Environmental Sustainability In Maga Construction, Sri Lanka

Concept of environmental sustainability

Identifying at least 3 course concepts that can be used to evaluate the management of your company’s environmental sustainability practices.

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Environmental sustainability is considered as a guide who facilitates to make responsible decision that will decrease the negative impact of business on the environment. Environmental sustainability includes the making decisions and grabs the opportunity by taking action that is in the interest of preventing the natural world (Melville, 2010). It is the rates of the pollution creation, renewable resources and non-renewable resources reduction that could be constant indefinitely. If they do not run with indefinitely then they are deemed as not sustainable. The report is based on the Maga Construction which is situated in Sri Lanka; environmental analysis will be done on this company by taking help of three concepts. A real example will be taken in the support of argument so that clear understanding can be made in the context of Maga Construction. Evaluation of the organization’s sustainable practices will define the accepted concept of environmental sustainability by company (Dangelico and Pujari, 2010).

There are various kinds of concpets that support environmentl sustainability such as environemntal standards, market based mechanism and information disclosure. These conpcepts ensures company that it run its business with considering the environment needs. Environmental sustainability includes the ecosystem integrity, bodiversity and carrying capacity (Butler, 2011). It needs the natural capital be managed as a resource of  inputs of ereeconomic and as a sink for wastes. It is necessary that the resources should be harvested no faster than they can be redevloped. Wastes should be produced no faster than they can be incorportaed by the environment.  Maga constructions is situated in colombo, Srilanka.  It is the leading construction company in Srilanka that attained recognition for its pioneering efforts in the field of environmental integration. Maga constructions was also considered as one of the best company on corporate cirizens in Srilanka (Maga, 2015).

Pollution can be controlled with taking help of nevironmental standards. As per this approach the given geographical area is allowed to have no more in comparision of speicfic amount of the pollutant in the air. Pollutors include the utilities and fatories, they are instructed to control their emission for maintaining the quality of air in the environemnt. Maga Constructions is adapted the environmental standards. It can be seen in the real example of this company that the company is emerged as the category award winner for integration of environemnal in recognition due to its best perfromacne in integrating environemtnal concerns. It includes the promotion of the sustainable buildings and depletion of its environemtnal footprint by resource effeceincy and the utilization of the renewable resources (Alshuwaikhat and Abubakar, 2008). The company has accplished the two landmark green building projects in the year of 2017, that being the casuse of not only local standards but also global benchmmarks. There are some illustration of the projects which has been accomplished by Maga construction such as the tallest vertical garden in the world, the NSBM Green University Town in Homagama and Clearpoint Residencies in Rajagiriya, which is deemed  as the first university in the South Asian region.

Evaluation of sustainable practices in Maga Construction

Market based mechanism is a concept which is based on the idea that the market is the better control in comparison of extensive standards that defined what company must do for environmental sustainability (Moldan, Janoušková and Hák, 2012).  The example of cap and trade is most effective because in this approach the law made emission levels which come under the cap and companies with emission below the cap to sell covered under the trade and those companies are penalized due to below level of emission. The options are given to the companies to reduce to emission by installing pollution abatement equipment or to purchase allowances from others. There are various companies that are contributing in the environmental sustainability (Albino, Balice and Dangelico, 2009). IKEA is one of them that invested €1 billion in sustainability efforts, involving purchasing renewable energy to power its stores and offices and executing the program of sustainable. It has been found that it is done first time in a long history of eco friendly investments. IKEA entered in the store of the solar market. Furthermore, number of products of IKEA company ahs greened to sell. It has been analyzed that in 2015. Company announced its plan to focus on sell of certified seafood only (Baynes and Wiedmann, 2012). Due to the green efforts of the company, in 2015 the 100 per cent of its cotton was sourced sustainably from farmers who utilize less chemicals, fertilizers and waters.

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Information disclosure is the approach to reduce the issue of environmental sustainability and it can be done by publicity or regulations by embarrassment. It allows company to reduce the ratio of pollution in the most effective way. Maga constructions are effective company that apply this approaches and reduce the pollution. Company focuses on the energy, materials, waste, pollution and flora and fauna. With the help of information disclosure government has to spend little on the enforcement but it has some disadvantages as well such as it cannot motivate the entire companies. In this concept, the government motivates the number of companies to publish information for polluting less and this information comprises the amount of pollutants individual companies in each year. It has been analyzed that there are number of companies reduce the rate of emission to avoid public embarrassment. There is an example of Wal-Mart that due to environmental disclosure, it started to fertilizer optimization and Midwest raw crop collaborative. The Wal-Mart started the factory energy efficiency program which brings lot of advantages because it is working with its suppliers to enhance the efficiency of the factories.

Environmental standards

Environmental standards have various advantages such as compliance mandatory and enforceable in the courts but it has some drawbacks as well such as it can hold back the information and due to environmental standard attained compliance get no opportunity to improve it (Morelli, 2013). Market based mechanism has provided the cap-and-trade system which has various advantages such as the function of the business get more flexible, attain goals at lower rate and motivate the organization to continuous improvements. It has been analyzed that due to market based mechanism business’ enforcement is difficult and may reason of regional imbalances in the level of pollutions. Information disclosure helps organization to spend little on enforcement. On the other hand, it is unable to motivate the all companies (Frischknecht, 2010).

Mage construction is the leading company of the Sri Lanka that attained the rewards and recognition for its revolutionary efforts in the area of environmental integration at the Best Corporate Sustainability Awards. It has been analyzed that Maga Construction mainly focuses on the five areas such as energy, material, flora and fauna, waste and pollution in which energy includes decreasing the energy consumption, efficient strategies to being energy efficient and alternative technology. Company is capable in maintenance to reduce resource utilization and during designs it can reuse and recycle the materials (Moldan, Janoušková and Hák, 2012). The main aim of the company is to waste less and produce more by taking consideration of environmental sustainability. In the existence of the flora and fauna, it focuses on to minimize the risks and preserving biodiversity.  It has been analyzed that the approach of Maga management to the protection of environmental is not converted in the environmental policy and the elements of the policy are attainment of the compliance with entire laws, standards and specifications regarding the environment, efficient utilization of the materials and energy, evaluation of the emissions and reduction and reuse of waste material.  The implemented policy of Maga constructions was changed in February 2010 in compliance with the ISO14001:2004environmental management standard and dispersed to all activity centres and projects. The execution of the ISO 14001:2004 is based on the Environmental Management System (EMS) which is facilitates the company to define the objectives and the goals of the Company in clear and concise manner. The potential impact of this implemented strategy will be effective for the growth of the Company because environmental sustainability helps to enhance the growth of the company (CSR, 2010).

Market-based mechanisms

There are number of challenges, opportunities and risks of environmental sustainability of Maga constructions. The challenges of Mage Construction is the availability of the cost and raw material, physical influence of climate changes, lack of facilities of the waste management to sort and dispose waste generated during the operations. The corporate sustainability of Maga revolves around the responsiveness of the company and it is responsible and sincere to adapt the environmental sustainability. Maga construction is based on the attaining the organization and societal growth concurrently. There can be risk rise due to run by considering the environmental sustainability such as degradation of the environment will be enhanced due to amplified the energy consumption and carbon footprint (Caniato, Caridi, Crippa and Moretto, 2012).

The three approaches has been discussed environmental standards, market based mechanism and information disclosure. In the context of Maga Construction these approaches or concepts are effective. The implemented policy of Maga constructions was changed in February 2010 in compliance with the environmental management standard and dispersed to all activity centres and projects. In the term of market based mechanism, it is active in the waste management and collects and reuses the accumulated dust in asphalt plants, waste oil and managing domestic waste. These implemented polices by company is effective and helpful in environmental sustainability (Siche, Agostinho, Ortega and Romeiro, 2008). In the context of the information disclosure, Maga construction is developing its supply chain and communities across the country and take caring that pollution can be controlled from its end. The main focus of the company is on the excellence of service and products and the company is committed to its vision for the purpose of building the value of socio-economic for all stakeholders. As a multidisciplinary company, Maga offers a varied range of construction and associated services across government, industrial, commercial sector and real estate in Sri Lanka.


It has been concluded that environmental sustainability is vital for the growth of the company because sustainability is not an option but a necessity. The report has been made on the Maga Construction and its environmental sustainability. The three concepts or approaches has been taken for defining the environmental sustainability of the company and examples has been given for different companies to elaborate the way of them to improve the sustainability. Company is capable in maintenance to reduce resource utilization and during designs it can reuse and recycle the materials. The example of Wal-Mart and IKEA has been taken to elaborate the environmental sustainability. The role of environmental sustainability is to reduce the negative impact on the environment. The environment of working at Maga Construction is effective as the employees of the company are aware about the prevention of the environment. The advantages as well as drawbacks have been discussed in this report to define the sufficient knowledge about the concepts of environmental sustainability.

Information disclosure

It is necessary for the Maga construction to keep focus on the good practices because it attracts new customers. It has been recommended that the manufacturer company should describe to customers about the environmentally friendly so they can make informed decision to opt over the competitors. However, the policy of the company is clear that is why it got awarded due to sustainability but for maintaining this success; company should inform the employees about the policy and the amendments for attaining the environmental sustainability. The construction company should execute the internal mechanisms that make certain environmental sustainability is valued and support policies of public that keep the certain price on externalities such as GHG emission and various kinds of risk regarding environmental. Along with that the manufacturer company should establish and manage the metrics to systematically define the risks and opportunities across the corporate value chain


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