Public Sector Vs Private Sector: Ethics And Management

Importance of Ethics in Public Sector


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Discuss about the Systematic Review and Future Research.

Rise in the Global expansion as well as higher levels of competitions in the various industries have gave birth to various liabilities to prove one’s value in the society or the market. To top the competition individuals have let go of the morality that once prevailed amongst the individuals (Frederickson and Rohr 2015).

This essay deals with the issues that are mostly revolved around the public sectors and the private sectors including the issues related to the ethics, the strategic management, the methods of evaluation of the prospects of the private sectors and the policies that are being incorporated

The purpose of this essay is to understand the implications and the evaluations of the various aspects of management related to the public sector in comparison to the private sector.

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Ethics has become more critical in the public administration system in the latest years. The rising issues of corruption, fraudulent activities, bribery, misuse of the authority and power within the governance has led to the breach of trust amongst the public (Frederickson and Ghere 2013). Ethical behaviour and decisions are taken to maintain citizens’ trust as well as ensure effective and efficient utilization of resources thus allow government to preserve an individual’s rights along with assisting others in need.

Ethics is one of the imperative components that allow a democratic system to thrive in a country. Ethics in the public organization is crucial to realize the security of the democracy. In a democratic system, the government have a commitment towards the citizens, to treat everyone equally and provide the maximum service to most of citizens (Van Dooren, Bouckaert and Halligan 2015). The efficient functioning of democratic government obliges that the public sector employees should be autonomous, unbiased and dependable towards the people. Government policies should be prepared within the appropriate configuration of government, enforce that the public offices should not be used for any kind of personal achievement, and ensure that the public have confidence in the integrity of its government. The ethical misconduct and outrage in government pose a threat to the democratic ideologies in the rules of administration, equity and individual rights. Fraud, bribery and other misuses within the government takes the power from people and gives it to a few who are in position of control that ultimately distorts the notion of the equality of all participants of the public life. Since public service is a public belief, citizens anticipate that the public servants according to the public interest with even-handedness and manage the public resources fairly. Ethical and steadfast services motivate trust and create a positive environment for businesses, thus contributing to economic growth (Preston and Sampford  2012).

Challenges Faced in Practicing Ethics

With reference to a country, Hong Kong is one the countries with good ethical practises in terms of administration. The Hong Kong administration is no exemption. The quality of the Hong Kong civil service well known and the civil servants are internationally recognized as among the least corrupt and the least intrusive. However, the government has faced ethical confrontations in the recent years. In order to preserve the integrity and professionalism of civil service, the government has established the theory of serving the community as well as being liable when it reforms the civil service and has been in effort to improve the ethics management in its governance.

In most nations in the present day, there is a higher expectation from an ordinary citizen towards the Governments, that it would establish and distribute privileged standards of ethicality and integrity in the civil service and the Government itself. In order to achieve such certain regulations are being followed to ensure the maintenance of the ethicality in the public sector. With these propositions in the mindset initiatives have been taken to implement effective civil ethics, codes of conduct, integrity coordination, anti – corruption measures and transparency measures. Effective practise have led to better improvements in the ethical environment of the public sectors. Disciplinary actions for justifying any action, effective  laws to protect the public interest disclosure, ethical audits to measure and maintain integrity risks along with better human resource management strategies to promote merit based promotions and anti discrimination in the public sectors.

Despite severe efforts to implement the ethical practices amongst the public service employees the ethical practices faces it major weakness in terms of practise and implementation. Ethical practises or conduct are set of rules that are only incorporated from within the conscience of the organization and the individuals working for these organizations. The principle weakness or challenges it the lack of comprehension for following the ethics while involved in public service. The conscience makes the effort to help the individual understand the value of ethics as ethics cannot be taught but it can be understood. Lack of strict regulations to control the unethical practices or actions encourages individuals to continue the use of unethical practises for individual purpose and need for the personal gain. Negative influence plays a major role in terms of the ethical practises as observing others or superiors engrossed in unethical activities encourages the others to follow the same without thinking or rationalizing the consequences of those actions.

Strategic Management and Three Management Dimensions

With reference to the speech delivered in 2005. In a forum of public servants by the former Minister for planning and National Development in the Republic of Kenya, Professor Peter Anyang’ Nyongo, the secret to generating revenue is only possible if the belief is not just limited to the perception or the words but the actual implementation of these beliefs into the actions. This is not possible in a day’s time but with gradual practise and incorporation the development would certainly prevail one day. Strategic management has become the standardized tool for the shaping of the organization and the creating the value for the same.  The use of strategic triangle and the three management dimensions acts as a guiding instrument for the management and the personnel. The three management dimensions in the strategic management are Political, Cooperation and Operations (Hill and Varone 2016).

The political factor reflects the need and demand for the political support and is an obvious principle of the public sector. The cooperation takes the new management hypothesis of the governance into consideration, as the cooperation and the networking of the social performer have gained increased significance. The operational element takes the efficiency and the effectiveness into consideration (Vedung 2017). To implement and improvise the strategies and create a value for the society, the ends of the triangle should be managed with precision and dedication. Even if the strategic model in not known to any subject, these management strategies can be always be related and would remain relevant in terms of managing the strategies in the public sectors. These management strategies are interdependent with each other and proper influence and compelling of the ministry to extend the authorization can help an organization enter improvised forms of cooperation and modify the operations, where new cooperation can mean the modification of the operations and influencing of the political level (Branch, Hanushek and Rivkin 2012). As per the concept new operations would attract stronger form of alliance that would ultimately help in the faster development progress.

As per the cited concern, the evaluation of the public organizations is more difficult than that of the private organizations. The main reason than be held responsible is the differences between the public and the private organizations. The main reason that can be justified for the concern is the size, value and the complexity of the public organizations makes it more complicated than the private organizations. The fewer measures to track the progress of the success and failure is less due to the constant changing reforms of the different governments. The civil service norms and regulations seldom encourage the individuals in terms of outstanding or poor performance. There is very little risk of personal gain in the government due to the serious implementations of certain policies or programs. The principle key of the driving the public organizations is completely dependent on legislative driven monopolies. The manager in the government often knows about the need for certain changes and management in the government but can hardly implement it due to the restrictions that are faced by the legal restrictions, regulations and the government policies, that might have been probably made earlier for other circumstances. The authority and the responsibility of the government tend to be asymmetrical and instead of well balance that results in most of the difficulty in the evaluation proceedings. The goals and the objectives of the government are pretty often divergent and distractive in nature that can often lead to misunderstandings and confusions. These are the factors that are responsible to understand the difficulty in the evaluation of the  public organizations in comparison to the private organizations as well as these are the factors that the employees in the public organizations should take into consideration while operation within the organization (Drennan,  McConnell and Stark 2014).

Challenges in Evaluating Public Organizations

This is significant for understanding since the public organizations have been formed and acts for the benefit of the public and the citizens. Reconstruction in the strategic formulations is utterly necessary to convey about the clear functionalities and objectives of the government instead of creating deception, confusion and mistrust between the organization and its publics (De Vries, Bekkers and Tummers 2016).

Policy analysis is a method that has been implemented in the purpose of public administration and facilitates the employees to scrutinize and evaluate the possible opportunities to implement the objectives of these goals (Dunn 2015). It can be determined the methodology of determining the different policies that would be influential and crucial in achieving a predetermined set of objectives. The process of policy analysis can be categorized into two different actions. The first action involves the analysis of the existing policies those are descriptive and analytical. The second action is the analysis of the new policies that are prescriptive and involve the formulation of the policies (Kraft and Furlong 2012). On addition the different stages of the rational model of the policy analysis is the identification of the problem, agenda setting, formulation of the policy proposal  through diverse parties, the selection or the adoption of the legal enactment of the chosen policy and the evaluation of the policy (John 2013).

With reference to the normative and the descriptive models in terms of decision-making, the normative models or the prescriptive theory it is mainly concerned with the point of considering the best decision that can be taken concentrating on the ideal decision maker who would be able to take the decision rationally. On the other hand, the descriptive theory or the positive theory is mostly concerned with the observation of the decision makers, if they take any decision or act under certain influence during the session of decision-making. The theories of the decision-making have been explained with the help of a policy as cited in the assignment. Considering the policy of Principle of Ethical Conduct, this policy enforces of the public organization employees about how they should act and how they can act based on the ethical values (Normative and Prescriptive model theory). Based on the actions that the employees take or have taken that breaches the ethical values, the decisions are taken into consideration using the Descriptive theory.

As per the requirement, the normative model does serve the purpose of a descriptive model, as these theories are instrumental and crucial in determining the necessity of the formulating new and older policies as well as influencing the decision making process (Laegreid and Christensen 2013).


With the help of this essay, it can be concluded that ethics is indeed one of the important values that are necessary to be installed within the public sector organisations and the employees working for it. The necessity lies in the relationship and dependency of the public with the government. The formula of generating revenue by a nation or the government is to transform and manipulate the strategies in the governance that involves the political, cooperation and the operational factors. The evaluation of the public sectors are difficult and complicated than the private organization due to the huge differences in the operations and the categorization that involves the strict boundaries from the different legal regulations. The significance of the evaluation is necessary since the public organizations have been formed and acts for the benefit of the public and the citizens and it is important to be clear about the regulations and actions to prevent confusion and mistrust. The method of policy analysis and the policy model does serve the purpose of a descriptive model as these steps are instrumental and crucial in the determination of the necessity and validation of the formulation of new and older policies.


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Frederickson, H.G. and Ghere, R.K., 2013. Ethics in public management. ME Sharpe.

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Dunn, W.N., 2015. Public policy analysis. Routledge.

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Drennan, L.T., McConnell, A. and Stark, A., 2014. Risk and crisis management in the public sector. Routledge.

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