Personal Branding: Importance Of Social Media Presence For Aspiring Ad Marketing Managers
Interest in Media and Arts
Discuss about the Personal Branding And Future Job.
Personal branding in the contemporary world largely means professional existence in the world of social media and hence it is important for every aspiring candidate to focus on developing a strong and impressive social media presence which would help them to get attention easily and quickly (Nolan, 2015). The present report on personal branding will show my personal interests and how I approach to develop my personal brand which would help to address the key objective of the assessment and help to complete the report successfully.
I have always been interested in media and arts. Advertisements have always interested me and to realise their power in this contemporary media world I have been attracted to media world for a long period of time now. I personally think I am a creative person and since middle school I had aspired to be attached with media somehow. Ad films are extremely important in the media as they run the entire media economy and hence there is a huge importance of ad marketing. Ad marketing is important for almost every organisation and in this scenario it is important for the right person to choose the right concept for ad and get the right people to do the work. I find position of ad marketing manager pretty challenging and interesting and I also feel that it will help me to be achieve what I want to achieve in the future. Hence I want to work as a ad marketing manager in a reputed organisation where I will be able to implement my creativity and talent to convince clients, provide them with insights about ad concepts so that companies get the best possible result from ad films (Brooks and Anumudu, 2016). After graduation I want to become an ad marketing manager. The advertising manager is an extremely crucial position as he or she has to oversee the designing of the advertisement, manage manpower, even control the outside agencies that are working on the same project, planning and implementing advertising campaigns accordingly and working on the feedbacks received. The advertising managers have to be graduates with substantial knowledge in media and management.
The required skills for the advertising managers are:
- Excellent communication skills with the ability to speak listen and grasp the ideas.
- Ability to show creativity and make decisions which are suitable to the company.
- Has to have a creative personality.
- Effective leadership skills paired with management and supervisory ideas.
From the self analysis I have realised that I do not have much effective presence in the online world. When I search my name in Google which is the biggest search engine in the world it shows similar results in the first couple of pages. But my profile doesn’t seem to appear in Google in the first couple of pages. Nowadays it is important to be active in the online world and since I do not have suitable placement in Google the recruiters and organisations wouldn’t consider me as a suitable prospect for the job I desire to get. Through a proper Google search I have found out that my placement in the search engine is not suitable and so, it is important to improve my profile in the online world (Khedher, 2015). Through a thorough self analysis with the help of Strength and weaknesses analysis that will help me to understand the negatives and positives in me which would help me to enhance my personal brand. The result of the SW analysis is given below:
Skills Required for Ad Marketing Managers
- I am creative and hard working.
- I am a fast learner which helps me to learn things quickly and implement them effectively.
- Communication is also my strength along with written skills.
- I am a time manager and can do work effectively breaking up priorities effectively.
- I am easy going and team worker and hence can mingle with people and get the best out of them.
- Weaker leadership skills.
- I am rigid and I take a bit of time to absorb criticism which has been a problem for me.
- I suffer tension during crunch moment which at times hinders the performance.
- Weaker Analytical skills.
The strengths and weaknesses play an important role. When strengths work positively then weaknesses work negatively for individuals. In my future job time management would be important to manage ad assignments. Since I am an effective time manager I would be able handle them properly but on the other hand since I experience tension during crunch moments it might hamper my performance and hence I will have to be much more focused and need to eliminate this negative issue. I am good with communication and hence could work effectively as a team worker. On the other hand I lack leadership skills which mean I wouldn’t be able to organise the team properly even though I can communicate and try to get a suitable effort from them. I am not open to criticism which is one of the weaker points in me and hence I will have to manage it. On the other hand I am creative and I have lot of ideas which I could exploit to go up the corporate ladder in my trade.
Building personal value proposition it could be said that I am creative and hardworking which is important in this industry. I am open to both small and large scale companies as I am open to different kinds of challenges. For instance at my college I have designed different advertisements for projects and other works which have been largely appreciated and this will help me to move ahead in my future (Rampersad, 2016).
The social networking profile is important to connect to a wider audience that enhances the possibilities of getting placed in a bigger organisation where there is excellent scope of using the creativity. Social media profiles are important in order to manage the personal brand effectively nowadays. The four key social networking profiles on which the investigation was done are Facebook, Linked IN, YouTube, and Twitter. In this case two social media platforms will be used to build the profile namely Facebook and Linked IN. Facebook is an amazing social networking site which is presently the easiest way to connect to a huge number of audiences personally and professionally and hence this has been chosen (Kleppinger and Cain, 2015). On the other hand Linked IN is completely a professional social media site which helps the prospect employees to connect to companies and hence this will be very effective for me. The profile will be excellently designed with the help of proper pictures and information with presentations that will help the viewers to get the idea about me as an individual and my talent. It will be short, precise and coherent with positive detail about my personal brand which would be relevant to personal branding value proposition (Johnson, 2017).
Conclusion and Recommendations
To conclude the report it could be said that it is important to realise the importance of personal branding which would help to make sure value proposition is there for the employers. It I important to develop strong profile in the social media like Facebook and Linked IN et cetera which would help to make sure positive response is received from the prospect employers. Overall to conclude it is important to maintain a strong personal brand to be successful as a Advertisement manager (Saltzman, 2015). The possible changes that could be made are:
- Constant assessment of Management of strengths and weaknesses.
- Working on the negatives and engaging in meditation to eliminate negativity accept criticism.
- Regularly manage the social media profile and release content in order to be active in the online market.
- Try and focus on the visual medium as well with other social media sites to provide viewers with possible visual information.
- Working on the leadership skills through possible theoretical and practical information (Schawbel, 2015).
Brooks, A.K. and Anumudu, C., 2016. Identity Development in Personal Branding Instruction: Social Narratives and Online Brand Management in a Global Economy. Adult Learning, 27(1), pp.23-29.
Johnson, K.M., 2017. The Importance of Personal Branding in Social Media: Educating Students to Create and Manage their Personal Brand. International Journal of Education and Social Science, 4(1).
Khedher, M., 2015. A brand for everyone: Guidelines for personal brand managing. Journal of Global Business Issues, 9(1), p.19.
Khedher, M., 2015. An inspiring resource for developing personal branding phenomena. The Marketing Review, 15(1), pp.117-131.
Kleppinger, C.A. and Cain, J., 2015. Personal digital branding as a professional asset in the digital age. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 79(6), p.79.
Nolan, L., 2015. The impact of executive personal branding on non-profit perception and communications. Public Relations Review, 41(2), pp.288-292.
Rampersad, H.K., 2016. Be the CEO of your life: The ultimate authentic personal branding formula for standing out from the crowd. Global Vision Publishing House.
Saltzman, B.S., 2015. Why Personal Branding Is Essential to Career Success. Fast Company. Available online: https://www. fastcompany. com/3048401/how-to-be-a-success-at-everything/why-personalbranding-is-essential-to-career-success [Accessed 15 April 2016].
Schawbel, D., 2015. Personal Branding Blog.