Is USA An Imperial Power? A Critical Analysis

The concept of Imperialism and its definition

Discuss about the Uncertain Allies or Uncomfortable Neighbors.

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One of the most essential questions that has surfaced in the military arena is the fact that whether America can be deemed as an imperial power or not. Right from the American-Spanish war in the late nineteenth century to the starting of the Vietnam war in the 1960s to the most recent invasion of Iraq and America’s war on terror, the stand of America as an imperial power has gained prominence in the recent times (Paterson et al., 2014). United States of America is a superpower nation that has marked its presence in a number of fields in both military and developmental genre and has influenced a number of nation in both positive and negative way. It has waged war against the nations who are pro towards terrorism and vandalism and lends a helping hand to the nations that has been its alliance since a long period (Nye Jr, 2015). The immense power of the country has been a source of influence for most of the nations and though the term imperial is controversial for any country at recent times management, the strong foreign policy of USA has made it amongst the top of the powerful nations. The policies and the strong backing of the country has made it to the top of the world and has become a country that any country dreads to reckon with. This report deals with the concept of USA being an imperial power and how far has it been successful regarding the same. It also deals with the paragraphs that deal with the conversion of United States of America into a superpower and an imperialist state from being the colony of British rule until the late 18th century. The following paragraphs highlight the various concepts regarding imperialism and imperial power and the imperial power of USA in relation to North Korea issue. The impact of the influence of the Imperial role is also being discussed here along with the influence towards other countries.

The concept of Imperialism is controversial in the context of modern world with more and more countries forming policies and against the concept and fighting against the ill effects of imperialism. However, on a literary sense, the term can be defined as the extension of a company’s power and influence to the other countries of the world by means of military power, colonization and other foreign policies (Bush, 2014). The meaning of the term Imperialism is supreme power that can influence the other countries of the world including the nuclear power houses like Korea and Japan. The concept of imperialism has generated from the British concept of empire conquest in which they have extended their colonial power to almost every country of the world including India and Unites States (Hutchins, 2015). In these conquests, they have looted the wealth and gains of the respective countries and has made their position as the powerhouse one of the pivotal. They exploited the nations in all their means that have tremendously made the nations weak after gaining independence. The above statement can be validated by having an examination of all the countries However, USA is the only exceptional case in this whole history of British imperialism that was once captured by the country but after independence has niched its place as one of the most prominent powerhouse of the world (Reynolds, 2013). The influence of USA as a global imperial power has been phenomenal and has its own history of becoming so from the colony of the British Empire.

The history and characteristics of American Imperialism

USA has a controversial history in terms of stating itself as an imperial power. It is one of the many colonies of the British Empire that gained independence through stringent fights and wars of independence. Their fight towards freedom has not been easy and has been associated with many turmoils. The country has been strictly against the concept of Imperialism in every sense until the end of the 19th century and the beginning of 20th century when that very country, in order to establish its power and position among the other countries of the world made an immense influence and stated the note of imperialism through their foreign policy and their military activities throughout the world on a global scale (Cox, 2012). Different countries of the world have expressed their friendliness gesture and animosity towards the country at different points of time but no one has the audacity to fight a direct war with the nation except for a few who are now on the red book of USA including their arch rival Russia and North Korea. The attitude of USA towards these two nations are always on the edge and their clash of power has often gave the world signals of waging another war that can be detrimental to the global peace and humankind (Kaufman, 2010).

In order to be an imperial power having all the capability to influence another nation or a group of nations with their possession of foreign policy and military activities, one of the basic needs of the country is to have a strong policy guidelines. In the history of American imperial power, the country has always been strictly against the concept of imperialism and has exercised several policies like Monroe Doctrine in order to form a distinct opposition from its own Manifest Destiny (Livingstone, 2013). However, the whole ideology of the country changed from the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century when the country involved policies like Theodore Roosevelt’s Interventionism in Central America and Woodrow Wilson’s mission to make the world a better place for the implementation of democracy (Pierce, 2017). Their roles and actions are always backed up by military force and often operated from behind the back. This characteristics of the American nation is in accordance to the theory and concepts of Imperialism and their activities round the world. In 1898, when USA marched forward for the annexation of Philippines and Cuba, their own people stood against the policy and formed the Anti-Imperialist League. This led to the waging of war in the state of Philippines that made the whole world aware of the imperialistic ideas of the country in contrast to the previous policies that the country advocated. At the beginning of the Second World War, the then president of USA was against the notion of colonialism in India by the British Empire and totally denied the concept and the help when the main aim of the British is to win against all odds in the war (Iriye, 2014).

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The policies and actions of the USA in relation to its status as an imperialist state

There are issues of the country in regards to internal war and conflict that led to the internal colonialism of the places and with the advent of time, the ambition of the state grew large. The African Slave policy and the treatment of the African people by the white Americans gave ample proof of the imperialistic ideas that has reigned in the minds of the world. Imperialism in the policies of USA grew at large after 1990s when they started to acquire the Middle East states for their rich sources of petroleum and mineral oil. Another imperialistic approach of the USA was in the case of Pakistan and Afghanistan where they, in the disguise of protection and support, sent their militaries and power army to the lands and tried to manipulate the political scenario of the countries in their own rights. The imperialistic motive of USA had been again seen is when they tied an alliance with the countries that is against the Federation of Russia to wage a cold war against the country and make it separated from the rest of the world. The motive of USA in spreading its imperialistic policy all over the world is to make its position stable in the rankings of the world and get the topmost position in terms of power and be the moderator of all activities on the international forum. This aim of the country is being achieved by the military powers of the nation and has imparted a mixed review in the policies of the other nations.

North Korea has been one of the most controversial states in the world due to the number of activities that the country has been involved in right from sponsoring terrorism activities to exploding and manufacturing missiles and testing nuclear weapons in spite of all the difference of opinions and clashes with the international seminars and organizations like United Nations. North Korea due to their recent rogue activities in the field of nuclear tests and testing of deadly missiles causing a damage to the world peace and a threat for the rest of the world for another war that has the potential for destroying the whole world, has made a number of enemies in the form of USA and its allies. Korea, on the other hand, has their own set of allies in China but due to their recent explosive treatments to their allied nations, China is also facing an equal threat to be destroyed due to their alliance, which is evident in the meeting of the two presidents of China and North Korea – Kim Jong Un and Kim Jong Un respectively (Chung, & Choi, 2013). USA had to play a forefront role in this vandalism and they exercised their military power over North Korea. However, the army had been stagnant in South Korea and Japan for some time now and due to high resistance of the people and army of North Korea, it is practically impossible for the armies of the other nations to enter into the premises and make peace with the militants and government.

The impact of the USA’s imperial role on other countries

North Korea has been adamant in their decision to continue with their massacre and has not lend any ears to any of the recommendations and suggestions by any of the international or national federations. The history of USA and North Korea has been on a downhill position since decades now. Their rift both in terms of power over the other countries and within the international circuit of federations has been seen in every light (Hayes & Kihl, 2016). The drift association of North Korea and USA in terms of the number of allies has also been on a steady rise with more and more countries entering the campaign of each country.

USA is trying hard to execute its influence over North Korea in every possible terms either by associating with the allies of North Korea in making the nation weak without the support of the allied nations. They are also sending their military force to the nation and thereby giving them a direct threat for competing with the United States of America in terms of power and control over the world (Stueck Jr, 2017). The method of USA is to implement themselves as a nation that should be on the topmost level of every global summit and organization and North Korea with their emerging power is posing a direct threat for doing so.

The concept and policies of USA to make North Korea one of their principle submissive states in the view of opposition, which North Korea is giving, gives a vibe that makes United States of America be the utmost imperialistic power to reckon with (Lankov, 2014). However, they have not been very successful in making the state under their wraps. North Korea is giving tough competition to the United States of America and their allies in every possible ways and even giving tough competition to them in the fields of scientific and technological development. They have tested their nuclear weapon in spite of the stiff resistance that the country is facing from the rest of the world and have launched their own set of missiles, thereby posing a threat to the other side of the world by becoming one of the best superpowers to reckon with. United States of America is trying their best in every possible way to curb down their power by sidelining them from the world business and by imparting their influence over the allies and making new allies with the countries like India and Russia (Manyin, 2014). The result of the influence of United States of America over North Korea has been on a mixed ground. Both the parties being very stoic and powerful have been in sharp contrast with each other making the influence a two-way process. On one hand, North Korea has been in the news for all the wrong reasons and for their harmful testing of nuclear weapons and on the other hand, USA has been on a continuous rise as being one of the pivotal imperial powers operating on a global circuit.

The North Korea issue and the role of the USA

Other countries that experienced imperialistic approach from the United States of America are Afghanistan and Pakistan. After the invasion of America on Afghanistan in 2001, the imperialistic motives of USA have been seen at forefront. They have tried to capture each country and event where they have seen profit in their hands which have ultimately lead them to imperialistic approach to the globe on a crucial level. In Pakistan, USA has tried to expand their base both politically and economically since the beginning of the last decades. The imperialistic attitude of USA has also been evident in Sri Lanka when they were fighting against the terrorist group LTTE. They helped India in the rescue of the people but also tried to influence the people of the country in every other way. America has a long history of imposing imperialistic approach to the African countries where they are economically weak and need financial assistance. In the name of economical developmental aid, they made the  country follow the way that USA follows and even tried to influence the political scenarios of the country. This kind of imperialistic attitude of USA made them one of the biggest imperialistic powers to reckon with the global scenario.


In conclusion, it can be said that United States of America has been on a steady rise as an imperial power trying to influence a number of nations of the world including North Korea with its foreign policies and international militant activities. However, North Korea being the new emerging superpower with their nuclear weapon testings and non-adherence to any of the international activities has always given United States of America a sharp contrast and tough fight by not negotiating their claims and making their own identity in the niche of global culture as military activities. The concept of Unites States of America as an imperial power is therefore true in every sense of the team and their influence over North Korea in their politics and social life has been also seen in a prominent stage.


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