Extension Lightweight Design Thinking Tools: An Introduction
The prime objectives and vision of the innovation
Discuss About The Extension Lightweight Design Thinking Tools?
The conceptualization of a new product service is one of the most demanding and mentally taxing things in today’s world. In a market competition that is so fierce and an unforgiving market conditions make it even harder to be able to penetrate any market or industry with something new. It is vital to come up with something that would be able to grab the consumers’ attention easily and ensure itself a proper and extended market share. Even though it is virtually impossible to invent something entirely new in a marketing scenario where technology dominates everything and has almost every single need of the consumers covered, it is still possible to innovate on something already existing in the market. The innovation should be something revolutionizing, nonetheless, or the customers would be reluctant to opt for the new product and stop using the product they already use. This innovation motive has led the desire to design the app that would help the customers to avail necessary products, while still keeping the environmental needs in mind. There are many restaurants in almost all parts of the country, which close down relatively early in the evening. This makes it very difficult for some of their customers to avail the food from their preferred restaurants because their work is not wrapped up by then or maybe due to being stuck elsewhere or simply because of traffic (Papargyropoulou et al., 2014). Swinton has made an app that would help the customers to be able to avail these food items even after the restaurants are closed. Moreover, the items will be priced at half of their actual prices so that even a bigger customer faction can be used. Furthermore, this would be beneficial for the restaurants as well because their food products will not be wasted. The app would be aiming to balance the market needs as well as the environmental aspects of running a business. Currently there are no other apps or services that offer this benefit and Swinton hopes that their unique services would be hugely popular.
Food wastage is a major issue in today’s world (Lawrence, Richards & Lyons, 2013). Where there are people and children in parts of the world, who are so unprivileged that, they cannot afford even the basic necessities, the first world countries waste food at an alarming rate, daily. This is a serious issue and needs to be dealt with at an earliest. Swinton is focused to contribute even a small part in this global problem and try to reduce food wastage. While adhering to the environment is important, at the core of any business lays the interest of the customers and the motive to generate a profit. Swinton believes that their initiative will show a positive outcome and both the customers and the planet will be benefited from the initiative.
The business plan
It has been noticed that many people in the country hold grievances for not being able to order their favorite food from their favorite diners because many of them close at about 6 pm. This makes even the restaurants incur a loss as their daily food go to waste and they have to restock everything again the next day as the country has strict laws about fresh food products (Farr-Wharton, Choi & Foth, 2014, December). Swinton has been conducting financial surveys to understand whether the customers would be interested in being able to avail the food items at their preferred time, after the restaurants have closed for the night, at a price lower than the actual prices. It has also been conducting surveys to get an insight about the collective mindset of the restaurants to fathom whether they are interested to sell the food at a lower price. Market results are showing positive results: both parties have shown genuine interest in the idea. The restaurants are going to be benefited because their food will not go to waste (Cannone & Ughetto, 2014). The customers are happy because their favorite food will not elude them because of traffic anymore; as well as they will be available at half of the prices. Restaurants will have to pay a certain amount as subscription for the app, which will highlight the products of each restaurant to the customers, based on the location of the customer. This would further enable the customers to choose from an array of options. Above all, the environment will be taken care of as no excess food will have to be disposed off. The humanitarian grounds of the app will surely make it attractive for many (Armstrong et al., 2015).
Swinton has already designed a basic form of the app and market tests are soon to be executed. The company knows that just designing the app is not the final goal, rather it is just the beginning of the journey. The app has to be launched into the market in a proper way. It has to exploit advertising and other marketing tools to ensure maximum market exposure and the most market share possible (Liedtka, 2015). In order to achieve this Swinton still has to carry out a number of tasks to reap the benefits of the app. Launching the app into the market requires just as much as designing, thinking, planning and execution as it needs to create the product itself. Rather, market launching is a more complex and extensive process, because it has to take care of a number of aspects and market surveys are incredibly taxing. The tools that are supposed to be used by Swinton are:
Launch plans and tools to be used
The first basic things that are to be understood are the three questions of “What? How? Why?” These are the three primary questions that are used to understand why would something be produced or innovated in the first place: the market demands for it (Manzini & Coad, 2015).
Visualization: In order to create the solution of a problem, one must first understand the problem in depth and in its entirety. Interviews, market observations must be done to understand the market, and they yield a huge amount of data. These data have to be analyzed to properly, and coherently, understand what are the drawbacks of the sector and what can be done to help solve the problems. Visualization is the first step towards of creating any product, as well as understanding how to market a new product so that the customers can understand the extra benefits the product is offering, which is not provided by the other similar products (Norman & Verganti, 2014). Swinton is using all the data collected to understand the market needs and hope to advertise the app into the market in such a way that would help the customers to understand the difference easily.
Journey mapping: Mapping the journey means that the entire path that is to be taken towards success has to be understood before even setting off to the new venture. This may be considered as an extensive part of the visualization process itself. It is essential to have a prior knowledge about how would the product serve the customers, or how would it have to be projected on to the market so that maximum people opt for it. This journey planning is being extensively done by Swinton to understand the customer mentality and how would that be met. The market introduction plan will be helped if the company knows exactly what issues is the product going to solve.
Value chain analysis: This tool would enable the company to cohesively understand why would their app be opted for by the customers: what would the value be for the customers against the money they are going to spend (Amit & Zott, 2014). It also would help the company to understand its own value from delivering the app to the market.
Mind mapping: The journey begins with a single idea revolving around the notion to help the customers and give them a service they should be getting already. More ideas are subsequently attached to it as the venture progresses. Currently, the company understands that their product would enable the customers, the restaurants and the environment to be benefited. Further plans and ideas would be developed along the journey, based on the needs or requirements that would be noticed (Carlgren, Rauth & Elmquist, 2016).
Brainstorming: Considering a lot of ideas and holding extensive meetings so that no information is left out or no0 stone is left unturned, would make sure that Swinton explores all the aspects of running a business before being introduced into the market. Swinton has teams that are specifically aimed to keep discussing different ideas which would help the company to explore different paths and marketing tactics to further help the motive of making the app in the first place.
Concept development: Being able to rapidly develop upon a single idea or concept is essential for keep the business interesting and appealing to the customers. The product has to be constantly upgraded, in lieu with the changing customer demands. Swinton will be first establishing a proper idea about the purpose of the app and the customer interests in question and then decide upon the marketing strategies accordingly.
Assumption testing: This tool is a mode to understand the key assumptions, which serve as a guideline to understand the reason for creating a service. This tool will be extensively used by Swinton to fathom and bridge the gap between the customer demands and the services offered. These are all hypothetical scenarios and have to be assessed carefully and properly before randomly jumping into a decision (Frow et al., 2015).
Prototyping: Every product has to be tested in reality and on-hand, before being rolled out to the market. Swinton has created prototypes of the app, that will enable the company to make necessary changes along the way, as new problems are faced or shortcomings are observed.
Co-creation: There are no other better to understand the market demands than the customers themselves. Swinton hopes to get help from the customers they aim to serve to gain insights about what features can the app have to be successful in the market.
Launch planning: The final step would be requiring the company to use these very same tools once again to effectively launch the app into the market so that maximum business is ensured. Currently, the company believes that most of the tools are being used in a way that is revealing about the market requirements and the advertizing process is being shaped in accordance.
A resource plan is a tool to understand all the resources that are needed to create a successful business plan (Posner, Binz & Roth, 2015). The resources that are to be used by Swinton are
- Teams to execute market analysis and conduct surveys
- Understanding the tools to be used to create the launch plan and to develop the app
- Where will the chosen locations be
- The response of the people who have been given the prototype app as a test
The only motive of Swinton is to keep serving its customers. In the long-run it hopes to continue generating a profit an d develop the app even further, so that the ever changing customer requirements are always met. The other biggest long-term goal is to be able to help the environment by successfully reducing food wastage. This motive drives the company more than anything else.
Swinton should take a more analytical approach towards the launch planning of the product, so that the introduction would be flawless and the app would generate the maximum profit, while keeping the environment in mind and being sure not to cause any harm by its activities and operations.
From the above discussion, it can be concluded that, Swinton is on the right path to be successful in the market with the new food delivery app. The app has a huge advantage of being introduced into a market that does not have many competitors. This advantage, coupled with a proper launching plan, would be sure to become a successful business. The tools that will be used by the company look assuring in terms of solidifying the position of the app in the market. All the necessary tasks involving the creation and perfecting the app is being done. The launching plan is also on the cusp of completion. For now, the plan seems to be progressing according to the original blueprint of the company. The launching plan hopes that maximum market attention is ensured, which would help the company to serve the consumers keeping the ideals of Swinton in mind: balancing business and the environment.
Amit, R., & Zott, C. (2014). Business model design: a dynamic capability perspective. J. Manage.
Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M., & Brennan, R. (2015). Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education.
Cannone, G., & Ughetto, E. (2014). Born globals: A cross-country survey on high-tech start-ups. International Business Review, 23(1), 272-283.
Carlgren, L., Rauth, I., & Elmquist, M. (2016). Framing design thinking: The concept in idea and enactment. Creativity and Innovation Management, 25(1), 38-57.
Farr-Wharton, G., Choi, J. H. J., & Foth, M. (2014, December). Food talks back: exploring the role of mobile applications in reducing domestic food wastage. In Proceedings of the 26th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference on Designing Futures: the Future of Design (pp. 352-361). ACM.
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