Performance Based Building Design Berlin: Tips For Preventing Forest And Bush Fires

Fire Management Techniques for Building Design


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Forest fires are common in the Australian landscape and cause considerable damage. We have already seen it recently in the country and there is little left to open the fire season in Australia. We have seen a progression of wooden constructions in Australia. Wooden houses have been constructed and buildings of traditional materials with structures of wood has continued. These buildings  have been management with wooden pallets to the outside, balconies of wood, carpentries of wood for windows and doors, porches of wood, eaves of wood, etc. And many homes and urbanizations have been built next to the forest masses, in areas that are called the Forest Urban Interface (Rodriguez, 2004).

Design of the buildings should follow basic tips in fire management techniques  to prevent fires on the buildings. Keep the electrical grid of the building in good condition. The majority of fires that originate in the communities of owners are due to a deficient state of the electrical network. In many cases, older buildings do not comply with the Low Voltage Regulation, which can lead to short circuits with a high risk of fire.Install fire doors in the building. The fire doors prevent the spread of the fire and allow the rapid evacuation of the neighbors (Rodriguez, 2004).

Signaling of escape routes and emergency lighting. In case of fire, it is vital that the escape routes and emergency exits are perfectly signposted and free of obstacles that prevent the free exit of the building in case of fire. It is important to remember that locking the access doors to the community of owners, besides being an illegal practice, is a great danger in case of evacuation (Bogue, 2007). Installation of fire extinguishers on each floor of the building. The installation of extinguishers in communities of owners is mandatory for all buildings built from 2006 as established by the Technical Building Code . Although buildings built before that year do not have the obligation to have fire extinguishers, their installation is advisable to minimize the impact of fire on the farm.
When it comes to preventing bush fires in communities, order and cleanliness are fundamental (Forest Fires Prevention Act, 2003). Collecting garbage, cartons, furniture, flammable liquids (oils, paint etc.). In garages and storerooms means a high risk of fire. It is also very important that the garages are ventilated and prohibit smoking inside them, since many fires are produced by ill-fused cigarettes.Review of Fire Protection Systems. Fire Protection systems (Fire Alarm, BIEs, Hydrants) are not useful if they are not in perfect condition. Periodic reviews established by law by an Authorized Maintenance Company must be carried out in order to ensure its proper functioning (Forest Fires Prevention Act, 2003).

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Asset Protection Zones (APZ)

But how do you protect yourself from a forest fire?. These are the measures put in place to protect the proposed development site from bush fires.

APZ is the short form of Asset Protection Zones. It is also a fire protection zone and only aims at seeking the protection of human beings, their property and other valued assets. It is the buffer zone that is between the buildings and bush fire hazard which is progressively managed therefore minimizing the loads of fuel and reduces theradiant heat levels and the smoke attack on life and valuable assets. An APZ width will vary with the thickness in vegetation and slope of the area. Inner Protection Area( IPA) and Outer Protection Area ( OPA) is what makes up the forest vegetation (Forest Fires Prevention Act, 2003). IPA is located adjacently to the asset and OPA is fuel reduced designed to keep flame length rate slow and suppressing the bush flames.

Siting of a building is done in the most convenient manner that will safeguard the building and the property involved. After inspecting the site and reviewing the design drawings provided by the tenants themselves, the economics argued that quite possibly the problem is of origin since the columns, both their number and location, are not adequate.Specialists who came to give a technical opinion of the disaster and others consulted by fire experts said that the biggest problem of the work is of structural type and that responsibility is of the construction.We were told that there were steel structures running through the building. Now you see and tell me where those structures are. They do not exist. What’s more, there are neither pillars nor castles nor thick rods (Gomez and Alvarez, 2009). There are these rods less than an inch that bend like wires. None of that commented the construction company.

There must be portable fire extinguishers on each floor of the building, and at least one must be placed 15 meters away from the evacuation source or exit door. Its good maintenance, through specialists, is crucial.The Technical Building Code (CTE) is the regulatory framework that establishes the requirements that buildings must meet in relation to the basic safety and habitability requirements established in Law 5, on Building Management ( LOE), and is divided into different documents in which we find the DB-SI, (Basic Fire Safety Document).

In Australia, each building project complies with the provisions of the Technical Building Code in its Basic Safety Document in case of fire. The municipalities and autonomous communities legislate on the prevention and fight against forest fires in housing estates, isolated population centers, camp sites, industrial facilities, etc. Among other measures, it is established that the residential nuclei maintain a security strip, that is, a firewall, with a minimum width of 15 meters (Gomez and Alvarez, 2009). The development area should be accessable by fire engines in case the bush fire starts.

Siting of the Building

The proposed development site should be located within a place that has utility services. These services include, accessible roads, telephone services, fire engine services, ambulances among others. All these are to ensure that in case of fire, evacuation is done efficiently as well as the fire management.

The perimeter plots are those that are in direct contact with the green zone external forest areas or forest areas inland to urbanization, are more vulnerable to receiving the direct impact of the fire. They are also the first defense barrier for the rest of the urbanization. Is it enough? No, since 90% of the populations and urbanizations lacks a Self-Protection Plan., Basic Directive for Planning Emergency Civil Protection, which obliges city councils to participate more actively and to execute firewalls that separate the urban areas with dwellings and the neighboring mountain, has come to be fulfilled (Mason, 2011).. The regulations of civil protection forces the means of extinction to defend the houses against bushfires. But buildings without firewalls are less likely to defend the forest and prevent fire from spreading to other urban areas.

However, when the fire is declared, the houses remain at their mercy. It depends on your design whether or not they resist a fire. But in Australia, no specific design rules have been created to improve the resistance of buildings to forest fires. In France, there has already been established the concern of making wood construction compatible with the Forest Fire Prevention Plans. In an earlier post this has been addressed (Meyer, Beer and Mu?ller, 2004).

 In Australia, a country hit by large fires and where wood construction is common, they already have a standard, AS 3959 Construction of buildings in bushfire-prone areas, which sets out requirements for the design and construction of elements in any building constructed in an area designated as prone to forest fires. Remember that in case of fire firefighters will have many more opportunities to defend your home if they have accessible water points, such as hydrants, pools and reservoirs.

The content of this standard is explained in broad terms.

In a fire, the strong winds move the embers around the buildings and that they can be deposited in the flat surfaces. As the fire progresses, the envelope of the building is subjected to the very high heat radiation that can break windows and cause the building elements to ignite.

The design to resist forest fires,  is necessary within the 100 meters of the forest. It is critical to assess the site’s risk levels,and preventing fires from starting in the building by protecting the surfaces of the ignition by the embers, protecting the windows from the heat emitted by the front of the fire and limiting the combustibility of the exposed materials (Shanahan, 2012).

Inner Protection Area (IPA) and Outer Protection Area (OPA)

Every year, when summer comes, there is a risk of forest fires, which can affect large areas of forest and natural vegetation, causing social, economic and ecological damage.

For this reason, the Ministry of the Environment, as National Environmental Authority, has a Forest Fire Contingency Plan that aims to implement measures to prevent, mitigate and control this natural phenomenon, especially in fragile areas such as the National System of Protected Areas, moors and forests.

The implementation of this plan that arises with the need to promote preventive actions in the fight against forest fires through the diffusion and awareness in the sites of greater incidence, has had excellent results. In 2012, for example, fires affected 21,570 hectares, while in 2013 they fell to 4 216 hectares, barely 19.55% of the total for 2012. While these figures are encouraging, the Environmental Authority will continue to work for reduce this phenomenon that affects ecosystems.

The contingency program includes three stages. The first stage is a prevention program in which multiple activities are carried out, such as preventive operations, environmental education, monitoring and early warning in areas of greater susceptibility. The second is an emergency plan in which several institutions such as the National Secretariat for Risk Management, Fire Brigade, Armed Forces and Decentralized Provincial, Municipal and Parochial Autonomous Governments collaborate in order to control fires that occur in a way immediate and effective (Shanahan, 2012). finally, the third phase refers to the remediation plan that seeks to repair the original plant cover affected.

In addition to this strategy to fight fires, the authorities  throughout the year carries out several complementary actions such as training, environmental education days, digital campaigns and door-to-door campaigns; which seek to promote the care and protection of forests and natural areas.It should be noted that, the majority of forest fires presented in the country are due to anthropogenic causes. For example, in several agricultural areas, fire is used as a working tool to prepare the soil, to remove stubble and to clear the land, among others, but its misuse can cause irreparable damage to ecosystems.According to reports from this State Portfolio, 70% of forest fires are caused by man, 25% are by negligence or by agricultural burns and 5% by natural causes (glass bottles, lightning).

To resist attacks of embers before the fire front,provide a safe haven while passing the fire front,and allow the occupants, after passing the fire front, to extinguish the building elements that are still burning.

Regulatory Frameworks for Building Design in Bushfire-prone Areas

The design for shrub fire is a process, namely:Determine the level of the Bushfire Attack Level (BAL).Comply with the constraints on building envelope elements for the BAL evaluated (Pearson, n.d.).Choose the correct woods and detailing the performance of the required item.

The BAL indicates probable radiant heat on the outside of the building at the front of the fire. A qualified assessor will determine the BAL after considering: the Fire Hazard Index (FDI), the vegetation of the site, the distance between the site and the vegetation, and the slope of the terrain. 

 The standard focuses on external building elements such as: terraces on substructures (open or closed); stairs, exterior platforms and ramps; surfaces of external walls; windows and exterior doors; soffits, eaves, fascias and gutters; and the surfaces of roofs There are no restrictions on the materials used inside the building. The restrictions are increased with levels 40 and BL-FZ.3. The wood suitable  for use in the elements of the envelope are listed in the standard in tables and appendices and details where the wood in each table can be used (Pearson, n.d.). The standard classifies the woods, based on their density, into four groups: resistant to forest fires (due to their natural properties – such as merbau, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, etc.) impregnated with fire-retardant chemicals or inflammable  paints; wood with a density of more than 750 kg / m³ (gray eucalyptus, etc.); woods with a density of more than 650 kg / m³ (cypress, etc.); and other low density species (radiata pine and Western Red Cedar). We will now see how these groups and the requirements of the standard interact in four examples according to the WoodSolutions design guide, “Building with timber in bushfire prone areas”.

 First example, wood can be used without restriction in any application where wood is protected from exposure to forest fires by a rugged envelope. They include wood frames, interior floors, interior carpentry, etc. In the second example, it is a wooden platform outside in an area classified as BAL 12.5. If it is placed more than 300 mm, measured horizontally, of a glazed element, you can use a normal wood, like the treated pine, if not, you must use a dense wood like the merbau or ceramic tiles. 12.5 – In the third example, it is a facade cladding in wood in a 19 area. If it is 400 mm or less from an external surface that can collect embers or burning residues (such surfaces include the floor, a deck, a balcony , a carport roof, a canopy, etc., with an angle of less than 18 ° to the horizontal), wood-resistant woods are used, woods such as gray eucalyptus, timbers for log houses (density of 680 kg / m³ or more, 70 mm minimum thickness), non-combustible materials, fibrocement of at least 6 mm thick and any combination of these materials. – Facade cladding in wood In the fourth example, it is a wooden window in a area 29. If it is 400 mm or more above a horizontal outer surface, all hardwoods and treated woods can be used, but all woods can also be used without restriction only if they are fully protected with fire resistant timber shutters . – wooden windows In France, guidelines on how to build in areas prone to forest fires have already been analyzed.

 Recently, the association of construction professionals  has published a guide for various publics, but especially for developers wishing to construct, in a Bush fire prone  area, a sustainable building with materials of biological origin (Pearson, n.d.). Therefore, the guide addresses the problem by recovering the knowledge to have to apply for the Works License in an area affected by a  bush fires and proposing good constructive practices that are applied in all constructions subject to a risk of this type, element by element.

Minimum safety and habitability requirements
At the national level, the legislation in charge of meeting minimum safety requirements is the document  of the Technical Building Code (CTE). This Basic Document (DB) is designed to establish rules and procedures that allow meeting the basic safety requirements in case of fire. This document is divided into sections, all of them basic requirements. The purpose of this document is to reduce to acceptable limits the risk of users of a building being damaged by a fire of accidental origin.

Terms such as protection, detection and alarm, and evacuation are taken into account. In this report you can read several post on the subject: the importance of the final condition of use of materials and reaction to fire. Remember that when performing the Technical Inspection of your building, it must comply with the anti-fire regulations.Incompressible, a small hotel must have by law with an evacuation plan, instead, in a building setup is not necessary (Hens, 2013) .

Most homes do not have the basic elements of fire safety such as the smoke detector and fire extinguisher. According to a report of the Australia Association of Fire Protection Societies , 90% of the communities of old owners do not have the basic fire safety measures that the Technical Building Code requires in the common spaces of the estate such as portals, garages, storage rooms or stairs (Pearson, n.d.). This is also true for 20% of new construction buildings

It is in Australia where this new knowledge were transformed into standards of enforced compliance since their National Construction Code requires compliance with the rules. In Australia we have the CTE, but only consider how to prevent and resist fires in or within buildings and without going beyond generic norms like the 15 meters of perimeter strip (before the last revisions were 25 meters). It is necessary to wait for initiatives such as the Forest Fire Protection Forum in the urban forest interface (UFI),  to be condensed into guides to a joint building and urban development legislation in UF I areas.

Fire fighters should be within reach of anyone who is affected in a fire situation.
Evacuation Height
It is the maximum difference of dimensions between a source of evacuation and the exit of building that corresponds to it. In order to determine the evacuation height of a building, the highest floors of the building in which there are only zero occupancy areas are not considered.
If it is a community of neighbors whose height of evacuation exceeds 80 meters, it will require an automatic installation of extinction. If each floor exceeds 28 meters, an emergency lift will be necessary.

Keep the electrical grid of the building in good condition. The majority of fires that originate in the communities of owners are due to a poor state of the electricity network. In many cases, older buildings do not comply with the Low Voltage Regulation (REBT), which can lead to short circuits with a high risk of fire. Substitute combustible materials for other flame retardants. There are still communities of neighbors with walls of portals, landings and stairs lined with wood and flammable varnishes. The carpets, sofas, carpets, curtains  can also be the origin of the fire so it is better to replace them with other materials with a higher resistance to fire.

Install fire doors in the building. The fire doors prevent the spread of the fire and allow the rapid evacuation of the neighbors.

Signalization of escape routes and emergency lighting. In case of fire, it is vital that the escape routes and emergency exits are perfectly signposted and free of obstacles that prevent the free exit of the building in case of fire.

Cleaning in the adjacent and immediate building, especially in garages and storage rooms. When it comes to preventing fires in communities, order and cleanliness are fundamental. Collecting garbage, cardboard, furniture or flammable liquids in garages and storerooms is a high risk of fire. It is also very important that the garages are ventilated and prohibit smoking inside them, since many fires are produced by ill-fused cigarettes.
 Avoid hedgerows and especially hedgerow hedges in the perimeter enclosures in contact with forest land. The presence of walls that separate the hedge from the forest floor are effective in reducing Ignition. External perimeter walls are good fire barriers that impact. Avoid depositing remains whilepruning and cleaning of gardens in the outer perimeter. Trees above or near perimeter hedges can enter more easily ignited.  Remove any potentially combustible material that is attached to the housing, below the stairs, under terraces, in corners etc. This marketing is on many occasions the sole responsible for the destruction of housing.


Last year, housing fire claimed a total of 112 fatalities (50% during the winter months). In order to reduce these frightening statistics, some autonomous communities and municipalities have begun to include in the telecare programs the fire detector in homes for everyone. In other cases, municipalities in coordination with firefighters have launched awareness-raising and fire prevention campaigns in neighborhood communities, including drills and evacuation and self-protection plans.Review of Fire Protection Systems is also good for the building. Fire Protection systems (Fire Alarm, BIEs, Hydrants ) are not useful if they are not in perfect condition. Periodic inspections established by law must be carried out by an authorized maintenance company in order to ensure its proper functioning. From what I saw in plans, the structuring, the raised (in the building) did not allow anyone to deal with the phenomenon. It is very critical because when there are interior columns with two neighbors on the sides it is very,


Bogue, N. (2007). Bushfires!. South Yarra, Vic.: Macmillan Education Australia.

Forest Fires Prevention Act. (2003). [Toronto]: Queen’s Printer for civil-engineering = Imprimeur de la Reine pour l’Ontario.

Gomez, E. and Alvarez, K. (2009). Forest fires. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Guerra Santin, O. (2008). Environmental indicators for building design. Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press.

Hens, H. (2013). Performance based building design. Berlin: Ernst & Sohn.

Kibert, C. (n.d.). Sustainable construction.

Mason, P. (2011). Bushfires. South Yarra, Vic.: Macmillan Library.

Meyer, C., Beer, T. and Mu?ller, J. (2004). Dioxins economics from bushfires in Australia. Canberra, A.C.T.: Australian Government Department of the Environment and Heritage.

Pearson, M. (n.d.). The fire extinguisher.

Rodriguez, A. (2004). Fires. San Diego: Greenhaven Press.

Shanahan, K. (2012). Bushfires. [Place of publication not identified]: Eleanor Curtain Pub.

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