Occupational Well Being For Health Place – IOM Singapore
Discuss about the Occupational Well Being for Health Place.
IOM Singapore started its journey in the year of 2012 and presently it has achieved worldwide fame in the establishing work place health safety to the companies by delivering solutions that helps in practising the same (Iom-world.org. 2012). The company presently works with lots of companies and brings out innovative ideas for establishing and improving the health place safety of the companies. This company composes training sessions to help other companies follow a health policy, as occupational well-being is a very important and vital issue in the present industrial world. Workplace without having any health safety policy or guideline is a failed workplace and at the present world the even the workers deny to work on a place that does not provide health policies for the workers. IOM Singapore has implemented frameworks that help in guiding the stakeholders and the company to engender the need of workplace health safety for each individual (Iom-world.org. 2012).
The list of frameworks that the company follows are:
Health and Wellbeing Framework in the workplace
Statistics of Health and Wellbeing in the workplace
Legal Framework regarding Safety and Health in the Workplace
Responsible Authorities for Health and Wellbeing in Workplace
Implementation of Strategy related to Workplace Health and Wellbeing
The first groundwork notion beneath the new framework helps in mitigating the occupational health risks before their creation and does not accept any kind of existing problems within the organisation (Kelly and Fussell 2015). The first framework implies the fact that all the stakeholders in organisation thus requires conducting of risk assessments that will help to identify the occupational health risks and also its cause and after that measures must be taken to eliminate those health risks.
The second assumption of the framework identifies the role of larger ownership industry regarding the occupational health and wellbeing outcomes. Industries must at large take more ownership of establishing health and safety is workplace standards and outcomes that will effect a cultural change from unconsidered to concerned factor for the prevention of any workplace health issues (Kelly and Fussell 2015).
The third notion under the framework regarding health and wellbeing in workplace is to find outr the largely effecting financial hindrances and consequences on workplaces that brings in the practise of unsafe systems within the workplace, despite of the fact that there is no accidents occurred still the precautions are mandatory (Kelly and Fussell 2015). This helps in the creation of an environment where every workplaces find the most effective and worthy ways that will help them achieve the standards of maintaining wellbeing and health in the workplaces.
Importance of technologies in maintaining occupational wellbeing
The importance of innovative technologies for maintaining the workplace safety is very important for many Singaporean companies in the present context and IOM in this case plays an expertise role to introduce the importance of technology for occupational wellbeing (Nieuwenhuijsen 2015). Use of technology along with using the ideas of IOM regarding the occupational well being issues helps the companies at a large basis.
The company has some senior consulting employees who ages between 25 – 40 years have huge experience in maintaining workplace Hygiene. Two members of the company internationally acclaim their revolutionary work in nanotechnologies across the world. IOM Singapore helps many companies through an extraordinarily and brilliantly qualified consulting and training team that comes across a wide range of Occupational wellbeing requirements to help the companies with the same (Nieuwenhuijsen 2015).
International consulting experts across many countries guides and supports the Singapore team so that they have the knowledge to help almost every company by having a brief idea about the existing health issues. The company got its expansion significantly starting from local health to getting expertise at work by meeting and resolving all the queries that were growing among the undersized as well as multinational organisations in Singapore. IOM is famous in operating successful training programs that fully focuses on maintenance health and safety issues in workplaces (Marcinkiewicz et al 2016).
Technology in the recent world is a very important issue and thus this company highlights that it is necessary for every company to upgrade their workplaces with the recent trends of technology. Using up to date technological services will help the companies with more safety in workplace and reduce the risks of accidents or occurrences in the workplaces. Workplace health and safety measures in any workplace is mostly considered as the joint efforts of the employers, employees and the society it operates in order to bring changes in the health and well-being of employees related to the company. This revelation of workplace health and safety measures particular emphasizes on ensuring the improvement of the organization as well as the working environment by escalating the participation of the employees’ in determining a positive working environment with required health determinants that encourages the personal hygiene maintaining skills and professional development relating to occupational wellbeing for an employee (Waldron 2013). Workplace health safety of IOM particularly focuses on few factors that has no existence in the workplace legislation and does not include any development regarding maintenance of workplace health programmes, like the workplace environment, the promoting of healthy practises at work, as well as the practise of non-occupational health factors in the work environment (Lim et al 2014). The practise of Non-occupational factors may include family wellbeing, home and travelling conditions, as well as the societal factors, which affect the health of the employees at a large.
Implementation of solutions to maintain better workplace
Institute of Occupational Medicine Singapore is an uncompetitive international contributor aimed to implement positive solutions regarding workplace health and wellbeing to every industry, be it agricultural, tea, steel or any other kind of industries (Iom-world.org. 2012). This company has prepared themselves by recruiting expertise and experienced people who will be able to follow the goal of the company and presently they have marked themselves as the best (Lerssi-Uskelin, Hopsu and Salmi 2014). The people they are related with have helped them to provide the realistic solutions regarding occupational health to a large range.
Whether any company requires the strategic or expert recommendation or opinion or live monitoring, IOM Singapore always remains ready to help any company with any health related problems. The services that the company offers takes into consideration the concerns of occupational wellbeing, workplace hygiene, wellbeing of nanomaterials, human factors, lab services and training (Parker 2014). The company also aims to bring out the excellent multidisciplinary applied investigation on the variety of occupational health and wellbeing risk issues.
Maintaining of Occupational wellbeing and measuring & controlling of risky occurences in the workplace are the main concern of the IOM Singapore (Wells and Hawkins 2014). IOM Singapore thinks that the companies must have brief knowledge about the health risks within the workplace and control them in order to practise a positive workplace rather than just asking for solutions and not participating on their own. The companies need to establish the process that will help in controlling and managing the health risks. The companies need to take on regular checks and comply with IOM Singapore to maintain the standards of workplace health and wellbeing (Timms et al 2015). The expertise and experienced employees of occupational health officers provides a huge range of help in reducing the health issues within a workplace by making the company understand the relationship between occupational wellbeing and positive work environment.
IOM Singapore has the aim to encourage the need of proper occupational wellbeing practices in order to promote good health of the employees. That is why this company helps other companies in conducting of helpful risk evaluation programmes in order to reduce or mitigate the health risks in any work place (Allen et al 2013). For doing this the company practises four simple phases:
Every workplace needs the identification of health problems that is hampering the situation of the workplace. One of the consultants in IOM first visits the workplace of the person who asked for help from them and there that individual performs a walk through assessment identifying all the health problems the employees are facing as well as the health problems that is largely affecting the workplace. During the continuation of this process, the consultant from institute of occupational medicine assists the company to identify all the health risks by themselves so that the company itself knows about the problem they are dealing with in their workplace (Burke 2016). Then the consultant with his or her teams prepares a brief report that contains the list of the identified risk factors related to health in the workplace and brings out recommendations as well as plans for evaluating and mitigating the risks.
Health and safety approaches
The company supports other companies in measuring the exposure as well as evaluating the risk for health risks created by unsafe chemicals, dusts, chemicals, materials and ergonomic factors (Reb and Atkins 2015). The work of institute of occupational medicine involves the evaluation and management of exposures including:
Assessments for dusts, chemicals and other harmful materials
Evaluation of the health problems within the workplace
Measurement of factors that are related to human health
Evaluation of designing the workplace, human factor
Advice on health based occupational limits.
Risk evaluation taking into context both the risk and revelation data.
Proper explanation of risk assessment result is very important for practising of effective control strategies. IOM is always ready to provide wide range of experienced consultants having wide knowledge about occupational hygiene that will help other companies to understand the results derived from the exposure valuation & risk evaluation and then IOM advises on the development of effective risk control strategy (Chaikitmongkol, Leeungurasatien and Sengupta 2015). IOM is presently the leading experts that assist the companies in establishing occupational wellbeing and occupational health programmes like,
Occupational Hygiene Programme
Hearing Conservation Programme
Hazardous Substances Programme
Ergonomics Programme
Bio safety Programme
Radiation Safety Programme
IOM consultants are in a continuous process of supporting other companies to ensure workplace health safety along with the implementation of the controlling measures helpful in maintaining occupational health (Rooney et al 2015). IOM also provide a large range of occupational health training for all levels of the work and for every company. Occupational Hygiene Officers are deployed to other companies for the purpose of conducting inspection and checking processes that are helpful to evaluate the efficacy of the controlling measures. Many of the companies with the help of IOM engages with the hygiene programmes in order to perform regular inspections and maintain occupational well being in the workplaces.
The importance of the workplace health and safety lies in the different procedures that can be used for the wellbeing of both the employees and the employers. The violence in the workplace is a rapid ever growing concern in Singapore in the recent days. The safety and the health programs are an integral part of the IOM Singapore that is required for the prevention of the illness and injury in the workplace (Scholl, Okun and Schulte 2017). The health programs will be employed that will help in understanding the potential hazards that they might be exposed to on a daily basis. The health concerns will eventually affect the ability of the workers or the employees of the IOM organization to perform their duties in a proper way. There is a need to take the necessary steps that will protect the employees from the safety and the health concerns in the corporate community in Today’s world.
The hazards that are dangerous may be due to the different substances and the behaviors that may cause injury or harm to its own employees. There are several hazards that can be exposed in the IOM organization in Singapore (Grossmeierey al. 2016). The health hazards range from the different infectious diseases from one worker to another and those are even not properly maintained and stored. There is a need to follow such specific safety procedures that will help the event to come out of the emergency situation.
The safety and the health measures of the IOM organization is to make it responsible for enforcing the laws regarding the measures that needs to be taken (Chosewood et al. 2017). The company may be charged if they do not provide a safe work and healthy environment for their employees by making a proper guideline and a safety standard. There is a need to investigate the complaints regarding the safety violations and that will ensure that the dangerous and the hazards in the workplace will be resolved.
The general guidelines about the health that has been created is basically to help the office workers and their employers in understanding the certain hazards that might negatively impact the emergency situations of the IOM organization (Ammendolia et al. 2016). The guidelines have been made so that it might assist the IOM Company in conducting the potential job duty or work so that a proper procedure may be applied to prevent the injury and the illness.
The safety and the health programs are important in preventing the illness and the injury in the IOM workplace. These health programs help the employees to understand the potential hazards that can be exposed to on a daily basis. The safety programs and the effective health programs will help the workers in benefiting the behaviors of the IOM workplace.
Institute of Occupational Medicine Singapore is an uncompetitive international contributor aimed to implement positive solutions regarding workplace health and wellbeing to every industry, be it agricultural, tea, steel or any other kind of industries. The company has some senior consulting employees who ages between 25 – 40 years have huge experience in maintaining workplace Hygiene. The company presently works with lots of companies and brings out innovative ideas for establishing and improving the health place safety of the companies. This company composes training sessions to help other companies follow a health policy, as occupational well-being is a very important and vital issue in the present industrial world. Workplace without having any health safety policy or guideline is a failed workplace and at the present world the even the workers deny to work on a place that does not provide health policies for the workers.
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Iom-world.org. (2012). IOM | Institute of Occupational Medicine. [online] Available at: https://www.iom-world.org/ [Accessed 3 Oct. 2017].
Kelly, F.J. and Fussell, J.C., 2015. Air pollution and public health: emerging hazards and improved understanding of risk. Environmental geochemistry and health, 37(4), pp.631-649.
Lerssi-Uskelin, J., Hopsu, L. and Salmi, A., 2014. What is Workplace Health Promotion (WHP). African Newsletter, p.46.
Lim, R.B.T., Ma, S., Fong, C.W., Chua, L., Chia, K.S., Heng, D. and Lim, W.Y., 2014. How healthy is the Singaporean worker? Results from the Singapore national health survey 2010. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine, 56(5), pp.498-509.
Marcinkiewicz, A., Walusiak-Skorupa, J., Wiszniewska, M., Rybacki, M., Hanke, W. and Rydzy?ski, K., 2016. Challenges to occupational medicine in view of the problem of work-related diseases and the aging of workforce. Directions for further development and intentional changes in preventive care of employees Medycyna pracy, 67(5), pp.691-700.
Nieuwenhuijsen, M.J. ed., 2015. Exposure assessment in environmental epidemiology. OUP Us.
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Scholl, J.C., Okun, A. and Schulte, P.A., 2017. Workplace safety and health information dissemination, sources, and needs among trade associations and labor organizations
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