Methodologies And Theoretical Perspectives In Research

Importance of Methodologies and Theoretical Perspectives


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Discuss About The Theoretical Perspectives And Methodologies?

Methodology is the section of a research which will help in delivering the information related with the methods adopted by the researcher so as to collect the data (Ellis, & Levy, 2017). This section of the research is designed to evaluate all the finance and techniques which are being used by the researcher so as to gather the data. It is necessary that all the methods and techniques used by the researcher so that the target population could get the direction with the effect of which authenticity and reliability of the research report could be enhanced. To ensure that the research should move in a right direction it is required that a researcher should choose the right methodology. This will help in providing a set direction to the researcher and will help in availing appropriate and accurate set of information to the target population (McLeod, 2013).

Research was conducted by the researcher on Bluetooth which is a wireless technology with the help of which people could connect their mobile phones files with others. In this research researcher has tried to gather information related with Bluetooth with the help of various sources (Adler, 2015). This research on Bluetooth will help the mobile and various other electronic communication companies in making the decision of whether they should apply Bluetooth technology in their electronic item or not (Turabian, 2007). While performing the research there are certain set of problems which came into existence which will have a negative impact on the research formulated by the researcher?

One of the problems which came into existence is that the technology of Bluetooth has become very old on which many of the past researches have already been implemented. This reduces the scope of the research formulated by the researcher in present time (Chakrabarti, 2010).

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 The time and budget available with the researcher was not sufficient due to which he faced issues in collecting appropriate set of data from various primary sources. This again affects the scope of a research. Collecting data from the primary sources helps the researcher in providing quantitative data and helps the target users in making appropriate set of decision in relation with the aspect on which the research is being management (Barkan, & Linoff, 2013).

Limitation of time and availability of proper set of resources is one of the main problem attached with the researcher, these are the aspects which have a huge impact on the validity of the research as it causes limitation to the project scope.

Research Problem


Collected Literature

Problem 1

Sub-problem 1

Literature 1

Literature 2 …

 Technology Has become old, already many of the researches has been formulated previously.

Sub-problem 2

Less quantitative data

Issues with the validation of the research

Problem 2

Sub-problem n

 Limited budget and time

Limited Scope

Qualitative Data Collection

Qualitative research helps in availing theoretical data related with the research which helps in evaluating data collected from the secondary-sources. Qualitative data helps in generating in-depth information/data related with the selected topic. In-depth information of the research, topic helps target users in making an appropriate decision in relation with the information provided by the researcher in the research (Aramberri, & Butler, 2013). Qualitative data which is also known as second hand data is being collected by undertaking secondary sources of data collection, which provides relevant information related to the research topic.

Secondary sources are used to collected already published or already used data which is helpful in current research. To ensure that qualitative research could be formulated researcher evaluate information from various secondary sources which are books available in the libraries on the same topic or on the related topic, various articles and newspapers, and for mass information internet is one of the most effective sources of data collection which helps the researcher in evaluating all the aspects of the research.

Quantitative methodology is the methodology which is being used by the researcher so as to provide numerical information in the research. It is the method which provides the direction to the researcher with the effect of which more impressive and attractive research content is being developed. Quantitative research helps in evaluating the quantitative data which is presented with the help of bars, pie charts and various other graphical representations (Ellis, & Levy, 2017). Accuracy and authenticity of the research report is being increased by using quantitative methodology of data collection.

To develop quantitative data researchers mostly uses primary sources of data collection as it helps in availing raw data for the research. Primary sources of data collection are the sources which helps in evaluating data directly from the people have proper set of knowledge about the research topic. Responses are collected with the help of survey in which questionnaire is being developed by the researcher and responses are collected directly from the responses and experts (Bell, 2014). This data is then analysed and collated data is being provided in the form of bars and pie charts in the research report.

To develop the content of this research report researcher has used qualitative method which will help in availing theoretical data related with the topic selected. Reason behind choosing qualitative method of data collection is that, researcher do not have proper time and budget to indulge in survey and collection quantitative data with the help of primary sources of data collection (Borrett, et. al., 2016). Methodology chosen by the researcher will help in availing in depth information related with Bluetooth and will provide an appropriate direction to the people available in the market.

Quantitative Data Collection

The sub problem selected by the researcher is less quantitative data. Reason behind selecting this sub problem is that, researcher wants to provide quantitative data for the research in which he is indulged (Fletcher, 2016). To overcome from the sub problem researcher will try to evaluate quantitative information from various secondary sources of data collection. Using appropriate sources researcher will develop quantitative data which will help in fulfilling research requirements and will help in broadening the scope of the research formulated by the researcher.

To resolve the research problem and the sub problem researcher has used various facts and figures in relation with Bluetooth. These facts and figures are being used by the researcher from various secondary sources of data collected. With the effect of these sources an assurance is made by the researcher that the authenticity and reliability of the research could remain maintained. With the help of the quantitative data an assurance could be made that the research content developed by the researcher could help the target users in making effective set of decisions in relation with the research topic selected (Hamilton, 2007).

Data developed for the research report is relevant and is effective. Assurance is made by the researcher that true and fair data should be provided to the target users. This will help the users in making effective set of decision related with the use of Bluetooth. Assurance could also be made that the research content developed is true and authenticated and does not contain any false and fraud data.


 Secondary Sources of Data Collection

Qualitative information related with the research

Limited Scope


 Secondary Sources of Data Collection

Quantitative information related with the research

Broader Scope

Methodology proposed for the collection of data is primary sources of data collection which will help the researcher in developing quantitative data for the research. Quantitative data helps the researcher in making the research report more concise and comprehensive which helps in attracting interest of the target users. It is the method which is used by the researcher so as to collect the raw data with the effect of which assurance is made that the content used by the users will help them in making appropriate and effective set of decision (Kennedy-Clark, 2013). Hence, it is required that quantitative data should be collected and data should be presented in the findings and analysis section of the research report.

There are various set of benefits related with quantitative method of data collection. It will help in making the research report more comprehensive and concise. Target users will take interest in the research and will get attracted towards the same. This will help in enhancing the scope of the research report and will increase its reliability and validity in the market (Gatrell, et. al., 2015).

Benefits of Quantitative Data Collection

Every coin has its two phases in the same manner with benefits comes several set of limitations. There are certain limitations attached with the method proposed by the researcher. Analysing data and developing quantitative content is a very crucial task as in case if researcher will include any wrong analysis then it will have a direct impact on the marketing activities also it will have a huge impact on the scope of the research content developed.

Quantitative method includes collection of data from primary sources. In case of resources refuse or provide false information then again it will have a huge impact on authenticity and validity of the research (GRAY, 2012).

The method is very costly and time consuming.

Quantitative information will be gathered in the research which will help target users in gaining appropriate and accurate information related with the research content. To gather quantitative data researcher will have to use primary sources of data collection in which he will have to conduct a survey.

Survey will be done with the help of questionnaire which will contain several set of questions related with the research topic. Responses will be collected from the respondents (McLeod, 2013).

To select the respondents sampling will be done and evaluation of the market from which the responses will be collected will be done. This will help the researcher in collecting data related with the research.

After collection of the raw data researcher will have to indulge in analysis (Turabian, 2007). After analysing and evaluating the data researcher will have to present it in the form of bar diagram, pie chart of line graph. This will help in attracting the interest of the target users and will help in broadening the scope of the research conducted by the researcher.

Hence, it could be evaluated that using quantitative method will provide an effective set of solution to the researcher. People will get attracted towards the research developed by the researcher which will enhance the scope of the same in the market. It will also ensure that the reliability and validity of the research could get enhanced (Chakrabarti, 2010).


Barkan, R., & Linoff, G. (2013). Non-Sampling vs. Sampling Errors in Survey Research. Journal of Finance. Pp. 144-159.

Aramberri, J., & Butler, R. (2013). Non-Sampling vs. Sampling Errors in Survey Research. Journal of Marketing. Pp. 145-179.

Adler, N. (2015). International dimensions of organizational behavior. Boston: PWS-Kent Publishing Company.

Ellis, T., & Levy, Y. (2017). Framework of problem-based research: A guide for novice researchers on the development of a research-worthy problem. Informing Science: The International Journal Of An Emerging Transdiscipline, 11, Pp. 17-33

Bell, J. (2014). Doing Your Research Project: A guide for first-time researchers. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).

Borrett, D., Sampson, H. and Cavoukian, A. (2016). Research ethics by design: A collaborative research design proposal. Research Ethics, 22(1), pp.145-147.

Fletcher, A. (2016). Applying critical realism in qualitative research: methodology meets method. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 20(2), pp.181-194.

Hamilton, D. (2007). Bridging Design & Research. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 1(1), pp.29-30.

Kennedy-Clark, S. (2013). Research by Design: Design-Based Research and the Higher Degree Research student. Journal of Learning Design, 6(2), pp.122-128.

Gatrell, J., Bierly, G. and Jensen, R. (2015). Research design and proposal writing in spatial science. Berlin: Springer.

GRAY, D. E. (2012). Doing Research in the Real World. Theoretical Perspectives And Research Methodologies. London: Routeledge.

McLeod, S. (2013). Questionnaires. Simply Psychology. London: Printioce Hall.

Turabian, K. (2007). A manual for writers of research papers, theses, and dissertations. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Chakrabarti, A. 2010, “A course for teaching design research methodology”, AI EDAM, 24(3), 317-334

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