Issues And Solutions In Vanuatu: Ethical And Governmental Challenges And P&O Cruises
Vanuatu’s Challenges: Corruption and Bribery
Discuss about the Intrigue and Corruption in Vanuatu.
Vanuatu is located in the south pacific. Earlier, it was known by the name of “New Hebrides”. Vanuatu is in shape of Y that consist in 83 islands. Vanuatu independent in 1980. Vanuatu means Our Land Forever. People use many languages for the conversation such as such as English, French and Bislama. Port-Vila is the capital of Vanuatu. Only two seasons are there cooler and drier from May to October, hot and wet from November to April. People of Vanuatu are known by the name of ni-Vanuatu. Vanuatu current population is 281,451 and the land area of Vanuatu is 12190 km (Worldometers, 2018). The president of Vanuatu was elected by the five years terms. Supreme court have power to give punishments in case of civil and criminal (Foster, and Adams, 2018). In this report, Vanuatu’s ethical and governmental issues and P&O cruises are discussed. The types of responsibilities is taken by the Vanuatu and also have some recommendations regarding the issues of Vanutau.
Vanuatu’s citizens are fed up with all the issues. Since gaining independence in 1980, the country faced political unrest and fought with their neighbours, especially from Fiji. Politics of port vila have a large number of group of clientilism often divided in linguistic lines. Bad things happened to Vanuatu when their President went Abroad. In 2010, Prime minister Edward Natapei lost his seat by a non-confidence vote by his own cabinet when the meeting on climate change was going on in Mexico. Vanuatu is full of corruption. In 2015, Month of October 14 government ministers and lawmakers were caught in the case of corruption and announced punishment by the Supreme court. It shows that one–third of parliament of Vanuatu falls in a bribery case. They all were faced prison up to 10 years. But Parliament speaker pardoned himself while the President was outside of the Country (Benjamin David Baker, 2015). They did not follow their moral values.
Vanuatu also has some other issues which cause or increased the death rate ratio of the country. 88 percent of the people were dead by the problem of lack of hygiene and sanitation. Vanuatu good homes also lack the facility of toilets leading to stinking toilets. Money is the problem but the beside the cost other problems also affect the sanitation provisions such as Water pollution (Vanuatu daily post, 2015). It has a negative impact on the tourism. People of Vanuatu suffer from the three most common health issues such as Scabies, Skin Diseases and Malaria. Unmanaged water was a major concern in Vanuatu (Pacific Community, 2016). Lack of electricity is also a major problem in Vanuatu. They only used torches and kerosene lights. Kerosene lights are dangerous if someone misses the kerosene it might burn the house. 75% of homes in Vanuatu still have not the electricity facilities. Vanuatu is a tourist place people love to visit this place, P&O Cruises is famous for the visiting.
Sanitation, Water, and Electricity
Vanuatu is famous for there unique and new cruise ship destination. It includes the number of islands; each and every island convey a different feelings and offer a different experience. The country made it earning source. The country developed the tourism in order to generate the income. It convert into a market which is known by the name of Cruise tourism. Cruise tourism is a growing market. It attracts the number of mainstream cruisers such as P&O cruisers, Hollnad America and many more. P&O cruises travelled many places (Tihomir, 2013). P&O Cruises is a good source of earning for the ni-Vanuatu. South sea shipping is the local agent of the P&O cruises. Docking fees, Handicrafts and Food sales are the general way of regular income for the Vanuatu. P&O cruises contribute around 1.2 million to the Vanuatu economy. Vanuatu have 300000 visitors which came for visiting by ship. P&O also increased the employment opportunity for the Ni-Vanuatu. Employment opportunity is a step toward the development and solution of the many problems and diseases. For more income generation, the capital of Vanuatu launched pop stalls to earn more money by selling of locally made products like woven bags, a range of skincare products, soaps, special coffee, Chocolates, spices and many more onboard. The stalls noticed a good growth. The last chance was given to the guest for purchasing the Vanuatu momento and for Drink Kava juice when the P&O Cruises reached and open (P&O, 2016). P&O Cruises have a positive impact on Vanuatu’s economy. From P&O Cruises people got work. They continues grow day by day because of earning the money. Domestic income was also increased with launch of pop stalls and through the sale of local products to the Guest. P&O Cruises Australia wish to support the Government of Vanuatu and they also want to invest in the business of Capital of Vanuatu for expanded the business. While the business began, P&O Cruises was like a family business operation for the Vanuatu (south pacific islands, 2017).
An Obligation of trust came from power and authority. Vanuatu government was the reason behind the money issues and other issues of the country. Even Vanuatu government was responsible for the corruption and bribery. Prime minister Moana carcasses of Vanuatu was caught in the case of bribery and corruption and other 13 MPs (News, 2018).
Behind the sanitation or toilet issues, water pollution was also a reason. Water is easily available there but the quality is poor. 70% of wells have been bactreialological. There are many causes of the bacterial water such as diarrhea and many other diseases. After a monster cyclone, Vanuatu have no clean water. Two thirds of islands water and sanitation infrastructure was damaged. Government is responsible for the poor water they fail to maintain the damaged infrastructure (Reuters, 2018).
Behind the reason of lack of Electricity, there is a reason that it is too expensive. Government is responsible for lack of electricity. The government should take some steps towards the problems. Electricity is also essential for the education, children can easily study in good lighting without the hardship. Government actor did not play an active role in sustainable energy (Reeep, 2012).
Australia is the main economic partner. Australia invests $62.3 million in total development in Vanuatu. Australia aid helped Vanuatu to reduce malaria from 7% to 1% and increased school rates to 87%. Austraila have aid partnership with Vanuatu to promote education and any other issues. After the cyclone, Australia continues support Vanuatu for there infrastructure which was damaged like roads, and school buildings. Australia government also helped Vanuatu government for electricity through the many projects like Global Partnership for Output- Based Aid. Australia government partly invested in the project. It is assisted by the World Bank to make energy sector strong to deliver safe, sustainable energy and affordable to the ni-Vanuatu. In 2008, after assisting the Australian government and the World Bank, established Utilities Regulatory Authority by the Vanuatu government and also give the legal framework for standard services that are now delivered.
There were many projects launched by the Australian High commissioner in Vanuatu. The minister of Water Resources were very thankful to the Austraila government for investing. Australia funded for the construction of rain harvesting systems. These systems were implemented by the Vanuatu government. Vanuatu developed his economic growth with the support of Australia (Australian Government, 2018).
Government has to take some legal action against the corruption and bribery. No one is above the law. If a famous personality has done some wrong work government should take strict actions against the criminal. Corruption causes by the poverty, illiteracy and poor education, unemployment, weak government, and greed. For removing the corruption, Government should take some initiative toward the employment opportunities. From employment opportunity, poverty decreases causes of corruption remove and greed of money also decreases. Vanuatu should adopt the anti-corruption bodies. Each and every person of the country should stand against the corruption. If Vanuatu make anti-corruption bodies strong then they will win the war against corruption.
People of the country will use good quality water and always clean the area near the water. Two-thirds archipelago’s water infrastructure will be repaired which was destroyed because of the cyclone. Local commercial banks support the water sector by providing loans and providing finance to the private operators to build new water connections in small towns (The world bank, 2018). People should also aware of the water harvesting and also save the water. To minimize the water loss Water leakage management is maintained for urban water supply.
The government should take initiative toward the electricity. Vanuatu people faced problems of lack of electricity. For making the easy life government should invest in power plants and launched more projects and utilise money in a proper manner. People of Vanuatu should also aware and properly utilise the electricity and specially used in education. Government gives subsidies on electricity to schools for the children. From the good lighting, they can easily study.
Vanuatu is an island of ‘Y’ Shape. It was famous by the name of “New Hebrides”. By the analysed ni-Vanuatu faced many problems. Corruption, sanitation, lack of water, lack of electricity are the issues which were suffered by Vanuatu. The government of Vanuatu was responsible for the problems. P&O cruises made money and developed the employment opportunity. Handmade finished goods were sold to the guests. Australia and Vanuatu have good long-term partnership and Australia provides financial support to Vanuatu. A government should take some steps toward the lack of water, electricity and punish the wrongdoers.
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News. (2018) Vanuatu court sentences MPs, including former PMs Carcasses and Vohor, to jail for corruption. [online] Available from: [Accessed 28/05/18].
P&O Cruises (2016) P&O becomes first cruise line to showcase vanuatu products. [online] Available from: [Accessed 28/05/18].
Pacific Community. (2018) Water, Sanitation Program. [online] Available from: [Accessed 28/05/18].
Reeep. (2012) Vanuatu (2012). [online] Available from: [Accessed 28/05/18].
Reuters. (2018) Almost half Vanuatu people lack clean water, month after cyclone: UNICEF. [online] Available from: [Accessed 28/05/18].
South Pacific Islands. (2017) P&O Cruises Australia Becomes Purchaser Of Vanuatu Natural Water. [online] Available from: [Accessed 28/05/18].
The world bank. (2015) Power to the People in Vanuatu. [online] Available from: [Accessed 28/05/18].
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Worldometers. (2018) Vanuatu Population. [online] Available from: [Accessed 28/05/18].