Influence Of Printing Speed On Production – Importance Of 3D Printing Technology
Different Types of 3D Printing Technologies
Discuss about the Influence of Printing Speed on Production.
The idea of the 3D printing is new to the market. A firm in the Australia which is not large by size thought to implement the 3D printing technology. In the recent scenario the firm is concentrating on the customer handling like the corporate and the retail customers. To represent the physical structure of the object in a digital way is the main objective of the 3D printing technology. The printing has to be perfect like the detailing has to be present in the printed thing less imperfections has to be there in the image. There are several aspects that need to be care of to complete the project like the project plan, cost, implementation, complexity and many more. Different types of he objects are made in some thin layers and to make these layers less time id needed in the construction. When the product is constructed in the thick layer then it may tend to provide the details. The thickness of the layers basically made upon the ides like the size of the material are mainly used that materials are used in the smallest of units.
The report will further discuss the ideas related with this technology. The report will describe the certain details of the 3D printing technology. There are mainly three technologies that are associated with this 3D printing technology those three technologies also discussed in the further report. There are certain advantages of any technology and in the report the advantages and the disadvantagesof the 3D printing technology also provided. Certain issues can be generated with the 3D technology as the technology is new to the market so there are some recommendations given in the last portion of the report.
The concept of implementing 3D printing technology is an adaptive process in the field of printing technology. The 3Dprinting technology uses various materials for allowing the small scale production of the objects the 3D printing is associated. Basically various type of powders and the plastics are combined in this technology. According to the materials need there are different ways of adaptive processes are applied in the 3D printing technology. there are many things that involves in a project in this technology the aspects that are taken care of are the objects that are laminated, the budget, the material that can melt and the resins. The various shapes and the designs of the objects are outlined by the computer aided desing in the 3D printing technology. Various kind of digital scanning devices are using these technologies. A system is there whose job is to store the entire detail of the object and to check the different processes that are linked with the desired object which is to be made. We made image in the different application and the 3D printing is different among the all. The main focus of the 3D printing technology is to print nozzles. This technology is implemented in different layers by using the materials. Until the final desired outcome is generated several layers are continuously made by the system. Various technologies are associated with the 3D printing technology like the SLS technology, FDM technology and many other technologies as well. The applications that are included with the digital light processing, stereo lithography, continuous liquid interface production, multi jet printers and many more can be easily used in the technology. when the metal is used by an individual then the individual can use several technologies like the direct metal laser sintering, DLP and builder jetting, electron beam melting, deposition of selective lamination, triple jetting technology. the different methods associated with the 3D printing technology is discussed below:
FDM Technology or the Fused Deposition Modeling
The FDM technology is very important to enter in the market management. The FDM technology is provide the opportunity to a system to enter into the market. FDM technology is one of the famous printing technology form that are currently present in the market. Various kind of metals that are extracted from the manufacturing of the nozzles that are located in the cross section of the 3D printing technology. And this process is the particular process that uses the 3D printing nozzles different kind of extracted metals (Žarko et al., 2017).
One of the famous and renowned technologies of the 3D printing is the laser sintering. This SLS technology mainly focuses on the various type of objects fabrication. By using the processes of the melting in the successive layers the fabrication is easily achieved. This process is mainly use to combine the entire powered objects (Zou et al., 2015). This type of processing leads to a complex formation forms. In the form of plastic, it is basically available in the market which is also called as the Alumide.
This technology is very well known to the market. Photopolymer resins are used in this kind of technology. The main job of the photopolymer resin is same as the UV laser that is used for the curing purpose of the photopolymer resin (Patel et al., 2017). These results by creating a area for the uncured resin that are presents in the bottom of the particular container.
Based on the UV images and in order to sequence the projects this technology is made method to use these. The method generation gets easier by taking the help of the projectors that are based on the digital lights. Transparent in nature that is the form of oxygen premade widow, and this is done by taking the help of this (Lee et al., 2016).
With the certain creation of the Vat that is considered to be resin of curable photopolymer type, this stereo lithography is mainly associated with. In the form of the small increments with the liquid kind of polymer, the plate of the building descends gradually (Dong et al., 2016). This is initially exposed to different kind of UV laser light which is drawn by various sections.
Manufacturing: the user always demands a faster and proper form of the prototype designing along with the proper verification and the tested designs. The manufacturer is hugely benefited as they are getting adopted with the faster processes and real mass based production techniques. The 3d printing technology is capable of adding layers which can save the cost of the processes and it is also flexible for the company. Besides helping with the production cost save and providing efficient products it can be used for various kind of testing purpose as well for the small parts manufacturing. For making the tools for the assembly this is also used based upon the orders. According to the tasks these tools of the assembly can be modified (Bhushan & Caspers 2017). Manufacturing environment that is learner based is also possible in this and can be used for the different purposes. For the fast production also this can be used whenever the speeding up the process of the manufacturing is required it will have applied the processes. Low volume of the data can be configured easily by the 3D printing technology. and it can be used for the proper finishing of the processes in a smooth way. With the cost reduction this technology also reduces the time also. It also helps to create an efficient supply chain with new models of the business by reducing the inventory cost management.
3D Printing Technology Applications
Prototyping: 3D printing is used all over the world in the recent times to do the different things prototyping in the all organizations. Prototyping is a method that is very effective in terms of the development of the processes it reduces most times that is involves in a project implementation. Prototyping has been considered as a key to get success in the market. Prototyping is a method of making a demo of the final product that is costly in the market. After evaluating the prototypes the final products are made (Macdonald et al., 2014). In the case of the technologies that are innovative this prototyping techniques can be used for saving the time also by doing faster processes. 3D printing is such kind of printing where the main base is upon the prototypes that are having the functional characters. The o prevent various kind of the critical issues the protypes has the ability in the system.
The dental mining named APEX is the dental mining that adopted the technology based on the CAD/CAM. The technology is based on the CAD design and this can be used to produce the right dental parts according to the design. The 3D printing technology is becoming an in house based though the out sourcing of the product is to the technology that is CNC based. The apex is mainly uses for the cost benefit as is lowering the cost of the system (Kalemaj et al., 2016). Various business solutions is given by the system to provide different benefits for the business. There are various advantages that are gained from this like product quality, less time for processing and many more. Various types of the printing models provides the final details and excellent finishing services.
The 3D printing technology is growing rapidly and it becomes well known in the current market. There are several advantages and the disadvantages of this technology. The Nano scribe created a Photonic Professional GT that can be considered as the famous 3D printer. The device has the ability to print different 3D objects that are having different types of width. The size of the width are very small and it is as small as the human hair and the width are also comes up with a great precision. Different kind of 3D models is used for printing the different kind of layers of the object. It can be said that when a user is using the blue print of CAD for any kind of object like a toy bike can be printed in the three dimensional by easy way (Lee, An & Chua 2017).
It is become easy to manufacture a large number of products by using the 3d printing technology. The process becomes easier and convenient for the users and the manufacturers of the products. By using the technology the customer satisfaction can be met as by the technology is can be implemented as per the need of the customers for the product (Lu, Li & Tian 2015). Making the desired and the planed object becomes so smooth to be implemented. This technology provides a platform for the individuals to us the 3D printing technology.
The 3D printing technologies can be used for making different types of object in less time that the required needed time. The rapid prototyping is used in the 3d printing technology in order to meet the customer satisfaction. To make the desired product in a short time span various prototypes can be made.
The required cost for the 3D printing technology is very less. To compare with the other product development processes that use different products and the labors this technology is much low cost that the others. To manufacture the product there are many other costs as well and those costs are also conventional. For a small scale reproduction and for a mass scale production the costs involved are same for the both for using the 3d printing technology.
There can be a issue generate with the storage when it comes to produce a mass amount of products. In the production of small scale goods the production value get higher and this is making the use of the 3D printing technology. For only mass production 3D printing is needed that helps to delete the issues with the production. It also detects the issues that are generated during the mass production related to the storages and additional costs.
As the use of the 3d printing technology is growing faster the requirement for the efficient and good designers are also needed to provide the good quality product. This create a huge employment opportunities for the designers. The opportunities are given to the people who are focused in the trouble shooting and the people that are associated with the 3D printing usage.
One of the biggest drawbacks of the 3D printing is the counterfeiting. This can be seen in the case of mass manufacturing. In mainly happens when the huge amount of the fake product is made. The people associated with the technology have taken this particular technology for getting the idea of the blue print. This is the reason that affect in tracing the fake items in the market.
Various dangerous items can be made by using the 3d printing technology like gun, bomb or any kind of weapon. This can be done so easily by pressing a button on the mouse or the keyboard. The Childs are also having the ability to use this technology and they can print something that is nature is hazardous.
From the above report it can be concluded that the report is about a emerging technology that is 3D printing technology. a Melbourne based firm is having the plan of adopting the 3d printing technology. In the above report five different 3D printing technologies and their implementation is described. Developments and the drawbacks of the technology is is also provided in the report. The advantage and the advantages that are related to the 3d printing technology is described. The benefits of the 3d printing are also discussed above. Furthermore, several recommendation regarding the 3d printing technology is discussed below.
The organization is planning of adopting the 3D printing technology and for that reason some recommendations have been provided and the recommendations are listed below:
- The major reason due to which the company should adopt this technology is because it is eco-friendly.
- The quality of life as well as the welfare of the things would be greatly improved by use of this technology.
- The prototype modeling would be greatly improved and would be done at a rapid rate by the use of this technology and this would be initially helping in the increase of production.
- This technology comes in huge variety and provides a lot of option regarding customization.
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