Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills In Professional And Personal Life

Factors that Strengthen Interpersonal Communication


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Interpersonal communication skills can be defined as important factors which each and every person should try to maintain and incorporate properly in their professional as well as personal life (Ramani et al., 2017). Some of the factors of interpersonal communication that seem to develop and strengthen communication with each others are proper feedback giving and receiving skills, marketing clarity in conversations, communicating with empathy and friendliness, open mindedness as well as effective listening (Hamzah et al., 2016). Individuals who have developed communication skills are found to establish effective relationship with other that ultimately help them to reach their intended goal successfully (Kunc, Malpass & White, 2016). This assignment will first use 5 different tools that will help to identify two important communication issues that I have which I need to improve over time. This should be supported by a literature review. Following the literature review there will be an action plan which I would follow in order to develop my  poor communication skills. These are represented in a sequential manner.

The first tool that I have used in order to reflect my communication skills is called the talkaholic scales. This tool has been found to be very helpful in knowing whether an individual is compulsive speaker or not.  By the word compulsive it might sound negative and it might make the reader feel that being a compulsive speaker means that the individual talks many unnecessary things which are not wanted to be heard by others. However this is not true as researchers are of the opinion that a person, who talks more, maintains more open – mindedness, transparency and clarity. They are are perceived positively by the members of the team and also by seniors. This tool usually compels the individual to undertake a series of questions for which he needs to mark himself. This score that he would get would be categorised into three categories. These are borderline Talkaholic,where the score range  between 30 to 39, less talkaholic when the score is below 30 and High talkaholic where the score is above 40. In this case I have achieved a score of about 30 which is suggesting that I am just on the border of being less talkaholic and borderline Talkaholic. From this set of questionnaire I have realised that I am quite introvert and I do not like providing feedback as well as receiving feedback. Therefore I have made a negative image of myself in my workplace for which I am not being able to communicate freely with my colleagues.

Tools for Identifying Communication Issues

The next tool which is used by me for this reflection assignment is willingness to listen Diagnostic tool. This tool is extremely important for judging whether an individual has proper listening skill. Listening skill is very important as it can increase productivity in business and effectivity in business communication. They reduce miscommunication and also help to grow bonds and relationship among different members. This tool has 24 questions which are needed to be marked by the grading system of 1 to 5 and there is a particular formula which is used to measure the score. Scores below 59 shows that the individual has no willingness to listen and when the score is above 89 it shows high willingness. Score between 59 and 89 shows moderate willingness to listen. In this I scored 70 which shows that I am in the category of moderate listening skills. This is not a very good sign of a business professional as moderate listening will never help me to overcome any critical situations and become victorious. Rather I might face different kinds of miscommunication and will not be able to grow bonds among different members of the team. Therefore I also need to develop my listening skill.

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The next tool that I have used for this Reflection assignment is called the personal report of intercultural management apprehension also called Prica. This is helpful for an individual who wants to know whether he has any gap in his intercultural communication skills .This tool has 14 important questions which need to be marked with the range of 1 to 5 and then the score is to be calculated with a proper formula. Here there are three categories where the individual will be assigned for being Low intercultural, moderate intercultural and high intercultural when the marks will be  below 32, 32 to 52 and above 52 respectively in this tool I found myself to belong to the moderate intercultural group because I gained a score of about 40.  This might be because I have certain biases which get reflected during my communication with the people from other cultures. Moreover, I am also unsure about how to behave with them as I do not have any knowledge about their cultural preferences and inhibition point.

The next Tool that is used by me is called the tolerance for this agreement scale. This tool helps to measure the degree to which an individual is able to tolerate other people when they disagree with what he believed to be true. People who usually score low in this tool is unable to handle more people disagreeing with him and therefore gets involved in different types of conflicts. Individual who is scoring high in this tool have the capability to deal with more disagreement and thereby can prevent himself from getting into any conflicts. This tool consists of 15 questions which needs to be answered with the scoring from 1 to 5. This score is then categorised into three important groups of people like people with high TFD, low TFD and moderate TFD when the score is above 46, below 32 and between 32 and 46. As I scored here 46, it means that I am on the borderline of being high TFD and moderate TFD. This means that I am being able to take in disagreements successfully and strategically try to point out myself so that I do not engage into any conflicts.

Talkaholic Scales

Another tool that I have used for my reflection is the personal report of public speaking anxiety.  It also like the other tool gives out a score and this is then categorised into three distinct categories here I got a high score in public speaking with states that I am quite confident when I speak in front of my friends as well with strangers.

Two issues have been identified by me that require immediate attention from my side for betterment of my career. I have realized that the first problem which I need to look after is my feedback providing skills to people. I failed to provide effective feedback to people because I think that they will take me to be judgmental about their performance and they may develop a feeling that I am interfering in their professional life. I also have a poor feedback receiving skills because I get apprehensive that others may misguide me for their own advantages. Another skill that I also need to mention here is my poor listening skills. I tend to become overconfident in my approach. I do not provide scope to the speaker so that he can clarify himself or say something important regarding anything task. These two issues need to be tackled by me properly so that I can develop proper communication skills.

The first experience that I wanted to share here took during my placement years in the firm.  Our leader has made a team of 3 individuals of which I was also one member.  The team members provided a proper planning and thereby we divided our responsibilities and were assigned with specific task. However I was absent for work one day when some modifications were made in the task. The next day when I came back to work my team members came to us me to provide me all the information about the alterations that was made so that there is no overlapping of the same task among the different group member. Due to my impatient listening skills I got them short and told them that I had already understood and I need no more information from them. However due to improper listening I had mistakenly conducted the same work which was also done by my other team members and therefore it completely resulted in a massacre of the result which was expected from us by our leader. My group failed miserably and I was held responsible for this.

Willingness to Listen Diagnostic Tool

Another experience took place during my first month of internship. I was made the leader of conducting a team of 6 members where I was supposed to develop a research procedure for analyzing the growing incidence of retention from our company. I called upon a meeting and told my team members that we would be developing an interview procedure for 120 employees of the organization to understand their perceptions and of the work in the organization. To this one of the member suggested that conducting interview for 120 people would be lengthy and therefore conducting online survey would be easier but due to my overconfidence I did not receive the feedback from the team members. However in reality the research took a long time to get completed for which I was criticized by my mentor. If I would have taken their feedback and would have given my own feedback, and thereby developed a discussion environment, the work would have been more fruitful.

Researchers over the years have conducted experiment to find out the importance of effective communication in both personal as well as professional life. They have stated that effective communication helps in developing positive influence in different types of decision making processes (Fujimori et al., 2014). They do so by presenting a particular strong point of view that is helpful in forming a mutual understanding among the speaker as well as the listener. Individuals who are capable of proper communication procedures can deliver efficient decisions. They also provide solutions which are accurate, timely and also have relevant information (Hassani et al., 2016). They also help in developing healthy relationships by encouragement of team members through trust and understanding. Jackson (2014) has stated that proper skills of listening are an important part of developing effective communication. This is helpful in providing the right information in the right process. And effective listening procedure is a kind of communication skills which allow understanding of the opposite individual. It is also important for listening to the response provided by the opposite individual in order to develop an idea about their point of view. Any interruption or cut in the smooth flow of effective listening procedure can be defined and termed as an ineffective listening (Fujimori et al., 2014). Researchers of the opinion that listening is one of our most important factor for a professional and as well as for the personal life because it helps in developing strong relationship. Gregory and Brian (2015) has provided a number of different types of listening skills.  A listener should always provide proper attention by directly looking at them. While listening, they should not engage into any other activities as this might make them miss out important information from registering into the brain (Lin et al., 2013). The listener should also study the proper body language at the same time of listening. While the opposite person is speaking, the listener should show genuine importance to his discussion to prevent disappointment and lack of interest in the speakers. This can be responded by listener repeating that in his own words in order to clarify whether the listener properly understood what the speaker wanted to say. Article published by Hatala et al., (2014)  has stated that the listener should not always do not try to provide rationally behind what the operations person is speaking but whether he should try to understand from the point of view of the of the speaker and try to gain knowledge about the perceptions of the speaker. He should develop the scheme to allow the speaker to complete his statement before giving any Views or opinion (Jackson, 2016. Moreover other important factors that a listener should try to implement for developing his interpersonal skills are to be timely in reaction to the speaker. This is significant in both personal and professional life and timely speaking and reacting reduces the chance of any sort of future misconceptions and also help to reduce the chance of any unsuccessful commitments.

Personal Report of Intercultural Management Apprehension (Prica)

Researchers have stated that feedback is the information that can be defined as the reaction to a particular discussion product or about the performance of a particular task. Feedback is mainly provided to make task better or for the improvement. Feedback however is restricted to only describing up the behaviour and never can be applied to personality. Feedback sharing should be specific as possible. Conrad (2014) has stated that this helps in bringing the main focus in the entire discussion procedure. Just like listening skills, feedback providing and listening skills should also be timely for best benefits. It can bring out positive effects rather than making the situation worse. Effective feedback actually helps in providing ideas to an individual where he can understand what has gone wrong in his decision so that he does not repeat the same mistake again in the future time. Many researchers suggest feedback as an occupational support that helps in making an individual dedicate more into his professional and personal life and does not allow him in getting burned off. It also helps an individual to learn about what other perceives about his working style, capability, performance or, character (Linton et al. 2016). Many other researchers have stated that feedback can help in providing motivation, improvement of performance and can also act as a tool for continued learning.

The Action Plan which is proposed for the development of the listening skill and feedback skills should follow smart objectives. The smart objectives of a specific goal are where the objective which would be proposed would be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely. The goals would be development of effective listening plan and feedback giving and receiving skills. For that I need to engage in different kinds of workshops that conduct tuition classes on development of communication skills. Moreover I can also get admitted to the university discussion forums which are usually held tri-weekly. The mentors can help me in overcoming different barriers which I am facing in my communication skills. I can also go through important communication models which are proposed in different article journal over the years by eminent researchers. I can collect the journals from the digital library and follow them closely to develop evidences of learning proper listening skills.  This should be measurable.  The better I become in my listening skills I would be able to provide more efficiency in my personal and professional task. The increase in success of my different types will help me to measure the success of the different initiatives I take. This course should be attainable easily. Different types of workshops, mentor, discussion forums journal papers etc are not that much costly and could be afforded by me. I can also easily access the library which does not require any extra subscription. Therefore the goal set is easily attainable. Moreover the initiatives I should be taking should be relevant because that would help to me to make me aware of the different issues I am having in my listening skill and will help me to develop skills which would overcome my improper listening skills.  A total of 6 months will be required for development of the listening skills. A gnat chart is provided in next page.

Tolerance for Disagreement Scale


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