Professional Practice Preparation For Health And Social

Recruitment Process in Nursing

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The recruitment process in every discipline is important as it gives an insight of the strength and weakness. Every profession has processes that are distinct in their own way.  In the recruitment of nursing as a discipline, many factors are considered in order to issue the license of a nurse. This process begins with qualifications at the beginning of the academic program. First and foremost in order to join the nursing profession papers are critically examined by the concerned academic board (Danielson, 2007). This is to ensure that the student undertaking the course should meet the minimum requirements.  Science subjects and mathematics are essential due to the practice required. I completely concur with the admission process having in mind that the health faculty is critical to the lives of citizens. More often than not cases of negligence have been witnessed due to leniency in the admission process (Atwal & Jones, 2009). In addition, quack practitioner cases and health malpractices have been reduced. However where I slightly differ is that sometimes a student may not be good in science and mathematics, but have the passion for nursing. In such cases, it would be quite unfair to deny the student chance to train as a nurse. Moreover, it is not applicable to judge a student basing on the high school academic credentials. This is because at times their improvement escalates in the higher learning level.

When it comes to the interview process, nursing has a transparent and professional observance to those seeking the job (Danielson & Axtell, 2009). This is because at this stage nurses have undergone a thorough training and ethical observance. It is beyond reasonable doubt that every nurse has the skills of handling the sick due to the exposure of several ill health cases. The nursing interview will depend on the health employer, for instance, the private sector will differ from the public (Franklin, 2000). The national government has an interview which is in conjunction with the ministry of health. Screening interview in nursing is conducted by the human resources professional. It is a type of interview that is engaged with a call from the employer to reduce the number of applicants to the job. Here the nurse in question is required to have their resume at hand in a place where there are no distractions. Another form of interview is selection interview, which is usually conducted by the health supervisor. It is mostly carried out after the first interview with the job seeker having satisfied the health organization. series interview will involve a number of staff members who will meet with the nurse looking for the job. It is most common to  nurses seeking senior management positions. Lastly on the interview part, is the panel interview whereby the nurse faces individuals from various departments.  The psychometric tests in nursing will always be based on the literacy, psychological, and personality traits. It is important to assist in the formulation of psychological and identification of stress areas. The intelligence of the nurse will be determined and also job reliability on emergency cases.

Importance of Science and Mathematics in Nursing

The Myers –Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is the most widely used and reliable personality assessment in the world. It should be noted that over 50 years of research MBTI has played a critical role in the human management in terms of career and behavioral development. It mostly focuses on the psychological on how people perceive the world around them and the decisions they make.  It is an analysis that was founded by Katherine Cook Briggs. MBTI emphasizes that people have different preferences on sensation, intuition, feeling and thinking. As a matter of fact, everyone in the universe differs on various biological and intellectual aspects.  For example, in the workplace people with introversion show lower levels of workplace well-being as compared to those of extraversion (Hanton & Mellalieu, 2013). Those with ISTP (Introversion, sensing, thinking, perceiving; show the level of thinking in the workplace. This means that the role they play in the workplace is of low standards. On the contrary extraversion intuition feeling perceiving ENFP has the highest level of thinking and wellbeing.

Looking at my MBTI type, I consider being in the ISTP and ENFP in a way .For instance, when it comes to issues related to social behavior I am always on the forefront to engage in interactions which is an extrovert behavior. It is also accompanied by providing solutions to students’ problems.  I find it easy to interact with a student who helps in boosting self-esteem and happiness. However, I have had a self personally test and discovered that on matters regarding life challenges; I am quite the introvert because I find it hard to open up on matters of psychological torture (Compton & Baizerman, n.d.). Furthermore many at times I engage in reading many pages of journals and books. When I feel that something bothers me a lot, I’d rather think about it than open up to someone. More often than not I have only opened to someone I trust in very few instances. On the issue of thinking I have learned some concepts from the environment and social aspects of people. On the other hand, when it comes to judging I have always relied on introversion (Kulshrestha, 2012). For instance, this might be political, social or economic issues.  Rarely would I have aired my opinion publicly because of the fear of conflict and victimization. On the issue of acting based on a certain situation, I will always be action-orientated or thought – oriented. It should be noted in this case  that when it comes to making a decision, it will entirely depend on the time and situation.  Most of the impulse decisions I make are generally action oriented which might be a talk or body movement. When it comes to sensing and intuition, it will depend if I trust the information. Just as MBTI puts it, I would rather use sensing which will mean that there is a deeper acknowledgment of facts. On the other hand on thinking and feeling are important in rational decisions. After looking deeper into my self-awareness most of the time, I have made decisions based on feeling because of empathy.  The lessons I learned here is that at times emotions tend to cloud judgment.

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Interview Process in Nursing

Postgraduate course in nursing is very important to the health sector in the nation and globe contribution.  It should be noted that most nurses in the world today engage in diploma and degree programs in nursing. Not only is the number of patients more but also the demand and care. The nursing job requires attention in the night and day which makes it difficult to engage in postgraduate studies (JOHNSON, 2016). Internationally, Kenya to be precise the ratio of the nurses to the population is 83: 10,000 which is way below the world health organization recommendation. The nurses who have undergone postgraduate studies have the upper hand in providing mentorship and skills to inexperienced nurses. Over the recent years, it has been noted that a Master’s course in nursing is important because it provides specialization of the course. Secondly, it is an opportunity whereby the nurse gets better pay which helps in building the economy with a wider range of investment. Having a postgraduate program means that; a nurse is in line with the changes in time in regard to the licensing laws. In the globe today, most nurses who have advanced past a Bachelor’s degree have more flexible work schedules. It is also clear that advancing in the nursing field means that a greater professional network is built.

However Postgraduate course in nursing has had a share of challenges; for instance, the fees required for the program is quite an expensive bearing with the fact that most nurses have families to provide for. This makes it strenuous to balance money for family needs and academics. In the long run, it leads to frustrations and acquisition of loans (Fraser, 2016).  Another challenge is that to some nurses in different parts of the globe the countries are involved warfare. Having a politically unstable nation; means that the nurse’s postgraduate studies are cut short. Nursing as a career needs patience and commitment, but to some practitioners, patience is a value they lack.  A negative attitude to the profession leads to a change of career. In African countries mostly the third world, it is difficult to advance in studies, yet health institutions require nurses’ intervention.  Night shifts and day shifts should be well observed. It is quite difficult for a nurse to have a full-time Postgraduate course bearing with the fact their absence will instigate a health crisis.  Strikes have also been a massive challenge to nurses in the African countries. This makes it difficult for nurses to carry out their research and projects (Piotrowski, 2014). On the other hand, the 21st century is marked with technological advancements and facilities in the health sector. Nurses in vast economy countries are able to go through Post Graduate Diplomas and Masters Program without putting the nation’s health at risk.

Types of Interview in Nursing

Ethics is important in every discipline because it provides room; for professionalism and matters of career growth in the specific field. It should be noted that in the world today every area study and specialization has guidelines right from the coursework to the practical aspect. Professional practice preparation is a course that prepares students to undertake professional practice placements by building knowledge and skills in areas of professional behavior and communication with clients. It is also essential in self-management, setting personal goals and documentation skills. Furthermore, it is a course that provides students with competency skills in manual handling tasks. In this course moral values like trust, respect fairness and caring in business are emphasized. Moreover, the ethical behavior in this discipline upholds professional reputation at all costs. More often than not the society has been in a dilemma when caught in situations of professionalism and friendship; it is to this effect that stakeholders are required to observe ethical behavior as the profession states. It is a course gives the right guidance when caught in a situation whereby a person feels that they are in an emotional dilemma by observing their reputation.

Professionals in the professional practice have principles that ensure there is transparent behavior. Observing this ethical behavior ensures that there is dialogue even in matters that tend to bring conflict. More often than not confidentiality is a virtue that many human beings have failed to uphold. However, this discipline critically advocates for the confidentiality of clients. Being a confident means that sensitive information is protected which is known to a third party has dire consequences. The importance of ethics in this field is about compliance with laws at all times. Observing the law every time means every case is treated with the equal importance which means that cases of negligence will be avoided. In professional practice, preparation practice provides an opportunity for professionals to understand the psychology of subjects in their case study. For instance, if they are approached by a student who wants to choose a career right from middle school; there are a knowledge and skills with they are able to detect the learner’s interest (Piotrowski, 2014). Ethics in career choice here is observed by discussing the student weakness and strength in the most appropriate manner. Acting without bias is an ethical behavior that observes gender, race, and religion without any form of discrimination.  Being socially sensitive means that it promotes self-esteem to clients of who are from different backgrounds of life.

It should be noted that in all professionals ethics is a fundamental requirement. It does promote not only values but also promotes growth and development.  Ethics is also important in business and any organization that has an ultimate goal of accomplishing goals .professional practice preparation has also had challenges in the observance of ethics. First and foremost not all clients are willing to open up on issues regarding their behavior. Another challenge is that is the increased liability of individual prosecution under the tough legislative regime. Thirdly, it is the educating and managing compliance of the third parties.


Atwal, A., & Jones, M. (2009). Preparing for professional practice in health and social care. Chichester, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell.

Compton, D., & Baizerman, M. Managing program evaluation.

Danielson, C. (2007). Enhancing professional practice. Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Danielson, C., & Axtell, D. (2009). Implementing the framework for teaching in enhancing professional practice. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Franklin, J. (2000). Architect’s professional practice manual. New York: McGraw Hill.

Fraser, G. (2016). Landscape professional practice. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

Hanton, S., & Mellalieu, S. (2013). Professional practice in sport psychology. London: “Routledge.”


Kulshrestha, S. (2012). Urban and regional planning in India. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications.

Piotrowski, C. (2014). Professional practice for interior designers. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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