Environmental Protection, Air Pollution, And Deforestation: Economic Causes And Effects
Air Pollution: Causes and Effects
Discuss About The Economic Causes Of Deforestation Brazilian.
The numerous practices that pertain to the protection of the nature might be referred to as the environmental protection. The environmental protection might refer to the protection of various levels like the individual levels, the governmental levels and the organizational levels.
The protection of the environment is specifically needed for the proper functioning of the various beneficial activities that are needed to be achieved by the human beings who have been residing on the surface of the earth. According to a report by the World Healthcare Organization or WHO, almost 4.2 million deaths occur globally due to the exposure of the concern ed people to the outdoor air-pollution while the exposure to household smoke takes a toll on 3.8 million people all over the world (Who.int 2018).
The failures in environment protection result from the ulterior motives of the government to gain the advantages on the economic as well as the political front. The numerous organizations that have been operating within the territories of the world.
The following essay discusses two major factors that are related to the depreciation in the environment are the factors that pertain to the air pollution and the deforestation that has been taking place at alarming rates in order to accommodate the increasing population of the world.
The essay discusses the effects of the air pollution on the environment and the ways in which the matter might be avoided in order to protected by the environment.
The essay further proceeds to discuss the other factor that pertains to the involvement of the organizational changes in the matters that pertain to the protection of the environment. The essay further deals with the ways in which the environment depreciation might be prevented in the near future.
The air pollution results from the release of the poisonous gases and other gaseous pollutants into the earth atmosphere. The various governmental authorities active all over the world have been trying to deal with the huge amount of the air pollution that is increasing with the passing days. However, the majority of the efforts of the governmental bodies have been failing. The major reason behind the failure might be attributed to the fact that these governmental bodies have been facing a huge amount of inactivities in the process of implementing the various measures that are needed in order to control the factors that pertain to the spread of the pollutants in the air (Volk et al. 2013).
Deforestation: Causes and Effects
These failures result from the ulterior motives of the government to gain the advantages on the economic as well as the political front. The numerous organizations that have been operating within the territories of the world. Shang et al. (2013) opine that the unethical scandals that are related to the various organizations operations within the global boundaries might be related to the emission of the air pollutants and the other harmful gases into the atmosphere. The various companies in the market have been reported to have adopted the various methods that might be implemented in order to control the emission of the various poisonous gases like carbon dioxide and the other such pollutant gases.
On the other hand, the other critics like Zhang et al. (2016) state that the various developing countries with a greater amount of population and a greater amount of growth on the basis of the economy of the country. These developing countries have also put forth the various developments in the fields that pertain to the controlling of the pollution that is caused due to the contamination of the air by the polluting factors that are released from the various factories and other polluting elements. The governmental bodies that are active in the various countries all over the world, especially the developing countries have been observed to put forth the measures that are required to deal with the control of the air pollution and the polluting agents. The numerous critics and the environmental activists are found to have been very supportive of the corrective measures that are implemented by the governmental bodies that have been present all over the world and especially in the developing countries.
The various business organizations and the non-profit organizations have been working alongside the governmental bodies in order to bring about a change in the present scenario related to the pollution in the atmosphere. The governmental authorities might be advised to include the residents of the country along with the organizations in order to deal with the issues that pertain to the pollute atmosphere in the concerned countries.
The other major environmental issues that might have been prevalent all over the world refer to the issue of deforestation. The majority of the developing countries of the world depend on the improvement and the growth of the industries that are needed for the overall development of the country. These might also include the improvement of the economical strength of the concerned state as well as the strengthening of the position that is held by the concerned country in the world economy. The developing countries are often observed to have been using up the land space in order to build up the industrial lands that might help in the economic and the political growth of the concerned country (Boucher, Roquemore and Fitzhugh 2013).
Government and Organizational Failure to Protect the Environment
Inspite of the huge amounts of concerned that were put forth by the environmentalists and the various governmental authorities, the issues that pertain to the deforestation within the concerned areas. There has been observed a severe lack of the understanding on the part of the citizens of the various developing countries of the world. The issue of deforestation has been increasing at an alarming rate with the less-educated citizens of the countries taking part in the deforestation of the large areas of the countries in order to set up the industries. The wood collected from the deforested area is often sold to the buyers via the illegal means and measures. This has been a huge concern for the global environmentalists who have been preaching highly against the ill-effects of the practice of deforestation (Ahmed et al. 2015).
The governmental bodies of these developing countries are often seen to have been reluctant in the implementation of the various measures that might help in the reduction of the deforestation that might have been taking place within various developing countries of the world. The inaction of the government might be attributed to the implementation of the urbanization as well as the development of the nation as a whole. The governmental inaction might help the concerned business organization in order to help in the industrialization and the urbanization of the concerned areas within the developing nations of the world (Hargrave and Kis-Katos 2013).
However, the various scholars on the matter further point out that the government and the business organizations and the non-profit organizations have been working alongside the governmental bodies in order to bring about a change in the present scenario related to the deforestation that has been taking place all over the world. The developing countries have been observed to have been unable to deal with the issue of deforestation in an effective manner.
The developing countries of the world have been advised to put forth the various matters that lead to the education of the residents of the country in the matters pertaining to the negative effects of deforestation.
Thus, from the above discussion it might be pointed out that the governmental bodies as well as the business and non-profit organizations have not yet been successful in the matters that pertain to the control and the eradication of the malpractices that lead to the air pollution as well as the act of deforesting the huge areas of land in order to bring about an urbanization in the country. The failures in environment protection result from the ulterior motives of the government to gain the advantages on the economic as well as the political front. The numerous organizations that have been operating within the territories of the world. The governmental bodies as well as the various other organizations must be advised to encourage the acts of afforestation and make campaigns in order to teach the concerned citizens regarding the ill-effects of the deforestation. The governmental bodies might introduce the various vehicles that run on CNG or the compressed natural gas or the rechargeable batteries and the solar power in order to avoid the release of the toxic gases and particles in the atmosphere thereby controlling the air pollution that has been prevalent in the current society.
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Boucher, D., Roquemore, S. and Fitzhugh, E., 2013. Brazil’s success in reducing deforestation. Tropical Conservation Science, 6(3), pp.426-445. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/194008291300600308
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