it can be said that, attitude and behavior of the hotel staff can place a good impression among the guests, which also helps in building a trust, reliability and loyalty among the guests. Butler service is a personalized service and through compassionate behavior they can build up a harmonious relationship with the guests. This would contribute in enhancing the customer satisfaction during their stay at the hotel.
From the above discussion, it can be inferred that, people do enjoy staying at a luxury hotel. From the guest profile of JW Marriott, Austin, it is seen that many guests stay there during their business trip, which is sponsored by their companies. The guests, who have a very less or marginal median income, generally cannot afford to stay at a luxury hotel during any holiday trip. Thus, it can be assumed that they are being sponsored by their organizations for any business purpose. On the other hand, the guests with a very high income, prefer to stay at a luxury hotel and also prefer to enjoy personalized services. According to them, butler service is more personalized and they would prefer to have butler services even if it incurs higher service charge.
The aim of the research study was to examine the value addition through personalized butler service for enhancing customer satisfaction, and the research objectives were to find out the relevance or utility of the butler service in a luxury hotel like JW Marriott, Austin. The researcher had focused on getting the guests’ opinions regarding the introduction of the butler service and its implications before implementing any such service by the hotel. It is found that, people with high income level prefer to enjoy more personalized service, which the hotel can provide by introducing butler service. As per the survey responses, although majority of the people are satisfied with the hotel services, it is seen that more guests have responded neutral about bar service, housekeeping and overall service delivery. Hence, there is a scope for improving the services delivered. In this regard, the hotel can implement the following recommendations to identify the scopes and formulate and implement the measures.
- The hotel should prepare a questionnaire or a checklist regarding the personalized services they can offer and ask the guest to fill in the form while checking in. This would help the hotel to understand the need and desire of the guest and deliver the services accordingly. This measure would help the hotel to enhance their efficiency in delivering personalized services.
- They should take a feedback of the guest during check out to know any things, such as, if they were satisfied with the services or not, if there is any scope for improvement, if they should consider upgrading the existing services. The feedback by the guest would help them to focus on the services and make improvisations.
- The hotel should introduce the butler service for the presidential or the most luxury suites first. By considering the responses and cost effectiveness, they should expand this service further.
- JW Marriott, Austin, should also consider about keeping the prices unchanged initially to attract more customers.
There are some limitations of this study as the researcher has only focused on collecting the primary data through a survey on the customers. Further research could be done by collecting secondary data along with the primary data and applying quantitative as well as qualitative analysis.
From the above discussion, it can be inferred that, there are two types of guest that visit JW Marriott, Austin, one group is a high income group who stays at Marriott during their holiday trip and another group visits Austin for any business purpose and stays at Marriott. Since it is a luxury hotel, the price for staying there is quite high. People, who prefer to spend money for luxury and can afford it, prefer personalized services also. Butler service is one such personalized service, which is aimed at providing the most comfortable stay to the guests by addressing their personal needs and preferences when they need it. As per the opinion of the guests of JW Marriott, Austin, they would definitely be happier if they get such personalized service. According to them, this would make them more loyal to the hotel, which would increase the profitability of the hotel in the long run. Hence, JW Marriott, Austin should implement the butler service, at least for the luxury or presidential suites initially, as per the response of the guests, should formulate strategies to expand their services within the hotel as well as across the chain.
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