Leadership Skills Of Golden Village Multiplex: Qualities, Theories And Yap Chui Chin’s Insights


Discuss about the Leadership Skills of Golden Village Multiplex.

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The word “leadership” has a variety of images. One can be a political leader, school leader, business leader and many more. A leader helps others to choose the right path and take the right decision (Batool 2013). They set a vision and a new direction, influence others to follow their direction and create something that is new and original. A transformational leader can change many lives and earn appreciation from others (Yukl 2012).

The report throws light on the qualities a successful leader should have along with the leadership theories including followers, organizational culture and change management. A good leader requires certain number of skills which help them interact positively with their followers. One needs to communicate succinctly and clearly with his/her followers to explain the goals of the organization (Sethuraman and Suresh 2014).

The report highlights the leadership skills of the duty manager of Golden Village Multiplex Private Ltd, Yap Chui Chin and how she manages her work daily. She has been leading the cinema chain for more than twenty five years. In addition to this, the report contains few leadership qualities that would help someone gain knowledge on how to become a successful leader.

Becoming a good and effective leader is not an easy thing. It is a time taking process. One needs to learn a lot and practice the leadership qualities until and unless he/she becomes a part of it. An effective leader must have certain qualities (McCleskey 2014). Those are discussed here. Firstly, a leader must be able to succinctly and clearly communicate his/her ideas and opinions among the followers. He/she should always be available to discuss about issues and problems with his/her followers. Secondly, a leader should constantly motivate and inspire his/her followers in order to encourage passion and productivity (Showry and Manasa 2014).

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Thirdly, a leader single handedly cannot achieve the goals of an organization. Constant help and support from the members is necessary. Fourthly, a leader has loads of responsibilities towards his/her followers. If a leader is ineffective, then he/she may have a chance of losing respect from the members. Therefore, a leader must not have commitment issues and be responsible towards the members (Komives and Wagner 2016).

Modern day business professionals and celebrities are aware of the fact that in order to achieve their goals, they must learn and adopt certain leadership skills and qualities. Such an inspirational leader is Yap Chui Chin, who changed millions of lives and encouraged many (Choi et al., 2016). Chin has been leading the Golden Village Multiplex Private Limited television and her career spanned more than 25 years. Being the duty manager of the company, she leads her team with full confidence (Conger and Kanungo 2017).


The success and growth of any organization depends on how the management team is led. In order to become a successful duty manager, on needs to be confident and responsible towards his/her employees. He/she must have certain leadership qualities in order to maintain and provide overall safety measures at the premises. Chin, being the duty manager of the Golden Village Multiplex, shares her leadership qualities and how she manages her work (Harris et al. 2013).

Being a leader, Chin never lost his sight of humanity. In her opinion, most people can achieve bigger if they have determination and keep trying. On being interviewed, the leader answered each and every question in full details and explained every portion. The interview was strongly based with questions on leadership skills and decision making, which gave satisfactory results. Her ideas and opinions gave a brief explanation of her leadership style and skills (Shamir, House and Arthur 2012).

On being asked about the leadership qualities a duty manager requires in order to succeed, she explained it very clearly. “For becoming a successful manager an individual must follow these four principles. Firstly, one must know what he/she is doing and what they aim for, as identifying one’s aim is very necessary. At times, an individual cannot decide what they aim for and what their goals are. This results in losing focus. Secondly, many a times, I have seen people having potential cannot make it on the long run. This is because of lack of concentration and focus. People have to focus on the thing which they are doing.

Thirdly, it is important to be sincere with your work, values and beliefs. One should not try to be someone which he/she is actually not. Just be your own self, that is, genuine and not fake, to impress others. You will surely succeed. Fourthly, on should have that humanity in him/her self. No matter how successful or rich a person becomes. He/she must be humble and affectionate towards others. This will help in creating a long lasting impact on his/her followers’ minds.”

When the interviewee was asked how a leader should treat his/her employees or subordinates, her reply gave useful insights. According to her, “A leader’s success depends on how he/she is treating his/her subordinates. It should not be taken lightly as it acts as a powerful energizer that can take anybody to something greater and huge. One should behave properly with his/her subordinates, conducting timely ceremonies and promotions which would energize the employees to work better. A leader must be responsible towards his/her employees and with constant motivation and encouragement; a person can achieve huge success.”


Further she added, “One should believe in his/her own self. There are times when people summon great courage and take big decisions which others may oppose. One has to be a risk taker if he/she wants to achieve something greater. He/she has to believe in the path they are undertaking. Like stocks, one should choose the best and the right path for themselves. One has to be authentic and true and believe in them that the decision they took is going to work. Being a celebrity, I think that all celebrities must love what they do. If a person dreams small, then he/she may achieve something less than there expectation and for many that is enough. But if someone wants to achieve something bigger with long lasting and widespread impact, he/she needs to dream bigger and take bold steps.”

When the interviewee was asked about the responsibilities a leader or a duty manager should bear, her answer gave some important information. In her opinion, “Not everyone can shape his/her destiny. When a person rises to the position of authority, he/she has loads of responsibilities. He/she has to keep an eye on a daily basis how the employees of the company are working, how the company is running, the reason of profits and losses. He/she must know where to run and where to stop by not leaving the employees behind. A leader must be honest and authentic. He/she must not hide things from any of the external public as well as internal public. This helps in gaining trust from both the sides. He/she should understand the level of transparency and vulnerability as it results in humility and truthfulness.”

According to Chin, “A leader must be trustworthy and be able to gain trust from his/her supporters. An open mind and a clear heart are very necessary in becoming a successful leader. Being honest and trustworthy would help him/her gain faith from the employees. Last but not the least; a leader must have a creative mind and be flexible in nature. Flexibility skills of a leader help him/her to accept whatever changes required at any point of time. Moreover, he/she must always be open to receive feedbacks and suggestions from his/her followers.”

On being asked about the relation between an organizational leader and his/her employees, she gave such a wonderful reply. Chin said, “Transformational leaders must give their subordinates the opportunity to solve problems which arises. This will help them become creative and stimulate innovative ideas. Moreover, the employees will have the courage to voice their opinion and share their views without the fear of being punished or scold. An employee will get the opportunity to share his/her problems, if any. This will help the leader to understand their issues and he/she should mentor them by offering career counseling individually.”

She further adds, “As a business leader, one’s quest should just not only be about winning and making money. It should always be about building a great and enduring company, with good and cooperative employees. Employees attitude play a vital role in the success of any company. A leader must be able to maintain a balance between social conscience and the company’s profit. Moreover, a leader should be influential and have the ability to influence others. He/she must have a good charismatic attitude and personality which would influence the employees to follow their leader’s path. Being a leader, one must be able to earn the respect and trust and build confidence of his/her subordinates by motivating them each and every time. A good leader must be enthusiastic and positive which will help him/her to motivate the subordinates. He/she must give the employees the opportunity to dream and achieve bigger because employees play a major role in the company’s success.”

When Chin was asked to comment on how hiring right people can reflect the success of any organization, she said, “Hiring right employees is like choosing the right film to work on. I always believe in hiring the right individual as they are responsible for the organization’s success. If any individual lacks dedication and confidence, the company will suffer great consequences.” Therefore, according to Chin, “A leader must have an eye for the right people. He/she must choose the members wisely, as the people serving for the company is the heart of the organization.” Furthermore, he added, “A leader should also know the importance of partnerships. I believe finding a right partner for the company can help in creating brand awareness and in turn help in achieving the company’s goals and motives.”

In Chin’s opinion, employees of the organization are the pillars of any business. Hiring right employees can take any company to a higher level. Just like choosing right actor leads to the film’s success, right selection of employees proves beneficial for the company. Employees must be treated nicely, through constant motivation and support. If any miscommunication occurs between an organizational leader and an employee regarding anything, it is the duty of the leader to clarify the issue. “At times, I listen to my employees’ ideas and views which give me some informative insights. According to me, it doesn’t make a leader small; rather it helps in motivating the employee to work better.”

On being asked about the basic skills and qualities a duty manager should have, she gave a brief reply about the important working skills of an individual. According to her, “A duty manager must have a creative and an innovative mind. He/she must be able to undertake creative strategies for his/her work. With an innovative mind, one can reach to the ultimate level of success. Moreover, the flexibility skills of a celebrity would help him/her to accept whatever changes required at any point of time. He/she should think critically and have the solutions to each and every problem that arises. A leader must be versatile in nature and opt for any role. He/she needs to give his/her best and pour their heart out to perform the role.

Chin thinks communicating with each and everyone is necessary. “A duty manager must be vocal and open minded. Taking wrong decisions can cause severe damage to his/her reputation. It may mar the person’s progress. Therefore, it is important to first talk or communicate with the concerned people and then take decisions. It helps in gaining knowledge about customers’ demands and wishes. Positive publicity can take a leader to his/her highest position; likewise, negative publicity can mar his/her reputation to a huge level. One may not want to malign his/her reputation in front of the followers and supporters. Therefore, it is important to take right steps, in accordance with that.”

On being asked about what the attitude of a leader should be, she said “A leader should have a positive attitude towards his/her staff members. If a leader is ineffective, then he/she may have a chance of losing respect from the members. He/she must not have commitment issues and be responsible towards the members. The company’s success depends on the way a leader is treating his/her subordinates. It should not be taken lightly as it acts as a powerful energizer that can take a company into something greater and huge. One should behave properly with his/her subordinates, conducting timely ceremonies and promotions which would energize the employees to work better. Bonuses and incentives provide constant motivation to the employees to work better and progress.”

Moreover she added “a leader should be responsible towards his/her associates. With constant motivation and encouragement, a company can achieve huge success. One should believe in his/her own self. At times, people summon great courage and take big decisions which others may oppose. One has to be a risk taker if he/she wants to achieve something greater. He/she has to believe in the path they are undertaking, while choosing the best and the right path for themselves. A leader has to be authentic and true and believe in him/her. He/she must be confident about his/her decision making capability and know that the decision taken is going to work.”

Yap Chui Chin is one of the most successful persons of Singapore, who has been leading the Golden Village Multiplex for many years. One of her good qualities is encouraging diversity at workplace. Her respect for culture gained her much appreciation. She respects each and every diversity and culture. According to her, a diverse workforce can be regarded as a reflection of changing marketplace and the world. It is responsible for bringing in high values to any organization. Respecting differences of each and every individual proves to be beneficial at the workplace. It creates competitiveness and increases work productivity as well. Managing diversity benefits the associates by creating safe and fair environment where each and every employee or associate has the access to opportunities as well as challenges.

She believes that the effectiveness of team work depends on how the team members are working to achieve a common goal. In her opinion, good team members know how to maintain peace and harmony. It doesn’t usually happen by accident. Huge amount of hard work, struggle, cooperation and commitment can result into a good team, which is the key to success. A team is productive if it is committed to a goal and the members are able to finish the goal by using its own resources. When a team is introduced to a goal, they should come forward and work as a single unit to finish the given task. Each of its members should be equally participating in the given task and share their efforts in order to get good results as it is essential for the team’s success.

A leader should also have risk management skills. According to her, whenever Chin faced any risky situation, at first, he believed in herself and her employees. She knew that she could overcome any situation, as she had full confidence on herself and her employees. She preferred taking some steps for managing a risky situation. Firstly, she reviewed the risk by taking under consideration its profile. She carried out risk assessment tasks by checking its background and quality. Secondly, she made sure that all the risk management tools are available or not. A set of risk management tools must always be available, that is, a risk register, platform tool, strategic management plans and others. It will help in sustaining the work and lessen the amount of risk.

Thirdly, whenever she faced any risky situation, she decided to communicate the problem to all of its members and staffs. Hiding or concealing facts will not help in controlling the situation; rather it may even worsen the condition. Therefore, it is the duty of any leader to convey all the information to its employees or associates. At times, taking suggestions and opinions from them may help the leader to face the risky situation. Chin seeks advice from her makeup artist, employees or associates and implements their ideas and opinions. This motivates them to a huge extent and makes them feel that they are an important part of the company.


To conclude, a leader must have certain qualities to influence his/her followers. He/she must be responsive towards his/her followers. Being a leader is not easy; he/she needs to think out of the box and choose the best option. A leader acts as an inspiration to many people. Therefore, he/she must provide constant support and motivation to the followers. Not everyone can become a leader without these skills. Good leaders help in creating a team to achieve a common goal or vision.

In order to create a team, a leader at first must be able to understand the team dynamics. He/she needs to make sure that the team members have all the necessary abilities and skills to achieve the common goal for the company’s success. Moreover, a leader has the responsibility for bringing in high values to any organization. Respecting differences of each and every individual proves to be beneficial at any workplace. It creates competitiveness and increases work productivity as well. It is the duty of the leader to promote cultural diversity at the workplace by applying proper management tools, in order to have a successful behavior.

A leader should be responsible towards its employees or followers. He/she requires certain number of skills which help them interact positively with their staff members. One needs to communicate succinctly and clearly with his/her followers to explain the goals of the organization. A good and effective leader is the reflection of a successful organization. If a person doesn’t believe in his/her own self and have less confidence, then he/she can never become a successful leader. Therefore, an effective and good leader requires all these qualities and skills to succeed; and it is actually very exciting in taking part in this wonderful journey.


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