Planning For Recruitment Process, Screening Candidates And Ensuring Its Effectiveness

Job Performance in Recruitment and Selection

Discuss about the Handbook of Strategic Recruitment and Selection.

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The basic objective of this assignment is to learn about planning for recruitment process screening candidates and ensuring its effectiveness. This report highlights topics regarding job performance, workforce planning, branding, evaluation of recruitment programs and screening methods.

Job performance can be defined as the assessment of an individual regarding how well they are performing their jobs.  Job performance plays an important role in recruitment and selection of candidates as it allows making appropriate judgement regarding the performance of the candidate in their previous profile with the help of which their capability can be judged in advance.

When the job performance of the employees is evaluated over a particular period of time, it is known a performance appraisal. The advantages of performance appraisal system include motivation and feedback for employees along with clarification of expectations, proper documentation, structure and annual planning for the development of employee goals. On the other hand, the disadvantages of performance appraisal systems include stressful workplace, natural biases, excessive time consumption and creation of negative experiences (Entrekin & Scott-Ladd, 2013).

The performance measurement system for a store manager will based on following points:

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  • Key Performance Indicators
  • Balanced Scorecard
  • Performance prism
  • Business Excellence Model

The job dimensions or behaviors of a store manager include decision making skills, leadership skills, time management, math and budgeting, analytical skills, etc. Management by objectives is the best performance rating system as it will help the store manager in developing his own goal and allows linking such goals with the objective of the organization. Job performance can be measured qualitatively and quantitatively through function, evolution, benefits and significance. It is legally defensible against the allegations of unfair treatment.  

Human resources/ workforce planning can be defined as the continuous process used for the purpose of analyzing the probable future needs of people in the organization in terms of skills, numbers and locations.

The steps involved in the human resources/ workforce planning includes setting a strategic plan by gathering all the requisite information, analyzing the current workplace profile of the company, developing and then implementing the action plan. The last step consists of monitoring, evaluation and revision of the plan.

It provides helpful information regarding the recruitment process including the number of candidates to be recruited, the qualifications needed, the posts to be filled, the number of employees left, retired or promoted and creation of new vacancies for managing the change processes of the company as a result of changes in technology and processes (Aravamudhan & Krishnaveni, 2015)

Performance Appraisal System

Branding can be defined as the process involved in the creation of a unique image and name for a product in the minds of a customer by way of consistent theme in an advertising campaign.

By way of engaging in the branding activities, the company aims at the establishment of a differentiated and significant presence in the market that is capable of attracting and retaining the loyal customers. Furthermore, the engagement of a company in the branding activities helps in increasing its status and prestige, setting the standard for product quality, differentiating its products from that of the competitors, increasing brand loyalty and building values for the customers (Klotz, da Motta Veiga, Buckley & Gavin, 2013).

Following are the three ways with the help of which companies can enhance their brand.

Building emotional connections to the brand- the purchasing decisions are taken by the customers on the basis of their emotional reactions to the brands. Therefore, the company can enhance their brand by engaging the customers with their value an aspiration aligned company.

Internal strengthening of the brand- when a positive and strong company culture is built within the company, it is automatically highlighted in the brand as it makes the employees feel connected with the brand values. Internal brand advocacy can be built with the help of ongoing communication and transparency.

Maintaining brand focus and consistency- when the customers are aware regarding what a brand stands for, they appreciate a brand. Resisting the desire to grab opportunities may even result in diluting the brand (Kang & Shen, 2013).

The company L’Oreal has been selected as a brand and the following recruitment and selection process is recommended:

  1. Online application
  2. Pre-selection
  3. First round interview
  4. Assessment
  5. Final interview

After the interview job should be offered to the deserving candidates.

There are a number of costs associated with recruitment. The recruitment costs include job boards, recruiter’s salaries, employer branding, fixed costs (recruiting events, relying on external recruiting agencies, partnerships with institutions and universities) and recruiting technology costs including various hiring software (O’Meara & Petzall, 2013).

Recruitment metrics can be defined as the measurements which are used for the purpose of tracking hiring success and optimizing the process of hiring aspirants for the company.

The following type of metrics can be used for showing that a company is getting return on their investment in recruitment: quality of hire, time to hire, time with the business and cost of hire.

Following criteria can be used for the evaluation of the recruitment methods.

Performance Measurement System

Reviewing costs- this includes the costs relating to advertising expenditures, signing bonuses, human resources personnel time and reimbursements for moving costs.  The reviewing of costs relating to every investment type and ensuring that such expenditures are resulting in talented candidates for the organization are included in this criteria.

Tracking measurement data- it includes tracking measurement standards over time as an indicator for the failure or success of the recruitment method.

Recruitment return- it should be evaluated whether the return from the recruitment of candidates is greater than the costs incurred for such recruitment.

Ensuring recruitment method enhances business image- Improper recruitment methods can negatively impact on how the business is perceived by business partners, potential employees and customers.

Processes conforming to legal and business requirements- financial and legal hurdles can be faced by the business if labor law standards, employee eligibility and anti- discrimination are not upheld. Legal compliance should be ensured by conducting formal interviews and spot-checking of documents. 

Problems with recruitment method- the method adopted should be evaluated for being easy to be participated by the candidates. The method should not be such in which there are greater costs involved between the initial screening and face-to-face assessment (Almeida & Fernando, 2017).

The advances in technology are responsible for changing the screening process.  Such processes are less costly and consumes less time. This shift is advantageous as the technology results in increased productivity, less risk for bad match and helps in getting more strategic. However, it also has certain disadvantages such as inability of replacing the traditional selection methods, privacy breach, preference of formulaic resumes and wrong employee assessment.

Applicant Tracking System (ATS) are being increasingly used by the employers for the purpose of screening the resumes. ATS work by sorting the resumes for the purpose of finding the best candidate for the position. Its advantages include impartial solutions for the problem of resume management, provide time and cost efficiency, and saves the resumes for the future positions. Its disadvantages include unreliability, rejection of resumes for pointless reasons and limited information due to character restriction. However, certain techniques can be used by the candidates for passing ATS such as making the use of critical keywords, incorporating a skill section, avoiding fancy graphics, avoiding making generic resumes, etc.

Employers also use a social recruiting software that searches the web for particular keywords and extracts the details of the individuals such as skills, work experience and education from social media. It is beneficial for the employers as they can easily gain knowledge regarding the details of an individual and for the candidates as they can easily portray their professional image on social media for getting jobs. The disadvantages for candidates include displaying the negative image of the candidate and for recruiter is obtaining fake data regarding candidates. It is not a good practice to use social media for information as most of the people display fake data about themselves. The recruitment made on this basis can result in huge costs for the companies.


This report assisted in learning about screening methods and planning for the recruitment process. Further, it highlighted topics related to workforce planning, job performance, branding, evaluation of recruitment programs and screening methods.


Almeida, S., & Fernando, M. (2017). Making the cut: occupation-specific factors influencing employers in their recruitment and selection of immigrant professionals in the information technology and accounting occupations in regional Australia. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(6), 880-912.

Aravamudhan, N. R., & Krishnaveni, R. (2015). Recruitment and selection building scale: Content validity evidence. SCMS Journal of Indian Management, 12(3), 58.

Entrekin, L., & Scott-Ladd, B. D. (2013). Human resource management and change: a practising manager’s guide. Routledge.

Kang, H., & Shen, J. (2013). International recruitment and selection practices of South Korean multinationals in China. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(17), 3325-3342.

Klotz, A. C., da Motta Veiga, S. P., Buckley, M. R., & Gavin, M. B. (2013). The role of trustworthiness in recruitment and selection: A review and guide for future research. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 34(S1), S104-S119.

O’Meara, B., & Petzall, S. (2013). Handbook of Strategic Recruitment and Selection: A Systems Approach. Emerald Group Publishing.

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