IPv6 Migration And P2P Networks
Advantages of IPv6 over IPv4
Discuss About The Cognitive Disorders Persistent Persistent?
The IPv4 IP addresses have been depleting at a huge rate. The rate of depletion has been increase at a great rate and as a result the use of the IPv6 has been increasing at a great rate. Many of the major operating have been migrating their IP addresses form the IPv4 to the IP6 addresses. According to the reports by the IANA it has been known 18 percent of the IP addresses have been unassigned (Goyal & Arora, 2017). The RIRs have also reported that 68% of their IP addresses have either been unassigned or has been migrated to IPv6. One of the main reasons for this being that forth fifth of the addresses that are being used by the IPv4 system have already being exhausted and only one-fifth of the remaining addresses are useful.
In addition to all this, the IPv6 Addresses provide various type of advantages over the IPv4 addresses. The IPv6 provides various options to allocate more addresses to the systems and by the time the IPv6 addresses would be fully exhausted other option such as the NAT technologies would be fully implemented and hence the shortage of the IP addresses would not be persistent over the web. In addition to this the IPv6 provides more efficient routing for the addresses. They also provide very efficient packet processing. They support direct data flow and also have a simplified network configuration. They support the new services and provided an improved security. But this transition is taking a long time as the IPv6 cannot communicate directly with the IPv4 host.
For the migration from IPv4 to IPv6 it is very important to have knowledge of the IPv4 and IPv6 version. The IPv4 version of the internet protocol is the primitive version that supports the primitive addresses. In addition to this, the IPv6 version of the protocol is the next generation addresses. The protocol is a successor to the IPv4 and the IPv4 were of 32 bits that were to be replaced by the 128 bit addresses. Although the adoption of the IPv6 version is a slow process the depletion of the IPv4 versions have already improved the adoption rate of the IPv6 addresses (Suzuki et al., 2013). The process of the replacement of the addresses does not mean that the IP addresses are actually replaced but it means that the IPv6 addresses are enabled in addition to the IPv4 addresses. The versions are not compatible to each other and the devices supporting IPv4 would not be supporting the IPv6 addresses. The migration processes involve a very transparent and solid process. The procedures have to be managed by the IP Address Management or the IMAP tools. In addition to this it should be known that The Men & Mice IP Address Management Module is Free of charge tool that helps the process of migrating from the IPv4 to the IPv6 processes. For the deployment of the IPv6 addresses the Men and Mice has introduced the whitepaper outlining stepwise for the processes. The process is also supported by the IPv6 Migration Screencast.
Migrating from IPv4 to IPv6
The Centralized P2P is basically a distributed network with a central server and the decentralized P2P is network where the location of the server is not central (Tran & Ha, 2016). The table provided below shows the comparison of the advantages and the disadvantages of the centralized P2P and the Decentralized P2P:
Centralized P2P |
Decentralized P2P |
Advantages |
· The Centralized P2P network is easier to set up and hence incur less cost. · This network is also very cost effective network. · The network prioritizes robustness · Data transmission is organized by this type of network. · The network is implemented using the hybrid approach that can support a variety of information |
· The network prioritizes the efficiency · The network is highly scalable · Data in between the components is done by handshaking approach · |
Disadvantages |
· The network scalability is low · The efficiency of the network is low · The data sharing is not organized in the centralized system. · The joining of network involves a simplified method for this type of networks. |
· The robustness in the network is very unconvincing · The variety of information in centralized P2P network is not available in the network · The implementation of the network is not possible using a hybrid network design. · The set up process of the network involves very complex processes. · The joining procedures involve very complex procedures for the network. |
The DHT or the Distributed Hash Table is a part of the P2P network (Li et al., 2013). The DHT consists of the following properties:
- In a network any type of data can be founded provided that there is an existence of the data in the network.
- All the nodes require very limited knowledge about the neighbouring nodes or the nodes that are existing in the network.
- The process that is involved for finding the data in the network is very limited.
- The DHT can very easily tolerate the failure of the crashes.
- They can also handle the incoming and the outgoing nodes within the network.
The Hash tables provides the mapping for the keys to the values of the network.
Good functions perform the distribution of the values in the network evenly.
For example, of this case we consider the situation that is provided below;
In provided example the node that are to be worked with are 0,1,3. 0 is responsible for data that hashes to 0. For the data that would be hashed to 1 or 2 node number 1 would be responsible. Node number 3 is responsible for data that hashes to 3-7. For simpler routing of the chord each node should be keeping track of the neighboring node and most probably the successor node. For a piece of data, a node can very easily ask for the data from its successor. All the nodes in the ring would be queried. For n number of nodes in the chord ith node is the first entry and that is followed by 2^(i-1) modulo n. This contains the Chord identifier and the actual IP address of the nodes. In the example the node the looks for the predecessor in the node. The predecessor of 5 is 3 in the provided network. It is assumed that node 3 is looking for node 2 so that the data can be available. It is known that the successor of node 7 is 0, then query 0 to find that 2 is stored by node 1. This chord would get the data in O(logN) time.
In the client server architecture, the server is the node that provides the service in the network to all the nodes. In addition to this the client side machines are those that receive the services in the network. The server conducts the network and performs the function of connecting all the nodes in the network (Bibinagar & Kim, 2013). The server provides the data and also performs all the requirement of the marketing such as authentication and security processes. The server is the node that should be active all the time in the network. The server is the most important node in the network and performs all the functionality in the network. It can be easily said that the network would become unresponsive if the server is down. The client machines on the other hand is useful for the user only. The network can be fairly active without the client machine in the network. The user can use the client machine to get online on the network and hence, the client machine can have uptime only on the requirement of the users.
Comparison of Centralized and Decentralized P2P networks
There are two types of HTTP connection in the client server paradigm. The persistent HTTP connection leaves the connections open after the request is sent (Lilly et al., 2014). In addition to this, subsequent HTTP messages between the same client that are sent over the open connections in the network are known as persistent connections. The client sends the request on the reception of referenced object and also for all the referenced object only one RTT would be available.
On the other hand, the Non persistent connection requires 2 RTTs per object and an overhead for each of the TCP connection is required in this protocol for the client server architecture. Very often parallel TCP connections are requiring by the referenced objects to be fetched.
There are two types of persistent connections and they are Pipelined and Non-pipelined connections. On the other hand, the two type of connections that are present for the Non-persistent connections are Parallel connection and non-parallel connections.
The advantages of the persistent connection over the non-persistent connections are that they demand lower amount of CPU performance as because less number of connections are being used in this network. Additionally, they also reduce the latency in the network. The errors in the network can also be reported without closing the connection.
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