Ethical Dilemma: The Murder Of Amin Sthapit

ITC506 Topics In Information Technology Ethics

Roy Tabalbag kills Amin Sthapit over illicit affair


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Discuss About The Developing Strategy Through Virtue Ethics?

Geecy Rebucas and Roy Tabalbag, the couple was residing in a small flat in Mona Road peacefully. Geecy fell in love with a cook and his name was Amin Sthapit. This illicit affair ultimately proved disastrous for the trio and the consequences will be further elaborated.

This discourse will showcase the ultimate outcome of the love affair and will show how Amin got murdered based on the four ethical theories – utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue and contract.

Roy Abanales Tabalbag was arrested for brutally killing Amin. Tabalbag had a girlfriend; she cheated him and started an illicit affair with Amin. Tabalbag saw them in intimate positions and seeing her girlfriend in that position in anger he could control himself and stabbed Amin with a sharp knife (Rosas & Koenigs, 2014). Now in this scenario, Amin was innocent. The main culprits were Tabalbag and his girlfriend Geecy. Geecy clearly cheated Tabalbag and should take the responsibility for her misdeeds. Tabalbag should have taken harsh actions against Geecy instead he made the blunder killing Amin. Amin was innocent and he did no harm to the society. Analysing the scenario it can be said Tabalbag killed Amin absolutely to fulfil his wish and that is why Tabalbag requires capital punishment so that others can see and can learn that these actions should not get repeated anyway in future by anybody (Barrow, 2015). Tabalbag himself accepted that he had done a wrong act of manslaughter however, he did not accept the guilty of murder Amin, thus he should be imprisoned and he should learn the lesson that killing an innocent person is a crime.

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Deontology does not support killing a person at any cost. Moreover, Amin was an innocent person. Tabalbag unethically killed him for his wish. Geecy cheated her boyfriend Tabalbag and made an affair with Amin, Tabalbag saw them having sex. Tabalbag probably never knew that Geecy had a boyfriend and she was playing with two men (Playford, Roberts & Playford, 2015). But, Tbalabag predicted that Geecy was cheating him and so he wanted to catch Geecy red-handed. He installed an application Dr Fone to keep track of his girlfriend’s phone text messages and phone calls, he to check her laptop for any clue. There he found a suspicious email where Geecy wrote that he could not be able to attend a class of Ryde’s class. Thus it can be concluded that Tabalbag knew beforehand that she was cheating, so he should take actions against his girlfriend but he made the blunder and killed Amin. While he was stabbing Amin, Amin tried to save himself, even Geecy tried to stop him and confessed her fault, Tabalbag did not stop and did not listen, it was completely his fault and he should take all the responsibility of killing Amin (Chakrabarty & Bass, 2015). Still after killing Amin, though he surrendered himself to police and accepted the guilty of manslaughter but he was not ready to accept that he had committed a crime killing Amin. He should be imprisoned and he should understand that killing Amin was unethical.

Analysis from four ethical theories

Virtue Ethics showcase Tabalbag as an individual. From this case, it can be said that Tabalabag was in a relationship with his girlfriend Geecy and he loved her very much. He found her girlfriend’s behaviour very suspicious and so he was concerned (Tsoukas, 2017). He asked her several times whether he was involved with another man, Geecy simply avoided the question though and keep an illicit affair with Amin. Geecy was the main culprit. Geecy should choose between the two, however, because of her misdeeds, Amin had to sacrifice. Geecy should have broken up with Tabalbag, but she cheated both. Tabalbag was right; he tried to find out the truth. He installed an application Dr Fone to keep track of all the texts and call records (Bruni & Sugden, 2013). He also accessed her laptop to find out the valuable information so that he could know the truth; there he found that Geecy was going to skip lectures. He tried to find out what Geecy would do in between and he found her at home naked, having sex with Amin. He could not control himself and murdered Amin.

The Public Defender Also agreed that everybody could have done that at that position and Tabalbag did it in anger and the murder was not preplanned. However, he pleaded guilty of manslaughter. But he never accepted guilty of killing Amin. He loved Geecy very much and he could not tolerate seeing him with Amin so he took the drastic step killing Amin. From the above scenario it can be stated that Tabalbag was beloved however he should understand that Geecy was the main culprit and not Amin, Amin was innocent and he should accept the guilt of killing an innocent man (Mizzoni, 2017). Geecy later confessed that she had the done the misdeeds but yet he was not willing to leave Amin, his stubborn nature costs Amin’s life. Thus, Taalbag requires harsh capital punishment and this punishment is to make him understand the crime he committed.

Social contract ethics deals with a set of principles and everybody should abide by all the principles and should not violate as a violation of the law can cost too much. Tabalbag should have followed the rules too. But he involved himself in serious crime and now he requires capital punishment and the society should learn that this sort of crime will not be encouraged. He committed a crime and the society should learn this sort of criminal offence will not be supported or encouraged for the benefits of the society (Vayena et al., 2015). Australian Government has made laws and every citizen must follow this rules. The death sentence is also given keeping in mind the degree or extent of crime for the well-fare of the company. Amin, in this case, was innocent but he was brutally killed. Therefore, Tabalbag requires capital punishment for good.

Tabalbag should be punished with capital punishment

Tabalbag should receive capital punishment for brutally killing Amin (Birnbaum & Lach, 2014). Geecy was the culprit; she cheated both Amin and Tabalbag. Tabalbag should keep his cool and should handle the situation, should have controlled his anger although it seemed difficult. He realized that he did a wrong act of manslaughtering and he also handed himself to police but he is not ready to face the truth that killing Amin is a severe crime. The law should make him realize the truth and thus he deserves capital punishment so that he can learn a lesson. Everybody should get a message that killing an innocent person is unpardonable sin and will not be entertained under any circumstances (Bowie, 2015). Also, Geecy should understand that she should have respect the relationship, should have respect for each other in the relationship.


It can be concluded from the above discourse that killing of an innocent person is unethical from the perspective of four ethical theories. The discourse highlighted the four theories- utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue and contract theories illustrated the wrongdoings of Geecy and Tabalbag thoroughly. In the first case, it can be seen that Tabalbag had committed a serious crime by brutally killing Amin and he deserve capital punishment, the deontology theory stated that Amin was innocent and was committed the crime which is unacceptable and is not supported according to this theory. The virtue ethical theory stated that Tabalbag accepted his misdeed of manslaughtering however, he never accepted the guilty of killing Amin, and his stubborn attitude was the main flaw. From the contract ethics, it can be concluded that Tabalbag requires capital punishment so that the society can learn the lesson of not repeating such kind of crime


Barrow, R., (2015). Utilitarianism: A contemporary statement. Routledge.

Birnbaum, R. & Lach, L., (2014). Teaching about what ethical social work practice means: Responsibility starts with schools of social work. Intervention 2014, 140, pp.37-43.

Bowie, N.E., (2015). Richard De George and the Use of Ethical Theory in Applied Ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, 127(4), pp.699-706.

Bruni, L. & Sugden, R., (2013). Reclaiming virtue ethics for economics. The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 27(4), pp.141-163.

Chakrabarty, S. & Bass, A.E., (2015). Comparing virtue, consequentialist, and deontological ethics-based corporate social responsibility: Mitigating microfinance risk in institutional voids. Journal of Business Ethics, 126(3), pp.487-512.

Mizzoni, J., 2017. Ethics: the basics. John Wiley & Sons.

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