Impact Of Tourism Industry On The Economic Growth Of Hobart, Tasmania

Positive and negative impacts of tourism on the economy of Hobart, Tasmania

Discuss about the Tourism in Hobart for Marine Environments. 

The tourism industry is not only one of the fastest growing industries of the world but also forms “the economic backbone of the majority of the nations in the present times” (Morrison 2013). The tourism industry has both positive as well as negative impacts however the positive impacts far outweigh the negative impacts (Ham and Weiler 2012). The tourism industry is one of the most important industries of the city of Hobart in Tasmania and has contributed towards the economic growth of the city in a significant manner.

In the opinion of the authors “Muir, Jabour and Carlsen” articulated in the article “Antarctic gateway ports: Opening tourism to Macquarie Island and the east Antarctic from Hobart” which was published in the journal “Tourism in Marine Environments” in the year 2007, the introduction of the tourism industry in the city of Hobart has contributed to the economic growth of the city in a significant manner in the recent times. The authors mostly dwell on the positive impact of the tourism industry and how this particular industry has been instrumental in bringing about the “overall growth as well as the development of the city in a significant manner” (Muir, Jabour and Carlsen 2007). The primary strength of the article by the authors “Muir, Jabour and Carlsen” can be said to be fact that this particular article tries to analyze the impact of the tourism industry on the city of Hobart in terms of the economic advantages which it has rendered to the city. The weakness of the article can be said to be fact that this particular dwells only on the economic aspects and not on the other aspects associated with the industry. Furthermore, this particular also fails to take into consideration the negative impact of the tourism industry on the city of Hobart.

The article “Community involvement in tourism infrastructure—the case of the Strahan Visitor Centre, Tasmania” written by the authors “Fallon and Kriwoken” and published in the journal “Tourism Management” in the year 2003 gives an overview of the role which tourism play in the growth as well as the development of the community in the area of Tasmania. The sole emphasis of the article is on the benefits which the tourism industry provides to the community and in particular takes into consideration the particular case of the “Strahan Visitor Centre” in the area of Tasmania (Fallon and Kriwoken 2003). The primary strength of the article can be said to be fact that this article is one of the very few which focuses on the role of the tourism industry in the growth as well as the development of the community in contrast to the other articles which mainly focuses on the economic contribution of the concerned industry. The weakness of the article can be said to be fact that the article dwells too much on the role of the tourism industry in the growth as well as the development of the community and does not take into consideration the other benefits rendered by the industry.

Overview of various articles and studies related to tourism in Hobart

The article “Wildlife tourism, science and actor network theory” by the authors “Rodger, Moore and Newsome” published in the journal “Annals of Tourism Research” in the year 2009 intends to provide an outline of the role of the tourism industry in the Hobart, Tasmania. The primary focus of the article is on the concept of wildlife tourism and its related precepts. The authors talk about the impact which the tourism industry has on the wildlife of the city of Hobart in the area of Tasmania (Rodger, Moore and Newsome 2009). The primary strength of the article is the fact that whereas the other articles talks about the economic benefits of the tourism industry on the various nations of the world however this particular focuses on the positive impacts which the tourism industry had on the wildlife of the city of Hobart. Furthermore, the article has been written in simple and clear style and thus the readers will find it very easy to understand the concepts which have been articulated in the article. The weakness of the article can be said to be fact that the sole emphasis of the article is on the impact of the tourism industry in the wildlife sector of the city of Hobart and does not take into consideration the other aspects of the tourism industry.

This particular article published in the ABC newspaper in the year 2018 intends to provide an overview of the negative impact which the international as well as the foreign policies of the United States of America’s current President Donald Trump is likely to have on the tourism industry of the city of Hobart in Tasmania. Furthermore, the article taking into consideration the positive as well as the negative impacts which the tourism industry had on the growth and the development of the city of Hobart states the policies of the USA’s Trump like the visa norms, tourism policies, the taxes levied on the company and others is likely to have on the current state of the tourism industry in the city of Hobart (ABC News. 2018). The primary strength of the article can be said to be the fact that the article is one of the very few ones which gives an overview of the current state of the tourism industry in the city of Hobart based on the recent events and incidents in the field of international policies. Moreover, the clear as well as the concise style of writing is also one of the major strength of this particular article. The weakness of the article can be said to be the fact that the article focuses only on the way the foreign as well as the tourism policies of the various nations of the world is likely to have on the tourism industry of the city of Hobart and of the entire nation of Australia without providing any specific recommendation as how to overcome or the mitigate the risks which the tourism industry faces in the city of Hobart faces on the score of these factors.

Importance of the tourism industry in the economic growth of Hobart

The article “Capital gains: How MONA got Hobart humming” published in the ABC newspaper intends to give an overview of the tourism industry of the city of Hobart and the way the “MONA” program has impacted the industry under consideration here. The “Museum of Old and New Art” opened in the city of Hobart around 5 years ago has significantly impacted the tourism industry of the city in the recent times and has become the focus of the industry in the recent times  (ABC News. 2018). Therefore, the major tourism business organizations on the region focus on this particular aspect to attract more number of tourists to their city (ABC News. 2018). The primary strength of the article can be said that to be fact that the article focuses on the various factors which has impacted the tourism industry of the city in the recent times and this is in stark difference with the other articles which dwell too much on the economic aspect of the tourism industry. The weakness of the article can be said to be fact that the article focuses only on the reasons for the growth of the tourism industry in the city of Hobart and does not take into consideration the way this particular industry has impacted the economy of the city or the nation for that matter.

The article “To protect is in our nature” published in the newspaper “The Mercury” in the year 2018 intends to give an overview of the way the tourism industry of the city of Hobart and for that matter of the country of Australia has impacted the environment of not only the city but also of the nation in a significant manner. Furthermore, the article dwells on the way the tourism industry has impacted the environment of not only the city but also the nation ( 2018). It is significant to note that in the opinion of many people the tourism industry has impacted the environment in a negative manner and therefore many people are of the opinion that the environment should not be used for the promotion of any industry including the tourism industry ( 2018). Therefore, there is a need for the implementation of the various programs which will not only curb the amount of damage done by the tourism industry to the environment but also propose various effective ways in which the industry will be able to utilize the resources of the nature in a much more positive manner ( 2018). The primary strength of the article can be said to be the fact that the article is one of the very few ones which dwells on the negative impacts of the tourism industry on the environment and even proposes various recommendations so that the environment can be utilized in an effective manner by the various business organizations related to the tourism industry. The weakness of the article can be said to be the fact that the article dwells too much on the negative manner in which the tourism industry has impacted the environment of the city of Hobart and for that the nation of Australia without taking into consideration the various positive effects of the tourism industry on the city of Hobart in the nation of Australia.

To conclude, the tourism industry has impacted the city of Hobart in the nation of Australia in both the positive as well as the negative ways. However, the positive effects of the tourism industry in the city of Hobart far outweigh the negative impacts of the same process. It is significant to note that the business industry under consideration here has also contributed in a significant manner towards the economic growth as well as the development of not only the concerned city and also of the nation. Therefore, it can be said that the “tourism industry has not only emerged as one of the major industries of the world in the present times but also forms the backbone of the majority of the nations in the present times”.


ABC News. 2018. Capital gains: How MONA got Hobart humming. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Apr. 2018].

ABC News. 2018. Trump policies could hit Tasmanian business, economist says. [online] Available at:,-tourism/8015282 [Accessed 27 Apr. 2018].

Fallon, L.D. and Kriwoken, L.K., 2003. Community involvement in tourism infrastructure—the case of the Strahan Visitor Centre, Tasmania. Tourism Management, 24(3), pp.289-308.

Ham, S.H. and Weiler, B., 2012. Interpretation as the centerpiece of sustainable wildlife tourism. Sustainable Tourism. Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, pp.35-44.

Morrison, A.M., 2013. Marketing and managing tourism destinations. Routledge.

Muir, S., Jabour, J. and Carlsen, J., 2007. Antarctic gateway ports: Opening tourism to Macquarie Island and the east Antarctic from Hobart. Tourism in Marine Environments, 4(2-3), pp.135-150.

Rodger, K., Moore, S.A. and Newsome, D., 2009. Wildlife tourism, science and actor network theory. Annals of Tourism Research, 36(4), pp.645-666. 2018. To protect is in our nature. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Apr. 2018].

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