Nutritional Competition Situation Analysis
Marketing Plan for Disney Land in Saudi Arabia
Discuss about the Nutritional Competition Situation Analysis.
Disneyland was integrated in the state of California in 1951 by Walt Disney. The company is owned by only Walt Disney. It has various media networks which comprise a vast array of cable, radio, broadcast and digital business in the two divisions that is the Disney and ESPN Inc (Watts, 2013). The main products and services of the Disney Company are providing various toys, physical places and animated entertainment channel. The new Operation has started of its company in Saudi Arabia with a theme Park named as Disney Land. Disney land business will be innovative and demanding place by the Saudi Arabians people.
The business statement of Walt Disney is to be one of the leading producers of the world and providers of entertainment and information by utilizing the portfolio of brands to categorized its content, consumer products and services.
The vision statement of the Disney land is to make people happy by providing efficient services in the form of entertainment.
The objectives of the Disney land to become an expander of entertainment in all over the world. To maximize earnings is another objective of the Disneyland. Allocate capital to progressing businesses to drive long term shareholder value.
Marketing plan of Disney land in Saudi Arabia covers target market, market segmentation, marketing strategy and marketing mix. It is important for the business of Walt Disney to evaluate the various factors before opening Disney land in Saudi Arabia. As a marketing Manager I have analyzed that the target market for the Disney land in Saudi Arabia will be children and those people who are interested in animated things. Market segmentation is vital for the Disney land because it covers various aspects such as psychographic characteristics, behavioral characteristics and demographic characteristics. I will analyze the region and the size of city in perfect manner for Disney. It has been analyzed by me that the population of the Saudi Arabia is 32.8 million and there are so many destinations are situated who may attract tourist towards it. It is a semi developed country that has many excellent schools, some top-of-the-line infrastructure and a very good medical system which enhance the number of people from all over the world. It is integral for the Walt Disney business to keep focus on the marketing strategy, it would be good if Pestle analysis is considered for marketing strategy because it will be helpful to give information about the politic, environmental, social, technological, economical and legal (Peters, et. al., 2016.). I have analyzed that the revenue of Saudi Arabia government was SAR 528 billion whereas the expenditure was SAR 933.402 billion. The government of Saudi Arabia is not able to provide financial resources to boost economic growth. Marketing mix is the important element of the marketing plan which involves production, price, place and promotion. It has been analyzed by me that the place of Disneyland should be cover in 120- acre to compete with it same branch. Product is considered as the entertainment and information. The price of ticket of Disney land should be 300 Saudi riyal and it should be analyzed as per the condition of the economy of the country. The promotion of the Disney land can be done by providing information through social media and channels (Hollensen, 2015).
SWOT analysis of Disney Land in Saudi Arabia
There are two kind of external marketing environments micro and macro. These environments are not bound to keep control on marketers but they still impact the decisions while creating a strategic marketing strategy. Micro environment factors of Disney land is in Saudi Arabia of the supplier, reseller, customer and competition general public (Sheth and Sisodia, 2015). On the other hand the macro environment factors in the context of Disney land in Saudi Arabia will be demographic force, technological factors, political factors, social factor, physical force and cultural forces.
Strength |
Weakness |
Opportunity |
Threats |
The Walt Disney company is well established company that has well image in entertainment industry over many years. |
The economic structure of Saudi Arabia is weak. |
The most effective opportunity to get number of customer from all over the world. |
Threats that are more widespread in the era of globalization are the political concern in the form of laws and legislation of the Saudi Arabia country. |
The start up of Disney land in Saudi Arabia will be good idea of the company which enhances the number of tourist. |
The current account balance of Saudi Arabia has been estimated in negative terms. |
It would be great opportunity not only for the business but also for the customer because it gives the opportunity to them who cannot afford to go America but can go Saudi Arabia. |
The cultural difference is considered as the major threat for the Walt Disney (Khang, et. al., 2016). |
it would be beneficiary for the Walt Disney and government of the Saudi Arabia because number of tourist can be the key reason of increasing earning. |
There are not other destination places for tourists. |
The business can expand its business as theme parks in all over the world. |
As there are not that much competitors of this field but the same theme can be fetched out other entertainer. |
Walt Disney is among the largest media and entertainment companies of the world. The porter’s five forces are essential forces that decide the nature of competition in the Walt Disney Industry and its attractiveness.
The threat of new entrants in the industry of Disney land is considered as low. It is not possible for every business to invest large amount to compete Disneyland. Making a brand and brand loyalty is not easy to make sooner.
The rate of bargaining power of suppliers is moderate. The suppliers of it involve media partner, technology companies and other vendors (Wilson, et. al., 2014). Furthermore, switching suppliers’ turns into difficult due to same option cannot be available from other suppliers.
It has been evaluated by me that the bargaining power of buyer is weak due to the brand of the popularity. The main focus of the business is to improve the quality of the customer by providing them an efficient service.
The image of the Disneyland is bigger than most of its competitors that is why the threat of substitutes are low. Customers are know about the services and the goodwill of the Disneyland in front of viewers.
It has been analyzed that the rivalry among the existing firm is high. There are major competitors Universal and Fox Studios that provides amusements services and theme parks that are able to compete with Disney.
It is vital for the Walt Disney to maintain the relationship with customers so that the attraction and the love towards animated innovation of Disney land will remain same. The Disneyland is new for the public of Saudi Arabia that is why it is required for the business of Walt Disney to maintain the quality of services over there as well (Becker, 2017). Disney Land will establish the mutually beneficial relationship with customers by giving them proper time and be present when they require any help from support side. The information regarding new amendments and the opening branches of Disney land should be given to the customer so that they can get aware about the change and innovation strategy of Disneyland (Peters et. al., 2016).
Porters five model
I will plan for marketing research and maintenance of the customer information by keep focusing on the 4 major market research type such as brand awareness, target audience, customer retention and customer acquisition. Brand awareness will be helpful to determine the image of the company in the point of view of outsiders and where its competitors may have an edge (Menon, Bharadwaj, Adidam and Edison, 2015). Target audience will be facilitated to craft relevant message that resonate with them. I will majorly focus on them who are most likely to purchase tickets of Disney land. I will survey of ideal customers which can be a great way to learn how and why they chose opt the brand so I can acquire more customers like them. As marketer, I know that it is cheaper to retain current customers in comparison of acquire new ones. The customer information would be got from conduct market research to compute the satisfaction of customer and enhance the customer loyalty and focus on to increase the retention numbers (Ashley and Tuten, 2015).
There are various resources that are able to maintain the brand of the Disneyland. I will use marketing resource management tools for it. Every business seeks to be more effective and want to expand productivity and connect with customer in term to strengthen the bottom line. Marketing resource management tool is able to increase collaboration within the organization, which increase the effectiveness and efficiencies that business requires and deserve (Bohas, 2015). I will share the information regarding Disneyland by various means in the world of communication such as data analytical, social media and big data and the change can be seen from the silo mentality to a more open and cooperative form of demeanor day to day activities (Hollensen, 2015).
A customer value proposition is an explanation of the knowledge a target user will realize upon purchase and utilization of the product. The customer value proposition is considered as the most important tool in the toolset of producer marketer. It is the orientation for perspective how product will rationally be valued by the target user (Voigt, Buliga and Michl, 2017). I will create the customer value proposition by knowing the customers for it like what kind of issues they are looking for and how it can be resolved. I will analyze the competitors of this company and make them satisfies towards the services of the Disney land so that they prefer to come again here and recommend other to visit.
Beneficial relationship with customers
These seven steps are major to create the value proposition for customer. I will build the company’s value proposition because a value proposition is unique to target market and services that an organization offers to customer. These above mentioned in the image even step process will be facilitated to make value proposition in efficient manner.
Pricing decision is important for the business because it decides the potential benefits in an appropriate manner. There are various strategies to determine the price of Disney land in Saudi Arabia. I will choose the price skimming strategy for attracting number of customer towards the new open Disney land in Saudi Arabia. A price skimming is an effective pricing strategy to help business expand sales on new services and it includes setting rates high during the introductory phase. One of the advantages of price skimming is that it permits to increase the rate of profits on early adopters before falling prices to attract more price sensitive customers. It is advantageous for the business when it is introduced in new place. It is integral for the business to analyze the target audience while taking decision of pricing (Bart, Bontis and Taggar, 2001). The pricing strategy should be determined for the basis of pricing increase profitability, market penetration, and market share, enhance prospect presence, improve cash flow and increase revenue per customer.
The role of marketing strategy in the business is vital because it force management to acquire new customers and retain existing ones by creating revenues and enhance the market share. The methods of marketing strategies are observing the competition, address the needs of customer, vision and goal setting, opportunity assessment and strategic review. The major marketing strategies of Disney land would be promotion, advertising and public relations. Promotion will be done by analyzing the market research budget and segmentation (Bohari, Hin and Fuad, 2017). It is the first step for the marketer to build a marketing communication strategy and this process goes through the steps of segmentation, targeting, positioning and messaging.
Advertising strategy helps to promote the service of Disney land in Saudi Arabia to all over the world. I will focus on the direct as well as indirect method of advertising. Direct method will be used by advertising their product with the help of internet, television, pamphlet, and social media and so on (Kosinski, et. al., 2015). Indirect method will be taken in use to give the entire description of the services of the Disney land before purchasing the tickets so that they get to know about the services provided by Disney land in Saudi Arabia and find out the difference in the services from the densely land in other countries. Along with that I would prefer the advertising process mentioned below.
The Walt Disney Company includes best in class business standards like a key pillar of its practices of business. The new operation of its business in Saudi Arabia covers ethics and laws in an appropriate manner. The Disney land focuses on hiring practices, human resources, harassment prevention and discrimination policies and business standards and ethics training. Hiring practices are the policy of the Disney land in which equal opportunity is given to each employee without considering religion race, color, gender identity marital status and any other basis prohibited by state and federal law (Lyles, et. al., 2017). The human resources are great asset for the Disney Company to fulfill the vision and mission of the company. Compliance training related to the standards of business conduct of the company and ethics is provided to employees and cast members by using the learning management system of the company known as Disney Development Connection. The policy of Disney land prohibits harassment of any employees from any other employee or guest of the business.
It has been concluded that marketing management is necessary for developing the business in new place because it helps to determine the various aspects while taking decision in the context of opening business in new place. The Walt Disney is well known company of information and entertainment and it decided to start its operation in Saudi Arabia with a theme Park named as Disney Land. As Marketing Manager, I have been analyzed various aspects of it in sophisticated manner. Swot analysis and marketing strategy has been considered in the context of Disney land and it would be beneficiary for the Walt Disney to evaluate the market in efficient way. It has been recommended that the new operation should be having same services as Disney land in America but the structure and the theme of the new operation should be different. It is a great idea of Walt Disney because it would be helpful to improve the economic condition of Saudi Arabia.
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