Leadership Styles And Qualities: Examining An Evolving Concept

Importance of leadership in personal and professional lives

Discuss About The Evolving Concept Examined Through A Works.

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In the present times, leadership is an important personality trait to survive in the business world. It is not only important for the professional lives but also for the personal life of the people. The leadership is one of the most significant traits for the success of a business organization. Therefore, most of the employers are focused on selecting the candidates with excellent communication and leadership skills. The leadership skills are essential in keeping the personal point of view in Front of other employees and seniors and managing other employees. It is also essential in inspiring and motivating the subordinates. Therefore, leadership is an essential quality to survive at the workplace (Avolio, 2010). As a result, a large number of Universities and training institutes have developed training programs, which can enhance the leadership qualities of the employees. In the present reflective paper, the leadership style of different leaders has been evaluated.  The paper throws light on the different attributes or qualities of good leader. The paper ends with an action plan, which can be used to develop the leadership skills of the employees.

Most of the universities and the people have recognized leadership as an essential characteristic for the employees in the public and the private sector. In a business organization, the leadership has the crucial function of increasing the motivation of the employees. The manager has to establish a balance between the reward given to the employees and the output generated through them. In the personal perception, the leadership course has influenced my sense of leadership in significant number of ways. I learned that there are significant numbers of innate characteristics, which are necessary to develop the leadership. However, I also learnt that the leadership styles and characteristics can also be acquired and developed. There are different types of leadership styles; and all of them have their own characteristics (Ryan, 2009). These leadership styles cannot be compared as not a single style is superior or inferior. A person adopts a leadership style based on his innate personality traits. However, the common traits in all of these leadership styles are that they inspire motivation, trust and reliability. All the employees look above at the leaders for getting inspiration to achieve their goals.

In the course module, we were given real life examples of different world leaders and their strategies to inspire their followers. The course also focused on their personality traits, which led to the development of the leadership style. Several scholars and researchers have provided different definition of leadership, which was taught to us. I comprehended that leadership is a disciplined passion, which is attractive; however, it is also exhausting, stressful and rigorous exercise. There is a significant difference between the management and the leadership in an organization. I realized that in order to develop the leadership skills, the training modules covered certain areas such as the assessment of the individual skills as a leader, motivating others for a common purpose, focusing on the acquisition of the skills, which can develop cohesive and spirited team and practicing leadership in the day-to-day interactions (Gerhard Huber, 2004).

Significance of leadership in business organizations

It is important that the leaders adopt a sophisticated approach for the communication. There should be successive and interdependent approach for the awareness, understanding, commitment, which can drive the employee communication at each stage. There are also certain barriers to the effective communication, which are needed to be identified and addressed. In the current module, there was emphasis on the organization leadership and manner to improve the organization performance. The performance management is a specific skill-set assisting in increasing the productivity of the employees (Lawson, 2008). The performance management is the process of challenging the ongoing performance of the employees through on-going feedback and coaching. It is the process of evaluating the feedback with the standard performance. The performance evaluation is a significant managerial responsibility and should be implemented thoroughly with proper documentation. The coaching and the mentoring skills are effective in the leadership development. The leaders can motivate the employees by organizing fun and interactive activities. They can also use motivational and technical coaching skills for the employees (Day, 2000).

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The business leaders should adopt a realistic guidance to mentor or coach their teammates. It is also the responsibility of the leaders or the managers to build high performance team and encourage team work in the organization. The team work skills are essential in the development of successful and highly productive teams (Gurdjian, Halbeisen & Lane, 2014). Irrespective of the size of the team, most of them are likely to struggle with power and control issues, collaboration and integration issues and termination and beginning challenges. A leader should be capable of handling all these challenges, which occur during different phases of group work.

By the analysis of the leadership style of different leaders, I also analyzed that the coaching and mentoring is another important aspect of the leadership quality. All the subordinates and the junior employees of the organization look at the senior employees for motivation and inspiration. Therefore, mentoring and coaching is essential in improving the leadership qualities of the employees (Sadler, 2003). The leader should identify the personal strengths and weaknesses of an individual employee and make a plan for their through development.

While working in the organization, I encountered different leaders and realized that each of the leaders has developed his leadership style according to the circumstances and different situations. I realized how they handled the workplace conflicts and difficult employees. It was realized that it is necessary to remain impartial so that the employees remain satisfied at the workplace. Other than that, I realized that more than anything else, the employees demand respect from their leaders (Guides, 2017). All the employees whether at a small scale or at a large scale expect that they are treated with dignity and acknowledged for their efforts.

Training modules to enhance leadership skills

According to my exposure at the workplace, the employees can be motivated by recognition. All the companies should make policies to recognize the most talented employees and hardworking employees within the organization. There should be monthly or yearly policies to recognize the efforts of the employees. It will encourage positive and healthy competition at the workplace.

I also understand that the leaders from different cultures have different style of leadership. The culture has a significant role in shaping the personality and influencing the perception towards the leadership. While working in a multinational firm, I realized that the leadership style of the managers from different cultures and ethnicity is different. For example, the leaders or the managers from Japan do not like rebuff or contradicting their orders or opinions. They expect that their juniors will follow them, without any arguments. On the other hand, the leaders from the USA are different in their leadership style. They are more participative in nature and treat their subordinate as equal (Guides, 2017). They listen to the opinion of their juniors with equal seriousness and give them significant weightage. These leaders try to motivate their juniors by financial and nonfinancial incentives.

With the analysis, it can be critiqued that leadership can be defined as an approach to inspire others, which lead to the development of other leaders. It is the process of motivating and developing the followers and encouraging them to achieve their goals.

The good leaders encourage their followers to become leaders and promote the wellbeing of others. They are concerned about their followers and listen to their opinions. They sincerely listen to the opinions of others and implement them if found useful. They do not impose rules and their style of working on others. However, the leadership style of some of the leaders is not ideal and positive. They believe in reward and punishment and imposing strict deadlines. They are not concerned about the challenges and problems of others and believe that strict rule will yield results (Clinton, 2017). They believe that the employees are robots and till the time they are present in the organization, they should give their maximum output. However, it discourages the employees and decreases their motivation level. As a result, the total productivity of the employees decline to a significant extent. It results in absenteeism and resignation from the employees. The image of the leader also becomes negative and the organization suffers due to the accumulation of all these factors.

Recognizing cultural differences in leadership style

In my experience and studies, I have realized that the leadership is one of the highest contributors to the success of the organization. If the leadership is not good, the employee will not be satisfied with their work and will look around for other offers. The employee turnover rate in such types of organizations will also be high. Even if the organization implements an exhaustive recruitment strategy, there will never be sufficient number of employees as the turnover rate will be high (McCleskey, 2014). A leader fosters confidence and motivation in the employees, which encourages them to achieve their goals.

I will try to become a good leader for the organization and; therefore, I will require an action plan to embrace the qualities of good leader. A good leader should ooze confidence, self-assuredness, and should be a good and positive speaker. In order to develop my leadership skills, I will learn to enhance my confidence and public speaking abilities. I will also try to be more empathetic in my speech and actions. In the studies, college professor organize several activities which are aimed to increase the public speaking ability and developing confidence. I will participate in debates and extempore. Other than that, I will also attend training sessions and classes for enhancing my confidence (Bolden, 2016). In the corporate world, presentation and public speaking skills are essential part of the business communication. The University also conducts mock interviews and presentation sessions, to impart such skills to the students. I will attend all these sessions.

In the personal viewpoint, I have issues with the anger management. I get angry quickly and cannot manage anger easily. It is not a healthy way of responding to the relationships and it has potential to ruin the relationships. It is an evolved intimidation strategy; however, the victims of anger are loved ones and the work peers (Stewart, 2006). Therefore, anger results in sour relationships.

Therefore, I will take anger management classes to control my anger. It is important to behave in a polished and professional manner at the workplace. However, in quick anger, I sometimes say things, which backfire on me. It is important that I am able to control these sudden and quick outbursts of anger. I will participate in the anger management programs so that I learn to curb my anger. Other than that, I will also learn anger management techniques from books and YouTube videos.

Coaching and mentoring techniques to develop employees’ leadership qualities

The current study on the leadership is content driven and based on theoretical knowledge. However, according to my perspective, these courses have become redundant and outdated. In the 21st century, the leadership needs of the business managers have changed. The current courses and the leadership skills are increasingly become mismatched with contemporary business challenges. According to my perspective, the current leadership programs are based on demonstrating the skills and the people will automatically adopt them (Day, Fleenor, Atwater, Sturm & McKee, 2014). The current training programs are automated and require little efforts from the learner. However, highest efficiency can be achieved when an individual has control over his development as they understand a sense of autonomy.

The leadership is a complex social phenomenon and involves the interaction between the leaders and staff members. According to my personal experience, the leadership in Australia comprises of four main components, namely, communication, values and emotional togetherness. The Australian leaders do not prefer showing a charismatic style; they conduct constant communication and developing emotional bond with the staff members. They display emotional honesty with the staff members (Rymer, 2008).


It can be concluded that the leadership is a complex social phenomenon, which is difficult to teach and adopt. People learn leadership from their surroundings and it is an extension of the personal traits. A large number of programs have been developed to train people to enhance their leadership style. The universities have initiated training modules and mock sessions to support the leadership development of the young students. The leadership style in Australia is supportive and emotionally engaging. An action plan has been formed so that the personal leadership can be developed.  The manager has to establish a equilibrium between the reward given to the employees and the employee productivity. In my perception, the leadership course has influenced perception of leadership in a significant manner. I learned that there are significant numbers of innate characteristics, which shape the personality of the leader. I also learnt that the leadership styles and characteristics can also be acquired with different training modules. There are different types of leaders; and all of them have their own characteristics. These leadership styles cannot be compared as they are shaped according to the situation. A person adopts a leadership style based on his innate personality traits. However, the common traits in all of these leadership styles are that they inspire motivation, trust and reliability. All the employees look above at the leaders for getting inspiration to achieve their goals.


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