Impact Of Motivation On Organizational Behavior In Manufacturing Industry

Critical Analysis

Discuss about the Organization Behavior for Monthly Income and Educational Status.

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Introducing the policies for motivating the employees is the major practice that needs to be conducted in the organizations these days. This is because it has been analysed that motivation factors drives the employees to perform better in the company. This present study aims at analysing the perception of the managers towards their employees in the manufacturing firm. The industry of manufacturing is selected to conduct the study as the effect of motivational factors and practices can easily be observed in the performance of the workers in such an industry (Guclu and Guney, 2017). As far as the sample is considered, the research has been conducted on 229 members in which 183 were the workers and 46 were the managers. The textile industry has been selected to conduct the research. Questionnaire and scale are the two methods that have been used for collecting the data to be analysed. In this article, the author has clearly provides the theoretical explanation of the topics that needs to be discussed and analysed. Efficiency has been depicted by the author as one of the leading factors that affect the success for the workers negatively or positively. The author defined efficiency as the ability to produce. Other authors have argued that efficiency is just one of the elements of productivity (Guclu and Guney, 2017). Along with the efficiency explanation, the author has argued that there are various reasons of low efficiency among the workers such as low motivation, job inconsistency, relation with managers etc. while most of the author has given motivation and environment as the main factors that affect the efficiency of the workers. It can be said that efficiency is one of the major elements that is affected by the motivational factors introduced by the companies. This article had creatively analysed the data by conducting the research on such a big sample size that acts as the major strength of the study. This is because conducting research on such large sample size develops the accuracy of the outcomes. Another major strength of the research is to analyse the various factors that affect motivation. Theoretical part of the articles also very strong as it provides the full information about the key words and the elements that has been discussed in the study. The research has been conducted to analyse the outcomes from the sides of employees as well as from the sides of managers in regards with the motivation (Hoshino and Tanno, 2017). The various elements on which the impact of motivation tools had been analysed are the age group of the employees, the monthly income, educational status etc. This helps in providing the information of impact of motivation tools in such a way so that every aspects of the topic can be considered.

Motivation and Efficiency

The article or the study has many strengths but there are some weaknesses that has been analysed in the study. The major weakness is that different types of motivation factors have not been considered in the study. The author has not explained the various motivation factors that enable motivation among the employees as it varies with differences in the employees. Considering the different factors of motivation as one of the aspect can bring variations in the outcome and results of the study (Gautam, Chand, Singh and Singh, 2016). Another major weakness that has been analysed in the research is that the study is very complicated to understand because it has involved many tests that have been used to conduct e research. This may be confusing for the reader to understand the actual outcome or the conclusion of the study or the research.

Motivation and work efficiency are very much related to each other. It has been analysed that employees different in their capability of work. It is not just the capability but they also differ in the factors that drive them to work hard (Moen, Heggeseth and Lome, 2016). To motivate the employees at the organizations, the management has to make different types of strategies as one strategy of motivation cannot work on all the employees of the firm. Motivation factors that affect the work efficiency of the employee depend on their motive to work. Some solely works for money and thus the organization offers them more money their efficiency to perform can increase (Hester, 2017). There are people who believe in positional increment and rewards and recognition and thus they can feel motivated to work only when they get awards and recognition for their work. As far as the current era is considered, it has been analysed that competition between the companies and between the employees is very high (Kuppuswamy, Sridharan and Vigneash, 2017). Employee motivation is one of the very important policies that the company should follow. It has been analysed that a motivated employees are more dedicated towards their work as well as their company thus if all the employees in the company are motivated, the retention rate of the company is very high and the turnover rate reduces (EK and Mukuru, 2013). It is human nature that if they are happy with the work environment, they try to achieve their targets and but there are not getting the rewards or the return for their work then they feel demotivated and hence their productivity decreases. There is a theory called efficiency wage theory that also discusses the same concept but with different aspects. According to their theory if the employees are being paid less by the company as per their skills then they tries to look for other jobs leading to high employee turnover (Zhu, Li, Zhang, Li and Zhang, 2015). This results in firm with less skilled workers and thus the efficiency of the overall firm reduces. In this also, the less pay by the company can be considered as the demotivating factor for the employees. The employees are not getting what they deserve and thus they left the company.

The Relationship Between Employee Motivation and Work Efficiency

The thesis statement or the objective of this study was to analyse the perception of the managers towards their employees (Chintalloo and Mahadeo, 2013). This objectives of the thesis statement does not justify the overall research as the study also focuses on the motivation if the employees and also throw some light on the perspective of the employees on the concept of motivation. It also focuses on the different factors of the employees such as their education, age group; gender etc. Out of these, education has been concluded as the major factors that has its impact on the motivational perception of the employees (Amin and Claudia, 2016). It has been analysed that the employees with higher level of motivation are more concerned about the motivational techniques used by the managers as compared to the lower level of educated people. As far as the scope of this study is concerned, it has been analysed that this research can helps the further researchers to study but various aspects of motivation in other sectors. This study was conducted in the textile industry thus the results of this study can be implemented on other study to analyse its outcomes (Harris and Al-Bataineh, 2015). Analysing the other sector results can helps in making comparison of the two results.

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To conclude this study and other analysis, it can be said that motivation is the major factors and the mangers have different perception regarding motivation in the industry according to various factors such as education, age group, gender etc. motivation factors at the organization if implemented by the managers it definitely affect the efficiency of the workers in positive way (Hoshino and Tanno, 2017). This is because motivational factors at the organization develop a confidence among the employees towards the organization and they give their full effort to perform their task to achieve their individual as well as organizational goals.


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