Internet Marketing And Its Importance For Amazon
Elements of Internet Marketing
Internet marketing or online marketing is the approach where the marketers are promoting the products with the help of internet. Under this process, the marketers are trying to maintain customer relationship with electronic media such as through e-mail, social networking site, along with the wireless media also helps in different promotional activities (Tuten and Solomon, 2013). In contemporary time, internet is associated with every marketing activity as it is combination of creative and technical aspect. Amazon is one of the leading virtual organisation has been chosen in order to understand the importance of internet marketing in present situation. At first the marketing through the internet is has been understood through this assignment and after that, using different digital marketing communication how marketers proceed in promotional process are described in this part (Chan et al. 2014). In order to understand the entire part the learner need research based proof where he or she has done a primary and secondary research. Based on that research and knowledge an internet-marketing plan has been prepared at last section.
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There are several elements of the internet marketing are observed such as search engine optimization, banner advertising, pay-per-click, email marketing, social media marketing, content media marketing etc those are mentioned below:
In order to increase brand visibility, website hit and target the better audience the marketers are trying to optimize the website content. Through search engine optimization, as the existing websites are reviewing so for internet marketing search engine optimization is very important. The research as referred by Idemudia (2014) through implementing the keywords customers are searching for the product and information regarding the Amazon. Moreover Amazon is itself virtual organisation, where it does not possess physical setup. As the organisation only provides the products and service through online, so internet marketing is principle function for this organisation (Tsekouropoulos et al. 2013).
With the help of internet marketing plan, the organisational management are giving advertisement through banner for effective area in order to attract more customers. As viewpoint of Artusi and Maurizzi (2014), PPC or pay-per-click is another element of internet marketing by which the marketers are putting the advertisement through search engine optimization page. With the purpose of controlling the cost of internet marketing campaign, the management of the Amazon uses this PPC elements. The most cost-effecting internet-marketing element is email marketing. Through e-mail marketing, the management of Amazon want to increase sales volume along with make loyal customers of the organisation. Apart from that, up-sell and cross selling is affected by this approach. Amazon uses extensively up-selling and cross-selling process in their site Goodrich (2013). Above all, the most effective internet-marketing element is social networking site. As per report, 83% educated people of the UK are associated with social networking site thus, the marketing campaign is mostly affected by the social networking element.
Amazon is the largest virtual retail organisation in USA and provides service to several countries such as France, Germany, Canada, UK, Brazil, China, Japan, and India through differently designed websites. As per organisational vision, the organisation is trying to holding the leading position in world market through excellent service as the organisation operates the business activities through internet. The organisation is virtual organisation so the management of the organisation is very much concern about this (Jones, 2013). The website of the organisation has designed based on attracting the customer and business portfolio. Being the virtual organisation the website is only space for sharing the information and for that reason the organisational management uses the website page more effectively. The research as referred by Zimmerman and Ng (2013) the organisation provides limited information with more picture in home page. Through website or internet marketing, the management of the Amazon can attracts diverse group of people along with the customers belong from diverse geographical region. Moreover, the organisation posts the real photo along with post the every information regarding the provided products and service through the websites along with guarantee. Thus, it can say that the organisation follows effective internet marketing mix (Bocanu, 2015).
Search Engine Optimization
As earlier said that there are several internet-marketing elements help the internet business activities so those elements comprise with several tools. As for example, search engine optimization comprises with site auditor, keyword ranking, link manager, site finder, backlink explorer, website directory and Google webmaster tools. On the other hand, social media comprises with social stream, social monitor, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc. Likewise, content marketing comprises with content manager, Blog manager and order content etc, whereas PPC contains with Google Adwords and Google Adword Insights (Hussain et al. 2012). The organisational management of Amazon uses those above mention e-tools. In accordance with Jones (2013), in order to generate more revenue and high profit the organisational management uses Princingis. Apart from that, the organisation has to communicate with the customers for attracting the customers and on that situation IMC has been used under e-tool.
In addition, as per present report numerous customers are using Smartphone and searching the information through mobile phone. In such instance, the organisation uses ProTexting that used in mobile phone. Therefore, using this e-tool the organisation can attract most of the customers. The research referred by Annunziata and Vecchio (2013) like attracting the customer, it is also organisational management’s responsibility to observe the sales volume along with attracting the customers. Thus, the organisation uses RankTracer by which the organisation can trace the sales volume so that the management can understand that their business strategy is effective for business development or not (Porterfield et al. 2013).
The e-commerce is used for providing authentic brand towards the customers with proper service interactive order processing is used. In the course of this process, marketers are trying to improve the online shopping process by several steps. Moreover, Buhalis and Neuhofer (2012) opined that, during processing the order, the customers search the detail information related to the organisation and the provided products. After that, the customers give the order after checking the confirmation of the delivery date. Moreover, in order to provide best online experience, the organisation maintains strong supply chain management and track the given order continuously. Then the organisation delivered the products towards the respective customers (Lindridge et al. 2014). As the organisation Amazon does not possess physical setup, so provided service should be very effective and has to provide the product same to same as per client’s requirement.
Being a virtual organisation the management of Amazon wants to adopt every new technique to provide extra facilities towards the customers. Search engine Optimization is the most effective internet marketing elements that comprises with several search engine page (SERP) such as Google, Yahoo, Bing etc. Amazon posts the advertisement through the entire SERP form in order to attract more customers. As opined by Maireder (2014) although there are several internet-marketing elements are using for customers but most cost-effective method is SEO process. As per statistics, it can say that 78% customers are using Google for searching the information regarding the Amazon. Zhang et al. (2012) asserted that, in order to generate profit Google helps mostly among the entire search engine page.
Banner Advertising
There is no other area apart from internet for sharing the information regarding the organisation, thus, the marketers are completely depending on the internet. The organisation post some information in the search engine page and when the customers entry a query for Amazon, then the SEO page provide the information those are provided the organisation. Apart from that, during placing the order the customers search through SERP and after alternative search place the order through SERP page (DavidaviÄ and Sabaityt, 2014).
Newsletter: adopted Opt-in e-mail by Amazon
Amazon is using simple mode of e-mail marketing under internet marketing. Internet marketing as help to share the organisational information with the customer, similarly, internet system aids to track the customer report and their sales behaviour. Under e-mail marketing, the organisation is able to short list the information regarding the potential customers by opt-in and opt-out facilities. In the course of internet marketing the organisational management, makes approach very personally that make feel very special the customers in customer perspective. Thus, it can say that the effective opt-in email marketing helps the organisation to make numerous customers in one time.
Through Opt-in e-mail, the organisational management can send the e-mail towards bulk amount of customers. In such condition, through this approach, the organisation is able to maintain relation with numerous customers. Apart from potential customers, the entire group of customers are also attracted through Opt-in mail without any extra monetary charges. Moreover, as Opt-in e-mail marketing helps the organisation to maintain the personal relation through video, chart graphics so it is most simple way by which the organisation is able to continue the business activities (Gul and Boz, 2012).
The best practice that the Amazon is using for maintaining public relation is social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc and through different kind of Smartphone apps. In order to share the organisational information with the potential customers the organisation has its own websites that are effectively designed (Porterfield et al. 2013). Moreover, as the organisation provides service in various countries so the organisation has designed different websites after conducting the market survey in different nation. According to Zhang et al. (2012), the social media is most effective internet marketing in order to maintain good relation with the organisation as 83% educated people are associated with any social networking site and through social networking site the provided advertisement and maintain relation is cost effective. As the organisation is virtual organisation, so the organisation has designed single website for using both organisation as well as customers. Through that website as the organisation can share the information of the organisation, likewise, the customers are also can gain knowledge regarding the organisation, place the order for online shopping, provide some suggestion through same websites (The Independent, 2014).
In addition, currently the customers are installed several apps in their phone for placing the order from the organisation. Thus, through social media, organisational websites, as the organisation can maintain the public relation, similarly, the organisation gets help through e-mail marketing in case of maintaining the good relation with public (Lindridge et al. 2014).
The research as referred by Jones (2013) as the organisation uses several SEO, e-mail marketing, similarly, some digital communities site such as Facebook, Twitter, Flickr are used by Amazon for sharing the file. The organisational management uses Facebook, Twitter for sharing the normal file and Flickr for sharing the file of photos. After that, the organisational management makes community and invite customers to search the products and service of the organisation. Moreover, the organisation also requests for sharing their complaint along with suggestion and the entire feedback. This approach has helped the organisation to create its brand image and reputation in the market that is the intangible asset for the organisation (Goodrich, 2013).
Amazon is the leading online retail organisation based on USA. In present situation, the organisation is providing service to UK, Germany, France, China, Japan and India etc. Although the organisation is holding the leading position in USA, but the organisation is facing issue in UK. the generating rate of the revenue is also very less where the organisation is able to increase 12.6% in 2013-2014 fiscal year. As per the statistics, the organisation has invested lump sum amount of financial resources in advertise approach, in order to attract the customers. As per report of 2012, the organisation was able to increase the revenue from $1.4 billion to $5.35 billion in 2011, whereas in the year 2012, the organisation was able to increase the revenue from $1 billion to $6.48 billion (The Independent, 2014). Actually, the organisation those are providing service through traditional mode, those organisation provides the service through online mode along with the offline mode. Moreover those organisation such as John Lewis and Dixons are providing good facility towards the customers by which the customers can get the required product through “click and collect” approach. In such condition, the organisation is providing advertisement through social networking site that is most effective for increasing the revenue of the organisation (Hussain et al. 2012).
How far do you agree about the website of the latest approvals and latest information provided by the websites?
- Strongly agree
- Agree
- Neutral
- Disagree
- Strongly disagree
Which SEO is most effective as per your point of view?
- Yahoo
- Bing
- Other
How much effective the organisational website is per your view?
- Most effective
- Effective
- Not effective
How far do you agree that the organisation is able to maintain good relation with the customers?
- Strongly agree
- Agree
- Neutral
- Disagree
- Strongly disagree
What is the viewpoint regarding website of the Amazon?
- Excellent
- Good
- Average
- bad
In order to maintain the data regarding the customer in proper way the organisational management of Amazon uses e-CRM or electronic customer relationship marketing. In the course of ECRM, the organisational management accumulates the information regarding the customers, feedback and most importantly the suggestion of the customer expectation from the organisation. After accumulating the entire information, as the organisation provides service towards the customers that service is most effective. Thus, the service will easily can affect the customer requirement along with fulfil the expectation. Thus, it can say that through e-CRM the organisation can maintain good relationship with the customers (Chan et al. 2014).
Email Marketing
The Amazon is one of the leading virtual organisation provides products and service through online mode. Moreover, the entire business activities are operated by the internet. Thus, a proper internet-marketing plan helps the organisation to gain competitive advantage over the other competitive organisation such as eBay.
After analysing the environment, competitor, network and conducting the SWOT analysis, the organisational management has made the plan that is discussed below:
Environmental analysis:
The organisation Amazon established in the year 1994 and provides service in current time. Although the organisation has faced issue in the year 2009, during recession due to economic crisis, but the organisation is able to overcome the issue. Although the present economical position of UK is quite good, but, as the customers are price sensitive in nature, so the respective organisation has to design effectively. In present situation, the customers get several numbers of information during alternative search and other competitor organisations use SEO for posting the advertisements. Thus, following every rules the organisation should design the internet-marketing plan (Artusi and Maurizzi, 2014).
Competitor analysis:
In present situation, the bargaining power of buyers is more comparing to the suppliers. Thus, the management of the organisation has to design the pricing area with comparing with others. Apart from that, threats of new entrants and substitute product are very high. Thus, the website should design in such a way so that the organisation can give tough competition towards other competitive organisation (Idemudia, 2014).
SWOT analysis:
After analysing the environment and competitor, the management of the organisation has conducted the SWOT analysis to understand the strength and weakness. Moreover, in order to plan the effective internet marketing the opportunity and threat should be informed.
Amazon is one of the strong market-leading organisations with strong economic condition. However, the organisation provides the product with little high cost. In such position, this is its weakness. As the economic condition of the nation is good so the organisation can get opportunity from this site (Maireder, 2014).
After conducting the above mention step the organisation makes the plan through 5 steps:
Define the customers:
At first step the organisation has to choose the potential customers demographic base. Moreover the organisation has to decide that for which age group, income group of customers want to provide the service. In addition, after deciding the customers the organisation will proceed in next step (Tsekouropoulos et al. 2013).
Choosing the target:
The organisation cannot provide service haphazardly. In such instance, the organisation compels to choose the target or competitor. After targeting the competitor the organisation decide the pricing factor for the customers. For that reason, the organisation has to create different spreadsheet and add the venue regarding the internet-marketing venue of the Amazon (Hussain et al. 2012).
The management decides the budget for implementing the internet marketing in effective manner. Thus, the organisation set the priorities of the organisation and as per list, the organisation can implement pay-per-click advertising. Moreover, providing newsletters and banner, the organisation can provide the information regarding the organisation (Lindridge et al. 2014).
Social Media Marketing
Creating the ad content:
The organisation has to understand what facilities it is providing for the customers and as per that benefit; the organisation should design the advertisements. Amazon is providing appstore, book depository, game studios, instant video etc so for the customer, the organisation provides entertainment. Thus, coupons or offer is effective marketing strategy that can provide by the organisation. Under internet marketing campaign, the designer posts the text the ad with offer and discount in order to attract the customers (Porterfield et al. 2013).
Tracking and monitoring the ad:
After posting the ad through different search engine optimization, the organisational management is reviewing and tracking the customer view and behaviour.
An effective internet-marketing element is pay-per-click and in order to provide advertisements the organisation mostly uses this technique. Through this process, the organisational management design the pay per click advertisement approach and attract the customers to watch that. The website owner or the publisher gets money per click by the customers or others. As for example, the Amazon has designed the websites with the provided products. when the customers are clicking for placing the order or searching the information then the organisation is promoted and the publisher get money (Buhalis and Neuhofer, 2012).
The assignment deals with the internet marketing where several where at first the marketing concept has been generated through internet approach. After that, the learner has understood that in order to promote the internet marketing which strategies should be implemented. In third step, conducting the secondary as well as the primary research the knowledge regarding the uses of internet marketing is included. At last, the learner has made one internet-marketing plan for improving the business operation of the Amazon.
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