Importance Of Leadership In Modern Organizations

The role of leadership in achieving organizational goals

Discuss about the Leadership Versus Management in Public Organizations.

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The leadership based function is important for the proper functioning of the modern organizations. The proper leadership helps in the achievement of the goals that are set by the groups that are formed within the organizations. The leaders are considered to be those individuals who mainly take an initiative or start an action. The steps or the plan of action are then communicated to the employees of the organization. I think leadership has the power to influence the relationships that are formed between the employees and the managers of the various companies (Balon 2014). The leaders are those people who are capable of making changes in the various organizational processes.

The leadership based concept has gone through some major changes in the current business environment. The major reason behind the changes that take place in the environment are based on the increase of various issues and scandals in the modern business organizations. The leaders in the organizations of the previous times needed to be stable and uniform in nature. On the other hand, the modern leaders and the process of leadership is based on the involvement of the empowerment of the managers, the high levels of collaboration and the ways by which the leaders are able to provide better services to the firms (Bolden 2016). According to me, this is a time when the managers need to move forward towards the leadership and the empowerment based activities. The responsibilities of managing the companies cannot be fulfilled by the leadership. However, the leaders are capable of guiding the employees towards the achievement of the organizational goals (Bolman and Deal 2014).

The various functions of leadership in an organization are further related to the management based responsibilities. The various contemporary theories that I have learnt have placed emphasis on situational factors which mainly include, the job structure, the traits of the followers and the stress levels. The various behavioural theories on the other hand mainly emphasize on the relationships that are established between the performances of the groups and the behaviour of the leaders (Bolman and Deal 2017). The personality of the leaders also can be known in various different forms which are based on the agreeableness, the stability of the emotions and levels of the openness that is shown towards various experiences. This approach has helped me to understand the efficiency of the leadership process. This can also help leaders of the organization to understand the various dimensions in which they need to operate (Chin 2015).

The changes in the leadership based concept in modern organizations

The fundamental beliefs which can affect the behaviour of the employees or any other individual in the organizations can be termed as the values. The values that are possessed by the leaders are mainly based on the ways by which they act towards various situations. The attitudes of the leaders are thereby based on the negative or the positive aspects that are related to various events (Clifford 2015). The two major theories that are based on human nature are, the Theory X and the Theory Y. The Theory X mainly deals with the levels of laziness of the employees, which demands for the authoritative or the repressive leaders. The Theory Y is thereby related to assumptions that the employees are committed towards their work and are proud of working as well. In this case, the best style of leadership would be the process of interacting effectively with the followers (Cook 2014).

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According to the various theories that I have learnt, the charismatic leaders are able to motivate the people or the employees much more as compared to the other types of leaders. The employees are thereby influenced by the power that is possessed by the leaders on a personal basis rather than the power that they have with respect to the positions that are provided to them. The ways by which the employees of the organization are influenced by the power of the leaders is mainly based on the personal qualities that are possessed by them (Cox 2016). The mental models are mainly based on hold of the people relating to their behaviour. The emotional intelligence of the employees mainly involves social awareness, self-management, social awareness and the management of relationship. I think that the motivation based on love is much more important than the motivation that the managers can provide with the help of fear. The process of social awareness affects the motivation levels of the managers of various organizations. The high levels of value that is provided to the employees can be major motivational factor that affects the performance of the employees (Donate and de Pablo 2015).

According to me, diversity in the workplace has held high levels of significance in the modern era of globalization. The employees in the organization are mainly driven by the changes that have occurred in the external environment that can add more value to the company. Diversity can thereby make the companies more flexible as compared to the normal organizations (Gold and Thorpe 2016). The leaders of the companies can thereby use the diversity based process for the purpose of creating a flexible and collaborative environment in the organizations. The diversity in the companies can also help in creating a competitive advantage in the industry in which it operates (Johnston and Marshall 2016).

Different styles and theories of leadership

The leaders of the organizations need to have a long-term vision which can help the company to recognise the diversity in the companies. According to me the leaders need to have the knowledge that is based on the dimensions related to diversity and the multicultural issues in the company. The effective managers can thereby be successful in establishing themselves with respect to the focus on the information based networks (Muchiri and Kiambati 2015). The leaders will thereby be able to complete the tasks that are provided to them in this basis. The leaders need to communicate the vision that they have to the employees of the company. The proper communication of the vision and the organizational goals are based on the achievement of these goals in an effective manner. The managers of the firms need to have clear vision of the goals and the objectives of the management so that they are able to manage the employees and communicate these goals to them (Riaz and Khalili 2014).

According the various theories and styles of leadership that I have learnt, the transformational style of the leadership is much more effective as compared to the other styles that I have learnt so far. The leaders are those individuals who have the capability to make various necessary changes in the environment. They are also able to lead the process of the change that has been implemented in the processes of the company, which can be done by them with the help of promoting the innovation based activities and the various intangible qualities that are possessed by the employees (Solomon, Costea and Nita 2016). The transformational leaders are also capable of transforming the followers into the leaders. These leaders are thereby able to recognize the courage that is present in the other employees who belong to the company. The profitable operations of the business are dependent on the values that are possessed by the various individuals. The leaders are able to encourage the employees for the purpose of generating the moral values that are possessed by them (Tang et al. 2015).

The development of the personal morals is mainly based on three different levels. The first level is based on the ways by which the employees follow the rules and the policies that can help them to avoid punishments. This step is known as the pre-conventional method. The next step is related to the people who work in the organizations for the purpose of fulfilling the expectation of others (Watson and Abzug 2016). This level is known as the conventional level. The third level is based on those people who are capable of acting and taking their decisions in an independent and ethical manner. This type of moral process of leadership is mainly based on the encouragement that is provided to the leaders with the help of the analysis of their personalities (Solomon, Costea and Nita 2016).

Values and attitudes that affect the behavior of employees

The communication based capabilities that are possessed by the leaders can further lead to the growth of the organization and the employees as well. The leaders thereby need to practice the ways by which they are able to establish the credibility among the followers or the employees. The employees and the leaders need to have an emotional connect which can help them in achieving the goals of the company. The leaders can develop the two-way process of communication which is the most effective for modern business organizations (Tang et al. 2015). The channel communication can be created by the leaders in an effective manner and they can also lead they are able to lead the various strategic conversations.

The leaders of the modern organizations need to develop the qualities that are possessed by them so that they are successful in the formation of effective teams within the companies. The leaders also need to handle the various conflicts that cam occur in the organization. Conflict resolution is one of the major activities that are performed by the leaders. The effective groups or teams are formed with the help of four major stages that include, forming, norming, storming and then performing (Riaz and Khalili 2014). The members of the team thereby share similar goals that are based on the concept of the shared mission and collective responsibilities. The teams in the companies are able to achieve the high performance levels with the help of the leadership, responsibility and the shared purposes. The effectiveness of the teams helps in the achievement of the various performance outcomes (Muchiri and Kiambati 2015).

The recent concept that has been developed in the companies is based on the creation of the virtual teams. These teams can be built in a successful manner with the help of the trust that is present among the employees. The highly motivated employees in the organizations further lead to reduction of the rates of staff turnover. The high levels of motivation increase the productivity of the employees and the profitability of the companies as well. The levels of customer satisfaction are also increased due to this factor (Gold and Thorpe 2016).

The organizations need to empower the employees so that they are able to perform their jobs in a successful manner. The employees need to be provided with some amount of power which can help them in taking the important decisions that are related to the effectiveness of the organizational processes. The attitudes of the employees can also influence the activities of the leaders. The leaders need to develop their own potential to build the community of their followers in the company (Riaz and Khalili 2014).

The significance of diversity in the workplace

The concept of strategic leadership is mainly based on the ability of the leaders to maintain flexibility in the various organizational processes. This thereby proves to be an effective way for the leaders so that they are able to initiate the changes in the processes of the company. The leaders can set the actions and the decisions that are required for the implementation of the changes. I think that the culture helps in controlling the daily operations of the company and the relationships that have been built among the various individuals (Donate and de Pablo 2015). The successful leaders in the companies are those people who are able to recognise the social and economic pressure that are based on the changes in the company. The ethics and values that are present in the organizations are developed and strengthened with the help of effective leadership. I have also learnt that the leaders are able to achieve the changes in various tasks, systems, cultures and the strategies in the company with the help of proper process of strategic planning (Clifford 2015).


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