Identifying B2B And B2C Market Segments For Naturally Cheeky

Business to Business Relationship

Identified one specific B2B and one specific B2C niche market segment for your chosen company to target.

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Client and market are two most important business segments that form part of business operation. Customer behavior and market characteristic determine the marketing strategy that business uses to market its products. Some of the dimensions of determining customer and market behavior include perception, motivation, attitude, personality, social influence and buyer decision-making process. Business to a business niche is one area that the business focus to market its products. Business to consumer market niche is another marketing segment that is important for marketing for Naturally Cheeky. Naturally Cheeky is a company that sells various products that include shrubs, drinks, and foods that can be mixed with other drinks. The company is connected to other business that also sells its products to the customer. Naturally Cheeky has customers that include businesses and individual customers that purchase products from the company. The main aim of this paper is to explore the B2B and B2C market niche that Naturally Cheeky can focus on.

Business to business relationship describes the relationship between Naturally Cheeky business and other businesses such as fitness, and distributors. Business behavior can be described based on their preference and these have been used by the business that influences their ability to purchase products and sell to their customer. Firstly, customers prefer purchasing products at their comfort and this includes the stores. Secondly, businesses prefer to purchase products based on the benefits attributed to those products. For instance, some customers buy food due to the therapeutic nature of this food or drink based on the fitness idea behind these products. Thirdly, the customer dimensions can also be described based on some other traits such as beauty and health (Zeithaml, Bitner & Gremler, 2013).  Last groups of business are those distributors that sell or distribute products of Naturally Cheeky.

The business targets other business that includes distributors, and fitness businesses. Firstly, distributors are one target for the business to a business segment that the marketing needs to focus. The marketing department for the company has been targeting distributors that can help the business reach other geographical locations (Spring 2013). Secondly, there are other businesses that will also form a market for the business. Some of these businesses include healthcare business since they will sell various products that aim for better health. Moreover, the business sells products that have a therapeutic aspect in them. One such product is Everlasting Health that is sold for better health nourishment. Thirdly, another area the business also will focus on the fitness business where several businesses will sell products such as Sunset Yoga. The business to business market niche for the business majorly focuses on other businesses that are also customers of the company. A clear understanding of the business offers more information on the market behavior for a good marketing strategy (Littlejohn 2009).

Buyer Decision-Making Process

The buyer’s decision-making process consists of the model of the problem, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase and satisfaction feedback. Buyers for various products sold within the Naturally Cheeky has various decision-making process based on some factors. Many buyers have cited the decision to purchase products is based on their need that is satisfied and the benefit of the products (Blythe 2009). Most of the business such as fitness and gyms based their purchase decision on the need for therapeutic products that the business readily sells. Other businesses such as distributors are also connected to the business based on the profitability of the relationship and the expected products quality. These businesses search for information on products and hence explores the products that are sold by Naturally Cheeky (Naturally Cheeky 2018). This is followed by evaluation of these business alternatives enabling the business to select the best alternative. Customers, therefore, purchase products before expressing their level of satisfaction.

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Businesses are motivated to purchase products due to their usefulness and profitability to those businesses. The desire to enjoy the benefits of products has been a driving force that makes businesses to purchase products from Naturally Cheeky. Many quality satisfaction comments from previous customers of Naturally Cheeky are one motivation that makes many business purchase products from the business. For instance, Wicked NRG which is one of the business transacting with Naturally Cheeky expresses its motivation to used products due to a nutrient composition that contains vitamins necessary for health. Most businesses are also motivated to buy products due to the quality of products that they believe is high and also evidence in taste (Naturally Cheeky 2018).

The perception of businesses about products is based on their awareness of products.  Nearly ten businesses within the value chain of Naturally Cheeky business are aware of company products. Many businesses are aware of products and other businesses also include distributors that are also part of the business value chain (Dagmar 2015). Moreover, distributors are not fully aware of products as evidence by Naturally Cheeky calling for distributor businesses that can distribute products of the company to other customers. This implies that there is still need for the business to reach more distributors that are major businesses and customers to the company. Another area of the business perception that makes the business gain attention conscience of the product as many companies and businesses related to Naturally Cheeky are conscience of products and their benefits (Culotta & Cutler 2016).

Perception, Motivation, and Attitude

Customer knowledge for business is another aspect of the target market that basically depends on the ability of the company to connect customer information with a business that enables good marketing. Many of these businesses have knowledge of company products enabling them to purchase products. Learning business information forms part of the customer marketing tool that is important for designing marketing strategies (Shimizu 2014, pp. 63-102).

Businesses that are customers to Naturally Cheeky have low social influence as most of these businesses operate on their own. Most of these businesses have their social network where they have social influence for their customers. The social influence that is deduced from the business is connected to the Naturally Cheeky product through the company’s social media page. The Naturally Cheeky has social media where it has been using to reach various businesses that are connected or our customers to the business. The group influence is also minimal since most business operates independently except distributors that show aggregation with possible influence. For instance, the Naturally Cheeky has been trying to increase distributor business or individuals in other states with Australia (Naturally Cheeky 2018).

The personality and self-emotion of other business that forms core customer line of Naturally Cheeky can be described in terms of brand. Firstly, some of the business personality is based on the products that the business sells within the market. For instance, some businesses are food retailers and enjoy products from Naturally Cheeky with an example of Kings WholeFood Artisan. Secondly, some other businesses also deal in fitness services and are linked to Naturally Cheeky through its shrubs that aim for fitness therapy. This business sells Naturally Cheeky products to their customers hence are also customers of the business, an example of business is Hd Fitness (Naturally Cheeky 2017).

Many businesses have developed a positive attitude towards Naturally Cheeky as evidenced by many fitness and therapeutic businesses that are partners to Naturally Cheeky. For instance, Kristy Hollis of Everlasting Health expresses her beliefs on the health components of various products that are sold within the Naturally Cheeky. Being a manager of another business, Kristy Hollis shows that she is also part of the business customer or partnership within the values chain (Mpinganjira 2016, pp 447-456). In addition, another business such as Aussie Pooch, HD Fitness, Kings WholeFood Artisan among other businesses has also expressed their satisfaction with the products of Naturally Cheeky.

Social Influence

In light of the discussion on market characterizes, the marketing mix is recommended for the business to market its products. The primary marketing mix strategy will be sued in products marketing for the products for Naturally Cheeky. Marketing mix consists of social marketing, advertisement, marketing campaigns and public relations. Firstly, social marketing strategy aims to reach many businesses that are currently part of the value chain (Dominici 2009). Secondly, the advertisement will involve various broadcasts advertisement that includes both printed and online advertisements. Thirdly, marketing campaigns is also another strategy that takes into consideration open market campaigns to reach other businesses.  Lastly, public relations define the relationship between Naturally Cheeky and other businesses. For instance, the public relations enable distributors to connect to the business (Biocca 2013).

Overview of Business to Consumer target

Natural Cheeky relationship with consumers is an important behavior that can be used for marketing. The clients of the company can be best described in terms of products they purchase for the company. Customers of the business include people that independently purchase a product from the company. The business to client orientation is based on the products that the business offers to customers. Customers for the business are major customers that buy drinks from the company. Customers are based on online platforms and offline stores and purchase products.  Naturally, Cheeky market segmentation can be divided into the online and offline market. Firstly, the online customers are those people that connect s with the company through its online marketing platforms such as social media and website (Naturally Cheeky 2018a). The target for the market for the company can be divided into two and these include online and offline. The online market is based on the current market segment that is mainly based on numerous online users. The Naturally Cheeky marketing has been focusing to market its products on the online market specifically social media as these platforms have numerous customers. Some common online platforms include the company’s website, social media and some social network platform that is mobile application based (Jansen, Moore & Carmen 2013, pp 286–302).

Buyer decision making processes and models

The decision-making process of buyers for Naturally Cheeky products is influenced by a number of factors. The problem that shrubs treat in buyers is one key determinant of the decision for the customer to purchase products. For instance, some customer has fitness challenge and requires products that can reduce their weight thus express their interest in the shrub. The second level or factor that determines the decision making the process for buyers is information search as most customers admit purchasing based on their information they have on a particular product sold by the company (Kotler 2012, p. 25). The third level is the evaluation of various products alternatives sold by the business or other businesses before buying the product. After evaluation customers then make the decision to purchase these products. The customer decision making process model ends with the expression of the customer on their level of satisfaction about shrubs that are often based on website comment area or social media comments section (Solis 2011, pp. 201–202).

Personality and Self-Emotion

Customer motivation

There are many different factors that motivate the customer to purchase various products sold by Naturally Cheeky. Product quality and benefits have been one of the motivation factors that drive customers to purchase products from the company. The expectation such as high level of satisfaction as also shown by past customer has been driving force that influences other customers to purchase products. For instance, some customers have expressed their motivation into purchasing product through their friends that express their satisfaction on shrubs. Past experience with the product is also another motivation that is connected to the emotional relationship between customers and products. Healthy feeling that results from using shrubs is driving many customers to continuously used this product (Harper 2015).  

Perception and the attention gate

The perception of customers that purchase good can be described based on their awareness of the products, impression, and conscience of the Naturally Cheeky products. Customers awareness of the products is still low as only a few customers that have been reached by the current marketing strategies of the company are aware of the products. Most customers that are currently conscious of the products are connected to the company through its social media and online pages. The impression of clients towards the company’ products are positive as a customer that have purchased products has expressed their satisfaction pointing to the potential high performance of the company within the market. The attention of these huge number of customers has based the company’s ability to reach these customers where they are (Bhasin 2017).

Customer knowledge and learning

Currently, a good proportion of customers are aware of products and the customer knowledge need to be increased. One of the areas that have attributed to customer knowledge of the products has been online and social media platforms (Naturally Cheeky 2018a). Customer’s knowledge about the product is important for the business since the knowledge enable marketing of products to more customer segments. Clients have been learning most of the products from friends and other people expressing their satisfaction with these products. Customers learning about the importance of various products that are sold within the company make the market for products expand. In addition, the learning process for a customer about products increases the attention that customers give to products (Blythe 2009).

Group and social influences

Most customers that are interested in the products of Naturally Cheeky are influenced by social factors. The target market of the company is social groups that currently is a more concentrated market since most people in Australia and globally are aggregated into social groups. Some customers that have purchased the products of the company has been highly influenced by groups and this evidence by feedback from social media platforms. This implies that customers are currently influenced by social network and indicate that in future customers will be connected hence a good marketing strategy should focus on social relationship marketing strategies. In Australia, most customers are in social media platforms and this makes these customers influence by friends and colleagues hence determining their individual capability to purchase various products sold by Naturally Cheeky (Hoffman, Bateson, Elliot & Birch 2010, pp. 226-274).

Marketing Mix Strategy

Personality, self-concept & emotion

Some of the identifiable customer personality is respectful, sociable and trustworthy towards Naturally Cheeky. The behavior of customer especially those that purchase products frequently have been respectful and this is also evidenced by the way they express their satisfaction level of the product. These customers are sociable as evidenced by their utilization of Naturally Cheeky social media pages. Customers are also trustworthy since the business believes in the comments of the customer as true and show their position on products (Prem 2017). Customers have been connecting to the business through social media to discuss their feeling on the products sold or those products they have used. Moreover, customers have developed personal emotional feeling with brands of the company and this has particularly work based on ability to mix products with other products of customer’s choice (Jacobson 2013). For instance, those customers that love soda can mix shrub with soda and likewise those customers with love for vinegar.

Customer Attitudes

Customer attitude can be described based on customer beliefs about Naturally Cheeky, feelings and behavioral toward the Naturally Cheeky product. A survey conducted by Naturally Cheeky show that customers generally believe that most products sold by Naturally Cheeky are good since they have tasted those products (Naturally Cheeky 2018a). Consumers believe that most products sold by the company are healthy and produce healthy feeling after consumption. Some when ahead and describe their refreshing feeling after taking various products such as Shrubs. In addition, the customer has expressed their emotional connection with Shrubs after taking cold with soda. The behaviors that customers that have used various products express is also indicated by their concern particularly on the healthy feeling they experience after taking shrubs. The behavior of customers towards the company products is also visible based on their taste for some product mix as shown in their comments (Gaetano, Antonietta &  Raimondo 2013, pp 209-225).

Recommended marketing mix

The analysis of business to client relationship or behavior makes recommendations for marketing mix important for Naturally Cheeky. Firstly, the company needs to focus on marketing mix that includes advertisement, personal selling, social relationship marketing and marketing campaigns. Advertisement consists of 4Ps of the marketing mix that will involve using communicating product price to the customer (Rafiq 2016, pp 4).  Products are also part of Naturally Cheeky marketing advertisement as customers need to know the products available within the company. Place marketing element enables the company to show the customers access to products (Chaffey & Smith 2008). Promotion includes advertisement such as direct marketing, public relations, and sale promotions. Secondly, as part of product promotion, the marketing mix consists of direct marketing strategies that can also enable the company to reach customer through personal selling. Thirdly, social relationship marketing is another marketing mix element that takes into consideration various online marketing strategies. Used of social media as part of marketing is on the rise with many businesses shifting to social media marketing. Marketing campaigns is another area that the company should use to reach mass potential customers (Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick 2012).

Business to Consumer Relationship


In conclusion, the paper explores marketing behavior especially business to business (B2B) and business to consumer (B2C) market niches. Customer behavior towards the Naturally Cheeky company. The behavior of various customers includes products awareness and attitude towards products. Some of the recommended marketing mix for B2C is social marketing, advertisement, public relation, and marketing campaigns. The proposed marketing strategy involves using social media to reach various customers of the business through social media platforms. Some business that is also customers to the Naturally Cheeky include distributors, independent companies such as Aussie Pooch, HD Fitness, Kings WholeFood Artisan among other businesses. B2B marketing mix consists of marketing to businesses using marketing campaigns and public relation events.


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