Intercultural Business Communication For Team Communication

Social Media

Discuss about the Intercultural Business Communication for Team Communication.

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This reflection paper aims at discussing and analyzing any two topics from the lectures taught based on my full understanding of the chosen topics taught and on the implications for their current or future role in business or work. This paper also describes the critical thinking I learnt from the learning. It also analyses my opinions, ideas, thoughts and the feelings on the topics I have explored.

Social Media

From lecture 11 I learnt that social media entails collection or simply the group of Internet-based applications which creates a technological foundation of web 2.0 which allows the creation and exchange of user-generated content (Kaplan & Haenlein 2009).

After going through the topic of social media I developed a deep insight after analyzing current and past social media. I learnt that traditional media is based on a principle of one person sharing to many for example an editor who decides which news reports that should be published daily in a given newspaper (Michaels, 1994). This does not give the readers any role in the dissemination of news content. In contrast, social media works on the principle of many to many for example any given person can create and share content making the process democratic (Starr, 2005). In my opinion, this is very helpful in the current or future role in business. Any individual can share information concerning his or her business on today’s social media platforms for example blogs which can help in creating stronger relationships between organizations and customers.

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I also learnt that traditional media focus only on passing news, which means only a news media which function is to gather and disseminate news. In contrast, social media is a media which provides a platform where people and friends come together and interact which does not always need to be news-based for example Facebook which is a social networking site which has connected 500 million users since 2004 where business ideas can be sold.

From the slides provided, I have learnt that there are various social media sites and tools which include Twitter, Wikipedia and YouTube among others. I have learnt that Twitter can be used from personal exchanges to businesses messages. After the learning, I have developed a deeper insight from just people following you from your twitter account but can also be used in business where marketing can be done through this from creating twitter blogs where people can follow and receive updates on what is trending on business (Kietzmann, McCarthy and Silvestre 2011). I have also learnt that through YouTube, adverts by a company which can gain followings can be used to monetize a business. Apart from videos on music and movies I have also developed a deeper understanding that YouTube can be used by a company to gain brand awareness by businesses currently and in future.

Basics of Social Media Sites and Tools and Social Media Issues relating to Marketing and Monetization

I have learnt that social media has a series of pros which evidently has outweighed its cons from continuing thriving of businesses which has embraced social media.

I have developed a deeper insight about various social media pros which include the following: Businesses can access many people and gain more prospective customers which will help a given business in expanding its market share than it would have had access before. A wider range of communication by businesses rather than just individual communication which I have developed a deeper understanding where businesses can sell their image to the people and help as one of the strategies to remain competitive along the hostile business competitive market (Laroche, Habibi and Richard 2013).

After studying through the pros of social I have also come to understand there are some of the cons which are associated with the use of social media which include the following: The main challenge of social media is that for it to be a complete success it has to entail people, money and time which I tend to agree from the previous knowledge I had about the same which has placed a lot of pressure on current business and a remedy should be provided for future businesses (Hensel and Deis 2010). I have also developed a deeper understanding that social media requires a dynamic technology which creates uncertainty of the future, for example, will technology be proved genuine or harmful in the context of the future business which is a challenge.

I have learnt that team communication involves the interaction which occurs among the members of a given work team in an organization.

I have learnt that there are various reasons which trigger people to join the group in a business which includes: Typically people from my previous understanding join groups so as to accomplish related work task which helps in achievements where the capability to achieve is higher in the group in contrast with an individual acting alone that is the production groups (Bolman, John Wiley & Sons 2017). In my own opinion, people in a business organization may form groups with common interest where their interests could be represented for example good working conditions which are ensured by some unions for example trade unions which falls under advisory groups.

I have also learnt that people may leave groups due to various groups which include the following: People may leave groups in a business organization due to leadership conflict that is who will be in charge of the groups (Blau 2017). In my opinion, this will end up leaving the members of a group in a dilemma on who to follow hence demoralizing the group morale. I have also developed a deeper understanding that people may leave groups due to conflicting goals among the members of a given group. In my opinion, different members of a group may be having different goals which may cross each other leaving them in a puzzle on what person’s goals to follow. This may affect the performance of work in a business for current businesses and if no remedy provided may also affect the business in the future.

Pros and Cons of Social Media

I   have learnt from the powerpoint slides provided that there are various stages to be followed in forming a group which include the following:

I have developed an understanding that forming as the first stage entails the time where the group comes together where members are keen on their behavior so as to be absorbed in a given group in an organization. I have also learnt that the stage entails activities like understanding a group purpose, goals of a group, resources available for a group to use and the leader responsible for a given group. In my opinion, this will greatly aid in the success of a group in a current business if the guidelines to follow are well adhered to and if not may affect the working of a group in a future business organization.

I have also learnt and developed a deeper meaning the second stage in forming a group which is not direct to a lay man’s language unlike forming stage. After studying have developed an insight that the stage simply entails the conflict and competition in their highest pick. Have also learnt that some questions for example question on leadership, rules, responsibilities and structure need to be addressed in order for a group in a business organization to move in the next step. Addressing the questions will determine the thriving of a group either in present or future businesses.

I have learnt that the third stage on norming is where the group morale is high with all members demonstrating their skills and talents to a business organization. In my opinion, when members continue remaining in a cohesive unit a forward thrust of a current business will be guaranteed and the same spirit can also secure a good working future of a business.

I have learnt that during this stage a group is characterized by organizing itself in the best way possible so as to meet needs of the common tasks and in turn producing results which will shape a current business organization and in future.

I have learnt that in this stage is where a group comes to a closure where members of a group may leave due to a series of different reasons.


In conclusion about the self-reflection paper, I have clearly and well understood that social media, when embraced by a business organization, may greatly help a business in its communication which can help a business sell itself to the members of the public hence expanding its market share after the above-discussed benefits on social media. On the other hand, team communication through groups forming and better communication among the groups will also help in growing the business currently and also in future.


Blau, P., 2017. Exchange and power in social lfe. Routledge.

Bolman, L.G. and Deal, T.E., 2017. Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership. John Wiley & Sons.

Hensel, K. and Deis, M.H., 2010. Using social media to increase advertising and improve marketing. The Entrepreneurial Executive, 15, p.87.

Kietzmann, J.H., Hermkens, K., McCarthy, I.P. and Silvestre, B.S., 2011. Social media? Get serious! Understanding the functional building blocks of social media. Business horizons, 54(3), pp.241-251.

Laroche, M., Habibi, M.R. and Richard, M.O., 2013. To be or not to be in social media: How brand loyalty is affected by social media?. International Journal of Information Management, 33(1), pp.76-82.

Michaels, E., 1994. Bad Aboriginal Art and Other Essays: Tradition, Media, and Technological Horizons (Vol. 3). U of Minnesota Press.

Starr, P., 2005. The creation of the media: Political origins of modern communication. Basic Books, Inc..

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