Performance Improvement In Healthcare: Strategies, Leadership, And Change Management

Implementing Performance Improvement Strategies in Healthcare

Discuss about the Critical Analysis of Leadership Role Plan.

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The term Performance improvement in healthcare refers the improvement of operational efficiency of the organisation that also ensures the quality and safety the consumers receive through developing most optimum change within management environment with high operational integrity within the workforce. Currently, many healthcare organisations are under pressure because of higher demand from the stakeholders for the improvement of the overall performance of the organisational management as well as workforce. On the other hand, the number of reported post operative wound cases is increases significantly (Staron, 2008). The purpose of this paper is to examine the way of implementing performance improvement in the organisational change that will enable the operational healthcare staffs to reduce the frequency of the post-operative wounds report. An effective organisational structure with appropriate leadership and motivation can improve the organisational performance. This paper reflects the role of organisational improvement with relevant connection with healthcare environment. Various effects of leadership models and change handling will be also analysed to measure the appropriate technique for performance improvement and improvement plan. Strategies for employee motivation and impact on organisational culture will also be examined with the health of set by step implementation of various performance improvement strategies.

Performance improvement is a group of interconnected activities that allows the management of an organisation to improve the performance and functionality of various department with employee motivation and engagement while providing most suitable leadership models and implementing operational improvement plan (Ridoutt et al., 2006). In order to increase the performance level of any department of organisation integrity and cardinality are the essential attributes that can regulate the flow of improvement plan and potential success factors. In healthcare sector, improvement of performance refers the various choice of functional enhancement including increasing the treatment accuracy, decreasing waiting time of the consumers, reducing medication errors and unhealthy practices and others. Proper documentation of treatment system and success factors is also considered as the major part of the healthcare organisational performance. Improving performance can increase the social and cultural compliance of the healthcare where regular work practices would not have ant possibilities to breach the healthcare rules, regulations and responsibilities (NCETA., 2017). Additionally leadership has a strong impact on the workflow and work practice improvement of the existing operational structure. On the other hand, for implementing the organisational change management both performance improvement and operational leadership efficiency has effective contribution.

Role of Organizational Improvement in Healthcare Performance Improvement

The major part of the change management in organisational development is appropriate leadership strategy and workforce relationship that can maintain the direction of the operational structure while taking good care of each patient by prioritising his or her psychological, social and physiological needs (Manojlovich, 2007). One of the major roles of a leader in healthcare management system is to understand the reaction of the team members for measuring the resistance against implementing changes. A successful leader should have five skills and responsibilities namely implementing the vision, goals, change; aligning people; Motivating and inspiring; produce positive changes by appropriate group management.  At the very initial stage identifying the core cause of this operational hindrance in regular workforce practice is very important. In order to identify the flaws the major role of the leaders should be the monitoring on every day working practice of the worker especially for the post surgical treatments.

Within the attributes of leadership roles, implementation of particular responsibilities of the leaders will be highly required for the patient of post surgery phase. Post surgical treatments are provided for the patient who has already gone through the surgery while needs some special regular basis care including cleaning, dressing, protecting from additional infection and others. In this case, an appropriate leadership technique should improvise the accurate documentation and checklist through which the particular caregivers who might be fail to take care for a patient of post surgery stage can be identified (Bolden, 2004). At the same time, the leader has the duty to make all the stakeholders aware of the “dos’ and don’ts”. While incorporating the proper practices to reduce the postoperative wounds the leader should also prioritise the employee’s ambiguities about existing healthcare policies and procedures. Collective feedback from all of the stakeholders including the admitted patient as well as the caregivers will be the most effective role of the leader that can help to monitor the integrity of the current workforce and their performance level as well as efficiency.    

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Many leadership theories or approachable styles can be incorporated in the leadership strategy of the organisation to change the organisational process that can help to improve the performance level especially for the care needed for postoperative wounds. The basic conventional leadership theories are Grate Man theory, trait theory, behavioural theories, situational theories and contingency leadership theories. The modern leadership approach can be implemented with advance leadership theories namely transactional, interactional leadership and transformational leadership theories. Apart from these theories servant leadership, authentic leadership and breakthrough leadership are some of the alternative leadership theories that are also used to implement the change for performance improvement (Scott, et al., 2003). The conventional leadership techniques are more concerned about the best practice approach while making the employees obedient to their leaders and supervisors. On the other hand, the modern and advance leadership approach allows the workforce to participate in decision-making process. These leadership approaches give the ground level employees more freedom in order to find out new innovative ways of conducting certain task or sustaining practice. However, in healthcare system and especially for performance improvement and organisational change management both tractional and advance leadership techniques are needed with some specific clinical process and interventions, Therefore, the most useful leadership theory for healthcare system is Clinical Leadership, which is also a type of leadership approach.

Various Effects of Leadership Models and Change Handling in Healthcare

In order to implement the clinical leadership concept in a healthcare system the identification of a leader is essential where the identified leader should have the effective resource management skill, motivational skill along with appropriate vision of person centred care. Through this clinical leadership, a qualified leader can change the operational process within the workforce to improve the performance and efficiency within clinical care. Many healthcare organisations provide various training and development program to offer some new clinical leaders for their existing healthcare system (Heathfield, 2016). Through clinical leadership approach, a leader should motivate the subordinate caregivers to maintain the work policies and procedure with high competency. At the same time, promoting the person centred care for the patient of post operative wounds is chiefly essential where the caregivers will take the care of the physical condition of the patient along the psychological state, emotional, cultural, personal and social perception of the patient. Therefore clinical leadership can improve the work performance of the employees along with their approach of treating the patients.     

In order to find the best implementation strategies for change management the leaders should measure the forces for the changes as well as the resistance against the changes within the clinical care. This analysis is also called force field analysis where the force for the change experiences some resistances that make the perfect equilibrium within change management operation. To implement the sustainable change the leadership management should follow a particular framework of change management implementation that can set up the goal of the change while motivating the workforce towards the change and implementation of new practices and policies in existing work structure. Lewin’s model of change implementation induces the three phased model including unfreezing, moving and refreezing. On the other hand the Kottar’s 8 step change theory allow the leadership to incorporate the new changes within the existing operational practice of the workforce. In this case the leads of the organisation should change the treatment model for the patient of post operative stage where increasing number of patients are found to be infected from low to moderate level (Maddern et al., 2006). Inspired from the Kottar’s 8 step change module the appropriate clinical leadership should improvise the 5 essential stapes namely motivation, creating vision, developing support, managing transition and sustaining momentum.

At the initial stage, the clinical leaders must motivate the existing workforce about their current operational dilemma regarding improvement of postoperative wounds treatment. In this stage the leader should made all of the regulatory stakeholders aware of the purpose of the change and the potential benefits from the changes for both the organisation and individual caregivers. It helps to keep them motivated towards the process of change management and implementation (Barnett, Jenders & Chueh, 2013). Eliminating the resistances is the core function of this phase. In the next phase, the clinical leader should create the mission, vision, goals and objectives of the new work system. The basic initiatory measurement including patient pain level, infection level, number of wounded patient is the major part of this goals and objectives creation. In this section all the stakeholders should be able to understand what they have to do and what are the target outcomes. Developing political support includes assessing the caregivers and nurses about their duties and performance improvement (Mick & Mack, 2005). Identifying all the stakeholders who support the patient in post surgery phase and make the stakeholders aware of their resource allocation and responsibilities are two major targets of this phase. In the fourth stage that is, managing planning should develop and manage the change operational plan and practices. It includes the checklist of regular activities performed by the caregivers for the patients of postoperative wounds. Special regular basis care including cleaning, dressing, protecting from additional infection are the major part of this checklist. The last and final part of the implementation is sustainability of the changes includes develop a support systems for the employees, reinforcing best fit approach, developing new competencies and skills. The sustainability is the most important part of a change management and performance improvement plan where the organisation has to take care of their present implementation method of new changes as well as the potentiality of those changes to sustain within the existing workforce (Mainz, Kjaergaard & Knudsen, 2009).

Strategies for Employee Motivation and Impact on Organizational Culture

The organisation culture has a considerable level of impact on the organisational work performance that determines if any change is needed. In healthcare service the organisational culture reflects the regular activities and sense of duties and responsibilities of the caregivers and nurses (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare., 2009). Therefore, it is expected that when the patient of post surgery stage receives insufficient and inaccurate healthcare service, there must be a strong organisational cultural influence behind it. When the patients are neglected or undertreated, the organisational culture and the regular practices and policies of the workers are found to be the major cause behind this situation. At the same time, changing this situation can receives low to high-level resistance from the conventional workforce culture of the organisation. Most of the caregivers have already become habituated with the existing practice and treating culture of their environment. From the perception of the required treatment to purpose of the healthcare practices, organisational culture has wide range of regulators to control the psychology of the caregivers and nurses.   

For implementing change management, the leadership needs to handle huge amount of misconception and negligence about the new policies and strategies. The strength of the resistances against the change management depends on the existing organisational work culture and the perception of the employees about their roles and responsibilities (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care., 2012). In this situation of performance improvement especially for the caregivers of the postoperative service, the leadership needs to handle strong unacceptance of new work module and practices. In most of the cases, caregivers are so concerned about their existing care giving plan, where the refuses any new practice or approach even when it has noticeable amount of efficiency. This cultural dilemma is also called viscous thinking patterns in a organisational culture. Therefore, in order to make the target workforce aware of the problems of their existing practice and the potentials of new practice the leadership approach has to consider the cultural change and acceptance theories within the workforce.

In the implementing process of the new healthcare practices for the patient of postoperative stage the management should handle various operational barriers including lack of training and development, poor healthcare equipment supply and handling skill, inadequate leadership and sincerity for  the process of the implementation and many other barriers (Montalvo, 2007). In order to remove this obstacles form the path of change implementation the management should facilitate the organisation sufficiently. In this current context, the management should provide a handbook to all the caregivers and nurses expressing the purpose of the change and the process of implementing changes within regular wok practice.

Implementing Clinical Leadership in Healthcare

To facilitate the workforce enough to implement the changes the management should be concerned about the capacity building of the workforce. The capacity of an organisation implies the ability of accepting the new wok standard within the workforce while keeping the overall performance level high. Capacity is the only attribute on which the organisational change can be formulated by prioritising the potential ways of implementing the changes in the regular work culture and practices (Mainz, 2003). In other words, capacity building is an approach to develop enough competence of the workforce while making them able to increase their performance level consistently. In current case scenario the capacity of the workforce refers the knowledge and experience of the caregivers and nurses regarding the post operative wounds detection adn treatment. The major part of capacity building depends on adequate and effective training and development of the workforce about how to treat patient in post operative phase and the patients who are already suffering from post operative infections. On the other hand, building the capacity within the workforce does not always mean increasing the capability by providing adequate training and development (Janamian et al., 2016). Ensuring information integrity, building effective mutual relationship among caregivers, increase the personal and professional competence of the staffs along with improving the patient caregiver relationship are also equally essential in capability development of healthcare environment.  

In order to implement the organisational change aimed to performance improvement and capacity building the management and leadership strategies have to take care of the employee motivation. Many personal and professional factors motivate the employees of healthcare facility personally and professionally through psychological, economic, social and cultural motivation. In this regards, the cross-cultural workforce development is another essential factors that enable the employees to improve their communication skill and cultural acceptance. In healthcare service more than 60% of employee turnover and instability are highly related to the economical empowerment and motivation (Australian Council on Healthcare Standards., 2015). In most of the government healthcare services, the wages of clinical caregivers are considerably low where in the NGOs the condition is worse. Therefore, in order to retain the employees and their work efficiency the organisation should prioritise the wage structure of the existing caregivers and nurses. Apart from the performance recognition and appraisal is another major part of employee motivation where the management should incorporate adequate monitoring and performance recognition tools to identify the most competent employees of the organisation. Proving the appraisal and rewarding the employees can not only ensure the performance sustainability and improvement of the particular, it also makes some examples within the operational workforce that can keep other employees motivated towards the work practices and operations (Bell et al., 2006).

Best Strategies for Change Management Implementation in Healthcare

In recognition rewarding and appraisal strategy effective monitoring of the performance in also essential. In this situation, proper KPI or Key Performance Indicator is the most effective tool. Another effective tool is scorecard system where the performance of the employees can be documented as per the various attributes and constrains. By reviewing this scorecard documentation, the management of the healthcare organisation can easily identify their most competent health professionals and the requirements for training or development within stipulated worker groups. This system is also called the benchmarking of the existing implemented policies and operational practices. Through this benchmarking the management of the healthcare organisation can easily find the loopholes within the implementation process while continuously making changes within the existing performance improvement change management. In the current case scenario, the management of the organisation should test the efficiency of their implemented checklist and scorecard system for improving the performance of caregivers within the postoperative phase care giving functions (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2009). After formulating the report the management can monitor the competency of existing performance improvement plan.

In conclusive part, it can be said that Performance improvement in healthcare requires the improvement of operational efficiency of the organisation that also ensures the quality and safety the consumers receive through developing most optimum change within management environment with high operational integrity within the workforce. At the same time, In order to increase the performance level of any department of organisation integrity and cardinality are the essential attributes that can regulate the flow of improvement plan and potential success factors. The major part of the change management in organisational development is appropriate leadership strategy and workforce relationship that can maintain the direction of the operational structure while taking good care of each and every patient by prioritising their psychological, social and physiological needs. The most useful leadership theory for healthcare system is Clinical Leadership, which is also a type of leadership approach. Through this clinical leadership, a qualified leader can change the operational process within the workforce to improve the performance and efficiency within clinical care. At the same time, the organisation culture has a considerable level of impact on the organisational work performance that determines. For implementing change management, the leadership needs to handle huge amount of misconception and negligence about the new policies and strategies. At the same time, to facilitate the workforce enough to implement the changes the management should be concerned about the capacity building of the workforce.


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