Opportunities For Business With Mobile Computing

Project objective

Discuss about the Opportunities making Business with Mobile Computing.

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Today, various changes are taking place in the living standards of people and also in business operations because of emergence of new technologies and development in smart phone devices. These dynamic technologies have put down significant effects on individual, business and societies. This report focuses on emergence of mobile in computing and its implications on society in details. Report provides the deep understanding and analysis about the aspects of mobile computing that creates various business opportunities for the organizations in the operating market (Aldridge, 2011).

The objective of this project is to understand various aspects of the mobile computing which provide various business opportunities to the organizations for attracting the customers. It is recently observed that people are focused towards these technologies and the technologies have made them much dependent. It is also observed that mobile computing is beneficial for the business as it provides various opportunities to the organizations to achieve the growth in the business. So, the objective of this study is to analyze the opportunities of mobile technology and involve these resources in the daily business activities to the higher level (Bryman, 2015).

The presented study has significant importance in the research topic of mobile computing. This is very crucial part in the current circumstances of the technological innovation and development and its propositions. The main objective of the project is to analyze and understand the opportunities with the mobile computing and its importance in the business. The study would make possible to understand the use of mobile computing devices in the various business functions. Along with this, the study would also provide benefits to increase the knowledge and understanding about various aspects of mobile computing and would assist in providing effective findings and conclusion for the project.

In present time technology has become the most vital and efficient factor which include various people both in their personal and practiced lives. In all over the world technology has put down its roots in almost all the activities and sectors.  Mobile computing is one of the advancement in technologies which changes the lifestyle of people allows them to think in a diverse manner by practicing the same in their real lives.

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Since mobile computing is one of the most important technological development which affect many people in all over the world. Mobile computing is considered as the equipment which allows the transfer of data, videos and voice, by the computer and other wireless equipments without use of wire or any of fixed substantial connection. Day to day activities can be easily carried because of enhance in the use of smart phones and tablets. Mobile hardware, and mobile software, mobile communications are the basic concepts of mobile computing (Ghanchi, 2016). It has been considered as the mobile computing technology provide the facilities to its users to access, generate, accumulate, procedure and communicate the useful information without any kind of hurdles. It assists the users to interact and exchange information in wide range of areas. Mobile computing is also considered as a platform of information management which allows the flow of information through wireless channels.

Project scope

There have been a lot of changes taking place in mobile sectors in past few years. New and upgraded technologies had made a great impact on the various business activities of the organizations. New phases of quick communication have been developed by use of mobile computing devices such as laptops, tablets, smart phones, I-pods etc and complete restoration of traditional mode of communication   has taken place due to these devices. For the individuals and society, mobile technological solutions have become very important part in their daily routines. The mobile computing helps in combining communicational sources with wide range of internet which ultimately helps in bringing improvements in daily routine of people. However use of mobile computing has lead to increase in activities related to cyber crimes. Because of flexibility of easily transformation of information, risk related to security of sources has been increasing at an alarming rate. It has been considered that it is hazardous to get connected with other devices as it may be the cause of mistreatment of private data. When the laptops, mobiles, or other devices are associated to Wi-Fi, these can easily be hacked and controlled by anyone and can misuse the confidential data stored in it.

By using smart phones and ease in access to thousands of apps, people are performing a lot of intensive activities on their mobile phones from any place and at anytime like banking transactions, payment of bills etc. Now day’s mobile phones have become a major part of day to day lives of people. According to a current global report, almost 60% of senior corporate expect that mobile computing will help in expanding their business at large scale which ultimately helps in getting success to their businesses (Kumar & Yung-Hsiang, 2010). Mobile technologies help people to use data and resources of company without been attached to a single location. Mobile devices help the employees of a company to keep them in touch everywhere whether they are attending their meetings or working for a client etc. Mobile computing helps the companies in doing their business in an effective and different manner. New technologies not only attract customers but also help in reducing cost. It will make the team more attentive, more creative and more valuable in front of clients. Businesses now days are learning the most efficient and effective way of using mobile technologies in their business to enhance their productivity to get success in long term. Following are some important areas in which mobile technology can be useful:

Literature review

Mobile technologies help companies to have unbreakable and incessant level of connectivity between employees, vendors and customers. Employees can download applications like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter etc on their mobiles which help them to connect with other colleagues. Mobile computing also helps in enhancing business benefits like direct communication with the customers and employees in the market. By the use of real-time communication, the organization can achieve various business benefits i.e. effective use of staff time, improved customer services, and greater range of the services and products which are delivered by the company. The benefits for the customers as well as business are as follows:

  • Making effective presentations to the customers, and they are being able to download the information regarding product during the visit,
  • By using mobile computing, customers are able to quote and interact regarding order processing,
  • Checking stock level by the office network,
  • Interacting with the other employees while traveling, senior managers can send or receive emails, response to the tenders, and deliver the trip report in timely manner (Früh, Kesch & Plüss, 2005).

Due to the interactive nature of mobile computing and technology, organizations are able to share the information by this medium. By the mobile technology, the companies are able to get immediate response and feedback for the products and services from the end users. The speed and accessibility of the mobile computing have led to the faster research and development for the organizations in their business which is the crucial part for them to deal with the competition in the market. Along with this, it has also led to the product upgrade based on the customers’ requirements with the faster rate. In this way, customers or end users feel that they are connect with the company’s business operations and they have important role in the development of the business (Chen & Kamara, 2011).

In the time of competition, mobile technology has provided new dimensions to each and every company in terms of advertising and promotion for the business across the world. Based on the business advertisements on the mobile phones by the variety of mobile marketing technologies, customers feel attractive towards the products and services. By the marketing technologies such as mobile website, SMS messaging, banner ads, mobile applications, IVR massaging, QR codes and much more.

These advertisements can be used to reach the targeted and specific audience by the company. Consumers are able to read the information available on the website but they are seeking the information on the mobile device. Mobile devices now display the advertisements that are related to the information. By this customization, marketing is getting more effective as the potential customers always have mobile devices in their hand and the exposure of advertisements is increased. Based on the studies, it is observed that 97% of the mobile subscribers read an SMS message within 15 minutes of receiving it, and 84% response within 1 hour. Along with this, mobile is not just for the young people, but adults are also using the mobile technology for purchasing and shopping. Further, it is observed that almost 40% of the consumers are interested in receiving the mobile coupons for the various services (Fernando, Loke & Rahayu, 2013).  

Mobile computing

Mobile ticketing

By the mobile computing, tickets can be booked and cancelled easily with the variety of technologies. Users are now able to use their tickets immediately by showing their phone at the venue.

Mobile coupons, vouchers and loyalty cards-

The mobile technology is useful in the allocation of the coupons, vouchers and the loyalty cards. These items can be characterized by the virtual token that is sent to the mobile phone of the customers. Customers present their mobile phone having one of these tokens while purchasing the products. By the mobile token, customers are able to take same benefits as they got in the traditional token (Tan, 2011).

Content purchase and delivery

The mobile content purchasing includes sale of ring-tones, games, wallpapers of mobile phones. The content purchase and delivery focuses into the purchase and delivery of the full-length music tracks, books, videos and more.

Location based services

By knowing the location of the mobile phone users, companies are able to provide location based services to them. The location based services include local discount offers, local weather, news or sports, traffic reporting and tracking and monitoring of people.

Information services

There is various information services which can delivered to the customers and mobile phone users in the same way as those are delivered on their computers. The information services include stock quotes, financial records, and national and international news and sports (Metz, 2013).

Mobile banking

In present time, banking and other financial institutions use mobile commerce so that they can provide facilities to the customers to access the account information and make transactions. Facilities in the mobile banking include transfer funds between accounts, process bill payments check bank balances and verify deposits and other many transactions (Brill, 2013).

In the modern era, mobile technology is helpful in improving the services of the organizations that they provide to the customers. for instance, while meeting with the customers, company can access the customer relationship management system by the internet. This is helpful for the company to keep the details of the customers updated. Alternatively, company can be able to allow the customers to pay for the services and products without cash, check or swipe the credit or debit card. Further, by the mobile computing, companies are able to access the resources with the help of database or accounting system. For example, firm can set up new customers’ account, place an order online and check the prices and stock availability (Wakeman, 2012).


From the above discussion, it is observed that the adaptation of smart mobile device such as tablets, smart phones etc has drastically changed the living standards and various daily activities of individuals. It is also observed that that mobile computing is mostly used for the various business activities as it is helpful for the individuals by information system while they are not in their workplace. The above discussion shows that the mobile devices are helpful to stay connected with each other in all over the world at anytime. People get new opportunities to communicate with each other and to explore the outer world. So, the mobile computing has significant role in the modification business activities.


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Brill, E. (2013). Mobile Computing: It’s a Game Changer for Companies. Retrieved on 12th August 2017 from https://www.theatlantic.com/sponsored/ibm-mobile/mobile-computing-its-game-changer-companies/32/

Bryman, A., (2015). Social research methods. UK: Oxford university press

Chen, Y. & Kamara, J.M., (2011). A framework for using mobile computing for information management on construction sites: Automation in Construction. 20(7). pp.776-788

Fernando, N., Loke, S.W. and Rahayu, W., (2013). Mobile cloud computing: A survey: Future Generation Computer Systems. 29(1). pp.84-106

Früh, R., Kesch, D., & Plüss, S. (2005). Mobile Computing — Business Opportunities and Business Models from the Perspective of an IT Service Provider. pp.117-15

Ghanchi, J. (2016). Mobile Computing: Biggest Challenges and Opportunities Lying Ahead. Retrieved on 12th August 2017 from https://www.logisticsit.com/blog/2016/02/05/mobile-computing-biggest-challenges-and-opportunities-lying/

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Metz, R., (2013). Five Opportunities for Mobile Computing. Retrieved on 12th August 2017 from https://www.technologyreview.com/s/511816/five-opportunities-for-mobile-computing/

Tan, T. (2011). Five Reasons Why Mobile Computing is Accelerating in Organizations. Retrieved on 12th August 2017 from https://www.industryweek.com/companies-amp-executives/five-reasons-why-mobile-computing-accelerating-organizations

Wakeman, N. (2012). What are the biggest mobile computing opportunities. Retrieved on 12th August 2017 from https://washingtontechnology.com/Articles/2012/04/02/Mobile-opportunities-intro.asp

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