Politics Of Organizational Decision Making: Critical Thinking And Leadership

Benefits of critical decision making in making accurate conclusions

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Thinking is a scientific process which is based on a subject, content and the related associated problem. It can be asserted that in the course of thinking process an individual can suffer with biasness, confusion and distortion partially or completely. Hence it is imperative to develop a practice of critical thinking process which attributes a quality of analyze assessment and reconstruction mechanism in order to clarify the understanding. Therefore, Critical thinking can be defined as a method which will enhance my thoughts in the time of decision making (Cottrell, 2017). During my 1st week course I have come to know about some benefits regarding critical decision making. It can be argued that critical decision making can help to understand the problem of a given situation which can facilitates the skill to make accurate conclusion (Kong et al., 2014). In addition to this, the critical thinking ability can foster a series of solutions and quality decisions during the time of management. In fact, while practicing the critical thinking mechanism I have come to know that the process is very beneficial for novice and new learners and in return help to avoid any kind of future blunders. Furthermore, the key advantage of using critical thinking is that the process is capable to eliminate the less important facts in the early stage of thinking process as a decision making tool.

It is important to acknowledge the difference between automatic and critical thinking process. The automatic thinking process is strictly followed the concept of making decisions in the early phase. In other words, it can be opined that in the automatic thinking process decision is being taken in a preconceive manner and there is lack of clarity in the understanding (McPeck, 2016). On the contrary, the primary process of the critical thinking is focused on clarity at first and then draws a conclusion and decision after that. In this regards, clarity plays a very significant role in attaining critical thinking. Clarity is useful to make the critical thinking purposeful, relevant and scientific (Huber & Kuncel, 2016). In response to this, clarity in critical thinking can be maintained by ten important elements. While focusing on my critical thinking techniques in terms of clarity, it is better to understand the facts in a sorted mind. Positivism is the core facet in order to start a critical thinking. Inspection is considered to be the next factor in this regards. It is imperative to clear out the ambiguity and issues related to the understanding through inspection (Cottrell, 2017). It requires a clear idea of the root cause of the problem. After sorting out the problems the next step will associated with type of problem and make a plan to resolve the problem. The plan is based on anticipation and strongly based on the consequences of the thinking. It is also important to think about some alternative plans if the first plan will not work effectively. It is further stapled with a vision which endorses a theoretical framework behind the rationality of thinking. In this context, the prospect theory provides a more constructive form of thoughts which can help to understand the level of risk awareness.

Difference between automatic and critical thinking process

The outcome through the clarity of understanding leads me towards a conclusive phase which deals with the objectives of the clarity. The more the thinking will be clear the less it will complex the conclusion. Based on premises, the conclusion is divided into deductive and inductive learning process (Akbay & Akbay, 2017). In fact, during my learning process the role of conclusion in a critical thinking process became clearer to me. In this regards, the premises can be referred as the initial statement which leads us towards an in-depth thinking. In this context, the premises are structured by a series of steps started from pointing out the facts and in due course results a conclusion. The facts are supposed to be absolute truths without any kind of factual relevance. After that, it requires and observation of understanding the very nature of the statement or fact. The output of the observation leads us towards getting an experience. Experience is resembled with the past and a can bring more justification in the value of premises through directness. The experience is also interlinked with the beliefs and prejudices of my past which can influence the understanding directly (Nosratinia & Zaker, 2015). Finally, it drives my thinking towards the assumption of the issue which are presumed to be correct. Assumptions are also dealt with the experiences and beliefs and depend on the validity and relevance of my experience (Cottrell, 2017). It can be stated that the outcome of the conclusion can be varied due to difference of personality and mentality.

In this regards, it can be argued that the critical decision making is beneficial to influence the decision making process in the managerial level. It can be claimed that self-awareness can lead a person towards achieving success. Self- awareness is also a determinant factor in leadership skills. The key components of a good leadership are attitudes, feelings, motives and accurate self assessment (Vahlne & Johanson, 2017). psychology and emotional underpinnings are also considered to be important in this regards. However, it is necessary to develop self-awareness. In my learning process, I was going through the Johari Window technique of self-awareness measurement where the person can be familiar with his presence and acceptance among people as well to himself. Therefore, it can be argued that openness and vocal attitude is highly beneficial for constructing an effective leadership personality. In due course it is also important for me to conduct a self analysis of my personality and get a glimpse of leadership quality of mine. The self analysis is basically a portfolio that covers my strength and weaknesses and figure out my values and priorities in life. In addition to this, attitude is also played the part of a protagonist in course of developing self personality (Yang & Gabrielsson, 2017). It is associated with the value, achievements and purpose of my life. A sense of accomplishment is considered to be the key factor for achieving success. Therefore, it is important for me to maintain an optimistic attitude in life and emotional intelligence has become an influential factor in this regards.

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Significance of clarity in critical thinking

It can be asserted that innovation is considered to be a significant factor in response to develop a critical thinking and decision making process. In response to this it can be argued that innovation is defined as a customised process which is accompanied by positivism and modification. In order to introduce innovation in conclusion, it requires a number of positive steps. The first level is associated with out of the box thinking approach. It means innovation is dynamic and has an ability to perform beyond the core framework of derived a conclusion (Pettigrew, 2014). The next part is related to the abductive thinking process which is based on educated perceptions or the basic ideas. It can be argued that experience is a significant assent in attaining abductive thinking. The next type of thinking is related to impossible thinking. In this process, people perceive an impossible aim which is hard to achieve. In the light of these elements the decision making process is also divided into some layers of understanding. The simple form can easily be understandable so naively whereas the complicated, complex and chaotic form of decision making can provide different types of understanding (Cascetta et al., 2015).

It is important to understand the various roles of people associated with the decision making process. In every organisation, there is a group of people or an individual one who are entitled to take the decision on behalf of the company. During our course learning I had gone through a training of decision making ability where the vitality of the decision making was acknowledged. In this context, it can be asserted that taking a decision individually can be fatal for a person or for a company (Belkhouja, Genet & Mangematin, 2018). On the contrary, it is important to go for alternative opinions. Alternative voices like panel experts, board of directors, recruitment panel all those can be considered. The motive behind taking a good and effective decision is that the scenario supposed to demand an urgent decision or for a sustainable future an effective decision is required. There is also a key factor regarding the time of decision making. It signifies the urgency and intensity of the decision and is also able to stimulate action (Kaner, 2014). However, the decision making process requires a number of determining factors like adequate qualification to take the decision, authentic references, effective communication skills and the requisite time to finish it. In response to this, the key focus of the decision making body must have set on the required aims and objectives for the benefits of the decision marketing. A rational approach with immense optimism can help the individual or a group of decision makers to gain the targeted achievements.


Akbay, T., & Akbay, A. P. L. (2017). Examining the Causal Effects of the Two Predominant Factors on Critical Thinking Disposition: A Multiple Group SEM. In 4th International Conference on Humanities and Educational Research.

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Cascetta, E., Carteni, A., Pagliara, F., & Montanino, M. (2015). A new look at planning and designing transportation systems: A decision-making model based on cognitive rationality, stakeholder engagement and quantitative methods. Transport policy, 38, 27-39.

Cottrell, S. (2017). Critical thinking skills. Macmillan Education.

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Kaner, S. (2014). Facilitator’s guide to participatory decision-making. John Wiley & Sons.

Kong, L. N., Qin, B., Zhou, Y. Q., Mou, S. Y., & Gao, H. M. (2014). The effectiveness of problem-based learning on development of nursing students’ critical thinking: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International journal of nursing studies, 51(3), 458-469.

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Yang, M., & Gabrielsson, P. (2017). Entrepreneurial marketing of international high-tech business-to-business new ventures: A decision-making process perspective. Industrial Marketing Management, 64, 147-160.

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