Multimedia Technologies, M-Learning And Micro-Learning In Open University Malaysia

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Multimedia technologies mainly enable various users to easily integrate and manipulate data from various sources like video, graphics, audio, and text on a single platform. With the passage of time, multimedia has become the cultural phenomenon in the information sector (Liang et al., 2016). The rapid growth in technology in the last few years has brought a significant amount of changes in various domains like computing, entertainment and lastly education. The exponential growth of various multimedia technologies in the last few years has resulted in various kinds of opportunities and challenges. It is becoming more effective and popular because of the efficiency of use in day to day life (King, Lawrence & MacKinnon, 2014). The multimedia application comes up with fundamental idea and concept which can be a shift that can be used for presentation and information transfer. All the wireless transmission over the airwaves communication is totally dependent on radio transmission technology. Cell phone and TV remote controls are considered to be some of the well-known examples of devices which establishes communication wirelessly.

In the coming pages of the report, two multimedia technologies adopted by OUM (Open University Malaysia) has been discussed in details. After that, some of the ways have been discussed which can be used for enhancing the learning process. A proper discussion has been provided on the topic that learning can be easily replaced by technology. A brief comparison has been provided regarding the various advantages and disadvantages of online shopping. The last section of the report deals with the impact of online shopping in traditional stores. 

Open University Malaysia (OUM) is considered to be one of the best education in the country which provides the integrated e-learning. The university makes use of a different approach in teaching and learning process. By the year 2000, OUM aims to look up as the seventh private university in this country. OUM is considered to be the first university for practicing open and distance learning in Malaysia (Leutner, 2014). The establishment of OUM is all about motto that is “Education for all” is considered to be the beginning of democratic education in Malaysia. This ultimately resulted in a shift in the education program for the country. It has ultimately created a platform where working adults can easily improve their knowledge and a higher level of competency in OUM. The biggest strength of higher education institute like OUM it is delivery mode. Flexibility, accessibility, and affordability are considered to the cornerstone of ODL (Open Distance Learning). OUM has been marked as the blended mode of delivery which comprises three different modes like self-managed learning, face to face interaction and lastly online learning. A model for the collaborative mode of online learning was selected for providing support for providing support to the online curriculum which is considered as an extension of traditional to face to face learning (Lin, Shih & Chang, 2016). The online mode of education has been designed keeping in mind that learners have a different style, pace, and approach to learning.

M-Learning to Enhance Learning Process

M-learning: Mobile learning (M-learning) is known to be educated through internet or network by making use of personal kind mobile devices like tablets and smartphone. OUM (Open University Malaysia) can easily adopt M-learning to providing teaching through the application. M-learning focus on proving learning materials with the help of mobile application, social interaction and online education based hubs. This particular technology is considered too flexible which allow the various students of OUM to easily access education anytime and anyplace (Hosseini, Bathaei & Mohammadzadeh, 2014). Mobile learning generally provides a proper kind of method to educational institutes like OUM to easily deliver knowledge and education content to any kind of student on require platform. The biggest benefit of this technology is that it can easily deliver knowledge and education content to various students on any platform and anyplace and at any given time. Various student of OUM can easily make use of the mobile application and proper tools for completing and submitting of assignment to teachers. Apart from this, the students can also download the various course materials and instruction to easily work in a social group which is needed for completing the given task at a required time (Hwang & Wu, 2014). The term mobile learning is considered to be most widely used for describing technology like various mobile devices and application which are used in the classroom. M-learning comes with a large number of advantages like:

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Flexibility to learners: Flexibility is not generally limited to any place or time. Flexibility in mobile -learning focus on the use of videos, podcasts and another kind of popular multimedia assets which are provided on a smartphone.

Better completion rates and Higher retention: The content which is delivered to students with the help of m-learning is considered to be chunk sized and concise in nature. The amount of flexibility which is offered by the bite-sized mobile learning is considered to be immense in nature (Irwansyah et al, 2018). It enables various kinds of learners to easily complete course and begins the next course. This particular idea mainly leads to successful, seamless kind of mobile learning through proper user experience.

Collaborative learning: Engaging various kinds of learners to easily establishment of online learning is considered to very effective in nature by making the mobile device(Menon, Phalachandra & Emmanuel, 2018). This particular point can be considered to be the biggest advantage as a learning as a method generally encounters issues from the lack of collaboration.

Micro-Learning in Open University Malaysia

Learning path: Mobile phone-based learning generally helps in getting reminders and organizers which are easily integrated with the various m-Learning platform. Learners can easily get a notification and any kind of updates related to their course (Menon, Phalachandra & Emmanuel, 2018). The biggest plus point is that they can easily check the updates on anywhere and anyplace. Another advantage is that they can easily resume their courses without any kind of learning from previous content. The learning focus on various m-Learning platform which is personalized and continuous in nature.

Micro learning: In this type of learning various kinds of learning modules are easily stretched out in a value less than 10 minutes.  This is generally expressed in various kinds of formats and modules like videos, PPT, audio file and quick reads. There are generally spaced out in regular quizzes and surveys which helps in testing the knowledge which has been gained. OUM can easily adopt micro learning as it can provide a large number of benefits like:

Immediate Result: The biggest benefit of microlearning is that it enables the person to easily have a close value of knowledge.

Diverse formats: For both the types of learning that are structured and unstructured learning, microlearning comes up with some of the potentials which can be used for a blended approach for any kind of instruction.

Budget-friendly: Production cost which is involved in microlearning should be lowered as much as possible. The vision of microlearning is considered to be smaller and much less focused. 

In the last few years, technology has replaced many of the careers on the various chopping block like a travel agent and some postal clerk (McKenney et al., 2015). Technology is known to be changing the way in which the student learns but it cannot be used in replacement of teachers. High-quality teachers generally create a platform which motivates them and leads them to the path of success. Technology cannot inspire them or help them during the struggle period and stand up. Technology can be only a helping factor for learning students but it cannot replace the various knowledge and experiences that come up from the teacher (Rodríguez-Triana et al., 2017). As long as the balance is maintained between teacher and technology one can easily expect the educational system will promote learning. The balance will help will help in the opening the door for creativity and expressive.

Education can easily make quantum leap which can be achieved by incorporating technology. Technology will not change every aspect of life but requires also requires teachers to easily master or control it. Many times it is seen that the child comes up with the ability which depends on the given learning environment (Takacs, Swart & Bus, 2015). There is a large number of obstacles in the current environment of the teacher. So, it is the sole responsibility of the teacher is to easily change make changes and make it an encouraging one. Various schools around the globe are spending more money on technology rather than empowering technology. Teachers are simply providing suitable video during teaching while students are watching it like an interactive movie (Van Merriënboer & Kirschner, 2017). In the near future, it is expected that that time will come in which every discussion on student end will end up on learning skill, literacy skill for students like learning and life skills. Technology has taken the youth to a peculiar pace which is away from reality. So, the education system should provide the necessary skills to the students.

Impact of Technology in Education

Online shopping is considered to be a type of e-commerce which mainly allows easily purchasing of products by easy means. Online shopping is known to be an online store, internet shop, e-shop, virtual store and lastly web store (Balakrishnan & Gan, 2016). Various people around the globe are making use of online store for easy purchase of various products. E-commerce website creates a variety of platform which can be used for choosing plenty of things along with great deals and opportunities. One can easily find various kinds of things like clothes, footwear, home essentials and lastly inner wears. Apart from the benefits of online shopping come up with various kinds of drawbacks. 

Convenience: Customers can easily purchase a large number of items in their comfort or place. With the help of the internet, shopping can be easily made easier and convenient. The ordered items can be easily canceled.

No pressure on shopping: In major of the physical stores, various sales representative generally tries to influence their product. So, there is some kind of pressure while in the online market there are not such kind of pressure.

Online shopping saves time: In online mode customers does not stand in a queue in front of cash counters to pay for their products which have been purchased. Customers can easily shop from their home or workplace and so they do not need to spend any time or money on traveling (Angeli & Tsaggari, 2016). Various customers can easily look for products which are required by them just by properly entering the keyword in the search engine.

Comparison: Various e-commerce organization can easily display products which are offered to them (Fan, 2017). It mainly helps in attracting customers from different taste and requirements. It ultimately enables various kinds of buyers to easily choose from different of models which can be seen from the feature, the price of various kinds of products which are displayed in the meantime.

Saves Money: For attacking various kinds of customers to online shop, e-tailers and different marketers provide discounts. As a result of the elimination of various parameters like maintenance, real state cost various retailers can easily sell products along with attractive discount by online mode.

Delay in delivery of products: Long duration and improper inventory management can easily result in a delay in the shipment of various products (Henrie, Halverson & Graham, 2015). The fact should be taken into account that though online shopping does not take delivery time of more 15 minutes, the time required for delivery of products at doorstep can easily take around 1-3 weeks.

Online Shopping – Upsides and Downsides

Lack of touch and feel merchandise: In online shopping mode, lack of touch and feel can easily create issues over the quality of the product. Many customers around the globe have stated the fact that in online shopping customer cannot try them.

Lack of close examination:  In online shopping, a customer buys a product without actually looking into it. In many cases, it is seen that customers buy a product which is not really required by them (Anderson, Love & Tsai, 2014). The electronic image of the product can mislead the customer who is buying the product. In most of the cases of color, appearance in really does not match with the electronic image which is provided.

Fraud in online shopping: In the many cases it is seen that the online shopping site disappears after receiving the payment for a given order. So, it emphasizes the e-marketers to pay attention which can use for boosting the growth of e-commerce (Lau et al., 2014). A number of cyber crimes have increased a lot in the last few years.  Various details of customers like customer credit card and bank details have been misused which has resulted in privacy issues. 

A list of parameters was affected due to online shopping in various traditional stores and shops:

Turnovers: With the growth of e-commerce the turnover of different online stores have reduced a lot which can be considered as a warning signal for various enterprises.

Profit Margin: After the arrival of various online stores in the market many offline retailers and suffering from pricing issues (Angeli & Tsaggari, 2016). For surviving in the market, one needs to sell certain products at low prices which not affects the operational cost and but results in the low-profit-margin.

Discount: For providing a competitive edge to online retailers, various offline stores provide a heavy discount to customers (Fan, 2017). To easily stay in the market and attracting customers they need to sell some of the products at a discounted price.

Variety of Stock: Different types of goods are offered by the online store which cannot be provided by the offline store (Henrie, Halverson & Graham, 2015). Online shopping stores provide a provide a huge range of products in comparison to offline stores.

Window shopping: Low prices are being offered by various online stores which many times lead to window shopping (McKenney et al., 2015). Due to this particular reason, online stores tend to have more customers in comparison to offline stores.

Customer service: There is a certain number of offline stores which tend to provide various services at which many online stores fail to contact (Rodríguez-Triana et al., 2017). Many of the offline stores tend to provide services like repair and good services, home delivery and after-sales services. These services are considered to be similar to online stores. 


From the above discussion, it can be easily stated that this report is all about the application of multimedia technology in different domains like education, industries, and society. All of these domains are considered to be an important aspect of daily life. Multimedia environment generally helps in providing a better kind of teaching environment which can be used in open and distance learning universities. From the perspective of ODL learner, two multimedia technology have been discussed which can be used by OUM (Open University Malaysia) for improvising their learning. Online shopping is a well-known multimedia application which has become a well-known part of life. A proper analysis has been done regarding the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping. The last section of the report mainly deals with the list of impact which the traditional shopping center have on stores and shopping malls. In the above pages of the report, two multimedia technology adopted by OUM (Open University Malaysia) that is online learning or e-learning and self-managed and face to face interaction have been discussed in details. After that, a proper justification has been done regarding the fact that learning cannot be easily replaced by technology. A list of advantages of online shopping like convenience, no pressure on while shopping, time-saving and money-saving have been discussed in details. After that, a list of disadvantages like delay in services, lack of touch and feel, lack of close examination, fraud related issues have been discussed in details. The radio transmitter is a well-known technology which is built in the form of a wireless telephone that converts sound into electrical signals. After that, these radio waves are carried by radio carrier through the atmosphere into a receiving device. The radio present on the receiving end converts the transmission back into normal form. 


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